KINGSTON ] KINGSTON, (UPPER CANADA,) TUESDAY, MAT 28, 1811. [No. -^6 >1 conir-nt. NOTICE. npHF. copnrtnerlhip of Smith h JL Lyon:, k this day diffolven by tmitit- All claims a«taii,ft the concern will be fettled by Andrew Smith : and all tbore who are indebted to them either by note orbook account, are defiied to make imme¬ diate payment to Andrew Smith, who isdu- iy aulhonkd to receive and diiehargc the fame. ANDREW SMITH, JAMES LYONS. Eli-zabcihtoivn, April 24//), 1811. (Cj* The bufinefs will be conduced in fu¬ ture by Andrew Smith, who will fell m\ the moil reafonable terms for Cum. or Coun¬ try Prod nee. 8 SFnew goods" MONTREAL Hat Wa ORIGINAL MISC ELL AN X At the Sign of the Military Hat, No. Ui Old Market Place. FOR THE KINGSTON G A Z £ T ' y. 21- RECKONER Neque cniquam Injuriafua farm v'tlefif "r, e — 0C0§O§G0O' THE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST RECElfFD AFRESH SUPPLY OF GOODS, AMONGST V.'KICH ARK "OJRNLTURE and p.intedCalicoe^Silk Shawls O&tton do. Ladies* plain and figured Silk Sleeves, Leno ditto, Kid Gloves, ■—---------- --------------- — — — — — — - • - » - » 1 « 1 -. ■ I ^ ^ »» | i 1 | u \ \ and complete affortment of HATS, H\l TRIMMINGS, &c. &g. Amongst which are. Mod fuperb Military Hats, with onm- ments complete. Gentlemen's viojlfafiionalk Beaver Hats. ' Do. Between? do. Do. Yeoman crowns do. do. Do. bl'k fuperiine green under do. Do. drab do. do. do. Do. black do. extra large brims do. do. do. 60. do. do. do. do. ery Do. drab do. - do. Bell black water proof filk Ditto green under do. Do. drab do. Do. do. green under filk Do. cador Roram do. Plated do black worhVd Hok Carpeting Veilings, . Genu's varnifhed leather Hats for travelli: Brown HoU«.ds Checks, &c. &c. Servants' ditto do. " Boys' Morocco Hats of all colors. Do. do. Caps do. Mens' & Boys' line Cordies. Do.. common do. Do. Wool Hats of every defcriptbn. Gold and iilver tinfel Cord Bands. Common , do. do. White and yellow tinfel Cord Binding. Coarfe and fine Bowfttincrs, .Morocco of all colors fuitable for Hats. Nn 1 0. . * v , {Fancy Tip Paper, do. do. o. r,» St. Paul Street to No. ic?2,oneaoor * -p .. ; , v Y '. N. r*« rr o r> c n *5e" &UCL COmmOM LilUC orth of McflVs, Bellows, Gates & Co. w SALIUS T, MANY writers applauded for the wifdom of their precepts, and admired for theflrength and beauty of their language, have taken much pains to^prove that human life h un- happy. But fuch a gloomy conclufion has not been generally received. Tbe greater number hud^ by their own experience, that notwirlubnding the cries of dhirefs which are heard on every fid*, the hours of pleafure fat exceed in number thefe of pain. Life is indeed a chequered fcene ; to-day gloomv, to-morrow joyful : but fmce nine tenth* of our complaints proceed from caufes trifling, and occurrences utterly beneath _,, ferious regard, 1 confidently adopt the mort favorable opinion.. I got a letter fome evenings ago fiom a particular friend, which I was anxious to read ; 1 therefore called for a candle and retired to my own room. The candle had the moil our e Ail of which will be fold low for Cadi or Country Produce. E. WHITNEY". Tttm&icK, IT fh March, 1 8 11. 25 E M 0 V A L. H Northrop, Wolcott & Abbe, moved frc where they have a General Affortment of 1>RY GOODS unhand, which tbv offer for fale on rcafonabie terms. N. W. 8c ABBE. Montreal 1 Ofk SW* 1810.____I tf Earthen ScGlass Wart* Logwood, Copperas, Verdigris. Aquafortis, Oil of Vitriol, Clothiers' Jacks. Hatters1 do.