T,; lint t*o rfiiVrt.I.ia;^Mlfd zr^i'.zv r»£ fit .;'"■ • r ^intnii :«. Von will ic: f;y thidlttttr. ;. : he h v. :hrr dull, surd I am very lively. V.": \ , fir, :-,t . f..! '• i) v.-:.i.M cry in the 103d, I;,.-- ik. - Mi*, l\^.;b!t:.v..f.-. I hate fueh -..-,;•- :.t..-v ,-.U things. Lord Chellerfield •" ys ;h-.y i n j;ve iTs of n ipctt. B elides j hrw carrc lie by this accident ? He talks of s hi- b. >-* r- *r Hi ppifig off his oofe ; hut i* this vcrv (*recJbu ? .': h>oJ?L3 liken drunken fro1 tc or fjtteihlng orotic. Ptifenps l&cgentk-man •vr.- siming &t fotre other p<irt. 1 had, in- c!r.ed a kiudnelsfor hiin, but the moment I fiAv ih« ridiculous tfi^Hre that he made, ft c\:-.; orated* I t-ied to ronton with myiilf, ti:cri;h aiii Ox have the privilege of nut rca- irttiug. Tut, lays reafon, the man U no v.<»rl: —bis virtues are llic farr.c—ho will not }n;k<? the worfc hiilband—but his nofc.------- He Will not love von the Itfj—but his nofc- Hi-will Hill msirtta:a the fame rclpcct—hut tiiiWK'ic. li\ a word, the note would always ■ certify iherr vras no btU'ilfciug it from my nvn; '. R' uioii might bring a thotiftind-'culd •Mgum ntSi bat the ftrange vilagC'oftlieiiofc Jjrefentcd itfelf before me. Ai; alteration in conduct i* a £oud reafon for breaking oil ne^oiLticns of ihis kind, and why not an elttralien in form ? Wc are indeed taught to admire ihe qualities of ihe mind,but alas! TvjV. Reckoner, thefe are fo fcarce anion*; us rv fr*i r , thsl we have the more need to value thole oi' ths body. Vo.ir.s GRIZZEL. P. ^. You will pfcafe to notice, Mr. P*2fc.koacr; that I do nut value your iude- raent a D:-n U it r,e aganm me. * * • 4 * ,-.,.» ins, ueiivir.g tf.t'ii f ice fioni habit; are not eaiily changed j efpeciatly thole which arc prompted by the ffropg pafllons of human nature. Such is their, of which we are fpeaking, which is ft-rnulatcd by an¬ ger and revenue, and not lels by ptide ; for vu*"rar fafllion has made it an object of a iallc .^^ rr±. ^- -; T- ^ fo re tgn In telllgen ce. -----000§OOC----- TURKISH WAR. Skmlih,Nov. i6.-------The Servian* tore eef.'.ve k'nd of heroilm. It is not, however, too invctc-raie and ilubborn to be. in a degree, rtllrahied by the public fentiment ; and this im>^ uv„„ „M.v~ -w-.......-----0 may l)e lenhbly influenced by the combined Servians covered themfelves with gioiy neai exertions of the enlightened part of the com- ra unity. The characlcr of this province is generally ,'{}, army, compofed of 60,000 Boinians, at- sdn it ted to be daily rifing and growing more '*' " ' -1 p *—'**— ° —'""" "*,'"~' x,,"rp refpec\able ; and every inhabitant mould be ambitious to tmJte in efforts calculated to J ,,-:ro.J, Vi\: 16—Lc'tc-.i uo^q na to rt»j 16th init. bring an account If11, lnwrt nation between PoflicT (Mafau p and a I'ver.ch iktachment of the cor °' Bonnet, when the btter v,a-, defeated *i the lofs of n:any killed and wounds ^ ; prifoners. It took place near fcW^ \t Oveido the French commandant iff°S an oider that ail males ihould enlift j , armies of King Jofeph between theageg '; 200 A Servians covered tnemienres who imu.v mm Widdein : but the battle of the Driana gave a deeihve blow. The choicett of the Turk- tack ved on b-)th fides the Servians who were not more than 2C,oco men, aflifted by 2000 promote the increafing refpettabil'ly of hv: country. C^VTO. hko\i a riR<>u;iA paper. /V * ---------------- " MURDER WILL OUT." There are perhaps few inflancespn record iw whieh this proverb is rm:rc fully and re- markabiy verified lliau in the one about to F-r :hc I*~i:;g:tc:/ Gaz^tz. lxiEitE 2> or.e bad ctiflom, not indeed peculiar tn tbii provinre, hut tnevp.iJine, per- •?p»» n time parts of it in a peculiar de- J»tee, hu the vu:g^r practiee of boxing r.nd fi.r.iir.