Kingston Gazette, April 9, 1811, page 3

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Fofcijflt Intelligence* y»MiJ*n* 1.5*—Sunday niylil the fl Aiukri!diid> IVXivaltj mailer, arrived hi the p »wii* n^J^,lu b<v, under jury malls, huv- —n-f-o—- A Gallant AlKon. Sunday ni'»hl j^umImij wl 9,500 men laid down fJirir ?:;;:% ami became pnToncrfl ol war. 'Die vncioy, (culiblc of the value of tliH acquihtiou, loll no lime ill endeavoring to turn it to account, Marfhal Macdouuld immediately marched to invert Tarragona, which, we much fear, will fhorily, if it has not already taken place, follow the fate of Tortofa. ju,r pfuN'trnei buwlpric and foivmall away Jn'a luavv (J«de fef wind off the hanks of Newfoundland. From 7 to 8 o'clock on SwvhiV mornhg, lhe was attacked hy fbuv Jretiih Ii-mkjct pmatceis, I.etween Dover and ■ Jan. 28.—Four fettionn of the Prince of Wales' filends ate organized, viz.—The Prince's old frierds tinder lord Moira ; the CSienvillites, having lord Grcnville at their head—the Foxites, with lord Holland at jTaikertom-i the &ii$ of which hailed to know thru head, and Burdetites and mob, having jfillf vnnted a p*1o« , CV.jh. 13. buying fuf- f\v Francis and Cohbett at their head & tail- Many of thefe will he office fecktrg* But it is decided that lord Holland is to be prime nvinillcr, and that the fvflein of adminiltra- tion is to be on Fox's principle. It is Elated that on the change of mfniflry rneafures will be taken for the abandonment of our allies the patriots of Spain and Portu¬ gal. We hope in God this event will nev¬ er difgrace the reign of the patriot Prince of Walts ! pieioii hf Her« implied in iV-* negative ; imme- ciatclv after anowVr p.i\ alc?r ordered him to kvb-icfc \ih maffl ynol> 3 .d tvro tit tlieni ran aJfeaglVde and 1>j.*i led th? Cumberland,pre- tiojjq it which the c:ptain had ordered all tli? !l,.ip>Alcr\..w io^u the cabin ; they being armed v*V Lfiea; boarding pikes ; as fuou as •: ? 20 tr.irft c?me on board the captain or- dftlhe flop to be lueered oft irom the pri¬ vateers, Leaving the Frenchmen no good fce* trca&and on the (hips being boarded, the privat^tf:* ccaf-d f:n:tg : in the mean time the fiiqPl company ndhed forward,and clear- dUfce deck ; the greatrll part of the board- flK£|n£ killed, and the remainder jumped ©vciroard. Immediately after another came abug fide, and told the captain they would give no quarter ; on hcamg this, the (hip's company cheered them,and they were board- * _ * ed oiia cleared in like manner. Thin was Frp-ated three limes afterwards, v/iih the like fuctefs on the part of the fhip*S crew- and their taking three prifontrs, two of whom Wcve wounded, and one has {luce died of his «fJtt«b. Immediately after this captain B. f*.barged three of his carronades, loaded •jvith round and cai.nhler (hot ; the firft tvgs 'fcenti cany away the mainmalt of«mfi of the privateers ~nd the feeond carried away the bovvfpric of anoi.icr, and it was iuppofed dc- ftroyed manv of the mci as they were heard to cry okt, and the {huts v/cre heard to firike the vefich Th-r tlien made off, and the CumberknU p-oc-alvd to tl»e Downs.— Wcare fot*7 £• /.".?, Mj-.Cowarrl, cllkf m:«te, is'wour.',l':u in ilie !r.ouldcr, and uhii one man on board tliC Cilft-betland has died of ins vo;u,ds. Th-: \a£i on the past of ihcentmy is fu^jjolVd tc Ic ui&r'y 60. Caj.t. B. killed three fc&ftiblfi ouc oif wiiicli tie Wtsm obliged I' ROM THE UNITED STATES. ----------O---------- Philadelphia, Feb. 28.—The prefenT fcarcity of fire wood 111 this city is a thing ah together unexampled.