Kingston Gazette, March 5, 1811, page 4

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r < ,' it P O E T R Y. i". yaw n f rom hi m during the prolixity of .1 n & mothlr's LAMENT OVER her. ini-ant. M He was delighted smih tie w&ri of hh own hards ; he pw t&tit it svm beaudfd, he meideii qohI\ and took h to Imufclfd* I HAD a daogktr, fweetly fair, ^ With n.ild bbic eye, and auburn hair, A diajpk to.> m cither check, And sherry 1 ijj^—fhejuit could fpeak. Ofr in hey eyes I oa'd to gaze, Delighted wtfhher ii.fant ways* And'play'd, and ieok'd, and pUy'd again- So watchful never to give pain, That the was pteajM and leldom cry'd Except when Something was deny'd, "Which Rcrner duty ordcr'd ft>, And this, ft.rfooth, would cauk her woe \ Bat then it went fo foon away, That (he did lilth cue but play : Shejuft could run—I think I fee Her infant form approaching me ; A bunch of flowers In either hand, Like little fylph from fairy land. She rooted was within my heart, So that I thought I couid not part From the fwcet babe, 1 lov'd her fo; But Jill I knew that J he must go ! My lov'd Eli/a now is gone ! feat whv ihould I her lufs bemoan ? Through ghU of faith, I plainly fee3 fhe is happier far than me, Htri*oMen harp flic tunes f> liveet, While fitting at her Savior's ic.t ! That 1 mould like to go and hear, I lometimes. think and (hed a tear— (Mo tear of farrow, but of j -.\\) The hymns which now my child employ I Far from the wars, which ro^r fo near, She's landed fafc»and free bom tear ; She's met a lovely filler thec, Who, lil'/. herfclf, was good as fair. A nereis (in fit. aho round, I mike no doubt) on !:;avcrii;y ground^ And every voice in chorus raiie. To fi.ig the great Redeemer's praife ! " // zuas a beautijul floxvee ; ;! -na? com¬ mitted. I'o my cjre. and d watched uvfr it with the tcndif'-jl a fiction, out Itvvcdk, perhaps loo ".'.':!!. audit was taken from hie in mercy*9 winter's eve. His mind would be agreea¬ bly engaged. His hands would be employ-. ed by Utility, his heart would tlirob witlh Pleafure, and his eye be brightened by Hope-. He would not only ' kt things in older o»» the nrIt day of the month,' but habit woulw] ( caufe order to regulate his occupation during the year. " Were I to compliment a man * or fee-. blc knee.-,,' v.hole eyes are led, whofe hand-;* ftre paralytiek, whole perceptions are diltur-. bcti, and whofe purle u i.upoveriihcd by Har.-- rvin-.', kite at rhe wine/ I Ihould vvilh him % foLr I (liould wilh, win n he bellow-. ed far the third bottle of Burgundy, that his landlord might be flecpVj and that the wai¬ ter might (tumble ; that all the liquor her fwa! lowed mitead of railing would depreU his fpin'cs ; and that he might perufe ldk oufly that chapter of the mophet, which de¬ nounces < woe to the drunkards of Ephraim.* " The V'/iih ior gamblers mult be expref. fed in a very extraordinary and enigmatical manner. Iru'iead of a happy new year, it would be ih.c duty of their re-il friends, to pray that it might be an unlucky one. An unlucky year would be a year cf jubilee to the gameltef; It would produce a thorough reformation. Should the friendly wilh for ill Inch be realized, and the gamefter nei¬ ther hold four by honors, nor the odd tricky what a clear Caving to his purfe, his health, and his time ! He would fcon couiider cards as the emiffaries ot misfortune, he would en¬ deavor to grow rich by furcr calculations, he would endeavor to difcard the knave from his hand, but from his conduct, and be more anxious to turn ihe penny, than a tramp. " The wilh for the fhy bachelor and the coy maiden, is, that, tired cf a cold and eom- foitlefs celibacy, they may agree during the prcfent froily, or approacbitJg venial icafon, to make vuws to Matrimony anJ keep them with the p ti re it good faith. May. their wedding fiag be always bright, aiid may tlicir honey moon, with genial ladiance, glow intenleiy, not merely for a moathj but cheer aud '»ilu many a blifoiul year." O R 1 E S T A L A N £ C OO T £ j DIVERSITY. •O THE NEW TEsIR. u On the firft day of the firll month, let in order the things that are to be fit in or¬ der." The following extracts are from one of the num¬ bers of the Lay Preacher, from the above words, in the Port Folio of' Januaryt I 803 ; and are as applicable now as they were then. " "WHILE all aiound him are repeating the compliments of the fesfon, and, with jo¬ cund voices, wilhing each other 3 happy new year, the Lay Preacher, wilh affectionate zeal, will fugged plans by which thefe annu¬ al whiles for felicity may be realized. u Mod: men are criminally idle. 1 con- fefs, with candor, that I loiter and (lumber much, and, while I preach induflry to oth¬ ers, am myfelf a cafl away. But the fun who darts his reproachful rays through the cur¬ tain, undrawn at nine o clock, fcems to up¬ braid my fluggifhnefs, and to with that I would announce to the lazy of my flock that they will not, like him, at once mine and be or ufe, imlei\ like him they rife feafona- bly. My readers are, therefore, vehement¬ ly exhorted early to extihguim their candles, and tu •«fe the day lamp, which neither fput¬ ters nor foes, whofe wick, never burns out, and whofe oil never fails. All who wilh that the year may be happy, mult rigorouf- ly obferve this injunction. No complaints mull be heard of the chill of winter morn¬ ings, or the fhortnefs of hammer nierhts. but r lit as loqn as the above lamp begins to glim- ner, let them rife and work? They will foon be convinced that it is fo inveniouily contrived,, its radiance will not offend the eye*, nor its exhalations taint the lungs, like the vulgar tapers of midnight. " Inflead of employing the ufual expref- fion, a happy new year, it would, perhaps, be an improvement to vary the phrafe, and a- dapt it to the character of the perfon who is add relied. ** If I meant that a fluggard mould enjoy a happy year, I would wilh him an active and laborious one. I would apply to feme clam¬ orous carman, or fome importunate client to bellow at his window at the dawn of day. I would even advance a dollar from my fmall fal :ry, t-, purchsfe a couple of cocks to cro'w him up to exution. The year of the idler wsukl then undoubtedly be happy. You v.'j ild hear fiom hirn no corn plain it. of fpleen fr n-rvou, cifvrdtrs. He would Inrve no ' ill t'i [wy the af)otliecary for pills to cure ina^dUon, YuM vould fcareely hear a A learned man made a practice cf placing himfeh at a mofque, and preaching to the people. One of the congregation wept con- tiantly. On* day the preacher laid, '* My words make great irnprcilion on this man's heart, wh.rMi is the reafon of his crying fo much." Others obf>Vvrd thus to the man that wept. ** The learned man does not make any impvcfilon on our minds : what kind of a heart mult you have, to be always in tears ?" He anfwered, "I do not weep at his difcourfc ; but 1 had a goat, of whom I was exceedingly fond, when he grew old, he died ; now whenever the learned man fpeaks and wags his chin, the goat comes to -jnv remembrance, for he had juR fuch a long beard." m ■ In a chufch a few miles from London, the prieft was repeating that part of the Litany which offers up prayers "forall thofe who travel by laud 01 by water," &c when the clerk fuddenly exclaimed, u Except my wife, who eloped from me two days ago." In a morning paper, Mr. McGlue an¬ nounces a feparation from his lponle. We ihould fuppoie a huhband fo tenacious of his rights as this adhefime name indicates, would flick e/ofe to his partner. An advertifement in an Irifh paper, fet- ting forth the many conveniences and ad¬ vantages to be derived from metal window ffhes, among other particulars obferves, that " thefe fames would lad forever ; and after¬ wards, if the owner had no ufe for them, they might be fold for old frond' Two fuitors in chancery, being reconciled to each ether, after a vei y tedious and cx- penlive fuit, lately applied to an artftt to paint a device, in commemoration of their re¬ turning amity and peace. The artifi accor¬ dingly painted one of them in his fhirt., and the other Itark-naked. 