-T-, the fiequcncv of v.-lw'ch feems m have Uunred in: public fetife of its :m- p.roj,:i.-ty a>.c'. i!j cor,fcqu-r.ee.. Jt rr ::J:; a I.,w Rage of civilization, ?M h ir.efa rclkh ,f ;hr 6v3g« fiaic, in which tWavcii^ujr. (.frriv:.tc u^rongj, hy pcrfonal vi^lcoce, under tlie immediate im-JaJfe of ex- A cas ct v. p, uiot&t n a r«:i«:g prinunlc Wher.„. thvobj:-a of civil foc-tiraftd government h t;. pr..u,c h? we;:!cp^inir tfecftnoftg and tti } e*: call: ngaif.il the qnarreHome, and to eiU-bnih reaiVfi awd law-, under thz adminif. te»n of dilinterefled judges, as fabltitntea r '■•fPi- UWa, feifgciirfcc i.iinaeabycve.j man /'u^u.g-or Rthe* feeling in his oun eanle. —Upjii sh's principle, affaults and batteries ^re pu-oibitej and eondcrnm.d by h\v. The pr..a.-ee we arc commenting upon, is, theie- fore, a dcpaiture from the very fnit princi- pic 0. ci..l;2a::'.>r;, and, fo far as k prevails, » a return to the barbarous, favage ftate of & M niio a dfreA vinlaf{on of the known «WQj the land. Men of rrob% and pru¬ dence, who v. im to be influential and refpect- fd» their fphere0fIife.ouSht to view it be communicated. Nct.r twenty five years ago «i horrid murder war. committed in the vicinity of Leefburg, on the bod/ i a Jofeph H<;;;-e, a youn;r man cf about 19 years oi a_o;e, who was found iu the night with hia throat cut from f?.r to ear ; the verdict of thejnry of inrpu-'.l was minder byfome perfoil unknown ; iome ciicumllances induced a ful'pirion thai his moih'.r was the perpetrator O;1 the inhumar., (hocking deed—{he was the perfon who nril gave the al?rtn by Waking Mr. W-----------11, (there being only three perfons in the iwinicj by exclaiming, Joe is bleedtns* to death. Her fiioit-ffown was found with the markofabloody band, appear¬ ing as if Ihe had drawn her light hand con¬ taminated with the blood of her own child wider tlie left arm to wipe away the guilty ilain. It U dated, on indubitable authority, thr.t tiiis Betty Hoge, on whom fufpicion thus iviled, died a few weeks finec in this county, after having eonfeffed that ihe had fuffocatcd her hufband with a feather bed and that ihe had murdered her own ion by cutting his throat. The manner of her conf.-ihon was n?> It Is extraordinary than the matter. To thole about her ihe appeared t-> die, and they wcii. proceeding to lay her out, when (he revived, and laid Hie could not die until ihe had communicated fomething that lay heavy ' ; ' VV' hmb V^vYrrltrj dilpieleiil, exctpt one, to leave the room. That perfon, through fea>, objected to be h-ft alone with her ; two o'hers flayed and heard her make, in fub- ft<\\\cet the above awful confeflion. She lived afterwards about twenty four hours. For many years 'ihe had lived fufpeded and feared ; fhe is now gone with accumulated guilt, and her memory will he execrated. Ruffians, under the command of Col. Neeit. The combat was mod bloody ; the general in chief of the Servians, George Pictowetfcrv, encouraged his foldiers, by reprefenting that they were going to fight lor all that was noft dear to them as men ; that they mud conquer or be ilaves -, that they had to con¬ tend with the very men whom they had fo often beaten ; that he, himfelf, would con¬ duct them to battle, and that in cafe of dan¬ ger, he would fly to their relief with the corps o^ refcrve of fioco men. The Servians fwore vo f.icrifics their lives in defence of their liberty, and marched a- gainft the enemy. After three uncharges dt mufquetry, the Servians charged with the bayonet. 