Kingston Gazette, April 16, 1811, page 3

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It is Gate! in letters from France Ihnt Bo¬ naparte ha* exprefled his intention of behav¬ ing with the utmoft liberality \owaids the ttflelrand property of the United States. felieias been exceedingly u fiberalr> towards mean propeny^-to tin tune of about twenty aiwavs b ways been ready to treat her irt the mofl . At W* Prcfident's honfc, amidft the dif- *p: TO BE SOLD, concilmtinjr manner—to exprefs adefire to $#T ** beauty and fefllioii, on Wcdncfday A TTTAQr I* a ' r aiiiig, cake wd8 prefented of an unufus.1 A ^r1}^ ot 4°° Acres of Land eve %. ftons** (T1* Recent (fa^fl the Courier) is dnquef- ifonabTy difpoFcd to fcitle with America" on honorable principles, but none other.—He \?A\ recoIUcts that when Mr. Erfkine's agree- mftt was concluded, all the government pa¬ pers in the U. S. exulting!}' proclaimed that %}'John Bali had been humbled* and brought t? liAarrow bones" The Pri'.ee has too tnueli fuj|it to gi%'£ tliena freih eauft forfacli exaltatwW." f Bn/fon Ctn:':neK »» s FROM Till; UNITED STATES. — o NswYork, March 27.—The F.fTVx A- lencan f'yg.ile from Plymouth, Lr.g- iad o:s the 2-;i!i of January, but put back orFaccouiu of the head winds* and failed a- gain about the cth of February. Mr. Pink- ney does nut return in her, as was expe&ed, siting probably, in expedition of a change *our relations with the BsUifh government. cultivate the, mod perfect amity, and enter into the fullefl commercial intercourfe with the United States. Our refolutions to affeit our maritime rights were never intended a- gauiit any particular nation, and if it affected any, it was not from defign, but accident.__ But as there was no papers before the houfe on the fubjed, it was improper to difcufa it. From Portugal* Accounts to the begfnnin of Varch have been teccivedat New York! NSthingnevvin the vicinity of Ltfhon. A Spanifh corps of 8 or 9000 men, under Meh- dazabal, is faid to have been defeated by mar- ihal Mortier near Badajoz, with great lofs, and it was reported the French had taken that ctty. (Improbable.) 4 Englifh fail of &e line had a: rived at Lifbon, with reinforce¬ ments from England,and others were expect¬ ed hourly, amounting to nearly 10.000 men. Waflena had alfo been re?feforced,and received* ^ * a large fupply of provifions. ■* ,r excellence. lis beautiful whiteuefs attracted attention. The ratte was found to be equal- ly delicate—the finenefs of the flour was ad¬ mired. Where was it made ? Who made it ? Where can it be had ? were the inqui¬ ries. It appeared that the flour had been made without grinding the V/heat, but that a chemical procefs had fc para ted the flour from the ipirit in the grain. By this piocefs, the refult of attentive inveftigation and fcientiiic experiment, it is found that 30 pounds of flour, far exceeding in whitened and delicacy the beft ground flour, and two gallons of fine fpirit, can be obtained from one bufnel oi good wheat. This mode of feparamg from the bran both the flour and the Spirit, in its fineft'and purelt form, has bten l'o re¬ cently diicovered, that it has not been pofli- ble for it to be in general ine. From this can be prepared a beautiful (larch, clear mil * in the townfhip of Piufburgh, es from the town of Kinglton . and elallic. But the importance of filch a communication. difcovery to the agricultural iutereih and the Mr. Kendall........The gentleman wMf in commercial, advantage of flour freed from the yourlafl Gazettefigns " Hawhivs" to a lengthy fermenting principle, and therefore continu- and well'written communication ^ does me injujlicc ing good and without acidity or mould in mer- MxtraS of a letter from Savannah, to a chant in Ncio Tori, dated March 15. " The fchooner Portrait, Capt Purring ton, of Georgetown. re days from Liverpool, was taken off Cape Clear, by the French na¬ tional (hip Invincible Napoleon, of 18 guns, commanded by Mattin J or lis, and robbed of upwards of twenty crates of crockery* part of which he wantonly broke ; dole all the letters (being upwards of 2CC^ pipers, and all l»is fmj-.ll ftores, fpy fflaflvc, QHttdtant.uutt- able dctk and contents. "The French commandei informe%1 Capt. P. that he had bur tit 9 firbooner of Boll on, from Briflo!, loaded with wine, a few days previous, the name he does not remember, capiain's T:?.me Atkhs [me have hfbtMnthm of the arrival of Capt. sitllus, hi E.rdattd— ft +r J 1' his vejfzl burnt c*wq the BeUona ;] i tys tlie de¬ crees A\-re not refcinded, and th;it he was or- dtnd to binn»fials and deftroy all American reffeU he fell in with. The crtwsof fcveral yeflels he had burnt, he hnd fent to England m a flag of truce to exchange ; many of which were Engii/h. S*ys hr was from Bayc-nne about twenty day-1. 