Kingston Gazette, April 23, 1811, page 1

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KINGSTON, fUPPEk CANADA J TUESDAY* APRIL 23, 1811. [No. 1. Idr-NEW GOODS. j|^ —~000§O§000---- THF. ZV*\CRt3Kk HAS JUST RSCEIfTT) AFRESH SUPPLY OF GOODS, AMONGST WHICH ARE FUR.Nrry;lK and printedCalicoes, Silk Ehawl;, CoT.ron do. Ladies7 plain and Sguijl^pi'k Sleeves, Leno ditto, Kid Gloves, t>!aclc%o riled Hofe, Carpeting;, Veftings, Brawu Hollands, Checks, &c. &c. AM of which will be fold very bw (or Caih cr Country Produce. B. WHITNEY. Kingston, \\ih March) tSii. SHERIFFS SALE. Midland Difl rid,\ jy y virtue of a writ of J J 2 -F/.-ri Facias, iffued WJ8, out of his Majefty's Court of King's Bench, at the fnit of Di>aor Asa F. Re id, of the town of Kingfton, againft the lands and tsn- cf Andrew Johnson, of Erneft- ements T 25 arthen &Glass Ware. r'| 1K"E Subfcrlbers rcfpcftfully inform X their friends and the public, that they have received by the late arrivals from Liv- jpol, a general aflbrtment of EARTHEN ^ W.ASS WARE, which they o&r for Me wholefale and retail, at their St^re, No. 50 St. Paul Street, lately occupied by James Dunlop, Efq. on as good terms a* can be had at any (lore in this city-—Ware packed in the belt manner, and a liberal diicuunt made for cafli. (C? Country Merchants and Others arc reqneftcd to call. GREEN & EATON. IiTuntrcal) July i3:o. z6tf Town, inn-keeper, to me dirqfted ; I have feized and taken in execution,as belonging to the faid Andrew Johnfon, the eaft half of lot No. 9 in the firft concffficrt of the townfhip of Erneft Town, containing "by admeasure¬ ment, one hundred acres, be the fame move or lefs ; together with a framed houfe and barn thereon ere&ed. I do hereby give no¬ tice, that the abovementioncd lot of land, with the buildings and appurtenances there¬ unto belonging, will be fold and adjudged to the higheft bidder, at my office in the town Notice is hereby given, THAT the Copartrterfhip of Arbot & Bascom, is this day dhTolved by mu¬ tual confent. All perfons indebted to the faid firm are requelled to make immediate payment-to Jonas Abbot, he being author- iled to receive end adjuft all debts due to the concern. JONAS ABBOT, SAMUEL A. BASCOM. Kingslon> ivh April, l8ii. 0*The bu&nefs will be conduct¬ ed as heretofoi£,at Kinglton & Ernell Town, by thte fubfciiber, who avails himfelf of this opportunity to return his fincere thanks to his friends and the public for part favors. JONAS ABBOT. ORIGINAL MJSCELLAN'f. FOft THE KINGSTON CazsttE. RECKONER-------No. i<5. Turn warUS imtmmur error it^n^ ui vnnilati ihritusy ut opinions cortfirmatg rmtura ipla ccdat. tnCBtQ—tcwc. >, c2. TO THE RECKONER, I WAS reading your tinctures on Lord ChelUriicld, with much pleafnre, to my fa¬ ther, an old officer who value t hiroklf very much on his polltends ; but I did not per¬ ceive that he was equally gratified. Are not thefc remarks cured ? In part, fir, but be is no great di.dtor himfelf; he dots not go to the root of the evil. Our raafttrrs in pV liteneft always fend us abroad to acquire tile accomplifhrneats of which it confifh.-------. of Kingfton, on Tuefday the third day "of HPHE COpartnerfllip of SMITH & TheY confine fctoo mucfi to extaiors, they March next, at the hour often o'clock in the A Lyons is this day difTolved by mutu- do ?ot "amine * J&ilofophicaliy—rheyfeem NOTICE. forenoon—At which time and place the con¬ ditions of fale will be made known* CHARLES STUAP.T, Sheriff. And every perfon or perfons having claims on the above defcribed lot of land, by mort¬ gage or other right or incumbrance, are here¬ by advertifed to give notice to the faid Sher¬ iff, at his Office' in the town of Kingfton, previous to the fale thereof. Staff's Office, zd March, 1 811. 28 grTHE BEST KIND OF Albany Infpected SOLE- LilATHER, juft received and for file at 1/4 per lb. at the Store of Marcf* 12. S. BARTLRT.. -—._______.—______,,——a, . - Ha Northrop, Wolcott bf Abbe, Ve removed from Ho. 54 St. Paul Street to No. mi, one door ^j t A >-4 Kfefc Rn.MyA'i, G\T.