1 he carnage was cireadful i the Riiluan cavalry rulhed upon ihe Turks with their pikes, and the infantry with the bayo¬ net. The Turks defended themfelves in the moft detpeiate manner. All the chiefs ct Servians, and the Ruffian Col. Tioil, wers wounded. Neverthelef* the Turks were vanquished : we took 6cco prifoners, anfl they loll an e- qual number of men, either killed or drown¬ ed in the Diiana, during the route. After the battle, a conference took place between the Vizier and Gzerai Georges, in which it was-agreed that the Turks fnonhl pay the Servians coo,ooo piaftcrs, who would in re¬ turn give up the prifoners that they had made, and treat for peace. Czerat Georges is now in tlu? Kuihau camp, where the mgo. ciations are carrying on. 16 and 46, whether fmgle or maviY) T}" inhabitants on hearing of this mj8J,te Q to the mountains, and did iv^t icturn n 11 the rtfeript was withdrawn. The rumors that have been circulate", r peeking a change of fentiments in Ru(f13 . pear to have iome foundation—that a fir fian general has been arretted and featV prifon for communicating to Mr.Caulincou the exact llrength ^ the army, is certain A meeting of 3,000 Catholics was held a fhort time iince in Ii eland, and it w™ agreed to petition the prince regent to re. move Charles duke of Richmond, ar.d the light hon. W. W. PoU, from their official fituations in the government of Ireland. The report cf the feh& committee on the ftate of public commercial credit has been publiihed. Wc arc extremely farry to fo from this document, the diibefles cf the mercantile, above all,the manufacturingela£», are great in the extreme. In fome places the report dates, that the greatcft manure, turers have been obliged to reduce theirwork one third, fome one In'f, -<\\\<\ others altogeth¬ er ! This is a mdancli'lv ;wd friffhtful pic- * or turc,ai;J commaiuUuhc moll ourucUattintioi of govtrnmeat and the p*»! l'c. Tiw co:: oi tius ulat ir^ ,_v clliVrcfs is attributed to extra- Vttgant fpecul.itiuns at the: opciuV.^of :he South Awctioan markets, to the imn;.-iile::i> poi tatlons ii*oin EuropeancoUrUries, ftJutbcf tve conM Tend nothing in rctinn, and to the i-ntcirtiutioQ ot the trade With North hmS ■ era. na ■ French decrees. Pa*?£, Mnrch I ~Tb^ Ea^liiH jwiTnal- ifls cannot reconcile the remark of M. Charn- pagijy to Mr. Armflrong, that the Berlin and Milan decrees are revoked, with the dec¬ laration of the fame minifter, in a late report, in which lie fays, '• Sire, your majefty will pevfevere in Voui decrees fo long as England pcrfifts in her orders in council." Theie is no difficulty in underftandihg this. The de¬ crees are repealed with refpecl to America, becaufe America is taking me a hires to caufe her Mag to be refpetfied, and becaufe fhe re- fufes to fubmit to the Eritifh orders of i8cC T'he progr.an.-y of Bonaparte's tmptefs.M.'