—Within the hill threr days it has been told as high as twenty doh lars or more a cord, and even at this enor¬ mous price it is difficult to find a load in the market. to put his- focit on co extricate fal3 pike. prevails at prevent in reinforciuff Lord Wel¬ lington, S»r John Stuart has b*en endered to lead a ft ill laijrer pait af his. force t;> Por¬ tugal, ano otdctiS have been fi nl to Cork, jftMflfin;,ut!\ and Plymouth, to the admirals Jain gc-e als in command of thole port^, to est elite the en»harking and failing of the •tlfoopa by all the mcuns in their power. Accounts were yeltcrday received from France, which ihte that all the American property tei/.cd i.i that country prior to the lit of Ntvembcr, has been formally condem- Red ; but that all wliicli has fmce that peri- & od been denuticd v/iU merely ren.ain under fequelltation, until the differences with vhe I^Uniced Sialei fliaj] b" 6sally adjuUed. T-* The account*? from Bolin, Prufha, which reach to the 26th ult. give a moil melancholy J)i6itrrc of the ilatc of the Pruf^-.n dominions. The inhabitants who were among the moll radufitiou; of the continent, a»e become in¬ different and inactive ; the neceliavy confe- fequence of the uncertainty wh'eh prevails relpeftirg their futuie fate* They appre¬ hend, ;»nd with reafon we fetfr, that the flight- tft repture between France and Ruflla would bt the fn»nal for their political e>;tii:<Stion. The projected family alliance between his Pruffian majeUy and ;he empcro* Alexander (die former is about to receive the hand of one of the fitters of the latter, the fame prin. -cefc that rejedted Bonaparte) is not consider¬ ed as by any means likely to perpetuate the exigence of Pruffuas an independent Hate. From the army in Sicily, Ireland and this country, Lord Wellington will receive a re- lr.rorcement of not le's lhan 13,000. We are fatisfud of the truth of the impor¬ tant faS, from forae general obfervations, that tli2 Ftencli tiooos are continually on progrefs from Gafcony to Spain. Jan. 26___Neither the lord chancellor nor Mr. Perceval, favv the'king on Thurfday, liavincr, after converfmir fome time with the pnyficians, conceived that an Mtevwicw would not be advifable. The phyficians we widerttand, did not object to it. They ftat- cd.diftinttly, that his Majelly's bodily health was good, but that th--* erroneous views of things, (for that k the phrale) remained the fame. Madanrc CatalorPs head diefs, on Tuef- flay evening, i«j laid to h:iv«- contained dia- «»u.-...U to lhe vain.- of 15,000!. Madame is a l' opera Giigcr, }m. 2*.—To»W;., in Spain, we regret toftate, ha. filleu toilw irieutk, after a firjr.-of 13 days open IteuchtiS. it litireu- dwidunjw: lull o-iy of the year, when u Norfolk, March 12.—By Capt. Lias, of fch'r Greyhound, in 15 days from Port? Rico, wt learn that it was reported at St. Thomas thata ftrange fleet of 6 fail of the lint and fevtral frigates, had been feen to leewari of St. Croix ; this information was brought to St.-Thomas on the 12th of February by & packet from St. Ctoix. A Briiifh frigats cameorf toe harbor of St. Thomas and con- firmed the intelligence that a fleet had bee*, fceu in the Weft Indies which was not the Briiifh. It was alfo reported, that a fleet ct 6 or 7 fail of the line of Britifh Clips, wi& 3000 troops, were at Baibadoes—dedinatioa unknown. The French -jrivatecr Duke of Dnntzie, had made a great number oi captures ; ail veileis, except thofe that were loaded witu colonial produce, weredeilroyed—iho.c that were (he lent to France. New Yon-, March 25—By the Lucy and EUy.abtth, Piay, from Lilhon, which port lhe left on the 17th of February, we leavn verbally, that London paper* had been received there earlv in February7, which Hat¬ ed that the King had nearly recovered, and that the Prince of Wales had rcfigned