Kingston Gazette, November 19, 1811, page 1

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TON! .* » Vol. II. j KINGSTON, (UPPER CAMD A J GAZET TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1811 [No. 1. ^ & MONTREAL Hit Warehouse; 7 Sipj of ifo AiniT'ur 11 AT) No. 54, C U Mar Act J'hue. hSWJu D. DE WITT, "ft /J*;).; rrc.''v n.f.irinsi%e Public, .! V_jL tli r li- l.;r> on li.uid a rnoft extenftve ,'i!.l • • m • i». 111 c aftbi uncut oi HATS, RAT TRIMMINGS, s,c. &e. slmL'itgj" which itre9 M->lt foperb r.'i'iriry Hatij with orna¬ ments gompfc te. Gcntlctneii's ntofl fai&'mnahle Beaver Hats. I\>. lxtwvens do. Do, Yeoman crowns do. do. Do. bl'k fuperfine green under do. Do, drab do. d >. do. Do. black do. extra huge brims do. D.i. Jr.,b do. d.>. do. B If bl i..;k water proof fiIk do. Ditto gu-en under do. do. Do, drab do. do. I\>. do. ^reen under lilk do. Doi caddr do. iv.uam do* . do. Plated do. do. G.nci;s v;r.;,i:licJ leather Hats for travelling. Servants' ditto do. £ >'/9 Morrcco Hits of all colors. l*o. do. Caps do. Metis5 & Boys' fine Cordies, Do.. common do. Do. Wool Huts of every defcription. Gold an;] ii'ver tinfel C-rd Bands. C-unm-.p do. do. White and fellow tinfel Cord Binding. ^oarfc ini-J bne Bowftnno-3. Morocco 01 all cvlois fuitable for Hats, * '*u 1 ij) J .-.per, o<». do. *>«-'..1 and <-'.f!i>no:'] Glue. ■»'°g'v,M»d, Copperas, Verdigris; Ari.urfuui;, Oil of Vitriol, Clothiers' Jacks. H-iKirV d,— lUifius* Dmk. ^',- Bndh.-s 0f all kinds iu ufe. "■■'ttrrN I--M.S, Stampers, Runners down, •• 'i < ' •r v 1 • « i • ! v .1 ...... .1' ■•'• I !„■ . !>;>n\M 1 . 11. J •,/ i.t iv, t i ft iiouni la* \!. „!,' J... M ibiUrm'a do. do. do. do. do* do. d.. do. do. do. do. do. d«>. d<>. do. do. do. do. 1 1 >Unv Green Linings White Jo. Klue do. [pcryd. Bl'k do. fr. 1/6.103/9 dry. (Jo. >•. i IIP- ,'«..!.! I i ; v; 11 do. 11 ,i Covcfa of <very kind in nie. BINDINGS. 1V|1 military bindings for cocked bats ; !,'■ •-. iTiT'ous [urn 1 of to jofpc? Grocc ].k ll aMU d< •. C •'!:. ! .. do. Left bWk and drab Bunds Cm nmon do. do> VChite and worllcd Looping ; C'vr.')u white Hat Buckles ; Heel do. Yulow ihihrn ditto;* w'mie do. do. C '-ds and Taffckl of all ;i;:ei St eokrSj br (I r?:ncv Ti ifntiviop'N , i Latites' Boeriets. iV;t;ra lo;;<. Cords for Ladies' PelilTes. Fa'h. fancy TTtivwrrhigs for do. [Bonn.-ts, of ail cc'or.-.,! >r f,adfes? Ck Club!' n's All of wlnek will bs fold at ill r.M (* reduced price.*, forcalh or fhort anc ap- proved creciiti ^.^Cheap Goods ! HPi fubferiber informs the rui lie, 111;. 1 he has iuQ received an ex- •■ tiivd vvellchofen aMortment of i'Ai GOC/L-'D h C>-ivvJL.ii.iUrJo . W u"l, h- nik-rs for fale at his Store next &w north of f.[r. y^/'VA-i- imp/fa, at the u. /::t j e uieed pii'cvs* II. G. THOMSCN, Jcl:r.rt firs Mr gKSh Cco?-gtofT, rl: ..' Thti hi ihcll price riven for all : .»-is of C'-u.iti y Ibuduce, in for ••'•••• ' S',-. 16. lot r. TO BK LKi; ^f/VZ SHERIFF'S SALE. Y virtue of a writ cf .} Fieri Facias\ tffued out of his Mafefty'd Court of King*8 Bench, at the fuit of Doctor Asa F. Rlid, of the town of lyingfton, againft the lands and ten¬ ements of Andxrw Johsson, of ErodU Town, inn keeper, to me directed ; I have feized and taken in c-xecutie,n,as belonging to the laid Andrew Johnfon, the eail half of lot No. 9 in the firlt cot»c< ilion cf the townfhip of Ernefl Town, containing by admeasure¬ ment, one hundred acres, be the fame more or lefs ; togethd with a framed houfe and barn thireon ererted. I do hereby give no¬ tice, that the above mentioned lot of land, with the buildings and appurtenances there¬ unto belonging, will be fold and adjudged to the bidder, at my office in the town of Kingfton, en Tuefday the third day of March next, at the hour often o'clock in the forenoon—At which time and place the con¬ ditions of fale vviil be mrde known. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff. And every perSon or perfons having claims on the above defen'bed lot of land, by mort¬ gage or other right or incumbrance, are here¬ by advertifed to give notice to the faid Sher¬ iff, at his Omce in the town of Kingfton, previous to the fcie thereof. Sheriff's Office, 2(1 March, IS 11; 28 D. 4ft O. M. General's Office, Kingston, 6th September 1811. MISCELLANY. WHEREAS the Seamen of the Marine Dcpaitment or Lake Onta¬ rio have been in the habit of getting Credit, In fome inftar.ces more than the amount.of their pay, whereby His Majeity's ServidT . and individuals have fuffered : In order there¬ fore that none may plead ignorance, Notice is hereby publicly given, that in future no (loppages can or will be made from the Sea¬ men on account thereof. THO'S R. FULLER, Major, 1 D. rff't £. M. General: FOR THE KINGSTON GAZETTE. RECKONER No. 38. Quoe!falis eji cut contingii nihil ampFius cpiet. an SHERIFF'S SALE. M f 'I 1* • . my office in the idlardDl/lnB, } DY virtue of a Writ of viz,. j ■*-* Fieri Facias, i fTu ed o u t of his Majefty'sC^urt of King'sBencn, at the fuitof Peter Grant, of the town of Kinglton, merchant* ap-aiiiit the lauds and tenements of Samuel Po'e,late of iVlaryfhufgh,yeoman, to me dirctled ; 1 have feire.i and taken iu execu¬ tion, as belonging to the laid Samuel Rofe, the weft half of lot No. 2 in the full concei- iion of the towumip of Marvlburo-b, weft of the rocii, containing by admcaUuement one hundred acres, be the lame more or Ids. I do he:eby give notice, that the abovemen- tioin-d fotr.fland, with the appurtenances there unto belonging, wid be fold and <u ed to <-l»p lii< In I' hidi . ■ • town of Kinglton, on 'i uefday the third day oi March next, at the hour of ten o'clock in the lorer.oon—at which time and place the conditions of fale will be made known, CHARLES STUART, Sheriff. And every p erf on or 'perfons having claims ui the above defenbed ^ct of ^and, by mort¬ gage or other right or incumbrance, are here¬ by advertifed to give notice to the faid Sheriff, at bis office in the town of Kingfton, previous to the fale thereof. Sheriff's Office, 2d March, i 811. 2S SHE RI FPs SALE, Mid/and Di/lricl, \ Tj, Y virtue of a Writ of viz. § J3 Fieri Facias, itTued our of his Majefly's Comtof King's Bench, at the fuit of James Robins, of the town of Kingfton, Efquire. againft the lands and ten¬ ements of Amos Anfley.. of the townfqip of Kingfton, yeoman, to me directed ; I have feized and taken in execution, as belonging to the laid Amos Anfley, the north half of lot No. 15 in the feco:id concefilon of the town¬ fhip ot Kingfton, containing by admeafure- ment one hundred acres, be the fame mere or lefs; together with a log houfe & framedbam thereon erected. I do hereby give notice, that the above mentioned lot of land, with the buildings and appurtenances thereunto be- longing, will be fold and adjudged 10 the highelt bidder, at my oiiice in the town of Kingfton, onTuef lay the third day of March next, at the hour often o'clock in the fore¬ noon—at which time and place the conditions, of iale will be made known. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff. And every perfon or pedens having claims on the above deicribed lot of land, by niort- other right or inctimb1 ance, are hei e- by advertifed to give notice to the .-aid Sher¬ iff, at his (>fhce in the town of Kingfton, pre¬ vious to the fale thereof. S. BART LET, NFORMS his Friends and the Public, that he has juft received ADDITIONAL SUPPLY OF GOOD 5, fuitable for thefeafon, too numerous to par¬ ticularize in an advertisement, Thofe who wifli to puixhafc for ready pay, will find it to their advantage to call and examine his p-oodn ; and as he is de- termined not to credit any more, wi'l be able to fell uncommonly loin, for cafh or country produce. N. B. Nothing charged for locking. Kingston, July 16, l8fl. 43 FOR SALE, A LOT of LAND in the town- fliip of Hamilton, diftridt of Newcaf- tle, being lot No. 29 in the firft conceilion, handfomely fit.uated two miles well of the Court-houfe, and containing 2CO acres, 40 acres of which are under good improvement, and well fenced—with a good log-houfe, iS by 24, a log-barn, and an orchard of 100 ap¬ ple trees thereon. A good title will be giv¬ en ; and the terms made known by applying' llmmhin, /hrr.ijl 11, 1811. y^'jO Earthen & Glass Ware. 'HE Subfcribera rtfpcc~tfully inform their friends and the public, that they have received by the late arrivals from Liv¬ erpool, a general adhj tment of EARTHEN bJ GLASS WARE* which they offer for fale vvholefaie r.nd retail, at their Store, No. 50 St. Taul Street, lately occupied by James Dunlop, Efq. on as go'-d terms as can be had at any llore in this city.—Ware packed in the beit manner, and a liberal difcount made for cam. cTCountrv Merchants and others arc requeued to call. GREEN & EATON. Montreal, July 1810. tStf HORACE. ^AS I was converfing with an acquaint¬ ance yefterday at the corner of one of the ftreets, a gentleman of great and deferved, relpeftability paffed us, whom my compan¬ ion eyed with peculiar attention, and tigb- ing exclaimed ■ I wifli 1 was in Clifton's lit— uation.'—l Are you difpleafed with your own ?' * Can 1 be otherwife ? lam obliged to labor very hard, and find myielf at the end of the year no richer tli3n at the begin¬ ning.7 « Did Clifton arrive at his prefent elevation by fitting idle ?' * No—but he now lives in eafe and affluence.' ' Do you wifh for a total or only a partial exchange V 'Oh, total, certainly.' * You mull firft then give up your children ; Clifton's are all dead'— ' Give up my children !—why, fir, they are the only comfort that I poflef*. After la¬ boring all day in the Odds, I am refreflied and gladdened on my return in the evening to have them all round me—their artlefs prat¬ tle makes me forget my fatigue, and while they are relating the little tranfaclions of the day, difpnlin'g who has been the belt behav¬ ed, and appealing with anxious intereft t4 their mother to decide the conteft, my heart oveifidws with joy, and the cares of life dif- appear. Tut if we fuppofe your exchange finfflied, and that you are now Clifton and not Bel field, thefe pleafures are no longer yours. WHat of that, you will fay, Clifton lives in a mo ft fpiendid ftyle, he makes a brilliant figure in fociety—he is rich, gene¬ rous and humane, and is beheld with cfteem and veneration. Aie not thefe an equiva- 1 Wnom you are couoemneu to inceiianr. uruo.g ery, and for whole welfate you are filled with anxiety ? Equivalent ! What ! do you i\\p~ 'p I m wmli ; B)o ••e-jn 'hiiuk ittim\ Wr^j 'A give one of my little chcrubi fur all the gold in both the Indies—from #hom I am recei¬ ving every hour proof* of the fincrreft and molt innocent affection, when they run to meet me as I return home, crying out i here's Papa, here's Papa,' and their mother fland- xnff behind them fmilcs upon me as 1 enter—— Will trie fplcndor and attendance of the mod elevated ft at ion $nve fenfations equally pleafmg with thofe which 1 feel in fuch a moment.—Thfcn you are not difpleafed with every thing ? No—I covet Clifton's fixa¬ tion becaufe 1 fnould be then bttter able to provide for my infants—But did yc ' not a- I1IU YllltKUUHIi nil. IIV/L «IJ IUU1U- eut for the trifling prattle of children, for rvhom you are condemned to inceiTant drudir- NEW BOOKo. UST received from Montreal, and ^ov fale at the Gazette Office : Addifon's Works—M'Failand's View of Herefies-----Lite of Jofeph------Plealures of Reafon—Seafons in England—Ira and lfa- bella, c. nevj novel—Straehan's Practical A- nthmetic—Ditto Character of George III. — Forney's French Spelling-book—French Vocabulary-------Child's Spelling-book------- Worlds difplayed—Porteus's Evidences of the Chtiftian Religion—Bibles- —Teltaments —Watts' Pfaims and Hymns—P fa Iters Children's books—Catechilms, &c. p-acre or For Sale at this Office*, A SERMON on the Death of X.3L the Rev. JOHN STUAP^T, D. D. preached at Kinglton, 25th Auguft, 1811 : By the Rev. John Strachan, D. D. Sheriff's OJice, 2d March, 18II rn rO BE SOLD, tftJ y M1:. iifj r. hit j U.i < 11 a e dm)N, Apply to fH<Jiv!