V 1 Such is the language ufed in England to¬ ward* this country, notwithftanding our non-importation which denies to her fubjetts the common rights of MjntaKty while it -Atendr. to her enemy the hand of friei dlhip "., wy arc thefe things fo?—U- S. Gtrz.. BUTTER. The farmers in the parifh of Ud- r.ey, in the county of Aberdeen, practice the following method of curing their butter, which gives it a great iiiperiority above that of their neighbors— Take two parts of t'ie beft mtm- mon fait, one part of iv.gar. and one part of falt-pctre—beat them up together^ and blend the whole completely; take one ounce of his composition for every fixteen ounces of butter, work it well into *he mafs, and clofe it up for ufe. The butter cured with this mix¬ ture appears of a rich marrowy confidence and fine color, and nev¬ er acquires a brittle harfhnefs nor tafies fait—Dr. Anderfou fays, c 1 have butter cured with the above compaction, that has been kept three vears and it was as fweet as 4 the fhft.' But it muft be noted, that Lutter thus cured requires to Sand three weeks or a month, be¬ fore it is beimn to be ufed : if it be fooner opened, the ialts are not fuxiiciently blended with it ; and fometimes the coolnefg of the nitre will then be perceived, which total¬ ly disappears afterwards. grJ%P above is recommended io the notice of fke Dairy Wcmen of this ruvntrj* A low Frenchman, bragging that he h?.»l been fpoken to by the King, wafiafked what his majefiy had fa id to him ? He replied, 44 He bade, me Hand out of the way." General Sutton, brother to Sir Robert Sutton* was very pafiionate, and calling one morning on Sir Robert Wnlpole, who was quite the reverfc, found his fervant fliavfnjj him. During the converfation, Sir Robert Sud/1 John you cut mc %** and continued the former fubje& of difcourfe. Prcfently he find again, '• John you cut me ;" but as mildly as;,bc-fore ; and ioon after he had oc- cuiioii to fay ft a third time ; when Sutton, darting up in a rage, faid, fwearing a great oath, and doubling his nd ac the fervar.t, K if Sir Robert can beat kf I cannot ; and if you cut him once more, John, I'll knock von down." Foreign Intelligence. ----O00§000---- Stockholm, March 5-------By an Ordi- nancsof hisSwedifh Majefty, dated the 19th Feb. I Si 1, all foreigners, who have not re- fided for the (pace of one year in Stockholm, or who have not obtained permifiion to re¬ main there, fhall be obliged to leave the me¬ tropolis within three days after the publica¬ tion of this ordinance, and within the fpace of twelve days to be out of the kingdom.— I.ills fhall be immediately made up of all foreigners who are at prefent in Stockholm, or any 01 her part of the kingdom, in which /hall be fpecitied the chriftian and furnames of all fuch foreigners, and alfo their age, place of birth, proftfTion, time allowed for their remaining in this country, the place where they landed, their bufinefs, and alio their conduct during the time they have been in the country ; all which particulars fhall be tranfmitted to the muiifter of (late for for¬ eign matters. Any foreign traveller enter¬ ing the kingdom by ftealth /hall be arretted wherever found, and fent to the nearelt place for examinaiion. Our German and Finniib fifbjc&s (hall be obliged, when travelling to Sweden, to furnifli themfelves with pafTes from the general government. No alteration ffiall be made in the exiiling laws concerning tlie crews of foreign veflels entering into any Swedifh harbor. Such crews fhall be flrict- ly examined, in order to prevent any evil minded perfon entering the kingdom under pretence of belonging to fome (hip's crew. From a Paris paper, The Bulletin of the Allier contains the following letter, addreffed on the 14th inft. by the fub-pnfe& Gannat, to the prcfe&of the department <-f the Allier 5 " M. Prtfedt—1 know not how to give you the narration of a frightful crimtr,. com¬ mitted on the 15th ult. in the commune of B-'or.at. My pen feems to recoil at tra< fag details fo horrible. A young woman, 23 years of age, hasjuft murdered her father, htr mother, her brother and two filters. «< On the 15th<rf laft month, Amable Al¬ bert, of the commune of Biozat, a