KINGSTON KINGSTON, fUPPER^CANADAJ GAZETTE. TUESDAY, APRIL iS, i8i i. [No, • ?• .> F itttapw GOODS. —000§0§ono— r//.c si pscKiwtn his ftr&r Rr.CFirxn AFRESH SUPPLY OF GOODS, AMONGST WHICH ARE URN1TURE andp.imcdC.ilicoe*,S.Ik Shawls Cotton do. Ladies1 plain and figur\I*^£ Staves, Leno ditto, KidGWeS, tjac k '.^r^lcd Hou\ Carpeting, Veilings, Brown Holutnds, Cheek', &c. Ac. /All of which will be foal very- low Jot Ca.1i or Cuiintiy Produce. <± B. WHITNEY. K'mgsMh, tlti March, irfi i. 25 %.ARDEN SEEDS, 1 £or Snk by ABBOT & BAS COM. r I NG ST.'Nt AP«U I, iSii then Sc Glass J Fa re. !E Subfcribers refpe&fully inform tht-ir fiends and the public, that they have received by Che late arrivals from Liv¬ erpool, a aflnrcmeuc of EARTHEN |tf GLASS WARE, which they ofFcr for laic wh'ilefale and iciaii, at their Store, No. 50 St. Paul, lately occupied by James Dunlop, Efi|. on as good arms a* can be had at any flor; in this city.—Ware picked in the bcil uvuiner, and a liberal difcount made for cam. C3* Country Merchants and others are ien,.;*"ted :c- enU. GREFN U EATON. Montrealy Jidg I&/C- 26// 1 £rTHZ HE ST KIND OF Albany Injected SOLE- LEATHER, jult reevived and for fale .at t& per lb, at the Store of J^rr^ 12. & UARTLET. Netk* is hereby givc/t9 r [I "*0 all in lebtej to in*- wt*U trf" ' J^ AlexanderMcDonald, baker,late pf the town i-i LingHon, deceafed, by pro■»- jfinry note, b oI< account, 01 otl.ei obliga¬ tion, ;htt unh Is immediate paymu.l is made to the fubfcrlbeis (who aw duly aethoiifed to receive the fame and give acquittances) their accounts will be put into the hands of an attorney forcollection. All perfons having any claims agaiult faid cft.ite, by piomifi<»ry note, book account, or other obligation, are requeued to produce the fame for aujullrnent, on 01 before the icrhdaY-d" March ne::t.:». the fubfcrihcrs. ALEXr. MACBONELL, Adm*T. JANNET hfAC0ONELL»^/t« x. Kingslun, \ o:b 7. in. j S »1. 17—{/" L. ErneII Town Academy. A LL r^fons indebted to the cf. original miscellant. •{ 7 -TX tate of the late JERMYN PAT- ---------~---------------------------------— - R E M OVA Northrop, Woicoit b* yft'^, Have removed from No. 54 St. Paul Street to No. 102, one door North of IvLfiVa. Bellows, Gatks 6c Co. where truy Im'e a Genera! Aflbrtn.cut of t)RV GOODS on hand, which they offer for fa!c on reafenabie terms. N. W. & ABBE. Montreal, \ Oth Sept. 1810. : tf FOR SALE, A FARM confilling of 258 acres, be rug Lot No. 6, in the ill conceffion in Pittftvirgh, fitjale 6 miles from Kingflon —loor 12 acies under improvement, with a good log houfe on the lame, and a good Marfh affording hay for 12 or 14 head of cattle.—For parti u'.ars apply to Laugh- Hn M'Intvp.f., mip carpenter, Pitliburgh. February 1 2, 181 I. Zltf —^- . . .. -—— ■ ■ -■ ■ THE Leflecs of the Crown and Clergy Rcferves and thofe wlio have Licenfes of occupation in the Midland Dijl- riff, are requefted to pay the arreais of rent due by th m refpe£tiv~!y3 to the fubferibcr, *hois legally auiborifed to receive the fame and grant receipts. Charles Stitart, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, zd March, r S11. 24 & 1 -s J5 THE fubferibers hereby inform the friends of Icaiping that an Aca- dctiueal St boo/, undcrtlie fuperiutendance of an experienced preceptor, is opened in Ernell Town, near the Church, for the inftruflion of Youth in Englifh reading, fpeaking, gram¬ mar and compofition, thelcam^J lauguao-es, penmanfhip, arithmetic, geography and oth¬ er branches of Liberal Education. Scholars attending from a diflance may be boarded in good families on vcafon.ible terms, and for fifteen (hult-igs a year can have the ufe of a valuable Libiary. ROBERT McDOWAL 1 BENJa, FAIRFIELD, Wm. FAIRFIELD, SOLOMON JOHNS, STEPh. FAIRFIELD, Wm WILLCOX, SAMUEL NEILSON, GEORGE BAKER, j y Evn.jl. loivn, tub March, 18 11. 