- ia Louifa, altho.uh tittle alluded to W ^ Paris papers, i> lo fWi advanced astoa; pwaaii to n coidincinent, as appeals from me RfcfcB1 ini'_ parai-;i;i])h iu the Mom't< 111 : — t "Paris, V&* 23 — The emprtf, 1 in the ninth month ofherprecnaftrv ', ^ • *. . y»aitcti(iClj mafs to day in the chapel of ine fher con«„,emm j* the Thuillevies. majefiy, a it :„n„ -stjjc t;me 0 hear, wiil no longer go out id her a^ 'S f° —fhe is extremely well, and has hot f^*** the llightell indilpofition." Itain«* o HOUSE OF COMMONo-FEBi . Mr. Wnitbrcad inquired, if ft W( that the negociations wiih *be A* -'^ .... - - mntttQii NEW YORK CANAL. ^ this light, and reflra Aril upon the tend- tncy cf countenancing u by example or in- j^nee h one plain Ja.v is publicly vio- lau-d uithpnpnniiy, or with only nominal or very fught pmifamem, the relpecl for avvs m general U thereby unavoidably dimin- ?«*|i»Jtfce m m of government is proper- Uonabiy wakened. This pernicious tenden- cy to inftibordination, and contempt cf an- bonty ,s ftrenqthoned, when the violation of pv?rcndcre,W2uhio::ableand popular, rf. f 'ru>n 6£ x],e Iw of God. Its indulgence »1 hatred, reiemment and all the angrr oaf. Cons, boa..hich the part«s ftfe *£&. W*. pn.br.oiy, than fo„„ the bodily pain ««u»«d by bh,«, and vvonncl, It^rne- T P;'-'...ceS ho.-nicide, and frequently oc- it fi ft v "tfS) d;r;:bii;,>'and d^fe «•■■ ff«dS ammofito, through Whl neigh bf'f' „JJUKS p|lb]ic mnraIs 'and .■J":*' '&?** P^c ^, a,d checks UPON the report of the comtnifH oners ?p- pointed by the legi/lature of New York, on the fubject. of a prcpofed Canal intended to connect the navigable waters of Luke Erie with thofe of the Hudfon, (a very lengthy document) the Editor of the Quebec Ga-zeite remarks : If that great, and we mutt confefs, praife worthv undertakins fnouid fucceed, without correfponding exertions on our part, tlie prof- pects of profper'ty and grandeur traced out by nature for the inhabitants of the navigable parts of the St. Lawrence, will vaniih, per¬ haps, for ever. Creat Britain i«, on tin's occafion, equally interefled with the inhabitants of this Prov¬ ince. Of all her dominions in North A- merica, Upper Canada offers the greateft field for improvement. Every thing confid- ercd, there is probably not another country in the world, which, in proportion to its ex¬ tent, can vie with it in the means of fupporting a numerous population. But of what value would it be to Great Britain if its fnrolus produce were to go to the maintenance of the manufacturing communities which will eventually arifc on the comparatively barrer. fhoiesof the Atlantic States, or be carried to more diftant countries under the American and 1807. The other neutral powers, (whereave they '<) who do not thus refill the orders, are liable to the decrees. The Ber¬ lin and Milan decrees refnlt from the nature of things. They can neither be changed, modified nor fufpended. Every flag which The Chancellor of the EscWMef hn a feeble and pufdianimous nation fnfFers to Perci.al) in reply faid, fewi'LV* be infulted and denationalized, canno longer, ' " '•* " tm thp A" miniiter were broken off, and that the T ifter was about to leave England, and XT er it was the intention of minillers r0 adv.f his Royal Highnefs to give the Houfe'sT formation on the fubject. ? In" flag: Without the trade of the Upper Countries, panada, m ordinary times, muft continue to be, what ,t formerly was a drain upon the tfnt.ln Ireafury, without any adequate ad¬ vantage. —o-f-o—. Vaccination.—Two thoufand perform d mau-aming the dignity of JterZ r XT ) u7 t F^*tr ; Vvhich l^ Mirror •-'«««&.....:..