te& »:>, "arc more Ufee cacli other than men.— « Thc\ have, intiuth, but two paflions, <i nnirv .nul love. He v*ho Barters them vanity an ** beft, plest&s them moift ; no adulation is M too il.'oMo ioi them* no affiduiiy too great, ° do (tinula:fon ofpaffioii t^ogrofs." After receiving thrii frge maxims, it was not to be expected tint hi* ion would entertain very flattering ideas ©f the la lies ; and if we teach them to our children, \vc {lull in vain expect then to trait their mothers with that affec- lioaate regard which they merit ; orthe&x in general with delicate attention. Tiny may iudced pretend to gteat kindnels ; but to pretend and to feel arc very different.— Be.ft.rc I read thefe obfervauons concerning women, I was pleafed wiih the many fluewd remarks with which the book abounds; but thefe d I Ignited mc, ar<l induced ire to ex¬ amine hU opinions with more attention. Havjug the greatcft regard for the ladies my felt, and n.-.t deeming them inferior to my own f x in t'd^nts ; nor otherwife different than torn their lituttion and views ; I read luvh opinion a with gnat indignation, an I cannot cono.vc it poiliblc for the perfon who mic-tuned th-;m, to have been truly polite. TO* TflS KINGSTON CAZETT*. fitti you to train your fav rite hoy\ Each care and ev'ry art employ ; And ere y a venture to cotfide9 Let his preceptor's heart be irfd ; Weigh well his manners, life and/cope, On this depends your future hope. THESE lines of Gay, Mr. Editor, have been brought mod forcibly to my recollec¬ tion by the advevtifement rdpeeling the Er- nelt Town Academy publilhed in the two or three lall number* of your paper. Although the gentlemen ftyling themlelves the ichool committee have not thought proper to name the mailer of this academy, I am informed from unquestionable authority, that he is no ltfs a man than the celebrated Barnabas BunvELL Efq. late attorney general of the (late of Maflachufetts and treafurer of the county of Beiklhirc in that (tate. If learn¬ ing and talents were all that were reauifite to qualify a man to be teacher of an academy, it ib to be prcfumed that no exception could be taken to Mr. Bidwell ; for it may nat¬ urally be inferred from the high oilices which he held in his own count!v thai in thefe points at lea't he was not deficient. But it trueif-iinea in-;m, to nave uceu huit uunuu. • . - The ohd* of wo,,en arC as truly capaWe "* 1S **$»* to a" kf\°? P^gottv, apd cv- culii.aion as ours ; and if it Ihould be ad- * wyttang courted With our ifaoralfeelings, .? _ *u.... -s* to iee at the head of a iemmary ot ediica- mui d th?.t we have more vigor they are comuenfattd hy greater delicacy- But I iha-1 he t>hl, p-rhups that 1 am fighting a ffradju ; that L.vd Chefterfield gives only a defcripth n of human perfection on rhi- fide of o...r f^irgtous ami moral duties ; and that it In therefore vain to look for exhortations on thefe inpor;a>t fubje&s ; that when they c :.'.. ii cideuul'y in his way, he is libeial in hi pinihs and earned in recommending I hem. Tiie fame defence may be made tor th • Koran of Mahomet 5 it contains many Itriking ex- hort-:t:or.s to piety and virtue ; but it like- wife recommends the moll implacable intol¬ erance. And it ill we txcufe a man fjr a few mconfittent remarks in favor oJ goodnefs who drgrad?s women a* we have hen—e>:- horrs hi* foii to deceive them by the grofleil flattery, in order to betray their confidence an J their honor—who not only advifes the life of low cunning, hut gives rules for its application? ; and who tells us that flattery cannot be too It rung for king*, and ttuit if we wifh to be favorite*, we mutt nddrels our- fe1v«s to their weakness. PROBUS. PRO BONO PUBLICO. To th; Printer of the Kingston Gazette. SIR*, YOUR correfpr.ndent,\vho communicated f j you the flagitious cmrhift of our New- r-tlll- Qnaeks, deferves well ofthc public.— His (JeSgn vva? laudable, and therefore ought to be ftrennoufly advocated hy all who w-ih to difcouvittnance vile impoliu'on, and del- truriivc piracies of medical Ggnctutes. Thei'c mrferab'c raga.r.ufnn^—theft up- Aa.L, Romina) doctors, generally a.'fume the fuurfdd tirltf of phyfician, d clor, f-ugeon and iTi;u) midwife ; and latTurcyou, fir, that \\\\Y:\ the f?nOt?on of the thiee fi»rmer titles they fend more of their fellow creatuics out of the woilJ, than tlrey bring into it by the Fatter. Tl. i"e votaries of mercury (that be¬ ing aimoft the only medicine which they ad- mi'io'(h'r) without medical Ik ill, learning, hu- mamry, or even decent appearance, have m?de a m»itl unmerciful havoc amonglt the more ignorant part of us,wiih:n a few months path The