Kingston Gazette, April 30, 1811, page 3

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wwnded. ■ Thus in a ^ /bw!y «nd mnjt Hi. ally from live ground, 70 knu-u and ?co fjMaaj Ifwjr pTjundicI;,,- Wlun fhort time the Iftes of Ambovna Band-, j ftl** M ifeimM <o n confident Bourbon, nnd of Prance, tZ1 S« , W 4ht* fU-rpt over the city jlmoft *tf weft, by « the Nation erf ShodceepYrs » ? Lfthf frtMO'iaiUH werc Rill i rn making ii^r. , _______t r FROM THE UNITED STATES. uon. y9 tfi'b their 1*£* : t,ic ";iT wn* v'>ry *J- W*Me» When Wr fjoumers hi frh- had cleared the city nnd itsluburbsthry letdown icat in a pivnohnt.\ which filling- upon Leigh P^wtij P*as picked vj> by n lime bum- VrneVtl^ fp"t. The litt'e animal had a -label BR* **<fcto hw net k, inlcribcd to a med¬ ical pOf .Aaft of Briilol. Taking the diameter of life bal-cu* at ^G feet, v* Hnd that the f.slhwiug a?c its pro»>- rrlies r S did capacity*, in enbic f^ct 24.429; fupern^;^ contents,6,^70.; capacity in-wine [g$Q8*i sbont 51,515 ; power, 1,52,7 lb. - to fill it Wflttld irquire upwards of" 6,700 lb. Son f linrc- } Tbcfoilov. Ihg is the journal kept ol the aerial voyage. Joorn/1.:-.—Afocnde*5 40 minutes after lo'c'o^L —: o'tzl'reE., thermometer 47.— Quaker r.fiev -, croffed from Woodfpring to ^Caxdi^V Thermometer 55.—Drank 4 Biillol vldwntcew/ with ., cheers— rDefcended : threw out ballad : tvo thirds over Clnm'el: Half af:er 2,defcend^d again.—?j min..def- cendrd rapidly,—43 min. oyer Flar ]E3rtim*, jotnin ofTScily. 5^ min. recroffed Chan¬ nel, threw out all bailed*.-—5 o'clock, afc^nd- ed rapid1}*.—40 min. after 3, bearing Rev- onfhire.—-47 minutes * Health to abfent Friends/ hr.rometer 3*7.—smi'm off-Lyrrnuth, between Por lock and llfracomb, Devonfhire. 15 min. after 4, descended ; every thing thrown out ; 4 n.ilc> from Olore ; calm tw ; life preservers put on—taken up by a best fiom I.ymc/.;th at 5 o'clock. In the manacmerct of ihe jjallcon ther encountervd couf'derable diilicuhy, and both became r.t )rtfr nw'V exhatitled. At a qtrar- The Conner of the tCth contains the paptrs communicated by Mr. Madifon to Congfefe. hut without comment. The Prince Rfegent was confined by an accidental lnmenefs> but was expefled abroad 1U a few days. Colonel M'W0oh is appointed State Sec¬ retary to the Regent. Accounts fron? Ireland (late, that a fj>Mt of oppofition continues there to the tnforce- fcum of the convemion aft. Accounts from the ifle of Fiance Cate that the Britifh forces wer- next dcitincd againft Iktavla, and fhnuld they fucceed it was not the inremion rf government to retain it, but to demoliih the fartrtfi'es, and deliver the itland to the natives. Bostok, April 8.—Accounts from Por¬ tugal to the 14th Feb. f.ate tliat the foitifi* caiions on ihe fouth hank of the Tagus, to- wirad St. Ube8j are nearly as ftrong ar. thofe occupied by the allies on the north fhore.— Thefe advantages which have been obtained by incefiant labor, give to the Britifh army every opportunity of commencing ofFenfive operations, which is faid to be the intention of Lord Wellington to adopt. It appears to be the intmtlori of Lord VVellington, on the receipt of the reinforce- meat* lately fent htm from England, to crofs the Tagus himfelf, with an army of from 10 to 20,000 men, for the purpofe of join- Itm Mar{hal Lere^ford and ralCnff the fieffe romc, for Norfolk, m 25 d;,y3 from Lifu the captain of which v,-fiVl informed, thut there had been p. movement in the armfe., and that the EngHfll were in clufe of the Frenen, who were on n precipitate wtreat 1 hr w.nd blowing verj- hard, Capt. Shack- tord could nut get any further particul, a is. The flup Illinois, capt. Taylor, from Liv¬ erpool, arrived lad evening in 28 days from Cork, biinKing pr.persfrom that place to Ike- 31ft ult. The moil important news U ihai thereappenrstobeaprefpett of WAR BK- tween Russia and France. We Hionld not he fnrpn'fed to hear, bv the n-xt fiiort paiTjge. (judging from what we Ijavc now before m,) that Jx\ rebuilding the town of Schwartz, which ■ Was burnt during the late war between France ^nd Aullr'j, there xVere fpUtld in the vaults of the Cathedral, the bodies of 300 perfons, who,, in fe-'king refuge from th<? flames and the fwnrd, had heen entombed alive, to fuffcr the mod dreadful of all deaths, that of hun¬ ger. . • . A dreadful conflagration took place in the kingdom of Ava (India) in June latf. It broke out \n a large fordt, throuo-h the care- leffhcfs of fom'e wood cutters, and before it<j' extinflion, confumed a large proportion of the woodsy and about Gf;y neighboring vil¬ lages. fer pn(l 4 o'cl ;ck. in the afternoon the Bal¬ loon ;va« ohferved to defcend with aftonifh- ing prccipirrnc?: into the IVa, 6 nvles from LymoMih. on the North De^oncoaft, and a l)oat was immediately font cfi'to its affiance. T& voyagers were brotl^hf to fhore in a {late r'f extreme faugue#$wl Mr. Sadler was un¬ able to ftaftd from having been fome'ime in Ike water before live 'brttt' could i^ich the Walloon. The dSaiHc they traveled, Mr. Sadler fav% could not be lefs than me hmuU ltd 1*';!(,; ; ttA tlvifi W6« peifoimed ill tl|" furprit«r'f>ly ft|i»H fpare rf three hmifs ovly ! *Phw ptn"nr. tiVu.uu>u in.; m &«me i^yrft'1 bemtftjmed, hnviftg difv.lir.rged all their bal* lull 1 fl'*ng ri?r their great cp&f*, ?nd rvery thin<r elfc they pofToH^d, i u:ludinijra fworite ^arorcer j»jven to Mr: Sadler by the famous Pr. Johufon, For which he had been ottered 200 guineas. It wr.r. by mere acc:d-nt the' baflnon Was ohfert-d to fall in the fea : and had it rot been £ VmarVably Tercne eve ling, the parties mud inevitably have pcrihVd.— The ™ was fo expended, tliat the balloon could Dot h:;ve floated another hour in thfe' fta Th-y vr.d endeavored to reach Ireland, but found it impofuhlc. ExtraS of a letter from Lherpoc!* dated 12//' March InjL w The import of Afhes laft year exceeds every foimer year. A moderate currency has f iVored a free nfe, and eonntefa^ted i'ub- ftitutes ; and as many moift and cm lied afhes have been taken for inferior purpofes, the .common fources of confumption have-been lct^ glutted iStill the (lock here h very am- plffj a >d w35 rated, at the end of December, at 8000 pot and 5000 pcarh It becomes more and more important to nttefcd 10 the condition nf afhes Clipped to this market, and 10 exclude any that are moift, and the bar-el^ Rained—the appearance of (lain links the claIs here to the level of damaged, and \\\C" btcomc difficult-, to-fell .at ail, and irrv poifible to fell for their ir.trinfic value.—. Whrr^as this increaUnjr parlicnlaTitv' among tht buyer=, te*n condition, enables us, even at pretentj ttkh a full P.ock, to fell readily any parcels entirely from flain, .and at prices fotnewhat above the qtiotations. • •* Th.e (lock of pine timber is heavy ; the c^fnmpUon demand ought to bt now ap- p'ear$;iQ[ ^t. this fea fori ; but \ve experience yet only feeble inqui . , the French ar-iies «w R«5n ordered from Spain and Portugal, cl Eadajoz ; if fuccefs fllould attend this' to a climatediore congenial^to the health of meafure, the pofition of Maffcna would be l'Iie foldiers. rendered very critical. An arrival at Baltimore from Cad!?, brings accounts to the 2d March : they briefly Rate, that tin expedition, confiiling of ?bout 15 thoufand men, had failed for Cone!, a place about 2T mileifrom Cadi?., for thepurpofe of attacking the French befieging army ;—, that it was expe&ed the French would be driven from before Cadi/. ; that the whole French force from Conel to St. Lucar, was rot more than Snoo men ; that the fibge of Badajoz was alfo expefted to be given up, fnce the reinforcements fent to Maflena had rxpofed all the frontier towns ; that the Cortes liad removed to Cadiz ; that provif- i<ms Avere very plenty, particularly flour, of ■which there were nearly 30,000 barrels m the bay—price fallen to 16 dollars. Letters from Constantinople of the 10th Jan. Rate, that the Pacha of Achikka had pitted a vt&oty over the RufHnn*, who had left 4000 dead upon the field of battle. A quarrel took place yefterdav, (feyg a^ New Orleans paper) near the market houfe, between two Cho£taw Indian men, one of which drew his knife and llabbed the odier to the heart; who fell jifelefs at bis feet. One of the chiefs immediately ordered the murderer to be put to death, and he fubmit- ted ; accordingly the fei'tenee was executed in the following manner ': the culprit lav down heflde the deccafed. an\l (he Indians. bf/it his brains cut with Jones mid brkLhats I apml 15. FROM CJDIZ.