refpefta- blc man, poor, and with a large family, was obliged by the bad (late of his affairs, to fell a (mail part of his property. His daugh¬ ter, Madelaine Albert, of a violent character, <5f fufpeded morals, and unfortunately ac- cuftomed to abufe her father and mother, re¬ proached her father in language the moll vi¬ olent on account of this fale, and ended by imp en ou fly demanding a part of the rum which he had received. The father refilled, mentioning to her at the fame time the (late of his afTairs ; fhe infilled and abwfed hjm outrageoufly. The father vexed, and af¬ fronted at the infolence of his daughter, gave her feveral blows on the fhoulders, and or- deted her to bed. She obeyed and went to bed. A quarter of an hour after fhe fei/ed an axe,and advanced without ncife towards the fire fide, where her father, mother, and three brothers and filters were warffiing themfelves. She aimed a blow with the axe at her fa¬ ther's head, laid open his fkull, and in fpite of the cries, of the family, fhe repeated her blows. He was killed by the fir ft ftr.ike ; any one of the wounds would have been h.f- ficientto deprive this unfortunate man of life. They were fo deep, that the mooter mn(t haw been pcflefTed of extraordinary (trength to produce them. She then threw herlclf on her mother, without being foftcned by her prayers and fighs, ttruck her five times with the hatchet, and laid her at her feet. Her two young fifteis, one eleven, the other three years old, nut with no greater mercy- She ttruck the oldell both on the head and neck, but did not kill her, becaufe the poor crea¬ ture crept under the bed. Thefe numerous crimes did not fatiate the tigrefs. She fei/ed her youngeft filler who held her mother's body, took her in her am* a<:d threw her alive as fhe was into a well. Of all this family, a brother, 13 years old furvived by a kind of miracle. He was fo fortunate as to creep behind a trunk, to op.~n the door, and to make his efcape, calling for «jt: Alliance. Madelaine Albert added to fo much atrocity the refinement of hypocrify. She called to hrr brother, requeued him to return, and promised to do him no harm.— In a voice the mo ft mild and calm (he endcav* ored to prevail on the boy to return to the houfe ; but he was too much terrified, hit ran away and took fhelter in the houfe of ;a roan of the name of Richard. In conftv- quer.ee of his ftory, feveral of the inhabitants went to afiill the family. They found Mad¬ eline Albert walking with great agitation.iin the houfe, with a large knife in her handl, with which fne threatened to kill any one thait /hould approach her. The darknefs of thie night, and the terror infpired by fo dreadftnl a light, paralized the courage of thefe men 4 they durft not advance and feize her. Iin their prefence Madelaine Albert took fiorni her mother's pocket the key of a cupboard!, opened it, took out the money that was in in, and went out of the houfe without any of thic fpeftators having the courage to feize her o>r to follow her. The gens d* arms are in puit- fuit of her." Froth the London Goxetie9 March 23. Foreign Office, March 22. His Royal Highnefs the Prince Regent has been pleafed in the name and on the be¬ half of his Majefty, to appoint Robert L2f- ton, Efq. to be his Majefty's Ambaflador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to th.e Sublime Ottoman Porte ; and alfo to ap¬ point Bartholomew Frere, Efq* to be h*is Majefty'a fecretary of embafiy at that courS* alfo having rubbed it into the meat. Hie miferabk wretch is languiihing in the great- eft torture of body and mind. PEDESTR1ANISM. Mr. Robert Hopper, of Canterbury^ who engaged to go 63 miles in T2 fuccefiive hours, darted on Saturday morning bit, from the turnpike at St MaitiVa Hill, and after much perfeverance and apparent labor, ac- complifhed his undertaking within 211 min¬ utes of the given time.v The following is the account of the performance as reported by the Umpires ; At the end of the \Jl hour 2d do. —3d do & 5 min —4th do. —5th do. -6th i\o. —7th do. -8th do. —9th do. 10th do. 1 (tli do. 7 j miles IX breakfaft 20 miles 26 do. 31 do. 35 do. dinner 4r do. 46 do. 51 do. 55 do. 60 do.