Heathen Mythology informs us that Mercury wa3 a meflengerto the Gods ; but I verily believe, when he comes amonglt us in the flupt and f<«rm of a pill, and con- ducted by thefe empiiics, he h tiuly a mef- fenget of Devils. Two of thefe horrible bar[:arians have late¬ ly introduced the fmall pox, in the way, and for the purpofe fpeciricd by your correfpon- d-ut. Ooeofihem, in aider to avoid the jtift refentment of an enraged public, is now Jknlk ug in fome obfeure corner of the dilt- nct and the other, equally as cunning, keeps pretty fnug ir? his quarters. Good heaven, Mr, Printer ! fa there no legal itep that c-m be taken, with fuecefs, to bn-ig tlu fe dcfpicable tatterdemalions to con. d^n pur.ilhmo.it ? Does not the ad of this province wftHi repeals the aft paifed in the 4th felfion of the ill parliament, refpefting the praftiee of phyfic and furgciy, leave the 41I1 c.'aufe of the ill act paffed in the ift fef- 6pU of the i ft parliament, in full Force ?__. And can ft not be aftcd upon ? In uh;>rt, is not ever/ peifon who praftifes phyfic and f.ir^eiy wiihout licenfe, fuhjett to the pen¬ al i- s contained in the ordinance of Quebec ? I fmccrcly uiih that iume of your learned ' 1 • t%te great care that not one ftall cfcape, • Ltto H.e whole of this motley crew (hall 6 b'g<=d fo th and exhibited at the awful • i'junal oi publicjuftice. ////- ; ,, HONESTUS. tion, a malcfaftor who has fled from the Jul- tice of his country for crimes that would m this be puiiilhcd by an ignominious death,;- and which recpiire, under the folemn (lipuhi- tfons of a treaty, that he fhould be delivered up by our government on a rcquilition fiDni his own. The noted Barrington, it U faid, was made high conilable at Botany Bay. But the fun6tions of a conilable and a fchool- mailer are fo mew hat different ; and this is not exactly Botany Bay : although from feeing the name of a preacher of the gofpel, a juilice of the peace and other rcfpeftuble pertons among Mr. Bidwell's patrons 5 flian- grrs might fuppole that our religion and morals were rather at' a low ebb. From the proceedings of the fiipreme court of the (late of Mafinchufc tts, held at Stock- bridge in the courfe of lull autumn, it appears that two indictments were found againlt Mr. Bidwell, one for embezzlement, the other for forgery ; and that on the unanimous ap¬ plication of the gentlemen of the bar dating that circji '.fhiJice ; ami its being made to ap¬ pear that he had flcJ the country ; the judg¬ es ordered his name to be [truck ofl Lhc roll aa an attorney of that court. It cannot he ptxtnirTed that Mr. BidwcU is the victim of faftion. He was high 11 the confidence of the ruling party in Amen ca ; and might have fticcefcfnliy aipircd t< Uie higheft honors, not only in his native (late, but in the government of the United States- But (he bias of his mind to fordid propensities was too powerful for even fuch.. iituation and fuch profpefts to control. Thi, quondam treafmer and attorney general wa» fo loll to every thing virtuous and honorable, ay firft to pi'ier the public money entrufted to Iiis care, and then to commit a forgery u, conceal his peculations* He was however deteftcd in thefe nefarious pradtices, and fled from the confequences of a judicial invedi. gatfon. 1 hefe particulars are well known to thofe who have perufed the American papers of that period, in moll of which they are fully detailed ; and fhevv what a lefucCtable guide the good people of Erneft Town have lt'left- ed for their youth- But befides ibis glaring defect of moral charafter, there is another weighty circumftance which renders Mr. Bidwell very unfit to be an inllruftor of om youth. He was in his ov/n country a diflin guifhed partizan of democracy, in the mofl unqualified fenfe of that word ; and it would be haidly poffible for thofe who fhould be placed under his tuition, to efcape the infec¬ tion of his political tenets, which are hoflik to the fundamental principles of cur govern ment. What has been the conduct of Mr. Bid well lince his refidence in this province ? In Head of obferving that courfe which his fitu ation diftated, and keeping out of fight ; he has ollentatioufly obtruded himfelf upon thr notice ofthc public. He has been a con ftant attendant at our conitsof jultice. Hr fias been confpicuous at the bar of our houfi of alfembly, and affected familiar intercourfr with fome of its members. He has had the effrontery to prefs for an introduction to on. of the judges of our com t of kings bench, tc prefent himfelf at the executive council chum ber as an agent in fome land bulinefs ; am1 has carried his impudence fo far as to propofc to article himfelf to one of our barriilers, a* if fuch collufion could have availed lu'm ; or it were pofiible that a man under his circum llanccs could be admitted to the bar of am court, except in the charai.ter of a culprit He mud furely fuppole that he is rimonglr people as callous as himfelf to every houora ble fentiment, or he would never have ven " tured thus to outrage all decoium. What I have here laid has been extorted from me by a fenfe of public dut/. 