* & Co. uii.u' lh**y hi^'c a (riMural Aflortnurut of pKV tSOODS ruhand, which they offer for faie on rea>ou;.ble terms. N. W. & ABBE. ftfttntrrAj iQt&S*$f, 18to. tf FOR SALE, A FARM confilltiig of 258 acres, be rug Lot No* 6, in tlic ill cor.cxfTion 111 PiLtfWr£U, fltuate 6 inihs from Kin;;tlon ^-loor 12 acres under i.nproveirent, with a,rO"d I»»g iw-uiV on the fame, and a c;ood lyhi-Ih alu»vdi;ig \my for iz <^ 14 hrad of catiKv—-For purtkutlar^ Rp]4y to Lavgk- tlN N!'!.,-i YKl., lliip carpenter, Pittlhui-jrh, Ribruutj IZ9 iCll. 2 »if rpHK LelTees of the Crown and L Clergy Rcfewcs, audthofewho have Licenfcs of occupation in the Midland D\/l- rMi aiereqne.'lrd to pay the arrets of rent due by ihrm rclpeftively, to the fubfeviber, who i& legally authorifed to receive the fame and giant receipts. Charles Stuart, Sheriff, Staff's Office, 2d ALmb, 18:1. 24 MidlandD'ifiria,! T> Y virtue of a Writ o v;Zw j LJ FieriFiichis^ttucl oiv of his Maieftv's Court of King's Bench, at tin SHERIFF'S SALE. Midland D'lftria, \ T) Y virtue of a Writ of ™z- _) 13 Fieri Facias, iffued out of his Majefty*s Coaitof King's Bench, at the folt of James Robins, of the town of Kingilon, Elquire, againft the lands and ten¬ ements of Amos Anflcy, of the townfhip of Kingfton, yeoman, to me directed ; I have feized and taken in execution, as belonging to the Taid Amos Anfley, »he north half of lot No- I" in the fecond conceffion of the town- ftiip of Kingfton, containing by admeafur*1- ment one hundred acres, be the Hinie more ov lefs ; together with a log houfe & framed ba?*n thereon eie6led. 1 do hereby give notic* ili?.t the above mentioned lot of land, with t'.e buildrngfl and appurtenances thereunto be¬ longing, Will be fold and adjudged to the hlgheft bidder, at rny office in the town of Kingfton, on Tuefday the third dav of March next, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore¬ noon—at which time and place the conditions of ialc will be made known. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff. And every perfon or perfens having claims on the above defcribed lot of land, by mort¬ gage cr other right or incumbrance, are heic- by advertifed to give notice to the faid Sher¬ iff, at his office in the town of Kingfton, pfg; vious to the fale thereof. Sheriff's Office, 2d March, 1811. 28 SIKRIFFs SALE. "* Midland Diftria, 1 Df virtue of a Wr:t to wit :"*EP j °f Fieri Facias,;/: fuedout of his Majefy's Court of King's Benq^ at thefuit of Bryan Crawford, of the of Richmond, Efquire, againjl the lands Ohj tenements of Doctor Prindle, of the toivrfb,. of Frederlckjburgh, yeoman, to me directed ; j ' have feltedand taken in execution, as belong}^ to the faid Doclor PrlneUe, the eajl half ojr £ No. 3 In the fecond conceffion of the tonvnfhip r Frederick/burgh, 'containing by admeafuremA^ one hundred acres, be the fame more or jS^ / do hereby give notice, that the above mention j lot of land, with the appurtenances thereunto I longing, will be fold and adjudged to the hrgh^ bidder, at my office in the town of Kingston, + Monday the Zid day of July next, at the ho'f^ al fonfent. All claims againft the concern will be fettled by Andrew Smith : and all thofe who are indebted to them either by note or book account, are defired to make imme¬ diate payment to Andrew Smith, who is du¬ ly authoiifed to receive and difcharge the fame. ANDREW SMITH, JAMES LYONS. Eli%abethto<txw, April Ifyh, 1811. $y The bufinefs will be conducted in fu¬ ture by Andrew Smith, who will fell on the moft reafonable terms for Cafh or Coun¬ try Produce. 8 TO BE SOLD, ALEASE of 400 Acres of Land in the townfhip of Pittfburgh, fifteen miles from the town of Kingfton ; on the premifes are—a Sawmill, in a good tland for bufinefs ; two log houfes ; two ftables ; a blackfmith's (hop, with bellows and other tools ; timber, plank and fcantling for a ftonca of a fuperior quality to any yet made in Upper Canada.-------For terms apply to AMOS ANSLEY. Kh'^tui, April I I, l8l f. 30 SHERIFFS SALE Y virtue of a Writ of ■ .....___ r.