Kingston Gazette, April 9, 1811, page 1

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v ' ! KiNU.i'l'ON, (UPPER CANADA J ■ * -- -•— * - - Emek I I "/7 Ttnm Academy. WW tui/feribcrs hereby inform tin in. y>\ hii'iini^ tliat an Aca* &juf*tl &.'.».'» nudei the fuperiiMendance of .hu-.\|kik' cOn prtci j-tor, :^ upeiii'd in Fnufl Tow.i, neai the ( hutch, iwr the mftru&ion or Youth in '.i^iifh rtadinof, Ipeaking, pram- nu-ami cuuipojuioii, thelenued languages., pc-u'»iaiilhii>, .•.:iii:,netie, geography and plh- r brancht:. ol Libt-ral Education. Scholars attending from a d Hi a nee may he boarded in good families on lealonablc terms, and for fifteen millings a year can have the ufe of a valuable JLibiarv. ROBERT McDOWAL "1 BENja. FAIRFIELD, Wm. FAIRFIELD, SOLOMON JOHNS, STEPh. FAIRFIELD, Wm WiLLCOX, Samuel neilson, george baker, j Erwft ¥u"ZJ.t, I lib A'JarJj, I 8 i r. ¥ i # o 3 ^ -» ;VT-) 7? N T iV-i ±J 11^ o * t U li, !I I'll *-' L tJit « he ShM of the M';. \-aky, Xo. 54, J^ r.'U » J I fit- wii 1, OBTrtf!j>e^fully ii)£:.«iai9ttu Public, th.ii he. lict-. irtj h.irjci a molt f&teniive 4uft fc&erb wh-icHf ore \\ iih ovna- avcr lTa;s. do. andcompL-tc ;.;!; uu>cnc U iiATo, HAT jw; 1 u t-riiiiary Hats, "flicrnts eompkle; ^'tlemen's nmjS U'/hiomMe Be J-'O. Yeoman cfGSVl.S do. •Uo.LTl^ iui;v."iu..c *»reen uirc!er do. Do. drab da. *!#• <■«>. l^o- black d<>. extra large brims do* Q >. drab &>• dw. ^£*t bl^tck wHicr 0roof ink Ditto g;^;u Jilda do. Oo, ^4|i», do. i)o. d>Ji vivca under Jllk (1.;\tr> v.uiiiiiis'd \u'1'CM IJ.'lv fill do* dtii (in. Itu, do 1; •« * f •« y 1 I •- ,1 • J < . i\ I i.1 tv;ivc i; IB : riwLion. Hats* i)o. d->. C.;ro vi ). ^;v^^ v^: [>..y:/ u:ic 0o< *u^,. Do. c«'i»nn"ii do. Do. Vv.i.4 il'its of cv- iy d».. u O-dd aftj.l iilvci; i."dcl CutsJ l> :M(i>. Moioc*.-<v (>{' ::'! colois iuitablj for Fancy Tip Pap^'j d^. do. Belt a:ul coiumow Glue. Logwoo.j, C'>, Verdigris. Aquatuitis, Oil of Vitriol, Clothiers' Jaek.3. I i.utcrs'* do.— Railing Cards. Hat Brnlh.'s of all kinds in ufc. Hatter'}, Irons, Stimperj, Runners down, * Pickvr\ &c. 5<c- 5<c. \.^r^mfJifa;h!utu:lit- beav. Ha^s & Bonnets, viz. Whicc dl Maided do. 2c i-,ildreids do. Drab Hair, brown Olive And Green Co. do. 1, uo% do. do. do. 1 uo. do. > a 3. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. HAT TRIMMINGS*-™ «-^ nk o Pi Red do. Oraa^e do. Yellow do. Green Linings Whkc do Bine do. [peryd. BVk do. fr. >y6to5/9 TUESDAY, ^P/^/L 9? 1811. [No. 29 ^NEW GOODS. 6 —0 00 \) 0^,000— A FRESH SUPPLY OF GOODS, AM0NC5T WHIqH ABE |~'"URNITIJ RE and printed Calicoes Siik SHERIFF'S SALE. M';dlavdD,JhUU\ "|> Y virtue of a writ of ORIGINAL MISCELLANT. f 25 ©Ut of his Majctty'« Court of King's Bench, «t the fuft of Dotlor Asa F. Reid, of the Hovvn of King(ion, againit thc'landa and ten- a • 0, . „ - -,----- emcrits of Andrew Johnson, of Emeft- m ov % m ^dics'plninand Town, inn-keeper, to me direded ; I have igur o bilk Meeves, Leno dittc, Kid Gloves, kiv^d ?.nd taken in execution,as belonging to die laid Andrew Johnfon, the ea(i half ol lot No. 9 in the firft concftffiori of the towndup v( Ernell Town, containing by admeahn\> ment, one hundred acres, be the fame more or lefs ; together with a framed houfe and lam thmon netted. I do hereby give 110- nVe, that the abovementioned lot of land, with the buildings and appurtenances there- -unto belonging, will be fold and adjudged to ;he hij.hdt bidder, at my office in the town <^f Kingiton, on Tuefday the third day of Msrch.ncxt, at the hour often o'clock in the lore ioon—At which time and place the con- uitions of fale will be made known. CHARLES STUART, Sierif. A nd every perfon or perfons having claims on the above defcu'bed lot of land, by mort¬ gage or <,-ther right or incumbrance, are here¬ by advertifed to p:'ivc notice to the faid Sh< r- hT, at his Office in the town of Kingfton, previous to the fale thereof. Serif's CjfiCe, zd March, 18 I 1. 