1'he learned gentleman, who has written on the difeajh ot the tongue, attributes :hcm all to the want of rcjl. m Lift of Letters remaining Foii-Office, Kingfton, Jtk Feb. Xb 11 th e Edward Arnold Morfieur Amabletran Francis Bunougls John Bicford Ifaac Gumming M. Jacque Calanah John Edgar David Emey Samuel diinehley ^ James Hopkins, jmu James I/udgeus Richard F. H'dchens James Hammers Andrew HuJfnJ Mrs. Abigail Jones Thomas Jones 'fohu Morgan 7 TH. Adam H. Meyers John McLean Chrjer Nn'holfon Timothy Port:r DavidPallerfon Jofcph Pah Sarin A Porter Mrs. Robinfon Henry Smith Elias Smith Abel Stafford Mr. John Singleton IVilliam Shirif A fa Turner, Efq. Thomas Varly Reuben B. Way Edward Whittemve DEACON, P. M. The fubferiber beffs leave to inform the Public, that he has juft received and has for fale, at the Store lately occupied by Mr. A. Bo 1 ton, the following articles——Viz. Broadcloths, Kerfeymeres,Coat- ings, iilk and cottori Velvet, Dimity, Cor¬ duroy, Swanfdown and Patent cord Veiling; white and printed Cottons ; Bandanna, Ro- ixial and Cotton Handkerchiefs ; Camels' hair Shawls ; common ditto ; Leno, jaconet, feeded and book Muflins ; Cotton Cambrics, Gingham, Chambray, Irifh Linen, Shirting, Cottons, brown Holland, Lace. Spirits, Whiiky. Teneriffe and Port Wines, Sugar, Tea«, Tobacco, Snuff, " Soap, Raifir :>, Chocolate, black and purple Morocco Skins, Seal & Ruffes ditio, Shoes, nipenders, Olive Oil, Sioughton's Bitters, Camphor, Turlington's Batfam, Eifcijee of Muftard, Lemon, Bergamot, Peppermint, Harhem & Bntifh Oil, Opodeldoc, Arnatto, Windfor Soap, .Vails & Hardware of various c def; .-riptions, A L 3 O The foHowinff BOOKS : O Ju nius Lett ers •M r 3. Ameri- C'ark*s Memoirs- can Lady—Charles Twelfth—Elizabeth — Ccelcbs—Enfield's Speekef—School Bibles— Teftaments—Webltei-'oSpellingbooks—Dil- worth's ditto—befides lcveral articles too te¬ dious to mention. The whole of which are of an excellent quality, and will be fold at the moll: reduced prices for cam. ty Country Produce t,tk.:n hi fdWti&tiU H. C THOMSON, 7 Atlingjor Mr.&.Sf. GnoRGfi, Tork.y Kingston, Dec. 18, I 8 IO. '3 tf T SHERIFF'S SAL Midland DihVfa, 7 nr virtue of a Wnt to wit : J of Fieri Facias, if- fuedout of his MtijcJly*s Court of King's B nchf and to me directed, againjl the lands and tene¬ ments of DoctorPm.vdlf, at the fuit of Bryan CrawfordEfq. 1havefilmedandtaken in execu¬ tion the eajl half of lot No. 3, fee oralconcejfion of the townjhip of Frcderickfliurgh, in the counties of Lenox and Adding ton, and dijlrid aforefaid, containing by admeafurement one hundred acres, and an improvement oj thirty-five acres, be the fame more or lefs ; which will be ad¬ judged to the highefl bidder, at the gaol door in the town of Kingston, im Monday the zzdof July next,at the hour of 106* clock in the forenoon, dnd any perfon or p'erfons who may have any claim to the above mentioned premifes, by mortgage or otherw'fe, are reqpcflcd to make the fame known to me before the day of fale. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff. Sheriff Office, \V.h Nov. iSio. y, f r r» FANNING & CUR RYIN G. CHEAP STORE. B WHITNEY, has juft receive • ed and is now offering for fale, a very extenfivc affortment of FALL & WINTER GOODS, -----ALSO----- Hardware, Weft India Goods md Groceries. All of which he will difpofe of (wholefalc and retail) at as low a rate as can be purchaf- ed in Montreal or Quebec. He molt cor. dally invites thofe who arc in the habit of purchahng by wholefalc, to call and exam¬ ine for thernlelves. HTmgxm, 'J L\cemb'r, iRrr,. T5HE fubferibers Inform their friends and the public, that they carry on the TANNING U CURREING bufmefs, at their works in Kingiton, and pledge them- felves that their work (hall be well executed. They will tan hides upon mares for fuch as may deiire it, upon liberal terms. Hides will be received at the houfc of M. RoaiiKi, ad¬ joining Walker's Hotel. Morocco and other Currying done at fhort notice, by a workman lately from New York. S, MOSES ROGER JOHN ELLERBECK. Kmg.ton, January 1, i.Ul. i5tf CANDLES. THE fubferiber has juft received Boxes dipped, and 16 Boxes mould CANDLES^s\np\i will be UdlowJ^tg bo.; or lefs quantity. -^ Also—A few Fur#nps, weavers' Rc?d<, Clover Seed—and'a complete afmrtrneiu 0f Dry Goods, Liquors and Groceries Crockery and ILircr^are; which will be (old as ufual at the Montreal prices, and all kinds of produce received f payment.