44 On board the corvette Ini-hic'dh Napoleon, Capt. Martin fc-'/is. ** HaWng ckptuu i tin; AiiMiac feh ;>u* cr Portrait 1 Capt. llaae Purringtpn, from Liverpool- hound \n Savannah, and having Found the cargo of fmall value, rather than burn it, as 1 wan suthorifed, I have content¬ ed mylelf with taking what fmall articles I am in want of for my velfel, and let him con¬ tinue his voyage for the benefit of the own¬ ers of the vefTvrl and cargo, in f:iiih ot which to difchatge th? faid captain, I have l.-bleiib- cd thifl at fea, the 27th of January, 1 8 l 1. (Sigr.ed) M. JQR.LI&09 '* The above is Jndi rfed in trench. Oil the rcgillcr of the Poritait in the captain's own hand writing* and iranfktted by a gei.tlem m of this city who U well acquainted with the fignatureand wiiting of Ca.;t. Jorlb.M rcYThe aoo-te vr/Tsl is owned by Me firs. by his fttfpkions. I may be captious, to be Jure, but on the fore of fagacity I am corf dent of having no more to boafl than my neighbors. No fr, I am a plain ignorant man, anxious to fulfil with credit to myfelf and benefit to my country9 the duties oftheflation to which I have, been%ap- pointed, but withal fo very dubious ofjny own abilities, that where there is the leafl^ qlfcurity hi afiatute, as in the cafe before us, I neverfailto apply to my betters for information, who tf they PnJ[eIs any 0n the fubjeEl, freely give it—if not9 it is very eafy for them tofdence a poor country jnJHce with founding phrafes and fpeclous argu¬ ments. An honjl man would wifh to make the law his guide—but for me the aft in que/Hon is no guide at all ; and if we refer to that of 1798 it will be found equally filent as it refpeits forms and fees, which, to myfhame be it fpoken, is my great ef}fumbling bioclc. Let it not be faid that the fees on warrants will" ofcourfcu be allowed. " // U not in the bond" and there¬ fore cannot legally be demanded. j4 confeien- fcious magif rate [worn to ail according to law, muft then wholly rely on the generqfity (a poor reliance I fear it would frequently prove) of the perfon applying for a warrant—for I defy him to make any fpacific charge for ferviccs pcr- farmed under this ftatute. A COUNTRY JUSTICE, ' the warmed climates and during the longeil voyages, can be inflantly appreciated by the refle&ing and judicious. The inventor is a gentleman of New Jerfey.—Nat. latell. DIED) Near Lifbon, 25th Jan. the celebrated Spanilh general, the Marquis De LaRomana, one of the mod brave and perfevering of the Patriot Chiefs. At New York, Col. James Crawford, for¬ merly Governor of Bcimuda. TO CO-RESPONDENT*. " A Briti/h Subjeft'9 is received : that the ' leaf faid on the fubjeS the better? wepcrfeftly agree with him, and—aft accordingly. Errata.—In the communication publi/hea in our lafl,JignedHaivhins, $d line, for " Brit- i/h" read^'rujlic" fifteen ... , on the premilea ar6 —a Sawmill, in a good (land for bofinefs ; two log I.ouIVs ; two (tables : a blackfmith's (hop, with bellows and other tools ; ^ timber, plank and l'cantling For a grift mill complete ; and two pair cf mill- (tones of a foperior quality to any yet made in Upper Canada.-------For terms apply to AMOS ANSLEY. Kingston, April 1 I. iH i j. -0 TO liK SOLD, THE one half, (or ifbcffi fmts the purcha- fer, rhe who|c) tftfcaf VALUABLE rfONE HULL In Maryftviig, with two run or (tones in h r bufincf-, one fupeiftnc and two common b 'Its, anJ four hundred aeies of LAND, with about 30 ac cs improved. O • the premiies, the mill, U a gonfl Dwi'lilntj-houfe, with three roorcu and a kitchen on the lower floor, ar.d a eonvsnier.t houfe nrariy adjoir.- ing, for a mi'Ier j alfo* (labfe and¬ longing to the eftate of the hate Peter Van Als- tine, Efq. deceafed. The fituaiion U fo wm! known that a further defcriprion is deemed>. Tho(e who may wifh to purchsfe wi'l pleafe to a.>- plytoTKOMA3 Darland, Efq. AdolpliuCtown. CORNELIUS VAN ALS11NE, ) r . GEORGE W. MEYK.ES, ) &*ie*tetv. Apr il 16, 1811. 