~The fhip Thoman, Zetland, arrived at Philadelphia, failed from Cadiz on the 2d ult- It was believed that the expedition which failed from Cadiz on the 24th of Feb. made an attack on the French army in front of Chiclana dn the 2d, ££ a heavy cannonading was dillinftly heard ell that day. The Mechanic's Bank of New York has leen allowed to increafe its capital two mill- lons, on conditi^nof paying the ftate 500,000 dollars, nnd the additional fum of 2,500 dls, annually, for the fupport of public ichooh. : LATE AKD IMPORTANT * v. more moderate', ?nd a greater facility of fale. Hard wood is fcarce. and maple and birch wanted ; there U no'inquiry for beech FROM PORTUGAL.—ByCapt.Fof- l^r. who at rived on Thurfday i"iom Lifbon, ^5% have iuUTdlun;; act'/uui^ ?'*v*g!tl t'.s the 14th-March. They ftatc, that ar\ t\c 5th March, Marlhal Maffcna, with his ar- ^y, recommenced their retreat from the l^anksofthe Tagus, and reached the river Mortdego, [a of Co miles'] the 1 tth The ftock of Oak is. That they were clofdy followed by the alii* eft-army under Lord Wellington, who it was Montreal, April.£2y-«-The'Sea-- foh in this part of the country is uncommonly dry, the water in the rivers is as low as it generally is in the months of July and Au'gufc, which operates very injurioufly upon thofe who have for the pait "Winter prepared lumber for the market, as much of it mull lay over for a leafon. Lands that arc com- * * moniy cultivated, are fullkicntly prepared by the mild weather ftnee the early Jetting in of the Spring; for " feed time," and fertile of the earlieft fields have been put down to trrain a fortnight fince, which is oblervcd to be mere than 20 a..-.. earlier than is common. Ctdar is fcfiice and of readr falc- Pitch ^ ft Liver root., March 13.—The fhip mxr* Ann, M'lutnfh, cf Portend, hch^nping to Anhur M'Lellan, Efq.) Horn CharWAon forLorvon, was captured by a French pri- 0 Pine is ?n moderate quantify, but not in mrch reqned.—Canada Oak not plentiful, but demand limited—Mads of large-ir/e, fay about 70 f^etlong and upwards, and 2% to 24 ir.chrs; fcarcc ; but other defcriptirjns rf mads *r)<\ poles are plentiful and d'ulL—- Staves of inferior quality are plentiful ;' in vateer, 7th March, to tfe* eailwnrd of Di?n- ..--.. . , - * - . _ v _ rt ,.,.. . , . , A£u treref^ -ind ordered for Dunkirk—but when fad, the general dock of Staves k heavy, but Portugal,.and edabbfliing the moependence R ° ------- g0od ftavcs arc falcable. Of Canada Stave* of that kingdom About ten ftat bosomed boats and two fcows have come t» this market the fortnight pstft, princi- T^portcd, was at Coimhra [on the Mondego, pally from the borders of Lake o&Af $0 mks. fan: L'fbon\ on the 12th— Ontario and theGenclc'v river, one That numbers of French pnLoners were dai- of jfftffa carne fyQm Kinijrfton ih ly arriving in Lilbon, 1500 having beet: ° made immediately previous to the retreat of Maffcna, and that on the firII days of March VKry*confiderable reinforcements [stated r.t ftjftfo] arrived in Lisbon, from G. Britain, .'ahd had marched to join the army and affift iii driving "the French invading war dogs from two days. > * ■ KINGSTON: TtJEJBAf, AfKll 30,l8t!. - _ * ——------------------------—------------------------- - ________ about 7 mile* to ihc eaftwwd of Calais^ (there beiivg nbout 15 Frenchmen aboard r.t the time) Capt. M'lntofh prcvailec'. upon his md ot or 4 if his crew to afiift him nrtna his lhip ; he ftized 0 dirk fr mate an recap t in Opl the prizemailrr r.nd killed him—the n-nte lulled 5 or 4 orhers, and the revH-n hJo\r, and Capt. M'Intofh regained poflVflion ;—. hu*. it coming on calm, and the privateer fol¬ lowing them, they trifjtigKt it prudent (:o foe their lives) to ifike ;o their boat (capt. M'Intofh, \m mate and 9 rr.01) and after rowing all ni^ht they reached Dover(E»g.) rn the 9th, in a rr.oft exh^nlled condition. The {hip had her Ameiican colors flying when taken, r.nd her captain produced his papers* which the privat-er's people laughed at, and would pay no attention to 1 London, March 11— Yeilcrday ber M?