1 lU\, J,m =au»K,l b, no mot,ve of pnva.cco- g*J^ ^ ^ Jff ">, ana am ^*"ni^ ~i ~~ - _ , • ,- _• mitytohim; but I feel for the creel and reputation of the diftricl which has been deep¬ ly wounded by the countenance giver, to him. I meddle with no man's private character. I have no difpolition to pry into and expole the faults or failings of my neighbors ; and would difdain to become the libeller of any perfon breathing. But in this cafe I fhould be inexcufablc were I to be longer ttlent.—- The particulars of Mr. Bidwell's criminal coiiduA have been long before theyubhc in his own country ; and it has become impor¬ tant to the honor and iiKereft. of this prov¬ ince that they ihould be fully known here ; and that they whom his plauhbiiity may have imooled upon, mould be aware whom they * ^ r rvu\r ^r itatt-u w -•-* -.....-- ? -.. .*i-pS aim £jr belonging to th: United States pfovifij detained n> the porta of France or her JJi are to be rcllotcd, and American vcfTcla f.'^ lv admitted for the future into fuch n *' are cherifhing. VINDEX. Foreign Intelligence. —o-f 0—- Warsaw,(Poland)Dec. 25—Two mer¬ chants and another individual, have been fen* tenced here to ten years imprifonment, for dealing in Englifh merchandize. ToRBAY,Fcb. 3.—Remain, wind-bound, the men of war, and upwards of 2CO tranf- ports, with troops lor Liibon. Fal?4 0UTh, Feb, 3.—The packets are expected to leave Plymouth to-monow for their old llation, ihis port. The French Invincible privateer, captured a few days lince, the American fhip Ecllona, from Plymouth for Bofhm, with wine and brandy, which lhc BURNT ! and her ciew arrived at Portfmouth On Saturday, with the crews of other veffela which (he had captured, in the fmaek Sir Sidney Smith, which was given up to her matter, after being made prize of. M Parisy Jan. 28—XO o'clock at night. " His majetly has learned that his cham¬ ber of commerce has received information that the Englifh government had le<juelleied in the ports of Great Britain, the French veflels thofe formerly called of the Hans Towns, and thofV of Dantzic, having impe¬ rial licenfcS, and being furuilhed at the fame time with Englifh licenfes. u His Majejly has ordered\ that from this very moment\ and until fur- thcr orders^ an embargo jhatl take place on all WJfeU in the ports of the ocean dejiined for England* although furnifocd with Englijk licenfes.yy Londos, Jan. 18.—The Heligoland mail which arrived ycfterday, brought letters from Hamburg to the 5th inft. The French flag was, as we anticipated, difplayed in that city on the ill inft. when ita formal annexation to France took place. The fenafe, howev¬ er, continued to dilcharge their functions ; but it was underftood, that their authority would cerfe as foon as a new government was organized. Davouft, it was expected, would be appointed lieutenant or governor-geneial of the Kanf-tovyn3 and dillridts thereunto ap¬ pertaining. Conilantfnople has again been the fecne of diilurbance and Ilaughter. Thejan-lfa- riesj always more hollile to their own gov¬ ernment than to the foreign enemy, have a- grj'n tifen, and made a dtfpcrate effort to re¬ gain their former privileges. They plun¬ dered the feraglio, forced the fultan to retire en board his fleet, and fet iire to a part of the city. Troops, however, arrived from all qoarters to oopoie them, and after a fan- guinary conflict in the fticcts of Conflanti- nople, they were forced to yield with the lofs of i8,oco men. The official account of thefe traufadions is accompanied with an af- furance, under the fame authority, that the negotiation with Raffia for a peace was in the moll favorable train, and that every dif- pofltion has been /hewn to concede the points in difpate. Upwards of 600 fail of fliips have arrived this year at Quebec for timber, and the ex¬ ertions which are making to give effect to the fame, by thecre&ian of (learn engines, &c. cannot fail to render it more advafttao-eous to Great Britain, as it will fupcrfede, in a great meafure, the importations from Norway or the Baltic. It is a curious fact, that fincc the reduction of Sweden to what may very juftly be termed a French provir.ee, England is