30 BAGG b" HAGAR, HAVE juft received Aom London, and offei for /ale, at their Hat Store & FaElory, No. 100 St. Paul Stmt, Montreal, next doprjeutbof McJJ'rs. Bellows* Gates & Co. A General Alljicment of Gentlemen's fi-u Reaver Hats ; filk Water Proof, Leghorn and Willowd >..; Ladies and Children's beaver and ft raw Bonnets,of 'he lateft fafllions and beft quality., M»iirai> Folding Hats, elegantly trlrdmed i Hal Trtmruings. &C.&C. which were Imported upon as good terms, and will he fold as cheap or cheaper than cao be bought 11 the country. They have aifo a variety of Hats of chair own niake, which rhey are willing tci warrant ro be ae - durable as any ever offered for fa!e in Canada. Orders from the country trnnkfull) reccv-d and ftrifllv attended to. fr#* CASH paid for JURS. Montreal, Nov. zo, 1810. 10 if SHERIFF'S SALE. Di/lriftJ T^TOTICE is hereby it; J i\l given, That the On the morning of the 2d infl. chehwdy' of Mrs. Sarah Ihnniie Robert/on^ wife of ?Mi\ Patrick R. was found on the beach near the potato houfe of Charles Jones-in Elizabeth- ance accordingly Midland Difli to wit Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, will he holden ui the Court Hotife in Kingiton, on Tuclday the 23d day of April, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon : Therefore all JuRices of the Peace, Coroners, Conll lhles, and other Peace Uthcers, as well as thofe thai iiave any buli- nefs to tranTaft at faid Court, are hereby re¬ quired to take notice and give their attend- Midland Difiiia, to wit ; fuedcut of his Ma]fy*. 7 Y}T virtue of r. IV S n of Fieri Facias,^ Bench, f Court of Ki-^^s p. Ammidon iff Comof Bqfton, in fined here ; and Jtfr. Gray fay r there can be no doubt of the fa ft of her being BURNT. ^ [Ctnthiel. March 29.—-—Captain Ske'chley, of the Magdalen, from Liverpool, has difpatches for the fecrctary of Hate, which Mr. Mauly informed him were of the grcateft confequence. [?e Sheep. Dogs among th Poughkeepsik, March 15-—On Sunday morning la!t a company of dogs, three in number, vifited a fiock of fele«Sed fhecp, be¬ longing to Mr, William Davies,of this town^ and killed about 30, and wounded nearly 100 others. The whole number dead and miff¬ ing is about 60, and the lives of many are defpaired of. The flieep deftroyed were ewes felc&ed from the beft flocks in the vi¬ cinity, moftly half and three quarters blood¬ ed Merino, and with lamb by full-blooded bucks. town. A coroner's mqueft wa^ called, wJhen it appeared that intoxication was the csuufe of her untimely end ! Mrs. Robertfon hhad, we underdand, been reduced from afrlucsnce and relpedlability to a ll'ite of indigenctii. THE ISLR OF FRANCE, ,Lately captured by the Briiifli, lies in 'the Indian Ocean, lat. 20, S. eaft long. 56, a- bout 400 miles eaft of Madagafcar, and firom 800 to 1000 from the African continent. It is of an oval form, 150 miles in circunnfc* rence, has a very capacious and fafe harb>or, and produces rice, fruit, tobacco, &c. Xhe climate is extremely healthy and pleafants— This ifland has been a rendezvous for French privateers and vcffels of war, which have committed immenfe depredations upon the BritnfrEaft-India commerce. THE ISLE OF BOURBON, Whicli has alfo recently been taken by ithe Britifh forces, lies about 150 mile/S.of \V. from the lfle of France, and is 90 miles in circumference. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff: Sheriff's Of ice, l$tb JpriU 1 811. C. WILLISTON & Co. Maw lately received a new Supply of Stock, and now offer for file, on good terms, AN aflbrtment of Gentlemen's and Ladies' SADDLES, which are warranted to be well made and of a fuperior quality. also, Harneffes, Bridles, and various other kinds of work in their line. Repairing done onfhort notice, and ev¬ ery favor cheerfully acknowledged. Kingston, April 15, 1811. KINGSTON : Tuesday, Avril iC, iSii Liverpool papers to Feb. 13 have been re¬ ceived at Bofton. Official accounts of the capture of the lfle of France, with all the French naval force in thofe feas, had been re¬ ceived in England. The health of Us Majefly continued to improve daily ; and it was fuppolcd he would Ihortly refume the reins of government. The debates in Parliament evinced a difpo- fition to accommodate the differences with the United States on honotable terms ; and the Earl of Aberdeen averred that the delay was not attributable to the Minilters of tlie Prince Regent. Lord Liverpool faid, "As to America, there was nothing new in the lone and language which was now held out to that country—the Btitifh government had REMARKABLE CURE. A man by the name of Solomon Orfer> who is now living in the townfhip of