/V.S COOIv. C. WILLISTON &f Co. Have lately received a ncru Supply cf Stock, end' now offer for Jule, on good t:r AN ailbrtmcnt of Gentlemen' s and Ladies' SADDLES, which^e warranted to be well made and of a luperior quality. ALSO, HamelTes, Bridies, and vaxious other kinds of work in their hue. Repairing done on fiiort notiee. and ev¬ ery favor cheerfully acknowledged. "THE one half $ lrM% thC Whole ^•V ••• n ru, - .'•• .',v, i>:»: ',: Kiiigsioiii Na"> i;5 K-ii. "HE one half, (or if beft fuits the pureba- ) ui chAi VAWAnhE &TONE MILL ii) M.»rv.fb I'l.'. -vi:h EWO run M (ti>ilt>3 fit lot bui<n r>9 or*e !'«ijiftrlpc an«! two common bolls. arii' four liandf*<f acre? ixfLAND, with about -.0 rcrfs improved. O i the pr«mnlf$,rfcar the rntW, i- * ^<'°J Dvv< IIiri|»-houi'tf, with ibrr* rooms and a kitchen on the lowfi Boor, z>~><i a convfrflient houfe n-.T.'ly adjoin-- ir.g, tor a ni'^-r ; ?'(>> a ruble a"d h >: ff -flwd.. v • b« - tanging 'o the dtatb of the lare I'lttr Van .-' i.c- m.'E, Y.U\. liecran-d. The frt.'.ui'.Mi is (o w II known that -» further defcripnon is iiccfncvi or.: rcitT»:y. C'hoie v.-h'i m:iv wii'h to .•MjrciiAf- will plcaC: to ap- plytol'n mas Paki.anp, lit j. A !■» f ii'iu.wn. r'JRNMJUS VAN ALSliN>:, } a..... /.i-i» 1 l :'•, iSji. gree to a total and not to a partial change ? Yes—But now you wifh to make conditions. You have discovered that you have a fource of enjoyment fbpetior to any thing that Clifton poiTefte?, and this you wifh to retain. Well, to (hew you my ^er.ercfity, I will admit you to keep your children after you are tranfmip-rated into Clifton, you have one great pleafure which he has rot—Are you fatisfied ? Are you convinced that with youc prefent family and Clifton's iituation to wealthy, fo refpe6tabTe, you would be much more happy than you are at this moment ? Can it be doubted ? Ye*, I have fome doubts that require to be dill: pat ed—Did you mark the palenefs of his countenance ? His office takes up feveral hours in the day arid fiBs him with anniety, becaufe great refpnnfibili- ty is attached to ic—he has feveral clerks for whom he mull alio be anfwerable. The pre¬ paratory (iudies which he was obliged to per feci him fclf in, notwithflandmg his good natural talents, antl the fedentary habit which a regular confinement to ftate'd hours is apt to produce, has injured his? conftitution. Hia health is very tender and frequently out of order. You mull furrendei that ruddy com¬ plexion—You muit fubmit to regular coo* • iinement ; yo«i mult ftudy to qualify yonr- felf for your new employment 5 and. yo:t rnuft give up your continual good health and found conOitntion—Surrender my health ! And what would be the v.\s of richer with¬ out bcahh ?—ficknifs poifona all our enjoy- meats—As to ftudy, J am too far advanced in years for that—A fedentary 1;:j sad reg- ulai hours of c'".'!ifi»Kjnent would never fui my active turn of mrd—What ! more cc »■ .1 lind Chiton in p-^i- ditiona to malie ! ckel Yoy : luou of riches, dignity and cenera! ref;jea« but he has no chi'.dren, is a... e.ed with t health and official anxiety — \o;« ."e.d i.'...*, that you have a fine family, excellent bed and a laborious iudVpei ienc\ —And . ! Cuppofc that the nccompl.iluncnt of

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