- jcfly's council tranfaftcd hiifincfs at Vv.nd- forj and in confcqncncc of the improved Hate of his Majeity's health the bulletins in future are to be iff'-d only three tinges a week- At twelve hti Majeily gave audience to the Lord Chpncellor, and walked an hour on the terrace : at one the Prince Regent \rc have an over ftipply* aiid the fale very doll. 44 Grmr nnd jFtoUr*—The demand from Spain and Portugal having taken off parcels in bond here, and leffened the ftock of grain in Ireland, by experts from thence, our market has remained Heady though dull.— At prefect, thefe articles are of moft value entered in bond for export." Capt. Poller alfo informs, that on the t 3th of March an official account reached Lifbon, that a'Spanifh and Englilh force had entered Heviile. Thisfaft Capt. F. wasaffnred was authentic. We had before learnt that of the French corps in Andalufia, tfe one uhd©c Soult had marched for and penetrated into the centre of the Portu^uefe provincejof A- l^nteio : and that Mortier had alfo advanced i=ito Spatuih Eftramadura with his corps.— ri'his mult have kft the French army in An- dalufia, not immediately employed in the fiesc of Cadiz, in a reduced flate ; and it is An inftance of fporitsmeeOT combuftion . occurred in Jnne, in the Indian feas. The" vefiel was employed in the country trade* was laden with muGiris, fdks, &c. Owin<^ to the bales be:n£ packed too clofelyr or lh" ufaal precautions not bring adopted* thfit" took fire, and the (hip burnt to the water's cd crr> Lohap?.rte has fupprelftd all dramatic fo- cicties in Holland, as injurious to the inter- efes of the national theatre. Art attempt is reported to Have been made on the life of Bemadotte, Crown Prince of Sweden. It was alfo rumored that Berna- dotte's pr-perty in France had been feized bv order of the emperor. «, .1.0*11 j-a The property of the Dev of Algiers and quiver, had penetrated to Sevil e, a diftance of his fub-ras in Vrance, has been put under of about 50 mdestrom tne coail. "l n J We were lad went favored witn a Lifoon fequcllration. ...,.„:.._ __ .c U,,], fT. e«c\*CeA to a gentleman Fro:tf S.\ Johns* Ar- 5. Tucrv* 18. M The moil definitive and ca'amitousef- f j&s of fire, which is recollected to have hap¬ pened in this province, took place lilt Tues¬ day night, at Gape Town ; when the houfc of the worthy Reotor of that parilh,tht-' Rev. Mr, Clarke, the n.anlion of dorneftic comforr. n- M A R n lE®i At Cbremont, (N. H.) Mr. Mofes Sjiaf- M an interview with his M.ijefty which continued half an Mr. K« M^fty w how fo much recovered, that the medical at¬ tendants have been withdrawn and the King s Pages relumed thu'r accnllomed liga¬ tions. The bttlktins wi'.l be .^'.'continued m a few nlivs. The Prince of Wales has Trfufcd any aug¬ mentation of his falaiy in confluence of his election as Regent. _ The Britifh government, in coniequence of the embarraffod Hate of commerce, have granted to the Merchants of Great Britain, fis millions, in exchequer biiU, redeemable G®i%, that it Had been very tpkff jfyriliifl, Jom eing many 23 years of age, dnjjed in Mv in 18 months. rm tsijs qf rr./rjcE, Wa-i hnrfted the 39th «f November, r.nd it^garrif.i, (8oco) Hcet, &C furrenjered ih 3J Dketinbcr. The garr'fan w be fent to fiance a..d libcutcl The F.ngblh hrft Late arrivals at rrederickfourg and New- nortfeemto difcredit the which Ure flated to have befallen Curracoa and Bonair by an earthquaka. fickl'P^TS French camp, there b deaths daily ; that they had been nearly def- tituteof proviOo:is, and had fo little forage for the cavalrv that of 14,000 horfes brought into Portugal', they had fcarcflly 5000 fit for fervice ; that the loU to them of men, cav- airy and equipage had been great. New York, April 12.—The (Kip Rob- erls, from New Orleans, fpoke on the 7th Ap'il, in lat. 37, 3°» k,nS- 74' »hcbriK He* . /JD3C0NDED from Leeds, on m ' JX ., r ,. ;■ ri --r-..^ Bfstlft, about \ir hamtfp'tn i lathes, with ajtraiOlal ;"'his no'tfe havhg Mad tyeu and two [mail children, with while hair, nbeni htfuhfi Piall rtccive tht above rrvuin:. J JESSM HOLMES, E!k-abetit^n, April 30, 1S1 1.

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