the piopofed Regency. Nothing was faid of the repeal of the Orders in Council. Markets at Lilhon were good; flour 17 dolls, rice 71, and corn 21» The British and French armies remained as at the date of our former advices. Cen. Junot has been (hot by one of the Euglifli piquet guards; the man had been avrelted and it was thought would be execut¬ ed ; as JftAajcontrary to the rules of war for the piqtifef guard to tire on the enemy while within their own lines. The French had c- retted an opera houfe within their camp, and had Cent cards of invitation to the Englifhto partake of the amufement ; but the Englilh had politely declined the. invitation. The fchooner Edmond, Capt. Doane, ar¬ rived here lafl: evening, in 31 days from Litf- bon, ftom whence lhe failed on the 19th of Feb. at which time the two hoitile armies remained almoft ina&ive. Capt. D. informs us, that 3000 Britift troops arrived at Lifbon from England, t\*z day previous to his failing ; that the packet had alfo arrived, bringing London papers la the 5th of Feb. which leprefented the King as having nearly recovered from his bodihr coo»laint ; that the regency had not betn fettled, nor were the orders in council repeall¬ ed.----------- march 27. Very late from Rio Janeiro* By the pilot boat fchooner Hamilton, h 32 days from Rip Janeiro, we learn that ths Britifh and Spanifh fleets had raifed tie blockade of Monte Video, and that 5,003 troops which the prince of Portugal had feit to Monte Video, had been ordered back. KINGSTON: Tuesday, j&nuz 9> fc&t! ..'.anuui C<jn:i"i;j, uj:Ii litiZc Cuiracoa,mul a pail oi Uunaii^was (uuV by .m earthuuuhv, Feb. *j, wuli all the velljb lu the liarhor, in¬ cluding a vtflel hum London, with a caivo Worth 200,000 dollars.—Bqjlon Palladium. rfit'cvriiciif \*n*A "id ifitr.ntion oi rhr In i • and uy f# »hnctin{ln i:\ , , frf U I ' 4 A letter received in Philadelphia fron Wafhington, ilates confidently that the prd- ident will convene an extra feflion ofcongrefe, by proclamation, to meet in May next. A letter from Jacquemel, received at &. Domingo, ftated, that Petion had taken tint place, and maflacred moll of the inlubitanti. Petion was next to go againft Aux Cay^s and Rio Hancha. It was faid at St. Domingo,th^t the whoe New Mhnftcr to France—The Senate of tlie United States have confirmed the nomi¬ nation of Joel Barlow, Efq. as Minidcr Ple¬ nipotentiary to France. We underlland that the cmhaffy to the court oi St, Petcrfburg has been offered to the hon. Robert Smith, fecretary of date. ------- ' N. Intel/, COMMUNICATION, MM. EDITOR^ t YOUR correfpondeut, the Comi- try Juftice, exprclles h:rnfe!f with great flu¬ ency and corrc&nefsfora BWtifli magillrate; and has been fo prompt in communicating his itri&ures upon a law that had been but a ve¬ ry few days before tlie public ; that I rather luipecl he has affumed a name which he is not entitled to ; and that he is fonie captious gentleman who is more defirous uf uifplay. ing his fagacity by Uaitin^ objedtionj, than folieitous for infotmaticn. The detention of fraudulent debtors under the warrant of a juflice of peace is not a new tiling. It was provided for by one of our ftatutes paiTtd fo long ago as the year 1 7^8 ; and has been a£tcd upon without any fuch diiTicultieshavingoccurred in praftice as thofe Hated by your correfpondeut. All that re¬ mained for the legillature to do was, in com¬ pliance with the general wifhes of the coun¬ try, to reduce the fnm for which perfonal ar- 11ft, and fuch provilional detention could he allowed, to forty (hillings. Without the latter the power of arrefl under the ufual pro- cefs would in many inftances have been nu¬ gatory ; as unlefs the paity happened to