Kingston Gazette, April 16, 1811, page 4

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I I A* *- V • 1 $4 v^^-r7Y#v DIVERSITY P o E T R Y. ' ■., Jphnm fife dwttite «f* British $AUv*< m a ti>? fir the laicfn oftkOr^ (km Chtiekmof a S^mav, who W® killed '// tk batik of Trafalgar. The dildren M W *« ty <& performer nvho fpoke the KIND meSnatei all, thefc children come l>cforc ye, CrY 5 To hid ^<-J 5V.7-A;Wtell their humble Ho- And tfconghj mayhap, in \\1\%Q little (ktlt'dj YVtareeur hcaus v.-iili Btfeffii br.llall ti I'd ! 'Twir-.thisgnn their gallant father ciitd, And as he fell,<{ P:ote<ft my ehfidrcir" cried ! T\i I aiifihcaflfiMjhis genlpus cmiEtiy givc«s Deep in yon* hearts the feamgift memory LJtfCs, # [flame— O; i k ^loW3 through Britain trie puwrnal n« kamnn33 child ten thaufaud fathers cViim ! Sowi'. c'youi f«ns triumphant vide the wave, Theii {litJ lovevrfll make them doubly biave! Kind &tro<3s»tf fefc&pIfng8here,ofBiitiflioafc^ Wi'l .-le to lave you from a foreign yoke S Taught are then* riggings, and their hulls well mavie, A Bilufli carpenterihm timbers laid ! To teach them how to fight will be my care, And they Until learn from me thl$ grateful prayer ; When the grtat Boatswain pipes, and Death departs To crack the cordage of your noble heart*, O nuy !<-mc cherubs round ycur hammocks ay, 11 To catch the foul, and waft it to the il:y." And nrp.r, once moic, the ilgnal fiie-3 amain5 We go tuticad i he blr.od-ftam'ddeck again ; liou* Itroi g ioe'u'witKhelo by lovcorheauly, Lnolani> expects uach man to no his bm ! ( i [way, Then v..ic >n.c fit!! the Sag which leads the T » fatmmh* Trafalgar"* glnrloua day ! Welcome the gun which iirikes my frtiis a- I.m' >:, Nai403t it ^one to hrtp a hUth for Jack ! cf«-* u E * J M" ' MS. S&Vi Sylvia to a Reverend D--^'., What reafencan hrgjv*a, or i u nn«riia(/e j* a rr» 'I hj«.t there j.tq - i -•• Hw.'h * There art no ivomso, he replied— She quick returns til'* jeft, Women ihtre are ; but i'ti: afraid They cannot find a PiUEVT, wrifiNG pjtci:. That wole upon your clvck. dear Kitty, I oun is beautenufl, fcnallj and pretty ; But O ! ir near your li]>< its lute, Ten ih-Miilmd klflea 'twould invite ! Beneaih her pouting ffps next day, A ]o\-Ay patch enticing hy. AGRICULTURAL. l\r the Kingston Gazette. FRUIT TREES may be tamfplanted in ila- fpring oi fall. In cither of thefc fea- fons, they vi'll loine times foil ; and one of the mod frequent caufes of this failure is, that they are not i'o placed in the ground, as to b- fecuic fiom being moved by the mo¬ tion of the- w'nd, lb as to have their roots lookiied. in which cafe they generally die. The eat it] !:io;i;d be carefully put dole and firm around rfw foots ; and this care fr..-u!d pot ceif- \vi:h ih.-ir being fo fitted at firft ; but ,'h uld be continued and repeated after- wartl.f, to prevent iheir being loofened bya- ny !"„!,l" qU;-nt calualty. It is well to incline thetieesa litt'e towards that poi-.t of the compafs, from which the prevailing wind hi.iwj ; otlurwite liie opention of the wind may feud the n towards the -«p-ofite fide. Although t,.-.. rcti-j rules arc oflefs value than pvafitau obfrvau'.-n-, it may be prop¬ erly rccomrr-nd d t«. 'he cultivators of fruit toperufe F .liyt!,^ efffty on this fuhjecl. As ths o a pr per I'eidhi, of the year, It i? to br bone ' ma y owuers of farms will a- v:ul themleves of it, to fun.ifh themfelves with o c(a;ds: there being f.