28 Fur the Kingston Cazei^e, black worded Flofe, Catpeting, Veilings Lrown Flollands, Checks, '$te. 8<c. All of which will be fold very- low for Cafli or Country Produce. B. WHITNEY. Kingston, xuh March, iSti, _______________________________________________________________ GARDEN the reft of the kingdom. For Sale by ABBOT €ff BJSCOM. K I *! r, 5 T . H . /. 1- R I L X , J \ I I. POUND, in the prcmifes of the -«- fubferiber, on the 24th of March in ft. Six Bags of Wheat, The owner can obtain it, on proving proper¬ ty and paying charges.—Apply to ' ISAIAH VAN ORDER. Kingston, March 26, 181 I. Earl hen & Glass Ware. 1 HE Subfcribers rfifpe&fuHy inform their fiicud^ and tiic public, that ihcy have teccivrd by the late anivals from Liv- erpoolj z gcut-ral affottttient of JEARTHEN ht GLJSS IVyJP.E, which tl.ey offer for faie whohf^lf and retail, at their Store-, No. co St. P*:ul Street, lately occupied by James Dur.lop, l7.U|. on as good terms as can he Lad at any liore in tin's city.—Ware packed i.; ill Lull I'Tunner, and a liberal ditcount r Country Merchants and mad for calh. others are rtqnefted to call. GREEN k EA.TON. Montreal, J ah J S 10. 2 G.'f ■**- THE BEST KIND A lb a >: v Ii "S&caed S jun received and ful fale at 11'\ per lb. at the Store of OF A-lbanv iv.ipca.t: LEATHER, iaft recti marc I j 1 4- m S. BART LET. I NOTICE- THE coptntneiPnip of Mower &? Ken- da ltm printers, is iliis day diffblvedf by WIHU8.1 arrreernent. All pdrions having a y demands ajjaiidl fdd firm, are dciircd to tfttJhit them ; and thofe indebted are reqnelK eu to make immediate payment to C. Kendall* iKA-tiUM MOWER, W CHARLES KENDALL. Ga%etU OJkce\% March 19, 1811. £ M Notice is hereby given, r~VT*Q all perfons indebted to the ellate of l^ Alexander McDonald, baker,late of the town of King lion, deceafed, by prom- ifCjry note, book account, or other obliga¬ tion, that unVis immediate payment is made io t'ie fubferibers (who are duly autho\iied to receive the fame and give acquittances) their accounts will be puc into the hands of an attorney for collection. All ^rfons having any claims aoainlt laid eilate, by pvomiffory note, book avcount, or other obligation, are requelted to produc^the fame foradjuftment, on ot before the 1 >ih day of March next, to the fnbfcribeis. ALEXr. MACDONELL,^/«'r. JANNET MACDONELL,^//«V. -Kin^si'on, IOth Jan. l8il. 17—■'/ SHERIFF'S SALE. Midland Dijlria, ? T> Y virtue of a Writ of viz* y X3 Fieri Facias, iffued out of Jus Majcfty's Court of King's Bench, a' theinit of James Robins, of the town of Kingfton, Eicjjirc, again!! tire lands and ten¬ ements of Amos Anfley, of the townfhip of Kingllon, yeoman, to me directed ; 1 have ieiz.ed a:id taken in execution, as belonging to the Lid Amos Anfiey, the north half of lot No. 15 in the fecond conceflion of the tovvn- finp of Kingllon, contaliung by admeafure- nrent one hundred acres, he the fame more cr lefs ; together with alug houfe & framedbara tbereon crecltd. 1 do liercby give notice, ,lhi'i/i,Ji>;iy:ttrnttnra\niiulJ(»tinli)a4>iU,wJtl».the. buildings and appurtenances thereunto be¬ longing, will be fold and adjudged to the liiglieft bidder, at my office in the town of Kingllon, on Tuefday the third day of March next, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore¬ noon—at which time a <d place the conditions of iale v. ill be made known. CHARLES STUART, SheriJ. ■ And every perfon or periens having claims on tire above defcribed lot of land, by mort¬ gage or other right or incumbrance, are here¬ by advertifed to give notice to the faid Sher¬ iff, at his office in the town of Kingllon, pre¬ vious to the fale thereof. Sheriff's Office, zd March, 1811. 