be in the immediate neighborhood of the depu¬ ty clerk of the crown, the perfon intended to be arretted might eicape before the regu¬ lar procefs could be procured. The warrant, like all other warrants, mult dillin&ly ftate the grounds on which it is granted ; and as m other cafes be ditefted to the necreil con- ftable ; and ths fees of the jullice and the of¬ ficer will of courfe be the fame as they are for she iffuingand ferving of other warrant*. It feems obvious that the perfon arretted may be conveyed to priion, it th^t fhould be deem¬ ed utccfiary in order to fecure him ; ciid whether the officer would, or would not, be liable for an efcape ? mult, 1 conceive, de¬ pend altogether on the circumlt^nces of any partJcnLr cafe tliat may occur. All.hLu- iults fo neceuarily from general fin J eftablhh- ed principles, that it would have been puerile in the legislature to have made particular en- aiimenta on the fubjeft. Belides it U im- poffiblc by any details to comprehend every cafe under which the provisions of a law may come to be applied ; and by attempting to preferIbeminutely the mode in which it is to be executed, the chance is that in many cafes it would be difficult of impoflible to execute it at all* A claufe which (hould declare that the magiftratcs by whom the law was to be carried into effsft fliould be intelligent per- fons, would be deemed a very extraordinary one. Yet all laws mufl be framed upon this fuppofition ; and to a perion of this dcfciip- tion,the one in queilion appears to prefent no real difficulty. The " conducing to prifon from a diftance M of from fixty to an hundred miles" con- trafted with " the pitiful fum of forty fliil- iC lings," is not amifs as a rhetorical flouriih ; but it is putting an extreme and barely pofli- ble cafe. . Let it be confidered that before any proceedings cau be had under this aft, rot only a meditated fraud, but flight from the province mult be pointedly averred upon oath ; and that, even under thefe circumflan.- ccs, where there is inability to dilcharge the debt, unlefs fuch inability artfea irom a frau¬ dulent conveyance cf the party's eifects, there is provilion made for the enlargement of the debtor at the end of one month ; and it miift be allowed that there is nothing in it at which an honed man has reafon to he a- larmed. Though it will operate as a faiuta- ry check upon fuch unprincipled fwindlers as have heretofore been in tbfi habit oi in (in* uating themfelves into the confidence of un¬ wary people, and under various pretences getting into their debt, (taking care that the amount due to any individual ihould not reach ten pounds fterling) and then march¬ ing off in triumph with their pockets full of money, and laughing at the credulity of thofe whom they have thus impofed upon. It might have occurred to a perfon of lefs information than your correspondent feems to be, that any expolition cf a law by " the " framer or framers of it," after ic had pair¬ ed, was of no more authority than that of any other perfon or perfons, and that in cafes of doubt its conilruflion mult be gathered from the decifions of the courts of juftiet.— Yet fome of our Country Jujlices will not give up their own opinions even to fuch expoik- ors ; but continue to iffoe, from their courts of requefts, fummonfes and executions be¬ yond tiie limits of their divilion, contrary to • 'iir iilli/.-.'j in i.l,.- dccifion '.! -a ■■■■■•■ ...,},.•-.,., tin. jjoii.i ettw. in qticiHon. In i.,,. , Hi-. :l, cprtainb hitvc r»ot tgrnranc^ lu ;-!