„ne very confid- ciabL mi.feries in various towns, of a fuita- b;e a e to he tranfplant^.l. H,p lefs! attfintion Iihs been paid to this in- ler.h:t,4 fuhjjct, by the inh'-jbitants of this part of (fa p,mince, than by our brethren in the ticmuy of N»gan and Detroit. Wheth- «'" H»e»r foil or elinate be more propitious to '■rd.hrds, than Qur«, or nor, need not be en- 'I'Y'1- It a itificicnt that our fields are well adapted to I he pnrpote, as is proved by ***■«nei»» alreadymade. Nomanueedbe dncunr.^. Fwan t,ie corribfncd moi.vcs «l r^^audfelfinttrdl, you ought to good on*** TRANKLiN. ECONOMICAL HINTS. SOME who have been called philofophers have faid that poverty inltead of being an evil, is in reality a blefling. The fubfenber is not of the fame opinion ; but willing that even- one fbould judge for himl'clf, and wiHi- ing happinefs to all, he will for the lake of ihofe who by experience have tound it rti poverty, point ont Come of the means of re¬ taining that Hate of indigence. Tii it, fuppofmg you to bt a houfekeeper, you muft move as often as poffible, at ieSft every fpring. Secondly, if you be a me- chaiiic or day laborer, you mull promife ev¬ ery one that applies to'you, although it be four limes as much as you can acccmplifli ; by that means you will offend all, and no one will then employ you but fucb as can get no oth^r pVrfou, who perhaps will not make the bell of payments. If you have land and but a weak team, inllead of tilling a fm.ill piece well, you mull half till a large piece. If you have fodder enough to wilier one cow, by all means try to muter two, giving half of it to each, by that means you will obLain as milch mi':k us from one that is well fed, and one or both will die in the fpring, and you can have the hides to make leather ; but you had better fell them and buy whifky to com¬ fort you after the lofs. Be fare to keep a couple of dogs, and give them what other- Wife might feed a hog. You can buy your poik, and thefc dogs will hark ami chafe the foxes, if the foxes have n<> more wit than to come where there is nothing tche haJ. At any rate, they can kill your own or your neighbor's Iheep. You mud at lead go gunning one d<;y in the wetk ; and in catch¬ ing one fquirrel or rabbit, fpuid as much time as would if properly applied, earn a quarter of veal or mutton, or a dozen pounds of beef. If you want a piece of cloth, inilead of buy¬ ing woil and having a good Urong piece manufa&med in yoir family, buy a low qual- itjYd pirre of thi.t which has been imported; If you have a number ot fons, in ft cad of bringing them up to trades, bring thern up in idleoefH, without a knowledge of any reputable bufinefs 1 would add fcvcral more ui'.ful precepts, but I thinkthefc will lecure to you lie bleffings of poverty, till I can gain time to givcfuilhei" directions. Bait-. AmrA S1LENU8. TI1K ROUBER — A FKACME'IT. [The following article i=i from the Cabinet $ published fo Boilon, and the llory, whic^ .his afforded much amufciwent to the pub. lie, i.i faid to be founded on facl.J ------u The wearied animal cai^ proceed no further/' faid the Doc. tor-, as he Hopped his horfe at th^ turnpike inn. He entered the bar. room, inwardly curiing the bail roads, which prevented his reach¬ ing Salem before night, and feated himfelf by the blazing fire. Gloo. my were his