28 SHERIFFS SALE. Midland DlQriclt\ TYY virtue of a Writ of viz* \ -&-J Fieri Facias,\{[\it'3 out of his Majefty's Court of King's Bench, at the fuit of Peter Grant, of the town of Kingllon, merchant, arrainft the lands and tenements of Samuel Rofe,latc- of Maryfburgh,yeoman, to RECKONER-------No. 14. VoUt ht?c fub luce vidcri j ucticis argutum qua nonformiaai caevmen. H0RAC3. IN large cities the mofr eminent men in all the different branches of feience and po¬ lite letters are to be found. It ftould feem that as the population extends 1 he truly learn¬ ed increafe hi a Mill greater proportion. So remarkably ia this tire cafe in Britain th?t as many learned men relide in London as in all And what is ftiil more aflonifliing, we have no periodical pa¬ per eminent for its wit, which has not been publifhcd in that great metrop¬ olis, and been fnpported by a club or focietv men ot letters. In the provincial cities men of feience and erudition become indolent from the want of affoeuting with others ;__- for knowledge, like tire, is put in motion by collifiou. When men of talents enjoy fre¬ quent opportunities of meeting and converf- tug together, thought beget* thought, every hint is turned to the great eft advantage—a fubjeft which appear.-, in the clofet luminouf- ly treated, neatly expielfcd, and not liable to a fingle objeclion, is prcfented, when difculT- ed in company, in a variety of new light? ; for objections totally unexpected being raifed and lupported, it fu ffers aim oft a to:al tranf- formation. Thofe only who luve enjoyed thin free conveife, who have been in the hab¬ it of applying mind to mind with a fewcho- fen and learned aiTociates, are able to appre¬ ciate its loi's. Private medication may be called the ore of knowledge, which' an inter- conrfe with the learned refines into pmc meiai. 1 ating botn Hut Covers of every kind in ule. jIi.NA.;itnuO' Bed military bindings f«vr cocked hats 5 Black Galloon^fr^m icfzo 30/p^r Groce Bell drab do. Com. do. do. Sell: black and drab Bands ; '* Common do. do. White an4 black worfled Looping ; Common white Hat Bnckles ; (L-el Yei'ow Union ditto; white, ^o. Corda and TafTeU") of all li^:1 ^ colors, for Fancy Trimmingsy I .atlits' Bonnets. ^Xlra large Couls for Ladies' ?eiiltl^ ri'ii. fancy T.imu-o.-s Vor do. [ "..-nuets P-u '-•v.-f.r.l tolor-^f^v La4i^' * Children h Ail ot whtcn v\ ;L DC iokl .v. i mail reduced pikt^ Xui. eSfc Q* lliu,t aildal-- piovid evi-dit. R E M O V A L. Northrop, Wclcott W Abbe, Have removed from No. 54 St. Paul Street to No. 102, one dc>or North of Meffrs. Bellows, Gates & Co. where they have *& General AiTortment of DRY GOODS onh>md, which they oSsr for fale on re.afonablc terms. N. W. & ABBE* Montreal, i sth Sept* 1810. I tf That a periodical publication ema- the woods fljonld give general fath>£diTtion, ucalfiiled as ii is by any i'xicty of literary men, is r.ot to be expected, fince fo many who have attempted this fpecies of entertainment in more favorable fit nations have totally failed. It i? 'u> the {jrcat world that the ellayitt firfda his ma.eiiai-—he*re he gathers his harveil, snd in the compel} ion, he employs rather his powers of leleCtion than invention. Lor not o.r'lv the 0-1 eat bo- dy of what he is gi'Jng to write prtfentS it- fclf to his rtrollcCtinn, but ftiiking alluiions and happy illultrationH flow in upon him from that variety cf objecc* by which he is furrounded. H^ ha^ therefore almoli the whole of. his attention to be (low upon his ftyle, in rendering his msthnd perfpi.uou-., ftle6ltng his words and rounding h\< periods. Even Dr. Johnfoo, whofe vigorous powers of thinking guve a value to every tiling that he wrote, would have rendered his celebrated work the Rambler much more entcttaiprng and inltructive, had he admitted a f^w aiTo¬ ciates of different though of feebler minds. Indeed the numerous accpmplilhments necef- fary to the compofition oi (kort cflays can hardly ever be united in the Tame perion.— Thofe who have read the memoirs of Mnr- rriontei are no longer fuipriied at the Fafei- me direfted ; 1 have feized and taken in eKCGU- nating attractions of his dclnhrfui tales, be- tion, as belonging to the faid Samm-l Rofe, cauft ii is difcovercd that thev arealmoil A\ the weft half of lot No. 2 in the firH ooveeC- fion of the townfhip of Maryfburgh, wed of the rock, containing by admeasurement one hundred acres, be the fame more or lefs. I do hereby give notice, that the abovemen¬ tioned lot of land, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, will be fold and adjudg¬ ed to the higheft bidder, at my office in the town of Kingfton, on Tuefday the third day of March next, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon—at which time and place the conditions of fale will be made kr.own. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff. And every perfon or perfons having claims on the above defcribed lot of land, by mort¬ gage or other right or incumbrance, are here¬ by advertifed to give notice to the faid Sheriff, at his office in the town of Kingfton, previous to the fate thereof. Sheriff's- OJice, 2d March, 18 11. 2 3 HO WHO IUC1C dUVaiuagea u\. mt^..* in.. .. '*v tar below them, yet in eliimating hra labors, Lhe ncceifary indulgence ought certainly to derived from incidents which the writer heard or was connected with in the various compa¬ nies whieh he daily frequented. The Reckoner has not the fame advanta¬ ges as his more popular predccefTors, and al- tho' with thefe advantages he might Hill fi ik f t-h be made. Not that he has any reafon t>. complain of his reception from the public, or wants confidence in his own talents ; on the contrary, he has not been criticifed enough to excite inquiries, and his critics have been very unfortunate in the objection* which th.-y have made. There is however one o'ojcdion which has been fo frequently repeated that it might appear indecorous in him to palo it over longer in fiknee. He Ihould have no¬ ticed itfooner, had he not conceived it the critique of fome raw girl, whofe brain had futfered from the ftudy of romances. As foon as he heard the fame obfervacion from a do- do. FOR FARM conhftin SALE, cr of 25B acres, he e$s tWttuirwJi Sift, io, 1.8 res 1 u /-$_ ing Lot No. 6, in the ill concem;0n in'PittfbiTrgh, htuate 6 miles from Kingfton _ioor 12 acres under improvement, wiith a good log houfe on the lame, and a gcod Marfh affording hay for 12 or 14 head of cattle.-F-r particulars apply to Lauc; h- L1N MTntyre, ftiip carpenter, 1 ittibiirgh. accou tice cftate, are'aKo requefted to give in the fame, all effaTilh, and he thought it Wd |U ,; properly authenticated, to Way or be found monwm % b... 1. Au ** W. P. PATRICK, 1 ,,, JOHN FERGUSON,J"1"' Kingston, ijl Aj>ri!: lCil. rs. &0 wa) fupported by a fbew of reafon and tviteuie, he reouells to be heard in his own defence. rhe Reck on uk hs» b^cn tcrmgd a \ih

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