„ . :t iajefty's Court of King's Bench, at the fuitil Peter Grant, of the town of Kingfton J merchant, againft the lands and tenements of Samuel Rofe,late of Maryiburgh\yeomr.n, to me direded ; 1 have feized and taken in execu¬ tion, as belonging to the faid Samuel Roie, m w m „ . a the weft half of lot No. 2 in the firft concef- often o'clock tntheforcnoon^atwhic^ WJj*-j fion cf thetowt.ihip of Mafyfbtjrgh, weft of ' ' "" '"' ...........' the rock, containing by admeafurcment one hundred acres, be the fame more or lefs. 1 do hereby give notice, that the abovemen- tioaed lot of land, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, will be fold and adjudg¬ ed te the higheft bidder, at my office in the town of Kingfton, on Tuefday the thiid day of March nextj at the b«>urof ten o'clock in the forenoon—at which time and place the conditions of fale will be made known. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff* And every perfon or perfons having g^^^J^ on Tllcfday the 23d «t en the above fefci ibed lot of land, by mor - Ho^le 1 ^ |. ^ ^ ^ J^ fc gage or other right or incumbrance,ztoihcre- F Therefore all' Juftices of tK by advertifed to give notice to the fmd Sheriff, toe ^ Conftables, and other Pcai« at h.s office in the town of Kingfton, previous Qfficers> as ^ as |hofe lhat have any bote to th-, falc thereof. nefs %Q lranfaa at faid Court, are hereby |Q- timf** Qfr, Z4 March, iStb 25^ ^.^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ gjye their mtu^ ance accordingly. _„, „, ._* CHARLES STUART, Sheriff. grTO BE SOLD, A GOOD ftand for a Tavern, heretofore occupied by the fubferiber, Gonfiftiflg of a good twoftory dwclling-houfe, horfe fhed and llables, together with 6 acres of land, being a part of lot N°. 12 in the 2d conceffion, on a croft-road in EmellTown. For terms of fale inquire of JOHN BELL. Ermfl Town, March \2, 181 1 - 25 ~~ TO BE SOLD, THE one half, for if beft fuits the pureha- lei, the wtwie) of tiat VALUABLE oTQWE MILL in Marviburg, wiih two run .-r (tones hi tor bafifttilj one fuperfiae and two common b:i!m, *nd four hundred aces of LAND, with about 30 acres improved. Or. the premifes, near the mill, U a good Dwclling-houfe, with three rooms an4 a kitchen on the lower floor, aivd a convenient houfe nf3rly adjoin- ing, for a miller ; a!fo a ftable and¬ longing ro theeftate cf vhe late Peter Van Ats- tine, Eiq- deccaf^d. The fuuation i? fo wrU known lhat a further deferiprton is deemed unneceflary. Thofc who mav with to purchafe will plcale to ap¬ ply toTh-kas Oakland, Efq. Ablphuilown. CORNEUUS VAN ALSTINE> ) Fxec..~ri GEORGE W. METRES, j«"'" • to forget or not to know, that the form of government has a direct influence on the manners of the people. In the arbitrary government of Old France, every thing tt*aa forced to bend to rank and fortune. The manners of the people were founded fmt on chivalry, hence the affected deference an J at¬ tention paid to the ladies—a pra&ic?, whL-li other caufes confpirc to retain, after chivalry has become ridiculous. The men have no connexion with public affairs, and being obli¬ ged to fpend the grtatei part of their lime in vifits, in co.nverfations, and affemhlies, they have found it ncceffai y w> cultivate wiih affidnity thofe qualities which render ti'.-rr\ moft agreeable. Eut how have the French been coniid^rcd the moft polite nation of Eu¬ rope ? Their fitu&tion, la fkvorahle. France has been the rtforc offtrangCri for crrkuricaj the people are therefore more eafy oi" accefs than their ncighbora3 and more forward in the rirft civilitiesof arquaw.ta »t*e. [f polite- nefs depend very nvuih on t?ie T$rM pj >jov- not fi'.it an Englillimau ) By mi n mi.