—and r A moft horrid attempt was made by a mn.n who refides near Dockhead, on Friday latft, to poifon his wife and three children. He took a leg of mutton home, and ordered it to be roafted for dinner. His wife accord¬ ingly roalted it, and got ft ready for the tim^e he appointed. He did not come home to dinner, and the wife and children madethe.ir dinners from fome provifions that were fiti the houfe, and did not eat of the leg of mut¬ ton. The hufband did not arrive till fuppcer time, and m|de an excufe for not coming r/.o dinner. His wife ordered him fome of th»e leg of mutton for his fupper, but he declin¬ ed it, faying he had brought home fome fitfh which he wiflied to have fried. His wv^ fried them with the dripping produced frotfn theroalting of the leg of mutton, and heac-e heartily of the fifh. In the night he w$s taken extremely ill, and has continued m tb*e moft excruciating torture ever fince. ' H^ inquired how the fifli had been cooked, aifld being informed, and alfo that none of Hffe family had partaken of the mutton, he ac¬ knowledged his guilt by faying, the deadly and diabolical fchemc he had laid of poifon.- ing the whole of them had fnlkn upon hinf*- fclf, having laid the leg of mutton in a quan¬ tity of vrknic for a confidcrablc lime, au-J At j8| min. paft the 1 ith h. 63 do. Mr. Hopper conceives he could have com¬ pleted 67 miles in the 12 hours. Mr. Fofter, the lately appointed Envoy Extraordinary, &c. _ to A- merica, refidcd three yearsin that country, in the capacity of Secre¬ tary of Legation to Mr. Merry, the Britifli Miiiiiier there ; during which period he is underltood to have executed the duties of his office to the entire iatisfaclion of his fupeiiors, and alio to have conducted liimfelf in a manner highly acceptable to the Ameri¬ cans. —(— Rear-Admiral Sir Samuel Hood, K. B. is appointed Commander in Chief* at Jamaica, in the room of Admiral Rowley. Advices from Vienna to the 16th ult. repeat the rumours of the probability of a rupture be¬ tween France and Ruflia, which is there confidcred as matter of deep regret on account of the part which Auftria muft ncceflariJy take in the war. The emperor Francis, it is (aid, is bound b treaty to make common cauie With France. There were, howev¬ er, no military preparations in the Auftrian Territories to indicate a fpeedy expectation of hoftiHlies. Except a fmall corps of obfervation on the Turkifli frontiers, there was no numerous force collected in a- ny quarter. Notwithftanding the recent family connection beween the Sovereigns of Auftria and France, the war contributions im- pofed by the latter continued to be rigorouily exacted in the ftates of the former. The Hamburg letters mention, that i2co Norwegian failors had pafled through that city at the end of laft month, on their way to Antwerp. . We mentioned yefterday the capture of the Challenger flocp of war, by a French fquadron that ef- caped from Cherbourg. The en¬ emy's force we learn, coniifted of a fliip of the line, a frigate, and two brio-s, March 24.—Yefterday a meet¬ ing of Merchants trading to A- merica was held at the City of London Tavern, for the purpofc of taking into conlideration the propriety of inviting Mr. Pinkney to partake of a public dinner, pre- vioully to his departure to AmtxU ca, as a token of their relpcct and efteem. Mr. Alexander Baring was called to the Chair. The meet¬ ing was but thinly attended. The invitation was agreed to :.nd the gentlemen meet again on Friday next to receive the report." VeUta-day at twelve o'clock Hh Male fly came on WiodferTenace, '■u> oftlwCnftie, accompanied L-y Mr. BaiUie, and Mr. Dvu. oas Lis Servant Surgeon. His Majrfly con- ' iitttd !»;.; v,.i!k Nil o»c, Vikrn he ntiiMud to tlie Cadlc ^o dirner. The King retuntfl again to hia excrcife of walking at two 0*. clock, accompanied by Generals Mannt„' nnd Garth, without any of the dofloij. His Majefty appeared much recovered fi^ the cold he was affiifted with at the latter end of laft week. Hull, March 23.