• u\ h, •■ forLluii -error. IlAWKlNS. Dreadful Occurrenec. Letters from Smyrna mcutitj \\w\ im<r>\ the WeihriM^rav;^,,, in paffingtbfough rhe Dv-ferl of .Syria, in Sept. la:t, was ci'vcttstiC 1 near the Katerou rnbuutaini, byaduadful whirlwind, which putting in motion ihr fan- dy foil rolled it along like the waves of the fea. The caravan confining of fttar «soo perfons,comprifin^r merthanttf, pilgrioi's, ice. who were, with their camels, fprcad hlottt a line of rhrce miles in extent. Toth[>cir- cumlhnce ;ne preservation of the advanced guard is atttibuted, which ob.amed Pnettcr on the fuuthern fide of the mountainous chain ut katcDn, while the remainder of the caravan, 050 fouls, we»c buried beneath the lai.dy mafs* LATEST PROM ENGLAND. By thfjijip Frances,Jtqm Crstnocky the td~ ilors of tljj AV zv YorL Gazette /:.:oc received London papers tn Im K)th% and G% fcnpch papers to th: 1 y>h rf Fek me/t^he. 1: m<& appears thai lhe Rigtarj tsjeltfed, hut ctoitg fo fhepofr fihlc recovery '/the Ki;;g3 no change in ttlii miniftry was exprcled at the Lnhhues. On the 1$ of February* the emperor Nopofc- 011^ accompanied ly the llwpt.fs^ was hunting in the -zuood of Boulogne. New licenfes have been granted by the French government. They direct thai t';^ illip uling them ihall be obliged to export a cargo, one third of which ih-dl coniiil of biandy, one tnird of lilk, and the remainder of Ftcnch manufaelures. A lettzr from Monmouth of a late date, fays—*6 About 8 o'clock ycltciday morning, two tiihermen, 20i»^ down the river in their triiekies, hilling for Salmon, found their net much heavier than ulua!, <t\\\ on coming to fhore, they fotuid it cuntained a hngc mon- ller, the upocf part of i: lw*:ig lIjc cxaol refcrhbiance of a man, tiie miJ iie of a bcV.t, fpottcd like a leopard, and a * til lik* a tufe, the hair oil his head greet!—h • has ted eycsf and tuikj five inches and a hah' .* length,and mealures froio h-'id to tail ih;.;cfn feet and three quarters. We is now tkooiited ia ihe T.iVVlihull, for theiidpe-itiou u tiu cu.iou /* Iz.or.don oapet± g wei. MODBRN DESCRi? - IOM. TIIE fleecy-clouds of the raorittn now Hi caked with nature's richcli vermilUon, the fun was juit lifting his radiant head a- bove the itaiely tree.-, of theforcfl, the feath¬ ered Haodcls oi nature fuiig forth their fv/ecteit carol?, and tlie universe had borrow - ed the robes of May, when Elua, more beau- titiil than Diana, walked out to iecd the chickens* to RRAliERS jtin :ozx?svoxnR%\'T$. Several articles are exclude J this day % from the length of the Law til toe preceding piigc. Tyro is too perfonalfor hifertion* CoRTBOfi requires fmc ic^fum. HoxFSJUSy too late for ih'is pn-r. FksiNKLixftall appear at our ;.'.■/. Promm THyustjur**- r * T"f f ^1/ TO Bk LET, A DWELLING-HOUSE, w&nrp»* fidcir.ble Hnprovemertt of •.nN»D, r.tuacc on Llit: cm nor of lo:. No. r„ a :jci;iin tUe -;d couccflion road and lihe crota f»«u5 be- t\v'cen No. <j and ic, runung throng'; '•■ 2d conceflion cf'i.c: to\.-aibip oi KingftoH : —convenient for any pubJic bui'n.rf.--. Inquire of JOHN YOUREX. ]\IarJj 26, iSlI. SHERIFFS SALL. Midland Dlflvia, 1 n to wit : J fuecloui ofuh Mojejl/s Court of Kmfs I and to me dire&ed, aga'injl the lands arm I' Y~ virtue 'J n U t •»' of FWi Facias, if- b nch, I iei.t- meuts qf Boston Pxw&m at thefitt of Bryan Crawford Efq. I hem [cited audio ken in e:« t *■ tlontkeajl half of tot No. $r fecund coaceffion , the town/Up of Frederick/burgh, in the emajtus ofLttiax and Adcfmgton, and djfinB aprefed. contahn'ng h udmeafurement or.: hutidnd asrej, end an* improvement of thirty^ acres, fa th-: fame more or lefs ; which wiU bt aa judged 10 the /. jgkfl hidden at the gaol di ■■ the town of Kingston* <>» Monday the tza <-j fame hwnto me befort ike <iu\ .'. Sheriff's Cf.., itfitlfrPi i^ W 96

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