27 MONTREAL Hat Warehouse; At the Sign of the MiurtPr HiT% No. 54, Old Market Place. JABEZ D. DE WITT, MOST refpeitfully informs the Public, that he has on hand a mod extenfive and complete aflbrtment of HATS, HAT TRIMMINGS, &c. &c. Amongst which arc, Mod fupcrb Military Hats, with orna¬ ments complete. Gentlemen's mof. fajh'icnchle Beaver Hats. Do. lictweens do. Do. Yeoman crowns do. ilo.'k fuperfiue green under do. Do. drab do. do. do. Do. black do, extra large brims do Do. drab do. do. Bel* black water proof filk **-.o g.tfen Jiider go* Do. d^ab do. Do. do. green under filk Do. cailor Morani do. Placed do.'s varnifnsd leather Hats for travelling,- Scrvanis' ditto do. Boys' Morocco Hats of all colors. Do> do. Caps do. Mens* Sr Boys' fine Cordies. Do. common do. Do. Wool Hats of every defcriptionu G'dd ani filvcr tinfel Cord Bands. Corrimon do. do. While and yellow tinfel Cord Binding. Coaife and fine Bowftrings. Morocco of all colors fuitable for Hats. Fancy Tip Paper, do. do. Bcft and common Glue. Logwood, Copperas, Verdigris. Aquafortis, Oil of Vitriol, Clothiers' Jacks* Hatters' do.—Railing Cards. Hat Bruflies of all kinds in ufe. Hatter's Irons, Stampers, Runners downi* KICK, of Kingflon, clock 3c watch maker, deceaicd, are once more required to make im¬ mediate payment to the fubferibcrs, or their accounts will be fued for without further no¬ tice* Such pcrfons33 have claims on laid tllate, are alfo requclied to give in the fame, properly.authenticated, to W. P. PATRICK, 1 .. , JOHN FERGUSON,J-***«"■ Klngy.on, \jl April, i8tl. H'lo do. do. do. do, do. do. do. SHERIFFS SALE. Midland Diflria, lpY virtue of a writ of VIZ, J Xi Fieri Facias, iiiued out of his Majefty's Court of King's Bench, at the fult of Doctor Asa F. Reio, of the town of Kingflon, againll the lands and ten¬ ements of Andrew Johnson, of ErnclU Town, inn-keeper, to me directed ; 1 have fei/ed and taken in execution's belonging to the*faid Andrew Johnfon, the call hall ui lot No. 9 in the lit (I eonceffion of the townfliip of Erncfl Town, containing by admealuie- ruent, one hundred acres, be the fame more or let's ; together with a framed houfe and barn thereon eiccled. I do hereby give no¬ tice, that the abovementioned lot of land, with tht buildings and appurtenances there- utity belonging, will be fold and adjudged to the highed bidder, at my office in the town of Kingflon, on Tuefday the third day of March next, at the hour often o'clock in the fore.-oon—At which lime and place the con¬ ditions of fale will be made known. CHARLES STUART, Sherif. And every perfon orperibns having claims on the above defer ibed lot of land, by mort¬ gage or other right or incumbrance, arc here¬ by advertifed to give notice to the faid Slier* * iff, at his Office in the town of Kinglton, previous to the fuie thereoi. Sheriff Office, 2d March, 18 l \ - 2$ Pickers, &c. &c- Sec. lies' moi LzAws'tno/lfa/bio'iatte beav. Hats & Bonnets., viz. White do. Maids' do. & children's do. Light fawn do. Diab do. do. Hair, brown do. Olive do. Purple do. Blue do. And Green do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. FOUND, in tlicprcrmifcsof the fubferibcr, on tht 24th nf Msrch foft* Six Bap of Wheat. Tlic owner nu obt.-iiii ii,on proving proper¬ ty and ptviu,- ili.o^.-t.