meditations, which became more horrific at the en- trance of two men, who prefentCil to his difturbed imagination pic¬ tures of fierce banditti. " Six hun. dred dollars,thought he—why did I bling it with me ; and to pro¬ ceed alone ; but perhaps they may not be robbers; perhaps they may not overtake me ; at any rate I will proceed." Alter an inspiriting draught,thr journey is recommenccd,and trem¬ blingly alive is the doctor to each little noife. Ha ! a robber ; & with the deadly weapon aimed at that head, which lias fo often directed the councils of the commonwealth. And fhall a life fo precious to thr nation,be facriliced fora little pelf ? Shall ore fell blow, deprive tin- country of a hero and fiatcfman • No. " Take my moncv, but (pare my life," exclaims the'lbn of Ga¬ len ; and calf his pocket-book ai the ruffian's feet. Me waits m>i for reply, but applies the lain to tlv jaded Heed. Speed thee, Roilnante, and bear thy mailer beyond \lu- reach of danger. The welcome- glare of light foon flaihes on th>:. Doctor's eyes. Afulbince is pro. cured,and a full purfuit of the rob, bcr is commenced. They reacts the fcenc of villainy ; ami, mm. Jtrum Iwrcndum ! the terrific ban. dit ftill maintains his poll ,— ti). weapon of death ftill extended, and the robber had not yet flopp¬ ed to raife the booty which lay at his feet. A pump, with the han¬ dle frozen in a horizontal polition, was found to have been miftaken by the fapient doctor for a mur¬ derous highwayman. CHARACTER OF A MARR'E" *,AN' THE felicity of a married man never Rands ftill. It flews perpetual, and lltength- tns in its paflage. It is fupplied from vari¬ ous channels. It depends more on others tlian himfelf. From participation proceed the mod extatic enjoyments of a married man. By an union with the gentkft, the moit polilhed, moft beautiful part of creation, h3 mind is harmonized ; his manners loftencd ; his foul animated by the moft tender and live¬ ly fenfations. Love, gratitude, and under¬ fill benevolence, mix in all his ideas.—The houfe of a married man is his paradife. He never leaves it without regret ; never returns to it but with gladnefs. The friend of his foul, the wife of his bofom, welcomes his ap¬ proach with rapture ; joy fluflies in her cheek —Mutual aie the tranlports. • Infants, lovely as the Spring, climb about his knees; and contend which (hall catch the envied kifs of paternal fondnefs. Smiling plenty under the guardianlhip oi economy, is fcen in every "department of hii family.— Generefity (tarda porter at his door ; Libe¬ rality prdide3 at his table ; and focial Mirth give* co time the molt pleating motion.— When death overtakes him, he is only tvanf- lated from ont- heaven to another. His glo¬ ry is immortalized ; and his children's chil¬ dren represent him on earth to the litell gen¬ erations. TO BE I. ET, -060" QOO- An unfeafonable fellow* When a man is entirely intent upon his own affairs, which are of the gveateit impor¬ tance, the unfeafonable frllow intrudes upnrj him to communicate fame of his little trifles, and defires to have his advice about them* He goes to fup with his mifirefs, when fhe is in a raging fever. At the very moment he fees a perfon call in court for being bound V?r TOToiAiipj T"•■» i r ■■ W*«* -•■ ^- l'- ' • feme favor. If he is fummoncd as a witueis, he comes to give m his evidence alter the trial is over, if