—Special licences ar« granting for the importation of Baltic pm. duce, with tlie exception of fpirits, UodfiQi and oil. By a proclamation from the Bank of Eng. land, at the recommendation of the commit, tee of the privy council for coin, all bank dollar tokens will henctfoith be iffued and received by the bank at five Ihillingsand fix pence each, inllead of five millings. Orders have been ifTued from the treafury to take them at the fame rate in payment of taxes. The prefent Grand Sultan Is a man ofun- common refources and energy. Hcisaboof 25 years of age, remarkably cowed in his perfnmil condudl, and of furprifxng decifioo •»nd fecrecy in hismeafures. HeiBthechrcf ' perfon himfelf in all the deliberations of the government, and frequently ads without io» forming his minifters. This kind of treat¬ ment had become nccefTary in confequencc of the fate Sultans leaving too much to tie management of their officers. No ont no* dav. s to traffic for his own private gain.'He is fufpefted by the janiffaries to be a fevoTer of the new fy (tern ; but the events of the war have caufed the corps to repent of the de¬ thronement of Selim- The greateft dufeft in the charaAer of Mahumoud isfaid tffbc'a tir.aureof fuperftitlcn- He »'-'fftf*** gioiw, and has great faith in tfc^- power of the Prophet's interference, and the deitn»f of the Ottoman empire. s — Plater and jewels ro an immenfe value-ha« been difcovered in various parts of France, which had been buried,ibefore their fl.ifW, by the nublcfe attached to the direful for- times of theHoufe of Bourbon, particularly in the environs of Paris. The fpot •*« thefe valuables were depofited. was dlfcot- erable by the ingenious application of watfl^ ine machines. INTERESTING. Extras of a Idler from Mr. Andrew M"*** . of St. Michaels, to his troth* h £*»** dated Feb. 17* 181 I. «0« the 26th, ?7th and ^'.h.?f^;l ry, this i/Tand again cxjteriertctd a repetition of feveral very fevcre fliocks cf an earth* quake, Aviihoot, however doing any damn** or cofis of lives, only dreadfully alarmhw t[> 11 habitants. On the 31ft a a eft awf^la/j tremendous cxplcfzon of fm< kt and flaoicj iffucd from the wateiy element at the dittanc* cf half a league or tw6 E-,?g!i;h miles fronl the (horej in ihe weflcrn dfre^ibfi Of ourifl. and, which (Truck the inmates of ?he cOnfV- ubns villages and hamlets M-hh difmay 3nd confternatmn, yet. thank God, h2i not hit'r?. trto'bten KOIowed by bad confequenevs.__ The fcene was awful heyend ail defcriptinn and from the bowels of the ii fiammatory fu{j. flance, forming its paUage upwards 80 fath¬ oms deep in the ocean, ilfued fmcke, fire, co¬ ders, and flones, of an immenfr fize. Inbu- menfble quantities of different kinds of fift fomt? nearly roafted, and others as if broiled- floati -j on the furfaceofthe lea towards the fnore. Thia dreadful eruption of fire hn ' perhaps Ibeen the faving of the iiland andiu' inhabitants. The fire has now rraterially fubfided, but our anxiety (lill continues.— May the Almighty protect u&y at whofedif- pofal we are I" FFOM SPAIN AND PORTUGAL LissoN, March 25. —Letters from Ar- garel, wheie the head quarters of Lord Wellington then were, are ihemoft fatisfac- tory. On the lSih he made ico priforiera in Fombtiro, and on the 19th ioco, with¬ out Iciing a Ungle man. He like wife took from them more than two thoi.fand head of cattle ; on the roads were found more than one thoufand mnffcets, great fpoilsard orra» merits of churches, &c. The enemy has lofl tlie greater part of his artillery of fix amf nine-pounder?* Tluy murder all the peaf-- ?:nts tluy n eet, afid liMve burred the grtatef part of the Louies, altLo* we puifnc thcro very cloll ly. A pitched battle would not have cauftd them inch Io& March 31.—letters received laft night from our army flatc, that the head-ciarten were about 4 leagues on this fide Celerico. Ir would Dpprar Maflena had made a fland there* h is alio reported, that the enemy on the Alentrjrt Hde li«:d mr.de a firni!;»riiitud at Badajoy, with about 12 oco men. Our. army in t!wt c{i aitcr is 22 ceo men. Thl cMirliy, \\?v\x 11 havoc ?i (1 diftrufl.onfCoaW milted by the kiihv of Mafi'cua in it> retrcifi exceeds all fiiuur e-san^les. Tlty imtotu Iv burned and d* llu ycd all h» nlcs k umui ii** ir n lit, but i.ilo tiiurdiicd I he »i»hhb-» ; with cirrumftahces of fmh rtioruu^ I 1 L.i.i*) ci' woi !il have dtigr-a»cd Vandlh • y itiifii