—Railing Cards. Hat Brumes of all kinds in trie. Hatter's • Irons, Stampers, Runners dov.., Picket 9, &*c. Btti, ^e. ■ Ladies'mojl fajhhnahle beav. Hate & Bonnets,, 2. White do. Maids'1 do. & children's do. V! HE iSubfcnt>tr*« re fpeel fully inform JL tlwir ftiends and the public, Unit they hive received by the late arrivals from Liv¬ erpool, a general affortment of EARTHEN fc? GLASS !i"JR£, which they offer for' fale whoief nV and retail, at their Store, No. ro St. Puul Street, lately james i)uulop, E'\). on liadat any tlore in,—Ware packed in the bed manner, and ?. liberal dilcoimt matte for cam. O^TCountry Merchants and others are reqweded to call. GREEN & EATON. Light fawn ' do. • Drab do. do. • Hair, brown do. Olive Pui pie Blue do. do. do. do. . do. do. do. do. • ' co. HAT TRIMMINGS,--™ Pink Linings Red do.,. Orange do. do. do. do. do. do. do. .-> • Yellow do. And Green do. Green Linings White do- Blue . do. [peryd. Bl' • do, do. Montreal, July 1S10. 2.6// ^ FOUND, ON the public higliway in th -townfliip of Qfimbrtich a certain note of hand hgned by John Mure. The owner can have the lame, by proving pioperty, pay- iag cofts, and applying to the fubferiber m OW.nich. ASAliiLL GERALDS. 8th May, 18 t 1. SHERIFF'S SALE. Midland Dtfricl, 1 Y> Y virtue of a writ of • vm, § 11 &sri Facias, iitued o«.t of his Mafi-fty** Court of King's Bench, at the fnit of'Doaor Asa F. Reid, of the town of King (Ion, againft the lands and ten¬ ement* of Andrew Johnson, of Erncft- Town, inn-keeper, to jas direft^d ; I have feixed and take.) in execution^ belonging to the faid Andrew Johnfon, the eall half of lot No. 9 in the firft cowfiioa of the toxvnlhip of Erneft Town, containing by admeafure- ment, one hundred acres, be the fame more or lets ; together with a framtd houle and barn thereOH treaed. I do hereby give no¬ tice, that the abovemcutioned lot of land, with the buildings and appurtenances there¬ unto belonging, will be fold and adjudged to the higkeft bidder, at my office in the town of Kinglton, on Tuefday the third day of March next, at the hour often o'clock in the forenoon—At which time and place the con- oilions of fale will be made known. CHARLES STUART, Shrif And every ixiion or perfons having- claims on the above dekiihed lot of land, by mort¬ gage or tiilier right or incumbrance, are here- 1 y'o.V.M rtil.a to giye n.otiee to the faid Sh.-r- »H m bin Office 'in the town of KingUon, previous to ilte fair thereof. SLrffis ()J[:l:) id March, \%*L ^S Hat Covers of every kind in ufei... / . BINDINGS.- .; Bed military bindings far cocked hats ; Black Galloons from 10/ to 30/per Groce. Beft drab do. Com. do. do. Bell black and drab Bands; Common do« do. ■ White and black worded Looping ; Common white Hat Buckles ; Heel do. Yellow Union ditto; white do. do. Cords and Taffelsl of all fr/es & colors, for Fancy Trimmings J Ladies' Bonnets. Extra large Cords for Ladies' Peliffes. Fafh. fancy Trimmings for do. [Bonnets Plumes of all colors, for Ladies' & Children's All of which will be fold at the mod reduced prices, for caih or lhort and ap¬ proved credit. Montreal, Sept. 10, 1810. 1 tf _ Erneft Town Academy^ THE fubferibers hereby inform the friends of learning that an Aca. demicd School, under the fuperintendance ot an experienced preceptor, is opened in Erneft Town, near the Church, for the mftra&ioij of Youth in Englidi reading, fpeaking, gram, mar and compofition, the learned languages, penmanmip, arithmetic, geography and otb cr branches of Liberal Education. Scholars attending front a diftance may be boarded in good families on reafcnable terms, and for fifteen (hillings a year can have the ufe of 4 valuable Library. ROBERT McDOWALl BENJa. FAIRFIELD, Wm. FAIRFIELD, SOLOMON JOHNS, STEPh. FAIRFIELD, Wm WILLCOX, SAMUEL NEILSON, GEORGE BAKER, Co o 3 I- e»i « Em$ Town, nth March, 1S11. 27 watching it with impatience. My letter in in my hand, the feal is broken—I proceed to unfold it—I then look willfully at the candle, the tallow begins to melt, it is too near the ilame ; it gets worfe—it will be out, thinksl, and taking the fntiffers to fpread the wick, it is extinguished. The ftove was at hand to light it, but I had no paper, and tbe hoy had taken away, the tongs. Dii- ficj))tic«£ to a man of genius, ierve to demon- flrate iiis vail, refources ; to fuch proper ex¬ pedients will alway s occur. J took a coal out of the grove with the fnovel, and tried to ligfci my candle. I blew, but no ilame arofc ; turning a little round, the back ofthe chateWlroele the iliovel-handle and tolled the live coal npon Cue in'iudle ol cue tiew caipeu 1 dropped the candle, leized the coal in my hand to throw it into the (love. It miffed, but it did not fail to burn my fingers. I then caught hold of it with my letter, which it fcorched, and hurled it into the afh-pan with fome difficulty. The fmarting of my fingers prevented me from thinking of my letter.or my friend lor fome time ; at length I did what I fhould have done at firft and laved myfelf all this vexation ; I rung the bell and ordered the fervant to light my can¬ dle. What with the burning of the carpet, the fcorching of my letter, and the pain of my fingers, I was fo much fluttered that I did net enjoy myfelf all the evening. Laura was yellerday in great diftrefs.— Her friend had bought fome beautiful iilk foi a new pelice, but when me went to pur- chafe, it was all fold. T r u x 1 l l a was declaim tag at my 1 aft v ififc en the growing pride and impudence of in¬ feriors. She had jud received a very hand- fome drefs from Montreal, which (he was ad¬ miring with a few chofen friends, when a corporal's wife came to folicit the favor of being allowed to tafce a pattern. The pre¬ emption was more than the fair Truxilla's patience could bear ; (he therefore drove the poor woman away in great indignation. Damon was picking the road with great care on the way to dine with a feleft party. The dreets were muddy, but he preferved his white iilk dockings clean, and had got almod to the end of his journey, when a drunken failor jumping into a dirty puddle, befmeared him with mire. Poor Damon o-oes home in great vexation to refit ; but alas 1 befoie he i3 adjuded it is too late. Narbal pouted for ten days, becaufe he had been anticipated in a coat of a peculiar falhion,which hefcad ordered from Montreal. Precedency is a fource of much vexation. Fejlina happening to be next the door ofthe drawing room, depped into the dining room before feveral other ladies who thought them- felvts her fuperiors. Diffatisfa&ion clouds every brow. One teffes her head, another curls up her nofc—the words updart, pert minx, rude creature, low manners, <xc. are impei fe&ly heard. At affemblies the drawing of tickets ; the calling of dances ; preferring refrtmrnents ; handing from one room to another, are pro¬ lific fources of vexation which frequently de- ilroy all the pleafures of the evening. Her- mia had jud returned from New York,whrre Hie had learned fome new figures for country dances. Her turn to call comes ; (he intro¬ duces one of the moll difficult figures ) flte antfeipares with joy the confufion which it would create, and Ihe exidted in her fuptriot knowledge. The next couple try, but fail ; they know 401 how to turn : the mufic h/ayes them ->.hind, and they are obliged to wait l. w:: the dance. Lampra chaises Hkr..