— Tlay, who dcUre us to barn {oilltentf« c- broad, do not ur.:l-rftand its nature. SSh^'l an En^liHiman, who claims political trde~ pehdeiicCj who bends not to 1; uk md for¬ tune, learn all the grimaces of a Fi - ch .n;. quis ? In England, the cuftcms oFcHi^'ilry were never much in vogue, add hadlkllc I. fluencre on the manners ot the people. rl *: April 16, 1811. H BAGG £ff HAGAR, AVE juft received fioro London, and for fale, at their offer place the conditions of fale will be made faori CHARLES STUART, Sheriff.;i' And ever j perfon or perfons having claims the above defcribed lot of land, by mortgage m of her right or incumbrance, are hereby advertif to give notice to the faidjheriff, at his office'-1 the town of Kings ton, previous to the fale there/!" Sheriff's Office, l$tB Nov. 1810. ty>' MidlandDjftria,l VTOtlCEishereh to -wit: \ EM given, That fr Court of General Quarter Session^ of the Peace, will be holden at the Coir s Hat Store & Factory, No. 100 St. Paul Street, Montreal, next deorfoutb of MrJJ'rs. Bellow, Gates & Co. A General Affovtment of Gentlemen's fiuc Beaver Hat« 5 61k Water Proof, Leghorn and Willow do.', Ladies and Children's beaver and (haw Bonnets,of the iateft fafhions and beil quality. Also, Mihtary Folding Hals, elegantly trimmed 5 Hai Trimmings, &C&C. which were imported upon as good terms, and wtil be fold as cheap or cheaper than can be bought in the country. They ha-ve alfo a variety of Hats of their own make, which (hey are willing CO warrant to be as durable as any ever offered lor faie in Canada. Orders from the countrv th*nkojUy re«J*fd and Rvittiy attended to. %• CASH faid for FURS. Montreal, Nov. 20, iSio. 10 tt attention therefore patd to women is no1 fo extravagant as in France. They arc treat¬ ed more like rational beings, and not like children who can do nothing iwt ;' . nifi '■• •> but even to women the ooUtentfj of an En* • lifhman is more pie?, dug than that of a French¬ man. The compliments paidto a French woman, by her courtly men, are eHceiSve ; (lie looks for them and conceives lh?:n uo:*:. of courfe, which will br pourtj into tlae ear of the next female : but an Englishman n.v- er offers his coropliments, utJefs with an ?p- pearance of probity—the \?Ay knows tll3t the fame will not be offered c<. another—that ihe has made a conquell, a thing of all .:uh- ers the mod agieeable. We UrM ky a-s fr:v- oloufly polite a'5 the Trench when ux tow our liberty. Our clerg: m M'., who Gbau<?r<] .o b« prd ent, obferved that he c«MCttved t::-.- l Ih hefa to bea branch ofhurnai \\ •■ as d ari -n a crcat r.ieafine from t':c Ftav -•' mai: r.j oltw- ers unh'.ippy. Vntuoua ptnons am pohts from principle—«icIo«« f'orr [eit-int€ieS.— But that politehefs, wi rh 8rtk« froxa a:.; other fourcethan wu'tuc, 13 inconliilcnl a-;l chances even' rooxnent. Atone time '.: fitvks into flattery under the nam: ui cantioi ; || ir. fo tame and compliant that it neithtr c* •.- fares nor praifes : at another it g::.i flers 'o the foibles of tliofe whom it 1*3 ans;ou:-1 1 re¬ ceive. When it confines luvif to external accomplifhments it dntvrs ihv ruu«3 bspav from nobler piufous. He who ;.;uft adjuft his looks every moment, who is not to be pleafed or angry according to his feeling? but his iutereit, cannot roakesny grea pio- grefs in the virtues. I have always.fews pf opinion that he,who tr> defifOUl oflcjlOWin^ in what true politeneis confifts,\viU find more in¬ formation in the golpel than :n any ctherboofe. Be kindly affectionate one io another in bntl loveyinhotiorpreferring one unothr. H it 1 :L ~* art hidden of any man to a wdttingyjit uot ^ :• in the highejl room ; I ft a mare hon 'A iU thee le bidden of him* and he that &i / tit** > - Cash paid for Rags Sheriff Qffc0> 1 ph Jj>rd> i«l* Houfe Building and Painting. THE (ubkiiberbh.-rebv give notice to the inhab¬ itants of Kingilon, Erneftcwn, Adolphuirown, and other adjoining places, that they intend 'o emp'ny the next ffafon in this vicmitj, in PAINTING BOUSES* outf:dear>J infide, Patint Pa.ntin« nf fyImy cvme and nrn::U: trc:\^:v^ m*i* - «V»- Room^&c. and the buffers of HOUSE CARPEN- j } begh <W*t6 fl-unu to iriu tk I nj VERS and JOINERS. TtuSrwork will be exe- aaa tm* i J ... cured with neacnefeand difratch. Ajjplicitionmay be Oiade ar the dw*liinc-h«>ufe of Mr, Stoucitton, innkeepers in Kingfton, Mrs, I'avv, m r.rn-'t-, or Mf. O. 1;anny. innkr-rycr, in A.(obhuf- tr.wn. NATHAN WiifKi tR, room. Ncv. ao, i3iOt ANDHL'vV PIvkENS, But when thou art ii ;..' », . down in the hwcflroom, i:.j. xvhta I Ih n meat tvith th c> lawn :n wuhjimum* *--• "•■<" ™ bee cometh, be may fay unt ti ., G - ■. ■ ThetiJkaHthm La[; war 7] tfiktk >'- m ■ •

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