the only frag¬ ment of the Old World winch rctainsa truce of limited government. ly admitted lor tne future into iuch n It will be recollected, that the 2d oi ^Jtl Jry wa* the perkW to which tty &nal dtl^ mination cf the French governmentWrJ|' ing veifels under provilional feizure wuh. ferred ; and it is not impoffible, thougf| ^ more than we exptft, that it may wliJ! in favor of their being reftored. *^ ---------------- On Wednefday the 6th inft. a^the Court at Carlton Houfe, the Prinejp of Wales, Rc. gent of the United Kingdom of Great Erit. ain and Ireland, took and fubfcribed the Oaths and declarations required by the afl to provide for the Royal Authority, and for the care of his Majelty's perfon, during the continuance of his Majelly's IUnefs, and for the refumption of the exercifeof the^loyal Authority, by his Majefty. IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. TUESDAY, FEB. 12. I This day Parliament was opene<Uby com. miffion, when the conimiffioners appointed by his Royal Highneis the Regenlfdelivev ed the fpeech—of which the following htm fiibllance :— It begins with Hating that—u In emo¬ tion of the Commiffion which has bctn jiill read, the commiflioners weie commandedbj his Royal Highncfb to lay, that his fo Highneis !;^:ncnt<, noi only in comirnjH all his Majelly's fubjetSls, but in a more pe¬ culiar degree on his own account, the great national calamity which has impofcdthisilu- ty upon his Royal Highuefs. 44 His Royal Highneis is aware of the dif¬ ficulties attendant upon the important trull repofed in him ; but he looks with confi¬ dence to tht wifdom and zeal of Parlianiefltj and to the attachment of hit Majcfty'sfaith¬ ful people. « His Royal Highnefs will ufebijbefirf. foits to direct the powers inverted ffl»"l towards fecuring the profperity ami WW* of the com.trv. .. 44 Hi, Royal High.uT, informs them wnh great latisfaction, tjiat freih oppirttnio^ been afforded of direaimr the valor and P[ of his Majelly's forccs.° The captures1" Bonbon and Ambuyna, have lliiU«rl,1'f kffened the enemy's colonics. ^Thcmydiioii oi oichy, %^gf> nufly promiled, has been del eat ed bvtk ?rtf«"nw« feverance and bravery of his Mnjefty'sf] ^n-rged Affairs at IVm« arrived ydt-u|-,v lue irend. government Mpt-cln.., tl, . cm^rcc-of ,|-.e United States f„ L ^3 tranlp.red of t|lefe h, ^J^ ™ icvcirtuec ai(U uirtvti^ vu no *TJ*lJCUy*s fQ_ sflilled by the troops of his Sicilian f\Jajcn?; " The chief objea of the cfcrbrfj country, during the la(t year, has hcen p ngal and Cadiz ; and the objects of the to' my en thefe points have been hitherto & feated. The military metit of Lord Wci lington, and the difcipline and eouran-* 0fl" army, have been very eminent, and hare pro. duced the beft effects upon the conduct of our allies. " His Royal Highnefs hopes that he fail be enabled to afford to Spain and Portugal, continuance oi that fupport which theiret. ergy appears to dtferve, and upon which fo much of their ultimate fucceis miift depend" Tie paragraph refpeSing the United Slclit is in thefe words : " We have it like wife in command to ac¬ quaint you, that diicuflionsare now deper.rj. log between this country and theU. SfAi of America ; and that it ifi 'he earned will of his Royal Highnefs that Fwi may find hire. felf enabled to bring thefe difcuffions to ar amicable termination, confident wiih the honor of his Majefty's crown, and the mari¬ time righta and intcrclls of the united kiog- dom.,J *c He acquaints the houfe of commons, that the eftimates will be laid before them; and tho' in Ireland* and in fome flight de¬ gree in this country, the revenue appears to feel fome of the obftacles thrown in thenar of our commerce ; yet upon the whole ik revenue of this country has hren more pro- duftive than ever was before known, anJtbi inorcafe has taken place without any; tinnal taxation. f M His Koval cflghnefa cxprefTe< hiscoc- fidence, th.at the ufual fuppltes will b.atf- ed to him fur the neeeflary fappwt »• war in which we are engaged, and fo: ^J drifercnr branches ofthc public krvice. j 44 His Royal Highnefr conclo^* *« rxpnihnjj in the llror.gefl mannerhwanx^ for his Majcllv'i recovery fu>m an Wifp* tion affliding'toall hi. fnbjecfc, bnfjj nearer uid more pceunar ih^ree to WW al Hi«;huefs himJclf/' Inihe Hu»fc(-.f Loid.i the M^-'fi decu moved rU aJdaftf in unfa* ^x}y gent's Ipeeeh—nnd in tlu tkiifcot^M* u"Mis, Mr. Milues, iVciinikdlv ^', tK- , Itilcy, fyn .-t" the Matiwis. Wr. ^"lu"" veriii,;- «.» | ,c Umlrd M.iti"1* blA i \.r ■ i dilating ciHulii'M <»! l;\uu\ \ !>■■ •' wuuhl lend '<• Uvhty ' •.»lV***« hh *'"" , ,!'^ lurrw i.i...... :..« . n .'■ t( » ",,lil: