Kingston Gazette, May 21, 1811, page 4

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T 0 ETR Y. A CHOICE, B V A YulNC L.\[)Y OF K I K F T E E N » bis hidffment found and J CD ] F marriage ever he my lot in life, And 1 by fate am cJdhVd for a wife ; !.f e'er to love*? foft por.-'r 1 yield my heart, M.'v w nth iniVire, and merit point the dart : And him to whom my hand & heart aregtv'a Have all (ii»fe blrfiTinffs'from indulgent "Iieav- Let all the virtues in his foul'be join'd, [en. Good fe-ifc adorn, and honor guide his mind. Kjs temper miid ; clear j . ■. ■ r Courteous to all, and to his friends fincere. Gay withoi t rudenefs, and polite with cafe ; His uile good manners, & his aim to plcafe ; Proud to oblige? a il ranger to deceit ; Ambitious rather to be good than great. May winning candor, grace and heav'n born truth Adorn each ac"lion oi th'aceoirolifn'd youth. Bltf 'd with his lose, I'll cheerfully thro' life, Fulfil the humble duties ©fa wife ; And till his growing virtues eealeto (nine, Pkas'd I 1! admire, and llrive to make them mine. FRi-M HlLLuWAV 3 TO EMS. A TALE. Grinfh lac TOM HOG CARD was a wa A* any in the village ; Ard three-lean (lee If were all he had, For riding, draught and tillage. _ vVrli faggot*! to the neighboring town Oil crept his creeking waggon, ^ hile flow, along tin-, dully down, Behind the fwatn would lar/ on. And always, as that road he pafs'd, A bonny Scot would meet him, With Weighty pack his fliouldcis grae'd, And thas was fure to greet him : ■ Ho ! J.jffki'n, Inddv, what d'ye buy > ' I've CiDfiins choice andplenty, ' Lawns, laces, cambrics, purchase, try, ' I warrant I'll content ye.' Thus once or twice a week at leafc, lie found h-'mle'f errbarralVd, Ai d ft tidied .hard to turn thejeft On him w!,o l.e,.zMamLlia.-:;i.C.M- • One day, as ufi ai, on his road, He met the merchant toiling j And haii'd him thus, « Man pitch your load, ' And ceafc fiom your turmoiling ; e I want an article or two, * Come let irefee your tieafure.* t Ay. laid 'he Scotchman, that I'll do, 4 And that wi' mueklc pieafure,* With tlrs the lumbering pack he pitch'd, Firfl loofen'd from his moulders, VSi-Ai wealth of eith-r Ind enrich'd, The wonder of beholders. With two brown hands upon the lid Tom Mood and lean'd him over, While Sawney rummag'd every lid Its beeutiu to difcovtr. lie held his pieces to the fun, And, claiming due attention, His chapman told of every one, Tiie praife he fcarce could mention. 1 Nor this, nor that,' Tom coolly cried, U in hut my mcii'iatioflu1 The trader% f nile his heart belied, That rankled with vexation. ' But ttll me plainly what you want ?' The lefty Scotchman grumbled, 4 Why what your walking warehou The crafty Thomas mumbled. Then added with a fneerinrj fmile fe han't, < v lour fearch you may forbear it 41 wanted—a vore wa^on wheel, »«t you ha' nothing near it !' that while every body told him his fon-in- law was a great fcholar, his whole (lock of knowledge would not help him to one pen¬ ny of his own getting. Six or feven months after this marriage, the father-in-law dies, miferably poor, and "•the credit which his induflry maintained in his life time, dying with him, the goods he ], ft behind were feized by the creditors, and the (Indent and his young wife turned out of doors to eat the bread of fortune where they could find it. The wife had a relation in town, unable to contribute ;ny great aflifiance; (he took them however, into a garret of her houfe, where the man could only waitt his hours between bocks and fighs, while the partner of his for- rows made hard fliift to pick up fupport by knittino (lockings at a certain common price for every pair. At laft from the profped of an addition to their family, their cares became more weighty, and their patience lefs fortified.