—Apply '<> ' ISAIAH VAN ORDER. Ktst£it>jri, March id, 101 u HAT TRIMMINGS,-™*. Pink Linings Green Linings Red do. White do. Orange, do. Blue do. [perydl. Yellow do. Bl'fc do. fr. \f6loyj Hat Covflfc of every kind in uie. ^ BINDINGS. Bell: military bindings for cocked lists ; Biack Galloons from 10/to 33/per Grocit. B«(t drab do. Cum. do. do. Bell black and drab Bands; Common do. do. White and black worfled Looping ; Common white Hat Buckles ; ftccl do. Yellow Union ditto; white do. do. Cords and TM&bl of all fizea & colors, fo.r Fancy Trimmings]; Ladies' Bonnets. Extra laige Cords for Ladies' Pclifics. Fam fancy Trimmings for do. [Bonnets Phi nesofall colors,for Ladies' & ChiMren^ All of which will be fold at th«e moll reduced prices, forcaft or fhort and ap¬ proved credit. M»ntreal% Sept. 10, 1S1O. SHERIFF* SALE. Midland Dijirct, 1 1) Y vi. tue of a Writ of ws. \ Jtj fieri Facias, ifl'Ucd out <.fhis Maji-dv's Com t of King's BencK at the fuit of James Robins, of the town of Kingflon, Efquire, agatnft the lands and ten¬ ements of Amo3 Anllcy, of the townlhip of Kingflon, yeoman, to me directed ; 1 have fei'/ed and taken in execution, as belonging to the faid Amos An (ley, the north half of lot No. 15 in the fecond conceffion of the tov;n- fhip of Kingflon, containing by admeafure- ment one liundred acres, be the fame more or lefs ; together with a log houfe k framed barn thereon ereeled. 1 do hereby give notice, thai the above mentioned lot of land, with the buildings and appurtenances thereunto be¬ longing, v/ill be fold and adjudged to the highell bidder, at my office in the tc»-n of Kingflon, onTucfday the third day of March next, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore¬ noon—at which time a*»d place the conditions of fale will be made known. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff. And every perfon or perfens having claims on the above defcribed lot of land, by mort¬ gage or other right or incumbrance, are here¬ by advertifed to give notice to the faid Sher¬ iff, at his office in the town of Kingflon, pie- vious to the fale thereof. Sheriff's Office, 2d March, l8ir. ?o SHERIFF'S SALE. Midland Diflrict,! T>Y virtue of a Writ of •VIZ* \ U Firriluwitts,\ilucA out of his Majcfty's Court of King's Bench, at the fuit of Peter Grant, of the town of Kingflon, merchant, againfl the lands and tenements of Samuel Rofe,la:c of Maryfonrgh,yeoman, to me directed ; 1 have fei/.ed and taken in execu¬ tion, as belonging to the faid Samuel Rofe, the weft half of lot No. 2 in the firll concef¬ fion of the townfnip of Mary lburgh, well of the rock, containing by adineaiurcmtnt one hundred acres, be the fame more or lefs. I do hcieby give notice, that the abovemen¬ tioned lot (if land, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, will be fold and adjudg¬ ed to the highell bidder, at my office in the town of Kingflon, on Tuefday the third day of March next, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon—at which time and place the conditions of fale will be made known. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff And every perfon or perfor.s having claims on the above defcribed lot of land, by mort¬ gage or other right or incumbrance, are here¬ by advertiied to give notice to the feidSheriff, at his office in the town of Kindlon, previous to the fale thereof. M.* nil Kl\- .T ,ji &AJ 1 11. RECKONER-------No. 15. Fiela onhiia ethriter, ta/tqti/rmjlvf, ,di, dendtoit^ ncCjftmufatUMpotertquUquatn eJTc(fiittiu mm. OC, O, »-. 2----12. TO THE RECKONKk. TO attack an author oFdlablifhed refu¬ tation, whofe writings are quoted by the old and ftndied by the young, and who isrefei- rtd to upon all qucilious of politencf* as in- ralllble, evinces a degree of courage borderiug on temeri;v» for it will not be eafv to cot,- vinccihofc who have been long accutl.imed to look up 10 Lord Chelleilield a* the arbiter of good breeding, that they have beenniiia- keu, or thr.t ti.e n.a\:ms which they have been praeii'ing with applanfe Src jjernicioua and debnltng. 