-A , *» r7 ot government ftates to be nearly the whole of the inhabit - ants who were not pj-evioutly fhielded fron tlie final 1 pox. Lartcnes are profecuted, the punifhments in- fl zitd are too inco- fiderable to anfwer the •-'■ ;o of goad govemnvent* Ir is to be rtt'c! th^t uiagiftratips Feel the fmpotuouuc <A utziuiair.hig iht dignity of government and i-wfcrcir.fr th" ];.vvs, not as the rneaws of gr?t?fyin^ private malice, but for the public go&d artJ |rc«fcc of fociViy ; andj it is to be lfoprd, tlwt si] men of cfa?radUjr and caniid- r.i'.cffg ai.d fnpprcffin^ a practice fo illegal a 1 1 t'.pr»;','rih';Jc iu itfcJf and fopciniciaua on that account, b~ recognized as nential it becomes Engiifh. The decreea will forev¬ er remain the fundamental law of France, becaufe they arife from the nature of tilings ; and whenever England relumes her block¬ ades, the decrees of Beriin and Milan will be re-eftabliftied in their full force. Olir privateers blockade the l^hames more effect¬ ually than the Englim fleets do all the coait of France and Italy ! [mojiitecr* DREADFUL ACCIDENT. Dover, Dec. 14.—It has blown very hard all night and to-day, with a great quantity of rain. Indeed the quantity o£ rain which has fallen within a month or fix weeks, is greater then ever was known by the oldefi perfon here ; it is judged that this great inoiflure has made the Cliff very rotten ; for this morning about fix o'clock, a large portion of that part of the Clirf which is above the Ordinance-yarJ, near to Mont's Bulwark, in the road to the Caves, fuddenly gave way, the quantity was fo great (fomr perfous judge 3000 loads) that it filled up the hollow between the footpath and the houfe of Mr. Poole, the foreman of the carpenters, and the large rocks and loofe earth (hooting on the roof of his houfe, cruihcd it in, and dreadful to relate, killed his wife, a molt amiable woman and tender mother, ?.nd five children belonging to Mr. Poole, and one belong.- > to his wife's filler. An alarm was given a few minutes before it fell, by a labourer at work hard by ; iVr. Poole had partly drefled when the fall took place, be vw,s aboct half mericaii mxtiifler had taken have ■ th-A ,'i" relations between the two countries was not broken off; thai a Charge-dn-J£:,irs m% be left, and that a gentleman had jnft been appointed Envoy Extraordinary to America Under thefe circtm.itanccs he (h'-.ula Bljta| vife that any papers on the fubject Jjelaid before the Houfe. March 4.—xMr. Wliitbrcad rofe to requeft an explanation of tlie reply made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer to a qucftion of his refpecling the neTociation with A. merica. He undcrilood the ri^t hon. gentleman that the difcufiions between the two countries had nor broken off; but he had underftood out of doors, from good authority, that no difcufiions were now de¬ pending, and that the Chdrpi® Affairs was not inilrucled to con¬ tinue the difcuffions. With ret 1 It sment,^alnMheEnglimparnT,aiu •nentah e M, that one ninetecnfh part , f «1 the- death, within the London bills U jnortahty during ihe yeai 11^^^ ^T^^S*- »"mi>loyil| . i fitted by the/W^y>* / tl|; ^ gg. a,, ..ndra,,,, . llf ' • fitnl peet to the cprreipondencc, tb Mirifters mi^bit as well publilhit, for if they did not, the American government would long before tlie arrival oi' Mr. Foftcr in America. Mr, Perctvul faid he mull have been mifiindt'rftood by tic.gefitte dfian, ii* he thnr-ht he had Hi that this Chirgc-cL's "fairs m\»uU continue (he late difcuJlinivs. ^ was Gcrtaiiily nor i'ie rTaviiiCC'ot'J Charxf^s-Apir. ; and 'hercfort tl'tJC d'h '//•o/tf 'a1 f\ ;.v '% :■ " (Ns i ■ ■.!. ! pn ■: . . Mr, V-idbV 'tifi niYum , wry ■ ;• 1, liuwocr.t*1