— The only fubjeel of their converfarion now, was their melancholy dread of what would become cf the poor infant, who was to be born a beggar. By fitting conftantly together from morn¬ ing: to night, the fcholar often fixed his eyes wih fttdfait ohfervation on the motion oi his wife's fingers, in the'dejfterous management of her needles'; he took it into his imagina¬ tion, that it was not imnofTible to contrive a l.'ttle loom which might do the woik with much more expedition. This thought he communicated to his wife, and joining his head to her hands, the endeav¬ or fucceeded to their wifh. Then the ingen¬ ious (locking loom, which is To common now, was foil invented, by which he did not only make himle'f and his family happy, but has left his nation indebted to him for a benefit wlrch enables us to export (ilk (lockings in great quantities, and to a vaft advantage, to thofe very countries from whence before we ufed to bring them at lofs in the balance of our traffic. London Paper. are your nightingales ? My Lord, rejoins the Scotchman, they area- bout as bug as a pudgcon, and have a head like a cat, and cry whoo, whoo, whoo ! —o -{- o---- A Deacon in a certain town in Maffachufetts complained to an innkeeper of fome bad conduct of his boy in his abfence. The boy denied the fact, and faid it was like the deacon's other (lories : on which the landlord ordered the boy to be filent, and learn better than to contradict a perfon of the deacon's age and Handing. Soon after the deacon addrefled a phyfi- cian prcfent and wiflied to know what would be good for a finger which pained him very much. The doctor advifed putting it into lye. The boy, on being called to pre¬ pare the medicine, flirewdly ob- ferved, Doclor, let the deacon put his finger in his mouth and tell thatfeory again—it mujl anfiver the fame pur- FOUND, N the public highway in the townlhip of Oinabruch a certain note of hand figtied by Jomn Mure. The owner can have the fame, by proving pioperty, pay. in.'-r cods, and applying to the fubferibef in Ofnabnich. ASAHEL GERALDS. 8th May, 181 i. SHERIFF^ SALE.^ M'uJuir.d Difrul,! pY virtue of y/pfctf viz. J *J Ifari Facias, i(Tnecj out of his Majelly's Coott of King's Bench, at the luit of James Robins, of the town 0f Kino-fton, Lfquire, againft the lands ar.d ten¬ ements of Amos Ai.ficy, of the townfhip 0f Kingfton. yeoman, to me directed ; I have feized and taken in execution, as belonging to the laid Amos Anfley, the north half of lot No. 15 in the fecond conceffion of the tnWR. fhip of Kingfton, containing by admeafure. ment one hundred acres, be the fame mere or lefs; together with a big houfe k framed bam thereon ereded. 1 do hereby give notice, that the above mentioned lot of land, with the buildino-s ar.d appurtenances thereunto be- longing, will be fold and adjudged to the high eft bidder, at my office in the town of Kingdon, onTuefday the third day of March next, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore¬ noon—at which time and place the conditions of fale will be made known. CHARLES STUART, SLerjf. And every perfon or per fens having claims on the above defcribed lot of land, by mort¬ gage or other right or incumbrance, are here¬ by advertifed to give notice to the faid Sher¬ iff, at his office in the town of Kingfton, pre¬ vious to the fale thereof. Sbcrif's Office, 2(1 March, 1811. 28 SHERIFFS SALE. MldhrJD'ijlrlcl^ ID Y virtue of a writ of viz. j JLJ Fieri Facias\ iflued out of his Majefty's Court of King's Bench, a-, the fuit of Doctor Asa F. Rkio, of the town of Kinefton, ajrainrt the lands and ten- , ____ V DIVERSITY. Origin of the Stocking Loom. IT is not out of fome men's remembrance, that a young gentleman of no fortune, a flu- dent at Oxford, fell in love with an innkeep¬ er's daughter, of that town, whofe circum- flances were very narrow. He had philofo- phy enough to defpife fuperfluous wealth, and judgment to forefee the necelTuy of a competence ; but love was headflrong, and too hard for reafon, fo that, after a year or two's unavoidable delay, they bid defiance to their ftargj and had courage enough to marry. The fcholar gained a wife and loft a fellow¬ ship, the only fmall fubfdlencc he before de¬ pended on. Our innkeeper often upbraided the bride- groom