-------t^fiajh paid for niof kinds t Prod ~,/ ace S. BARTLET. in Kingston, February 26, I Si I. 3 The fubferibers have jufl: received a confignmenUof Sixty Sides o£ ALBANY SOLE-LEATHER, which they offer for fale cheap for cafn.. Alfo—A few Barrels of LINSEED OIL Feb. 26. ABBOT fcf'BASCOM. FOR SALE, • Confiderahly below frfl eofl, AVERY capital yoke of OXEN, with an Ox Cart, Waggon, Double Sleigh, Harnefs, Sec.—A credit of three months will be given.—Apply to CHARLES SMYTH. Kingston, 2$th Feb. loll. 23 <p The fubferiber re- turns his fincere thanks to his friends and the public for pall favors, and informs them that he has on hand a large quantity of MOOTS,—Men's* Women's and ChiioWs SHOES,-*Sole and Upper LEATHER- a few pair of C-dt-lro . SLEIGH-SHOES, and a general ailbrtment of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES—which he will fellat* very reduced price for cafn or produce. RICHARD" SMITH. Kingston, Dee. 1 1, 1 S 1 o. l2[i C^Tkc higher! price given for good fm* BAGG ■cj II A GAR, AVE j»>it ret.riv.3 horn LoNDuN* an** ^or fai", uc their' Fall or J Hat Store & raauiji No. 100 St. Paul Sued* Montreal* *xt d&rfa&V Mrjjrs. Bci!o<zvs> Cam & Co. ^ A General AUorrment at Gentlraicu's n«>r B*A , H/in e 7 Wk "*- oicr ftool, 'Leghorn ^i\ti%¥/\\\('L ',** Ladies and Children's beaver and Ata* BowN>1 *j rhe lateft f'cTlhit>rs and b^ft qaaliiy, Al->o M ••! Folding Bats, elegantly trimmed ; Hat TtlmnhJ &-.&c. which were imported upon as^uod tcrmt will be fold as cheap or cheaper ihda iin be boi "k in the country* * * They have alfo a variety of Hats of their ow make, which they a*e willing :o warrant r-, l durable as any ever offered foj fale in Canaija Orders from the countrv th'ink folly rer- v. a a j ftri&y attended to. *v* CASHfaidforFU&$ Montreal, Nov. 20. 1810 iOT. Houfe Building and Painting. THE fuller 1 o.'.stK-reb -ive notice t»» Che inhab irants of fClng^on, E^.e^-wn, AJdolVhmlavfn" and other adjoining pUcj-, chat they intend to em*hy the n-xt feafon in this vic:nity? in P^/A'T/A'C HOUSES* outfide and jnfiije, Pafenr Pai^t;n«- of Rr>vro*,&c a-. ! th** b.finefi <\f HOUSE CARPER 7ERS and JOINERS. Thcii w-.k will Dt exe¬ cuted with neaiwcUand difnatch. ADDiica'tion miyk made at the dwelling-houfe of Mr. Svoughtoh innkeeper, in Kin^fton, M-. John Bell, in Ernei'. town, or Mrs. Douglas, innk-eoe., 'rvAWohut town, NATHAN WHEELER, Nov. 20, 18 jo. ANDREW PICKENS, (T>TO BE SOLD,' THAT "Hiudbir ftano for a Me r ch ant cm-Tav¬ ern-Keeper in the rownfhip of Ffderirlcf. burgh, bnideilng on vhe Little Creek', near BradlWj MmI. The property conlilts in a neat Dweiii-.g. houfc, paiutrd SuanijTiDiowi), forty-five r'eet in length and twenty-fix feet wide, including a gallery in font, which runs the whole length of the houl'e ; the wails and partitions aie all built of found burnt britlcj a goad brick chimney with two fire-places: there aic five ro nm on the lower ftour, and one bed room on thtf (-coiid. Like wife, a go-«d I «g itore houf^aoi a h >rie fHb!?, and -j-ward1: of' two hundied acres of mail E.YCF.LLEXT LAND, bounded on th= wrft' ijd«- by the Litne Creek, ar.d on thf eait fidf by the eair half ()f lot N». 13, extending from the King's highway fo"therly, down acrofs the Big Creelc. * * % For tu thcr particulars apply to foSETH FoR- syth. Efq, Kin^iroiijortJt -e f'.hfcriterarTrmrliw. Htb Nw. 1810. JAMES McNAUB. *- & or zafrrai the Kingston Milk, Boards and Plank of all defedptions, at ;ac ui'iul prices. ■ • No credit •xll] be ADVER-ThEMEE* THE Subftnber has purtHalVd of John Size, ihi; J.>t whereon h- now dwells, w»tji luiuiy airlicltrs of H ►uf h il-i Fi.r^itur-, ind five Hundred ac <*s ..f Wild Land :—A 7 per fro Inriog ciaimi upon ih? fim°, by Mortgage <>r other wile, are requi- red to m«V- »h- i.\m- known with*»»»t rit'iav, to JOMi/vCHiM VAN DE HEYOfN. K'inpsron 1 hfj, \<\h. I X I 1 22 1* Cash paid for Rags, AT 'lilt I'klNTlhi; orr U-K, KiN^'T'iK. £f-1 ven J but K-ocWe of ev^yJJndl.Uuin^v,,;, at a fairvaluatioa. JUlI? ,:. ' ;i,(; Writing and" W^. "•'KiXT. I) a:,-m (Mici.isniM) i:« Mov\ ;;•' KKNDALL. b' 1 -*•>--- --..•.-^•-..^ . •-

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