he is invited to a wedding, then is bis time to rail at tlw fair fcx. He earncfUy importunes bis friend, juft returned from a long and tircfomo journey, and very n'enry, to take a walk with him for recreation* "When a thing is fold, he brings a chapman who would give more for it. He oflicioufly tin nils himfelf into the management of an¬ other performs affairs, who is extremely a- verfe to it, but yet does not know how to deny him. If any perfon corrects his fcr- v3nt in his fight, he gravely fays, I beat one of mine upon the fame occafion, and he went and hanged himfelf. In (hort, every tiling he docs, is ill timed, or out cf place. A JEALOUS MANy Looks behind him as if a kennel of hounds had him in chace. He Gghsj bean hrs breaft, and wrings his hands. Is his wife fair ? tho* ever fo honeft, (he is falfe. Is /he \vitty ? then fhe is wanton. Speaks any friend to her ? h" woos her. Smiles hhe on him ? there is a promife. Is fhe merry at home ? it is but to mock him. Is fhe fad ? fhe will anon be meny abroad. Is fhe gone far from home ? then his head aches, and his breaic pants. Stays fhe out long ? then he is horn mad, and runs up and down to find her. His body grows lean with fretting—his face pale wiih fears. His goods melt away by his carcleflhd* Old age claps him on the (boulder, while he is yet young ; and his head grows white befoie it is old. His meat he will hardly touch, miftrufting his wife will mix poifon with it. He is never merry at heait ; never fkeps foiindly ; never firs but fighs ; never walks, but is dilhacied ; and dies in defpair, to leave her to any other. •THE MUFFIN I?----FATED. A Welch lehoolmaRer told one of his fdiolars alu-ays to drop the A in pronunciati¬ on. The next morning-, at breakfad, tht mailer's muffin being rather cold, |,e told tne ferae hoy to take it to the fhe ai.d heat u; and prefently after call!,,* For it, the 1,,1 told km that he had eat it, as he dcfiTed.— t-atit, you Icoundrd," laid the mafter, 1 toid you to take it to the, and hear "• "But, fir," faid ,he boy, « yeflcrdav you told me always to dn.p thV A » ' THE HOUSE now occupied by I Mr. Samufl Howe, carpenter, |£ further particulars apply to the fubferiber ALEXr. macdonell.^ Kingston, March 26, |811. 27 ROMEO WADSWORTH^ . Has received by the late arrivals from London and Liverpool) afrefhfupply of \ Drugs & Medicines f'"i Which he offers for fale on better tenmttau they ever have been fold in this countr* Among which are the JolU*w\ng anulti ; 1 Tors Alum 30 ib. Oum ^lyrrh 100 'b. An in»i>ny crude 15 - Aruaito Aloes 5° - 10- 300 - 100 - 100 - 25 ■ 400 - 200 - Aq 'afurtis Nit;c Fortis Gum Camphor Caritharides Calfia Cloves 3 Tons Copperas 200 ib. Crem Tartar 3000 Ib. ¥for Sulphur 300 - 50 w 50 „ 100 „ 75 - 50 ■ 40 - 'S • 30 „ 60 - z* . ^5 - 30 ^ 20 - Fbr Chamomile Fol Digicalis Gum Ammoniac Gum Arabic Gum Affjfcetida Gum Boiizom Gum Elarol Gum Galbanum Gum Guaicum • GuuGimb. Gum Juniper 112 - co - S - 200 - 150 - 100 - 5° " aoo - 100 - J12 - 100 - 75 - Gum Scammonj, A.eppo Gum Thui GumTragacanih Mace Magnefia Manna ;- Nbtmegs Ooium I Peruvun Bark falap Powder*(iRhub3rb i Sago in gram' do. in powder ^ 3 Tons Glauber Salts 75 Ib.Speimaceui 60 - Tartar |pietic 25 - Solubil jo - Vitriol 56 - Tapioca 30 Vermatilla 300 - V;crioi Roma* j6 . do. Alo. Gum.Seed L.ic ^oco - Salt Peuc flullLic "300 -.Pearl Barley Gum Maitic PJ^SNH