-»Afs figure for one wtll known ; hut this was a mortal affront. A complaint is made to the mader of ceremonies—the dance is (topped, and the whole room filled with confufion. Now thefe are little grievances which are ridiculous on recollection, though they never fail to embitter life as they pafs along. But fince they become fubjects of merriment after a. little time, would it not ,be better to laugh at them when thty hap¬ pen ? This is a change which I am project¬ ing myfelf, and I recommend it to my read¬ ers. The greater number of thefe things which pioauce irritation will be f -rgotten altogether; fome of them in a f^w hours, and moll of them in a few days. Even thofe which are remembered only ierve to fnew us upon what ridiculous grounds we choofe to fret and be angry; I bugh at my adventure with the candle ; I beg therefore that laugh¬ ing may take phice of pouting ; of gather¬ ing wmth ; of taking offence, when none is intended. As long as we can preferve our temper^ we can judge ; but the moment we begin to fume, rcafon difappears ; the fmalleft ciffcr- ence is exaggerated into an injury, and a look orajed, which in our cool moments would have given us pleafure, now raitcs our fpletri* From a London paper. r An extraordinary fcene of villainy has re¬ cently been dcucicd in one of the Weflern countries :—A yMmg man, who devoted his time to the acquiuion of pugilifm, while his fan i'y mppoi'ed \i-: v/as fiudying Divinity at Oxiord lometime ago gave out that he had received a living in the county of Suffolk. of S," :•. per a. num, and that a relation in tiie Eaii nail )e:t him a tortui t <t ^o,co&L To confirm thefe alTerti ms, he fabiicatcd the necefiary documents, and kept up an oiKn- fible correfpondence with the gentleman who gave hiri the living, and who apparently replied with, great punctuality to his letters, and alwaya according to his; which he furell way of accomplidling, by witting the aufwershimf-lf, and finding to an agent in London, to be returned to him in the Country, or fent to thofe whom he in¬ tended to make the chief dupes of his frauds. So ably was his plan matured, that he impof- ed on a refpectable folicitor in London, and madelii/n inilrtimeutaT.fc<\the completion of it. By thefe means, and the expe; five dyle in which he lived, he contrived to raife fev¬ eral thoufands in the metropolis, by grant¬ ing annuities at a low price ; and in the country, bv bills drawn in the name of the fuppofed donor of vhe living, on a resectable banking-houfe. Some doit time fmce he feduced a young lady, under a promife of marriage ; and defrauded the brothel" cf a. tefpec'table perfou's daughter, with whom he intermarried, about 6 weeks ago, of io,oool. to compromise, as he laid, the affair. He abfeonded a few days ago, leaving his wife in a very unenviable ikuatibn ; but great, hopes are entertained of his apprehenfion. When he went off he wore th'fc habit of a clergyman, in which character he voluntarily officiated, and mauled feveral couple without having token, as it is firmly believed, holy orders. He is a tall genteel yniug man, about 25 yeais of age, We are indebted to a correfponder.t for the following extract of an addrefs horn the Icdb fpiritual and temporal <>f Great-B>it- ain to the prince regent on the 12th Fcbiu- arv. # " We acknowledge with all pof- fible Thankfaliicfs tiie goodnefs of your royal highnefe, in infornimg its, that diicufiions are now ile- pending between this ouiiitry and the United States of America ; and participate in your royal highnefs* correct wiili that you may find yourfelf enabled to'bring them to any amicable termination, confift- ent with the honor of hjs Majefty's crown, and the maritime rights and intereils ofthe united dom.,>