1 am appirlienllve thul the recollection of thele difficulties hns delayed your Urictures upon the Britllh manual of politcucfs. You have indeed thrown down the gauntlet, but you lufitate to enter the field. To encourage you to proceed by (hewing you thai your feiniment* are not fin* gular, I tranfniit a few remark* which occur* red to me while reading Chcllcilkld a* cor. reded by Doflor Gregory. They way J- fill you in your r<p>chet'uou$, or amilfe your rcadets until your own thoughts on the f *b- jeft are maturely arranged- In letter eighty lixth, I find religion and virtue once mentioned, but with all the fupercilioufiu.ft ofa fine gentleman, ll they are recommended, it U trom 1* > higher mo¬ tive than the refpeft which they are apt to vaife for us in the hearts of others. It IS our intcicil to appear moral—it begets cnf.v, an.', ue Ihnll th*- more eddy rii'e iti the N.-iiliJ, :• ... f: we fii^ll be more able to deceive, lit <> a cogent motive t.> he good and virtu.- »- .1 ilppcarftUce at Iciifl.but ilill the lubji d i- ^looui)—ihe roblc lord i» : - If] ■ . v. .- * '. ■ A ' ' •■ -.i^' * • wiib his inrachin To thofc who ire an^foua to learn th- r \ ofdifpenfmg wi*h ihc vim,- - i • •.;';.flit- :'■'« their imn.t'ion?, and who arc pleated ivith thediadow whik tht) difregardtb"fubftancc, the bot.l. we a:. conGJorinrj h certain]v in- valuable. Like fomc aichitcQs \\\\a iucraft rough grantee wilh parijMi mart'le in fo neat a manner that the fpeitutar eonfiders the building entirely of tills e\v. U.ut mat.rial, lo the rules of polrtencf* incul-* ted by fo 1 Chefterfield under thole who pracllfc til n agreeable to the eye, though deAituleof ev¬ ery folid qnab'ficatie.n. To ;1»; man --f the woild this muft be deemed of the firft im¬ portance, fur finee th.- incruit uio■»* of v 1 ■> pyramids outlived their builder, what wafi pofierityto him? And if the fine i man poflef:; a fair character during hi1; life, why trouble himfelf about its fothJity f Should any who are interelked for the purity of the riling generation confiderthia an objection rather than .1 merit, and that poh'tenels;; 1 .,. 1 tf SbriJPt Office, 2 J Mai A, 1« u. ;S dearly bought by the lots . f principle, •.! •' are to renumber tlist He trtnJfc Rni be very fcrupnlous who is dftcrnvtncd be power: and rich. Among th- * " *.- \ ' '■'- ' ■ •■ ' cnts urged by slur 1 • c ', ••- ry, or a marked a"c /■■» ;.. tJw laai ', - one nf the inoft efltcacina*. bT.--/.- « that by gaining I be couiiJ * -i > •■» theyniaybelrj) thefcuet u/th^irlin ' '•* . ami thus the mnfl Vdlunble i ' uiwatinn m ;•' be^ined. 'IV fuceerd with the i. 1 ■ ■- wc mnfl rt^itcran'.l deceive | - ices n •■ 11 very couGflcut with rhat probity which rorfi* fallidioAis men j»re deltnnu to pw(«*rve ; h 1 wc are fnfficicntly on our guard !fi«n rtj ■ tation \> liiMullie.i. Nocomp*m«cth*n i for faciiiicing the domdiic tha.itie* b) trancing the wile fiuin the hr!b;;ud, tli. : - of the world looks only to hi- own int< uAU and gives lyccfcU no trouble about that Ut othtrs. The fiir fcjc mccl wi h nvieb ... rent, but vtry little tiue, refpc& from tl. * prince ofpolitcnefs : lie dies rr. hrfirate to call them all frivolotid and isnwthkA. ;' the coitiplimentfl which he deer.* .' ;.. to pay them, proceed upon the filpp H .. that they po.T-isvery inferiov \\v. U ■■ *\ il that they ate aiway- to be ptealed a ' 3 cd by tulles, and are more r., »*atc»l note attentions ilun by the mtttt oun ' » qualifications. It mu(t h ill ived t *• - conduct of the I'm fat) -v mean opinion of th. v. & we u empty coxc^robs freqa* j >!> i. write* ; bu. !•■• liii $<4 PjiUj i\ k\i apulous, w,hti •. > ■