• STON Vol. 11-] KINGSTON, (UPPER CAN AD A J i#* TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1811. [No. 4. •; MONTREAL Hat Warehouse; At'- $£* of ih" Ml 1it 1 '< r IIA T '"' ■'■ Oil Market Place. No. 54, do. .1 v JABEZ D. DE WITT, T* /TOSTrefprdfjUy inform* the Public, ]Vi th:« helm on hand a moil exte- five and complete affortme-.it of HATS, II AT TRIMMINGS, See. Sec. Amongst which are, \\A fnperb Military Hats, with orna¬ ments complete. Gentleman's nmft falliioHahh Beaver Hats. a. *S W Do. Baweens do. 1):). Yeoman crowns do. Do.bl:k {"uperhue green under do Do. di f».b do. do. Do. black do. extra large brims do Do. drab do, do, Bcft black water proof fiik Ditto green under do. Do. drab do. Do. do. green under filk ^o. cad or Roram do, Plated do. Gentrs varnifheu leather Hats for travelling Slants' d[lto do, %*' Morocco Hats of all colors. J** >. Caps do. **W*Bojtf g.Jie Cordi ;rQ« common do. r u ^Oo- Hatt of every defcription Jj°H and iilver tinfcl Cord Bands. hmmo" do. do. p hlt.e an- Y^-ow tinfcl Cord Binding. ^ and fine Bowftungs. pr,roc^of all cc!».8 fuiuWe for Hats, hCy^pPaP,r, do. do. feIt ^r.d commo* Glue. Ah r . Lopoctast Verdigris. ?&***% Oil cf Vitriol, Clothier^ Jack d,tt-s'dc.-. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. So 8*1 Btuf bailing Cards (,. , |ru'N Stampers, kcuwen ttuvvi! 1 . ■■ !tfccrj*« J-"4'K'" • '■'■, M.wjY do, & children's do. &c. .l/.VJuiroo ll;i;.bi'>wii Oii-c> Fa: pic Blue do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. ujr rRiMMji>Tcs^y>-z. Green 1 linings Pink linings Red do. Orange do. Yellow do. And Green Land for S White do. Blue do. [peryd. Drkdo.iY. t/6to3/9 a_____ do. do. do. Hat Covers of every kind in life. BINDINGS. Bed military bindings for cocked bats ; Black Galloons from iq/"to 30/*per Groce. Bed drab do. Com. do. do. Beit black and drab Bands ; Common do. do. White and black worded Looping ; Common white Hat Buckles ; Heel do. Yellow Union ditto; white do. do. Cords and TalTcls*} of all fixes & colors, for Fancy Trimmings \ Ladies' Bonnets. Extra large Cords for Ladies' Peliifes. Fafli. fancy Trimmings for do. [Bonnets. Piumes of all colors, for Ladies' dc Children's All of which will be fold at the mod reduced prices, for cafh or (liort and ap¬ proved credit. t then 8c Glass Wi HP HE Subfcribers refpcdlfully inform i their friends and the public, that they tave received by the late arrivals from Liv- ttpool, a general aliortmera of EAR THEN & GLASS WARE, which they offer for We wholefalc and retail, at their Store, No. 5^ St. Paul Street, latelv occupied by James f^lop, Efq. on as good terms as can be ted at any ftore in this city.— Ware packed 10 the belt manner, and a liberal dilcount raadte for cam. jjr Country Merchants and mm are niquefted to call. GREEN & EATON, Montreal, <fulV , g , Q. 2 Gtf JF or o t o a 1 e A SJROMG, U«dC«J-. feme-cable t sJJ mn> " I'm "'-I. f.t lor Hand's THE following valuable Lots of Land in the town Hi ip of FrederickSj are offer¬ ed for fale by the fubfenber, viz. Lot number fix, in the iirft Conceflion additional. Lot number twenty-five, in the fourth Conceflion. I^ots number two and three, otherwife called Lot3 number twenty fix and twenty feven in the third Conceflion of the Gore. RICHARD CAR.TWRIGHT. , Jbec. 3, 1811. 3tf ' SHERIFF'S SALE. Midland'7)tflriff9l T>Y virtue of a Writ of i-iz. 3 *-} Fieri Facias liftutd out of his Maiefly's Court of King's Bench, at the fuit of Peter Grant, of the town of Kingfton, merchant, againfl the- lands and tenements of Samuel Rofe,late of Ma^y!Durgh,)^eoman, to me directed; 1 have feized and taken in execu¬ tion, as belonging to the fa id Samuel Rofe, the weft half of lot No. 2 in the firh; concef- flon of the townfnip of Maryiburgh, weft of the rock, containing by admcai'uremei.t one hundred acres, be the fame more or lefs. I do heieby give njtice, that the abovrmen- tioned lot of land, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, will be ft Id and adjudg¬ ed tc the higheit bidder, at my office in the town of Kingflon, on Tuefday thr third dny of March next, at the hour of ten o'clork in the forenoon—at which time and place the conditions of fale will be made known. CHARLES STUART, Sherif And every perfon or pcrfons having claims % the iibove defcribed lot of land, by mort¬ gage or other right or incumbrance, are here¬ by advertifed to ^w^ notice to the laidShenft, at his office in the town of Kingftou, previous to the fale thereof. . , Sbcri/fs Ofne, id March, l8lK_____28 ""SHERIl'T's SALE, ti )Y viitiieof a Writ of } Fieri Facias, ifTued out of his Majctty's Cou.t of King's Beneh, KmgfUm, Efquire, a gain ft tlie lands ai*d ten¬ ements of Amos Anfley, of the towi fiiip of Kingflon, yeoman, to me directed ; I have feized and taken in execution, as belonging to the faid Amos Anfley, tlie north half of lot No. 15 in the fecoud conceflion of the town- fhip or Kingllon, containing by adn^eafure- tnent one hundred acres, be the fame more or lefs ; together with a log houfe & framed barn thereon erected. 1 do hereby give notice^ that the above mentioned lot of land, with the buildings and appurtenances thereunto be¬ longing, will be fold and adjudged to the higheit bidder, at my office in the town of Kingfton, on Tuefday the third day of March next, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore- noon—at which time and place the conditions of fale will be made known. NEW GOODS. ■ooo§§§§t)oo- onas Abbot, S this day receiving from Montreal, a new fupply of EfT. Lemon Barley and Sugar Flor St'ilpher Candy Roll Brim (tone Nutmegs o9 Cloves MagnefTa Jefuit's Drops Camel's Hair Pencils iif Refined Liquorice Fall & Winter Goods Logwood Camwood 5 Which he offers for fale at his Shop in Kingllon—F/-Z. Superfine, d Mall. \valDiJiiin,\ D Wbbm J U CHARLES STUART, SheriJ :cr And every*r erfon or per fens having claims on the above described lot of land, by mort¬ gage or othet right or incumbrance, are here¬ by advertifed to give notice to the faid Sher¬ iff, at his office in the town of Kingfton, pre¬ vious to the fale thereof. Sheriff's Office, 2d March, 18II. 28 C. WILLISTON &f Co. Have lately received a new Supply of Stock9 and now offir for fale, on good terms, N afiortment of Gentlemen's and Ladies' SADDLES, which are warranted to be well made and cr a iupeuor quality. also, HarnefTes, Bridles, and various other kinds of work in their line. Repairing done on ihort notice, and ev¬ ery favor cheerfully acknowledged. Kingston, Nov. 15, 181 I. TO BE SOLD, rY HE one half, (or if heft fuits the purcha- 1 («»., the wnt.i.0 a tav. VALUABLE STONE A'j'ILL in Mjr>/buijT, with f.vo rv,n ai ltoncs tit 1^ bulindV, one liucifin^ ami two common b>l15, and tour hu.idr.cd acies »J LAND, with about 30 acres improved. O; th^ pre mUes, near the mill, is a good DweUing-houfej with three rooms and a kitchen on the lower rlcuK, dud a convenient houfe neatly ad|oin- in.g, tor a miller ; ai»'o a ftabfe and 001 le-ftwd... . bf- 'cngmg H> the f(L»ce of the «*e PfHR ¥a*9 Atf- ti.ve, El'q. dece.ii.:o'. 'i ;.:• !i:uafi..n is fo w-Ukaown that a fur'..iT deici ipoofi i; deemed urvirafuty. Thole who may wi<h to purchate will p-'eaie to ap- alytoTH'»MAs D •'. k i. a .\ r>, E'q. ,Vdolphu"Uown« COR N"E Li I." S V A \ A Lb UN is, t *v. ,,,r. GE'JUGIi W. Mi'VU'N, 5 MilPd Mitts Children's Dockings European Tippets Fancy fa Hies Seaiiet coir.forts "White & bik. Laced Veils Fancy Flowers ' Cambrick prints & calicoes from qdi to 2JC) per yard Gentlemen's filk wa¬ ter pi oof Hats Caflor, Rorn Cordies do. Youth's cjf childrcn'a felt do. Ladies btaver Cff fiirt Bonnets Men's line Shoes Boy's do. do. do. coarie do. m &y biiperline, 1 „ c > io f Broac Second &. > ,~,, , low pne d J TorreII Cloths Hunter's do. Swanfkin Flufhinjrs Kerieys and Caili- merea Baizes & Flannels Velvets & Corduroys Thickfetta and Drab Bromiwick Cord Pelice Cloths Baih Coatings 3 Point Blankets Black Cambrick , Mulbary do. Slate do. Co or'd do. Silk Chambrays Cotton d.). Cambrick Mi.flins Black Silk Barcelo- Women's double lea- na Hankerchiefs Silk 8c Cotton Ma¬ dia is do. Cotton do. do. Red Tuikey do. do. Bandannas do. S 4 & 6-4 Table Cloths Ladiea' Silk Habit Gloves ther'd do, do. leather flips do. Morocco do. do. Kid do. »' '-■'•—• do. Children's leather & Morocco booteena Girls' leather Loaf, lump & Muf- covado Sugars ?> WhiteCambiickdo Tea, coffee & choco- *' Kid do. late 00. lined do. St. Cioix doL Gentlemen's alloited Port Wine Ctoi Gin, Shrub Plain white filk fleeves Coffee cordial Tambor'd do. do. do. Noyeau do. Cotton do. do. Annis, cinnamon & Ladies & Gentlemens cloves do. Siik liofe Pepper ci' ginger Worlled do. Pfmento Cotton do. Almonds Lamb's Wool { Hofe {Uifiju A\rorlled do. do. Ct rrants Galloon &. Ribbands Bottled Mtilrn#d btlk^t Cotton Ferrets Rappee, cephalic o Sewing lilk, all'ortcd Scotch Snuff "Nun's Tiuead Patent do. Platillas India Cottons rix Tow Sheeting and Bed Tick Apron Cheek'd Striped Cottons Pigtail, plug and imoaking tobacco Segars Liucecd Oil White Lead do. do. ground in oil h Black, brown, gteen, Spanifiibrown do.do. lead Sjf drab Bom- Patent Yellow do.do. bazettcs Brown Holland Dimities Pruluan blue Umber, Copal £ff Gum {hell Lac Imperial & common 8d. icd. 13d.&2%d. Nails Shingle do. Cut Brads 6X3, 7X9, 7-^X81 If SXioGiafs Putty cjf Englifhglue 'Tapes Blk. Velvet Ribband do. Siik do. do. Imperial 6f common Shirt Buttons Miil'd icariet caps Worlled, cotton lin- Iron iif Steel ed, do. Blaekimith's anvils 1 Dutch kn Miil'd woolen Lamb's wool otted gloves e—* <y vices do. Sheet Iron do, Screw augers, afforted With a general affortment (»f HARDWARE & UROCKERf. DRUGS &f MEDICINE, ■As tifual—among S-pirifs Turpentine Salt Pet re C>em Tartar Aquafortis i? Oil V7itriol Slweet Oil ^-'altor do. Cllauber Salts C 'amphor -#\rro\v Root- P'earl Barky • S-'ago which are the foil owing ; Tnrliurtun's Balloin of Life Daiby's Carminative Chuidie's cough Drops H'-oper's Female Pills Aiiderfon\s do, A 11 n.a 11 o I amp black Ivor) do. ex blk. lead .Llallu '-sun byttks Cinnamon csf Mace Steers' Opodeldoc Godfrey's cordial BntifhOii Haarlem s do. Whcaton's Itch oint- Coppera3 ment AJlum do. Jaundice bitters Blue Vitriol Lee's Billioiis Pills Nut Galls Coit's do. do. Indigo 0s Fig blue " A L S 0, At Peter Davie's in Erneft Town, a general affortment of y Goods, Groceries, Hard Ware ana Crockery. Dry All cf which will be fold at very reduced prices for prompt pav. Conftant attendance will be given—Orders executed with def- patch, and »oods put up in ihe befl manner, and the fmalieit favor gratefully acknowled¬ ged. Kingston, November 16, 1 8 11 - I FOR SALE By the Subfcriber, excellent Comae Brandy. ■ H. C. THOMSON. NOV. 23^, l8 T I. npHE fuhferiber having obtained Letters JL of Adminiilration for the Eftate ot the late Dcclor John Gamble of Kingfton, deeeafed, requetts all thole who have any claims on the laid Ellatc.to render their ac¬ count*, properly authenticated, on or before the iii It of June nextj in order tliat fome^ar- ransremrrit may be made with them : And all thole indebted to laid Eflate are requeued to pay the fame to the lubfcnber, that ihe may bfe prepared to lay a Itatemenc of the Eilate before the creditors. _ Isabella Elizabeth Gamble, Adininjjlratrix. Kingston, November 15,1811. 1 tf FOR SALE, A LOT of LAND ih the town- J\ Hiip-of Hamilton, diilrid of Nevvcaf- tle, being lot No. 29 in the firft conceffion, handfomely fituated two miles well of the Court-houie, and containing 200 acres, 40 acres of which are under good improvement, and well fenced—with a good log-boufe, 18 by 24, a log-barn, and an orchard of 100 ap¬ ple trees thereon. A good title will be giv¬ en ; and the terms made known by applying to ISAAC HAGERMAN. Hamilton, Augvfl 21, 1811. mco o'l,y fO'Cheap Goods i o THE fubferiber informs th. public, that he ha*? juft received an ex- teuuve and well choien allortment of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES : Which he offers for fale at his Store next door north of Mr. Patrick Smyth's, at th hiolt 1 educed prices. H. C. THOMSON, A A cling for Mr. % St. George of Tori. g^The higiieft price given for all kinds of Country Produce, in exchange jioc Goods. $ept. 16, 1811. e 1*—- - NEW' UST received from Montreal, and for fale at the Ga/.e'r.te Office : Addiion's Works—M'Farbnd's View of Hereftes-----Life of jofeph-----Pleafure^ c/.. Rcafon—Se-ifons in England—Ira and In- belli, a new novel— Charatfceror Gforqe %A — Poi'irey's French Spelling"-book—French \'ocabnlary-------Child's Spelling-book Worlds d;fplayed — PorteUs's Evidences ot the Cloillian Religion—Bibles*--Teitatnents —Walts' Pfalms and Hvmns Ghildren's books—Cateehifm*i, &c. e 4 a 11 l . ~ 1 at o(7ic ai ifjis KJijhi t, SERMON on the Death oi the Rev. JOHN STUART, D. I preached at Kift^llnn, : ah Augult, ]■ : • JSv il 1\ • . - \ - • , ' • n ' A