M*.DICIFE3. Glaffc* niagr.eGa Godfrey'* Coiciial G^wland's Lotion Hooper's Pilis James Analeptic Pills <jo F.vcr Powder JcfuitS Drops Lqj»d true Clue uo. Na.;kcer, Dye Loaeng.sTo.u M^nelia Lownget Oim/knk Medume Rc/incd Liqiunce Stecrs's O-oH.ldoc Anderfon*s Pills Balfam cf H.,n.:y Ba iam of Giiead Bat^maiTs Oiops H >itock*5 Ei.Xit Bowaeo*a l:Iue Plaiiler Br.t (h Oil Ccijhjlic S- ufF C»»rn Piaster Co.rtitickii.gPlaiftcr Daffy's tl xir Daley's Cai minative Earl*s Rem^uy tor the Hooping Cough F.ncnce ColCifoiC Do. Peppc mint D^. Pennyroyal Fflenlial fait of L^mon Slough" r. H.'xir T.iict. Ba-k, Hux lurimgo/- Batum EiFnceOt MuirJid liem't Do. do. Vinegar COLORS* Blue, Bl.ic!c White Chaik Curiuiiic F'.ike White Frankfort Black Indian Red Indian Ink Ivory Black Lamp BLck L charge y-jic* O hr- , . \> oflia^ Blue, !»•• **** RM« mirk ' "' Jl,»! Pumice S«on« Rotten ,J0. ffpiiniA Brown 1 Vernnllior, Spani/h Whi;c E(T. Ancliovies Quince fauce Siuce Royal Cavice Teeth Vial Cwfca Bottle d-j. Wafers. Tupcrfine W-ix, fcallng f*p«fihi do. for W'nc White leather Skins S A V C E 5. Cherckee Sauce Inoia S'.-y MufliroomKeichus SUNDRIES. Apothecary fcales and Pewter fyringC8 weights Camel-hair Pencils Gallypota in forts Gold leaf Ivory Syringes Lozenges Peppermint PaentComp. Mortars Pewter Ounce f/icalures Wlnd/oi foap ALSO, 100 Kfffl White lead, Chocolate g'ound ^ Spermacecti Candles s 50 do, Spanifii brown do. do. Oil 50 Green do, C«jk Raifius 50 Yellow 1 30 Black Box do. zoo boxes W'niinw Glafs Figs, Olive Oil affined, 6XS, 7Xtj, Curranrs, Almonds 8X10, 7{X8|- Wraj^ping & Writing Pa- A general jllbrtment of pei afforted ' ihop furniture, viaisaf- Mefs ft Prime Pork forred, a variety 01"fur. Plug 3c Pigtaii Tobacco geon's inftruments. Pepper, Allfoice ON HAND, Coffee, Loaf'iugar TEAS. Togerher with a Cental Afl"nrrT>. of DvESTurr, Pltsss tapers, Ten¬ ter H^oks, Jacks, Sec. &c. &c. Gonpo^Jer, Hyfon, Young H)fon, Hyf <n (kin, Hjfon Chulan, Souchong, *^* Commission Business tranfafted on the ufual terms, and Cafh advanced on any kind of Produce and other properly left with him. Montreal, Sept. 15, 1810. 1 \ tf (O TO BE SOLD, THAT v nuubFe itand for a Mfkhant or Tat- ern-Keeper Id rhe towrfhip of Frederickl* burgh, bordering on the LictleCreek, near Bradfhaw'i Mill. The property eonfifts in a neat Dwdirg- houfe, painted Spaniih brown, forty-fm feet in lengtn and twenty-fix fctt wide, including a caliny in frflflji which runs the whole length of the h< »-'e ; the vfhh and partitions arc all built of found burnt b'ltkj a good hriik chimney with two fire-pto*** thfK are five rooms ot\ the lower floor, and one MJSOWj on the frcond. Likvwife, a good fog 1>0rc houft f a horfe liable, and u -wants nf two hundted jci« u| moll EXCELLENT LAND, bo-ju^J -n the V& tUr by thr Lrttle deck, at>d o.i the eM\ Mr by w eaii luFfof lot No. 13, rxtenttlitg ft»w ih.-Ktng' highway foutherly,d iwrn acmfs fhe &£ Cr <*• *,a Fiti r'u tiler particulars applv to |. S*f« ™\' syi H.Etq. «C.n|iihmfortj:l.cfub!ctibeiJ* I «•" '* MriiV^.18,0. JAMES IWM*_ PMNTM» ^^ " "I HI! :(l " Bv vi-l ANidiotistatohavclivcJLVi;.;)^ ' vuo was never kutmu lo makc 3 |c(lf,;,;. /( Stms; u'Wui ,te cK:,"«-!:' ■•'■ ...........- for Umfcif lr7Cr' "uh"^;° ««*ff :. U gh By wAw S*tfirh*&u amid "•" " T J /,• /',.,.■.-; prf»fkj' '■ I ■'"'•'• ,/ 06

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