Kingf. ton, Upper Canada, was for a number 0f years afP.i&ed with a fore, which extended over nearly half the futface of his leg. Dur¬ ing this painful period, he left untried no means of recovery fuggefted by his own ex_ perience or the advice of many flcilful phy_ ficians who affiduoufly attended him. l}ut all their efforts were marked with no fucce-fs, and the final refort of falivation was attended with no falutary effe&s. On the contra^, his complaint daily gtew worfe, and was at length accompanied by fucli a burning h«at that he could not lie in bed. One night as he lay in extreme anguifh by the fire, it <)c. curred to his mind to apply fcraped tum{p8 to the affe&edpart. Ihis experiment he tried, and on the firft application found the iuice fo acrid that it fcaldcd the fkm ofl the well part of his leg. He then fcraped *„_ other poultice and fqneezed out the ju(ce which he applied to the fore, and foon fou^d cafe from the application. The effeft pv^. duccd by the virtues of this vegetable w-a8 foeh that the affeaed pnrts loon became pu. trid, and fell off ; it then began to heal, a,ld fo continued till a pcrfeft cure was effea.d. [Neif Tork papa: Notke is hereby given^ THAT the Copartnership of Abbot & B as com, is this day diflblved by mu¬ tual confent. All perfons indebted to the faid firm are requefled to make immediate payment to Jonas Abbot, he being author- ifed to receive and adjult all debts due to the concern. JONAS ABBOT, SAMUEL A. BASCOM. Kingston, I$th April, 1811. £rThe bufmefs will be conduct¬ ed as Kingiton & Ernefl Town, by the fubferiber, who avails himfelf of this opportunity to return his fincere thanks to his friends and the public for pafl favors. JONAS ABBOT. NOTICE, THE copartnerfhip of Smith & Lyons is this day diOfolved by mutu¬ al confent. All claims againft the concern will be fettled by Andrew Smith : and all thofe who are indebted to them either by note or book account, are defired to make imme¬ diate payment to Andrew Smith, who is du¬ ly authorifed to receive and dilcharge the fame. ANDREW SMITH* JAMES LYONS. EH%abcthtown> April 2Atb, 18 11. (£/* The bufinefs will be conduced in fu¬ ture by Andrew Smitf*, who will fell on the mod reafonable terms-for Caih or Coun¬ try Produce. " 8 yf Frederickjhirgh., yeomjn, to rm din^.-J ; I bwucjti'zact 'a'unai-si to c^*tu*&Uj ..> '..,^..<5- to the faid Dotlor Prind/e, the raft half of let No. 3 in the Jecond cvneeffon of tht townfhip of Frederick/burgh^ containing by admcafurrrrrtrt one hundred acres, be the fame more or h 0 / do hereby give notice\ that the above nttntMk lot of land, with the appurtenances thereunto be¬ longings will be fold and adjudged to the highfl bidder\ at my office in the town of Kingston, oft Monday the zzd day of July next, at the hour often o* clock inihefo-enoon—at which time and place the conditions of file will he made kw.w>L CHARJ.ES STUART* Sheriff. And every perfon or perfons having claims on the above described lot of land* by mortgage or other right or incumbrance, are hereby advertifd to give notice to the faid Jherff at his ofP.ce in the town of Kings ton, previous to tlxfale thereof. Sherifs Office, \%(h No<z. l8l6. $f CANDLES. THE fubferiber has jnlt received fa Boxt'S dipped, and i6 Bc-ies mould CANDLES, which will be ibid low by the box or Icrii quantity. Also—A few Fur Caps, wea*cra* Reeds, Clover Seed—and a complete ailoumcnt of Dry Goods, Liquors and Grocet tes9 Crockery and Hardware ; j which will be fold as ufual at the Montreal prices, and all kinds of produce received is payment.-------CCj* Cqfa paitlfor ttiojl of S: 15 ART LET. Produce. Kingston, February 26, 1811 23 CrtO BE SOLD, A GOOD ftand for a Tavern, heretofore occupied by the fubfetiber, confiding of a good twoftory dwelling-houiV, horfe fhed and ftables, together with 6 actes of land, being a part of lot N°. 12 fo the 2d conceffion, on a crofs-road in Enrclt Town. For terms of fale inquire of JOHN BELL. Ernejl Town, March 12, 18 1 1. 2 5 MASONING. The fubferiber in¬ forms the inhabitants of KwGSTCJs and its vicinity, that he intends carrying on tK MASONING BUSINESS, l'uch a. b";k laying, ftone work and pbftering : K vvd! C« ^» "J C^^ O a r^ o be ready to perform any bufinefs b h,s '"■ e ASH paiU IOI RAGS, al fllort notice, and in a ******** »**> SAIL CLOTEI k JUNK. - "™™ ^A ^ ' AT THE PRINTING OFTJCE, KINGSTON. ner MOSES ^A^ L Firft door South of W'^"' «** I

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