Kingston Gazette, February 26, 1811, page 4

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I I I - . vV a, 1 N _ ,v , J* * ->,'.—" >. -i». i c r 4 •I i' () K T II Y. r<-R 1 nr K N"G TON GA_£ n t TO ,-/ J.A^W LADY ! quiz tire path of (lander, Do not thus thy neighbors wrong, 0 T -*- fnoVc their aSion* with meszt candor* Lei not leandal foil thy tongue. Wduldfl thou srafn our admiration* Wpuldft thon mtr't our clleem, Ceaie thv 'eternal affectation And truly be what thou wouldft fcem. Be candid, gen'rous, nvodeft, gentle, Thou'rtblevr. with beauty, fen fe and youth; Then let thy bolom be the temple Of timid love, and heavenly truth. But if thus with wit ma'iunant Thou mak'ft fcandal Hill thy theme, Know ! we always fpurn indignant The flanderer of our neighbor's fume. Ufe not th' en venom Jd (hafts of envy, , Dip not thy tongue or pen hi gall ; Be mild, be jull, be neat and cleanly ■ Still open to good nature's call. If thou in thefe wilt do thy duty, hjh^.^. Zo every Favor tJfet'ftood within the pate'of decency ; for, as much a& fiie loved the coxcomb, or rath- anxicu-. as ilie was to ihare his (he would have rejected it fcorit on any other terms u*r- which honor dictat CI 5 wenl ! hi i Willi than thef; Wearied at length f* by repea ed. ted to a remote part of the kingdom to forget in the haunts of fohiudc, his fruitleis pafiion, and to baniih from his thoughts the haughty fair one that gave it birth. In the mean time, the mjidious Alonzo profecuied his illegal fuit, and moil feduloufly drove to de¬ prive her of that gem for which the fex is moll admired—-virtue. But he (trove in vain ; fhe refill¬ ed with heroic firmnefs his ind ec- orous advances, and baffled his ;JTym ?*** thy *»Ppiiiefi screak t fnoft artful attem jts. 1 will gam thee friends* 'twill heighten rpj ir i i *U „ IT 6 ■Jae> ^ Ihus repulled, and thus drfera- ced, he had i^couru 9 BLACj AND BT.OODSH0T EYES. THE fepauiartis do not t neu pay hyp^r- bolkat corr.pimcnU; but one of their ad- mir,j writers, fbrak'ng of a lady's black eves, lav--, " They were in mourning for the murders fhe had committed."—A French poet cavrie.-i this image lli i higher in a little rpi^raromatiu verfe, on a laov who had a IT 2D f Hood-mot eve : hi 0, Ztf// be [aid, thine eye h all red, A» longer, dear Harriot, be m.>ody, Since fo many die by theflroke of that ey. No wonder the weapon is bloody." ~CHEA~P~S tore. WHITNEY, has juft receiv- • ed and is now offering ior lale, a very ex ten live aflbrtntent of FALL & WINTER GOODS. -----ALSO---- Hardware, Weft India Goods an Groceries, All of which he will dlfpofe of (wholefale and retail) at as low a rate as can be purchas¬ ed in Montreal o■• Quebec. He moil cor¬ dially invites thofe who are in the habit of purchafing by wholeiVle, to call and exam¬ ine for thcmfelvcs. Kingston, l/l December, I 8 IO. 11 tf . beauty, .____ And envy drown in endlefs peace. ALCANDER. b » DIVERSITY. / WISH I HAD ! ■ A TALE FOR THE LADIES. BY J. BACON. > THE adoption of another per- fon's fentiments and ideas, in pre¬ ference to our own, is a circum- ftance wrhich very rarely occurs. We aik indeed the advice of our friends,but always follow our own. Such is the opinion which the gen- erality of mankind have of their own underftanding. Myra, the lovely but inconiiderate Myra, thus acled : and when it was too late to adopt the counfels of her friends, exclaimed, < / zvijh I had!' Tho perform) cK-anrmrtQ <.yf Myid, rather than thofe of her mind, had captivated the hearts cf Alonzo and Ferdinand, two young men of family and fortune. The parents of the former, however, were fu- perior in point of fortune to the latter ; but whatever Ferdinand fuffered in comparifon on this fcore wh leave to inform the Public, that he has juft: received and has for fa'e, at the Store lately occupied by Mr. A. Boiton, the following articles-------Viz. to means more violent, and, in an unguard¬ ed moment, furprifed the unfuf- pecling beauty, and carried her off by force. Yet, in this perilous moment, her guardian genius de- -Broadcloths, Kerfeymeres,Coat- ferted her not, but in the form of *** 1:lk and cottoa ¥elve?' DIml^' Cor" hcr difcarded lover, the unafltim- ing Ferdinand, refcued her from the impending danger, and deliv¬ ered her unhurt into the arms of her parents. It was now too late to repent the treatment fhe had given to his lionelt paffion—the pangs which he had fuffered from her difregard were more than compenfated in the affections of a virtuous wife. The fooliili Myra was left to la¬ ment her credulity to the profef- lions of one lover, and her ingrat¬ itude to the affections of another, and the only anfwer which fhe could now give to the remonftran- ces of her friends, was, ' 1 wi/h 1 had!9 ' HUMOR. I ABOUT half a century ag-o, was more than compenfated by the gifts which he inherited by nature. To an elegant pcrfon he joined the more attractive graces of the gen¬ tleman and the fcholan ' Indeed Myra had been heard to declare, that Ferdinand poffeffed the largeft fhare of her efteem ; but then A- lonzo was the richeft lover, and it was at this point her affections centred, . Believe me, Myra, faid a female confidant, that Alonzo merits not the partiality which you fliew him. Ferdinand, whom you affect, to difdain, though I am confident you love him in your neart, is far more worthy of your regard ; and your union with him I am perfuaded, would be attended with the moil confummate felicity, Pfha, replied Myra ; do you think me fo weak as to indulge a childifh fondnefs, and prefer mer¬ it and the humble Ferdinand to the alluring fmiles of fortune, and the gallant Alonzo ? But do you think Alonzo re¬ turns your partiality ? Does he love you with that purity which fighs to call you wife ? O no ! I fear his paffion is of the voluptu¬ ous kind ; kindled by the brillian¬ cy of beauty ; and like it, toofuf- ceptible of decay. Regardlefs of the admonitions' of her friend, Myra itill treated the honeft paffion of Ferdinand with indifference, and laviJhed on the Uifling and unmeaning Alon- College hours. hi- 1: n it was more in fafhion to drink ale at Oxford than at pre- fent, an humorous fellow of pun¬ ning memory eftablifhed an ale- houfe near the Pound, and wrote over his door " Ale fold here by the pound " As his lie was as good as his jokes, the Oxonians reforted to his houfe in s;reat numbers, and fometimes ftaid there beyond the This was matter of complaint to the Vice-Chancel¬ lor, who was defired to take away s licence. The punfter was fum- moned to attend. When he came to the Vice-Chancellor's prefence, he began hawking and fpitting a- bout the room : This the Vice- Chancellor obferved, and afked what he-meant by it? " Pleafe your w^f\e'p," faid he, " I came here cm' purpofe to clear my/elf.'9 The Vice-Chancellor (who imagin¬ ed that he actually weighed his ale and fold it in that manner) faid to him, " They tell me that you fell ale by the pound ; is that "No, an't pleafe your worihip," replied the wit. " How do you then ?" " Very well, I thank you, fir—how do you do ?" replied he. The Chancellor, laugh¬ ing heartily, difmiffed him. duroy, Swanfdown and Patent cord Veiling; white and printed Cottons ; Bandanna, Ro- mal and Cotton Handket chiefs ; Camels' hair Shawls ; common ditto ; Leno. jaconet, feeded and book Mufiins ; Cotton Cambrics, Gingham, Chambmy, Iiifh Linen, Shirting* ottons, brown Holland, Lace. Spirits, Whi&y. Teneriffe and Pore Wines, Sugar, Teas, Tobacco, SnufT, Soap, Raifins, Chocolate, black and purple Iriuiocco Skins* Seal & RufTet ditto, Shoes, Si fnenders, Olive Oil, Stoughton's Bitters, Camphor* Turlington's Balfam, EfTcrice of M'.'lcard, Lemon, Bergamot, Peppermint, Harlasra & Britilh OH, Opodeldoc, Arnatto, Windlor Soap, Nails & Hardware of various dclcriptions. —also— Clark's Memoirs—Junius' Letters—Ameri¬ can Lady—Charles Twelfth—Elizabeth— Calebs-—En held* j Speaker-*-School Bibles--- Teilaments—Webilcr'sSpelnngbocks—1311- worth's ditto—beiides icveral articles too te¬ dious to mention.- The whole of which are of an excellent quality, and will be lold at the mole reduced prices tor cam. ^CountryProduce taken inpayment. H. C. THOMSON, Aclingfor Mr. £>. St. Geor< Kingston, Dec. iS, 1810, J3 tf SALE. 1 fjT virtue of a IVrit j cf Fieri Facias,//^- SHERIFF' Midiand DiSrift, to wit : filedout of'his Majejifs Court of King's B nch and to me directed, agninfl the lands and tene¬ ments of DoctorPrindle, at the flat of Bryan CrawfordEfq. 1hare fehzedandtaken tn execu¬ tion the cajl half of lot No. 3, jeemdnncejfton of the townjhip of Frederickfburgh, in the counties of Lenox ami Adding ton, and dijlricl aforefaid, containing by admeafurement one hundred acres, and an improvement of thirty-five acres, be the fame more or Lfs ; which Will be ad¬ judged to the higheft bidder, at the gaol door in ths town of Kingston, on Monday the 2 2d of july next, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon. and any pcrfon or perfons who may have any claim to the above mentioned premifes, by mortgage or otherwife, are requefled to make the fame known to me before the day of fate. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff. Sheriffs Of Ice, lyhNoV. 18 IO. %tf true ?" THE Laird of M'Nab was writing to one of his friends from Edinburgh Coft'ee-Houfe, when a gentleman of his acquaintance ob¬ ferved, that he was fetting at defiance the laws of orthography and grammar. < D__n your blood !' exclaimed the Highland chief- tarn, « how can a man write gramma? <wU» a pen like this ?' TANNING h CURRYING. T'HE fubferibers Inform their friends and the public, that they carry on the TANNING &f CURRTING bufmefs, at their works in Kingilon, and pledge them- feives that their work (nail be well executed. They will tan hides upon (hares lor fuch as may defire it, upon liberal terms. Hides will be received at the houfe of M. Rogers, iA- joining Walker's Hotel. Morocco and other Currying done at fhort notice, by a workman lately from New York. ^ MOSES ROGERS, JOHN ELLERBECK. Kingdon, January 1, 1S11, 15tf Lift of Tetters remaining in the Pod-Office, Kington, 9th Feb 1811, ••71 ■Mfon 7imoihy Porter ___ * David P at t erf on Edward Arnold Adam H. Meyers Movfieur Amablclrah Wohn Mcl + 'n Francis Bunoughs 'John Bicford ^ffr Ifaac Gumming M. JaJfuf Calanah Jcfph Peck J'/hu Eager Samuel Porter David Emey Mrs. Robhfon Samuel Hinchley Henry Smith 'J dines Hopkins, jun. Eli as Smith jfames Hudgens Abel Stafford Richard F. HUchcns Mr. "John Singleton 'James Hammers . . William Shiriff Andrew Huffhal A fa Turner, Efq, Mrs. Abigail 'Jones Thomas Varty Thomas jones Reuben B. Way John Morgan Edward Whlthmore TH. DEACON, P. M. % JOSEPH T. BARRETT, JNFORMS the Public, that he has( - formed aiv eftabliihment in the City of Montreal, Lower Canada, for the importation of India Si European Piece Goods—Ironmon¬ gery & Hardware. He will conftantlykeep for fale an affortment, cotnprifing every arti¬ cle in the above branches cf bufinefs. Ashe fha!l import diredily from the ManufaBurers; he will engage to fell on the moft favorable terms, either for Ca/h, or approved Credit, A liberal difcount will be made to Cq/lj pur* chafers. e3p6m 20 St. Francois Xavier Street N° 27. Montreal, Jan. 10, l8ll. LOST.-A Pair tf^feamks^ IP RAMED in Giver, and were in a fteel cafe, the iop of which was broken off. They were lofc about the) 26th of January lad, probably on the road between Mr. Pe¬ ter Grant's houfe and Mr. Cumming's.—■ Whoever may have found them, and will ac- quaint the Pointers of this paper wheie the owner may obtain them, will be handfomely rewarded. Feb. IQ. * The fubferiber re- tirms his fincere thanks to his friends and the public fur pair favors, and informs t^m that he has on hand a large quantit^pf £QOTS,-*~Mm% Women's arid Children's SHOES,—Sole and Upper LEATHER— a few pair of Call-Iron SLEIGH-SHOES, and a general alluitu.ent or'iD'RY Ot/oT)S and GROCERIES—which he will fell at a very reduced pi ice for cam or produce. RICHARD SMITH. Kingston, Dec. ir, 1810. 1 2 tf CC/The higheft price given for good Flour. fubferiber forms the inhabitants cf Kingston and its vicinity, that he intends carrying on the MASONING BUSINESS, fuch°as brick1 I laying, ftcne work and plafieung : he will J be ready to perform any bulinefs in his line at fhort notice, and in a woiKman-like m^n- — ner. MOSES DRAKE. 1 Firft door South of Walker's Hotel, j THE fubferiber b r o ^ ► ing duly anthoVized to collect, the debts due John Adams, of Frederickfburgh, Blackw imith, takes this opportunity of irSovminjf thofe who' are indebted to the faid John Ad¬ ams, that unlcfj immediate payment be made their accounts will be put into the hands of an attorney. RICHARD ROBISON. Napane Mills, \fl February, 1811. ' o 5W The fubferibers have juft received a confignment of Sixty Sides of ALBANY SOLE-LEATHER, v/hich they offer for fale cheap for cam. Jan. 1, 1811. ABBOT &BASCOM. % Q IXPENCE per builiel will be l) given for good HOtJsE ASH- ES, at the Store of ■■ >. cummiNg & Hamilton, January 2 I, 1811. i8tf* n ash paid for Rags, AT THE PRINTING OKFiCR. KINGSTON. _,, CO* Subfcribers to the Kingston Ga¬ zette in the neighborhood ui Y .rk, wil pleafe ap¬ ply at the Store of'(K_ St. 6 koboe, where their pi* pets will be deuVrt-d oner a fortnight.....P^jtnowt : made to him in Grain, &c. will be acceptable..!...He vvlJ alfa receive fubferirp^n*. (AHk MfJWFX x: KENDALL. P /nting and Wrap- i9gPaperforulj;itt 1ms Office! * PRINTED AND PUBLISHED By MOWER ^ KENDALL. * [rRICfi FlFTRRN SHILLINGS PER ANNUU."] £?Blank Notes, Cards, Handbills-&C handfomely executed ar (hart notice. I

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