with the barren effcas of his learning, and thought it very rtranoe, as well he might, ORIENTAL. A MAN went to a dervife, and propoied three quell ions : i."Why do they fay that God is omniprci- ent ? I do not fee him in any place, Ihew mc where he is." 2. " Why is man punifbed for crimes, fince whatever he docs, proceeds from God ; man has no free will, for he cannot do any thing contrary to the will of God ; and if he had power, he would do every thine for his own good." 3. " How can God punifh Satan in hell fire, fince he is formed of that element; and what impreflion can fire make on itfclf ?" The dervife took up a large clod of earth and ft ruck him on the head with it. The man went to the cazy and faid, " I pro- pofed three quellions to fuch a der¬ vife, who flung a clod of earth at my head, which made my head ache." The cazy having lent for the dervife, alked," Why did you throw a clod of earth at his head, inftead of anfwering his queftions? replied, " The clod of earth was an anfwer to his fpeech 1 lie fays he has a pain in his head ; let him mow where it is and I will make God vifiblc to him : and why does he exhibit a complaint againft me ? Whatever I did was the act of God : I did not ftrike him without the will of God ; what power do I poflefs ? and as he is compounded of earth, how how can he fufFer pain from that element?" The man was confound¬ ed, and the cazy highly pleafed with the dervife's anfwer. e rents of Andrew Johnson, of Erneth Town, inn-keeper, to me directed ; I have feized and taken \\\ execntion,as belonging tt> the faid Andrew Johnfon, the eaft halfoflot No. 9 \i\ the fn it concfflion of the tovvnfhio ->t\t t?/"\TTM"ri of Erne'l Town, containing by admeafure- A BREASl iiN rUuNi), mctiU one hundred acres, be the fame more ^ FEW days fince, in Kingfton, which or jcf3 . together with a framed houfe atvi the owner can obtain by defcribing barn rhereon eicded. I do hereby give 110- it and paying for this advertilement. Apply to the Printer, May 14. A H BAGG & HAGARy AVE jeft received from London, and offer for fate, at their Hat Store & FaEiory, No. lOoSt, Paul Street^ Montreal, NtXt door jiuih of Miffrs* Btifows, Gates & Co. A General Alfartment of Gtntlcmen*s fine Beaver Hats ; filk IVater Proof, Leghorn aao Willow «io.; Twa.iics and Children's beaver and firaw Bonne rs,of uxc larert faction? and beft quaJhy, Al?o, MntJ'V Folding Hcts, elegantly trimmed j Hat Tr mmings, £:c. &c. which were imported upon as tiood terms, and he fold as cheap or cheaper than can be bought in the country. They have a.'fo a variety of Hats of their own make, which they are willing ro warrant 10 be as durable as any ever offered for fale in Ca N a da. Orders from the country thankfolly reci **d and ftrkUy attended to, *„* CASH paid for 1:URS. Montreal, Nov, 20, 1810 ic tice, that the abovemcntioned lot of Innd, with the buildings and appurtenances thetf» unto belonging, will bo fold and adjudged to the hiphelL bidder, at my office 111 the toff* of Kmglton, on Tuefday the.third day of March ne::tf at the hour often o'clock in the forenoon—At which time and place the con¬ ditions tsf f<i/e ivi?j| Pre rna'J'c ftjV<i\vn \ CHARLES STUART,'^;. And every perfon or perform liavinp- d'L" , 'on the above defcribed lot <>r land, by mnn gage or other rfghc or encumbrance, arehVte by advertifed to <nve notice to the fair] Sh„ * iff, at his Office in the town of Kingft, previous to tlve fale thereof. 6 f SL'ri/fs Office* 2// March, iSri. 2S SHERIFF'S SALE. " " VL.™T .of ■ w« rf } The dervife }s - A Kentifli nobleman being in company with fomeScotch ofilcers, was praifing the fituation of his Villa, and the pleafantnefs of the country in general; but above all, infiftcd upon his peculiar happi- nefs (as he had a mufical ear) in having fuch a multitude of Night¬ ingales about him.—Nighiinga/cs ! fays a bonny Scot ; we have an in¬ finity of them near Edinburgh. Sir, replies my lord, I tho't thofe birds had never reached fo far north : pray what kind of things TO BE SOLD, THE one half, (or if bed iufts the pureha- ler, rhe whole) yjf thai VALUABLE tfUblE MILL in Maryfbug, with two run ni itoi;cs a; tor bufinfs, one foperfine and two com men bMt*$ ^nd four hundred acres of LAND, with about 30 acres improved. O \ ihe prcmife£»ncar the mill, is a good Dwelling-houlfij with three rooms and a kitchen en the lower floor, and 3 convenient houfe nrarly ajj-nr - Ifig, fir a mi'Ier ; alfo a (table and loufeing to the eftate of ihe late ^eter Van Ax.S- TIne. E£q deceafed* The fituation ib fo w-ll known that a further defcription is deemed unriectiTary. Thote who mav wifh 10 pvrchafe will pfaflfe to ap¬ ply Ik) Th mas Darland, Efq, Adolphuftown. CORNELIUS VAN ALS1INE, ) p GEORGE W. MEYRES, ^xecntors. April 16, j8ii. 30 SHERIFF'S SALE. Midland Diflria, to wit; fuedout of his Majcjiy's Court of King's Bench, at the fuit of Bryan Crawford, of the toiuri/J)ip of Richmond, Mfqulre., apairjl the lands and tenements of Doctor Prindle, of the town/hip cf Frederick/burgh, yeoman, to me dire tied ; I have feized anaIf aim in execution, as hefatiging to the faid Doctor Prindle, the cajl half of lot No. 3 in the fecond conceffion of the town/hip of Fredericfifiurgh, containing by admeafurement one hundred arres, be the fame mire or lefs. I do hereby give notice, that the above mentioned lot of land, with the appurtenances thereunto be¬ longing, rvi/l be fold and adjudged to the hightfl bidder, at my office in the town of Kingston, on Monday the 22 d day of July next, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon—at 'which time and place the conditions of fale will be made known. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff And every perfon or perfons having claims on the above defcribed lot of land, by mortgage or other right or incumbrance, are hereby advert if d U give notice to the faidfieri'f, at his office in the town of Kingston,previous to the fale then of. w at his ivlajeity sCourt of iwngsBench, at tb fuit of Peter Grant, of the town of KiwW'gj merchant, dgamflthe lands and tenements J Samuel i£ofe*la.te (if £vIaryfburgh,vcoman to me direiEied; I have feized and taken in execu¬ tion, as belonging to the faid Samu<-1 R0fe the \w>{\ half of lot No. 2 m the- firil con»£ !' ------- .-..v,.-, •"...........-#5 "J u"'"v -»i (.11 v., ii^ul Qi]g fatindred acres, be the fame more or }ck. [ do hereby give entice, that the aboveraen. tfoned lot ofland, v/ith the dppurtenaocQ thereunto belonging, will be fold and adjudo. v.d to tiie high fit. bidder; at my office in th: town of Klngtion, en Tuefday the third day of March next, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore..oon—at which time and place the condition? of fnle will be made known, CH A R LES STUA RT, Sheriff. And every perfon or perfons havingclaiiw on the above defen'bed lot of land, by mort¬ gage or other right or incumbrance, are here¬ by advc-tiled to ^ivt notice to the faidSheriff, at iiis office in the town of Kingfton, previous to the faie thereof. Sheriff Office, "2 d March 1811. 23 FOR SALE, A FA RM conlifting of 25$ acres, be iug Lot No. 6, in the 1 It conceftod in Pitt/burgh, iituate 6 miles from Kinq-lloa —10 or 12 acres under imp'o^ement, witfl a pood log houfe on tiie la;oe, znd a good Marfh a (fording hay for .{2 or 14 head of cattle.—Far particular apply to Laugh- lin M'Intvrk, fh(p carpenter, Pittjfbtugh Fdr nary 12, I b I I. 2 uf __--- ». Sherifs Office, vphNw. 1810. TOU SALE slT THIS OFFICE, Blank Bills of Exchange, --------Half Pay Bills, --------Bills of Lading, — Note Books, — Sqmmau&s for Court of Requcfts,&c. THE LefTees of the Crownand L'leioy Refervcs, and thofe who have Lfrcnfes of oecin»atiou in the MidlandD$ ri&i aie reqncfud to pay the arrears of rent due by them n fpecliv.-ly, to the fubfcribc* who is legally amhoiiuj to receive the lanie apt receipts. (ll-TAR I.TPS S'tit \r?'f. Sheriff Sheriff's (Ifiicc, 2d M.nh, 18J 1. H v i* r k r >■ n \kk v \> •• f p n • n By CHARLES KENDALL and 0;

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