Kingston Gazette, February 19, 1811, page 3

The following text may have been generated by Optical Character Recognition, with varying degrees of accuracy. Reader beware!" a::0 OU c: chlntabV' irilt, •},<. n»fh-.i n ptwiiwirsil wtlll tire niufl iinrc- lri,lllv. Iwcnrv. IVirt th< 'iWifrifcuf ilotut- Mpf* tt'hieh ll-M fpujul lb.- great eH iniicy fl,jJpl.jlnliinl ihii.ii. Innit I Miami, Wll8 |,J3 ^nmhtiattri't; at «»<v two < third* of t lie pihlic (|.1.(, aW* M« roljfcmg thi! public creditors pf fwu itutvls of ihcit properly. l)y this a- mvioiis a.M of violence, an tmmenfe luiinber off.inihVs have been reduced to beggary.— | appearance of trad h is vaiu'lhed ; the Hjvfcii-t»**Hi*e ^h-it tip liieirrointing-houfcu, grci, »f cv#.w-ie, «i'l til- p.-tiorij in their fer- vice !uw been Jii'miiled, wirhutit the pofli- biiity ■•* "•'• «»'"Wi,; a**y einoft lyinent. But the r.n-'l diit.vifmg p in of "iir i.if.imvint's it«te ii-i'f-t v.'ii s which rcl.ited loihrhof- ......... Their ehi«*,ai.u, hm'c-u their only fupp ,t, was lIig property tiny bud in their fun is. fur in ihe pvefent wretched (late of Hollmd, it is in vain to look ior \olumary contributions___ By Bonapartc'i deeve ref|);<r the public funds, tbefe inSliutious wctc at ortcc depriv¬ ed of all their refiurees. and, of couife, the unhappy object.; whom tluy fupportcd, have been kit deiiiti.t'-. Utnvard;!ot lo.ooonn- iomuiate beii'g* 'V\ •■.- in confeqrvne-e of this nvafnre been unn?d out of hofpkals and oth- er charitable inhStutions, to peiifh and ftarve in the ltreetc. The gejrtleman who gives this sSHSiug relation law, within the fe three weeks.numbe g of poor creatines Ivies' ?n the ilrects or Amlttndanfu an3 a&uallv dvifitr for want. Iu the mid 11 of diut&ene of wretch* ednefs the French officers and foldiera be¬ tray the mo(l unfeeling barbarity, and the moll wanton iniolenee ; they are in general quartered upon fuch of the inhabitants as ftill retain any ponion of property, 12, 14, cr evefi 16 of them are fometitnes quartered up¬ on one individual. Official Proof that the. BcrTm and Milan De- fieet. Niagara, 3d February, T8r 1. MiiSSRS. EDITORS, _ I n.tre by chance feen a few numbers of your Kingston Gazette, and fo far as through them a judgment can be formed of the >cor reli¬ nks of your principles, I approve of them. —I Jet with fatisfafiion, that, hftdsx being an in- Mlinmceryotfrfaper is the vehicle of difpaftan¬ nic dtfcujfvm onfubjeBs nvhirh are of general intcnfl.—f was formerly a fubf riber to the Freeman's Journal and York Gazette,/*/ from jujlifiable reafuns I have dfcontinued both ; (the one being toojhrile, and the other too infa¬ mous .)—I am Ml a fubferiber h t v><> Amur. papers, from which I receive the earlirjl foreign, information. I have not the pleafure uf L-fng Climate with either of o,r own Editors—one of'which wot former!* a Sheriff, and the oth¬ er a hunter of Mi if!-: rats, hat from cogent rea- fms, both h rve dropped their avocations, and are now Editors—One of whom announces high appointments in this Province of Saviors, ana the otaer pubhjhes the actual appointments. '•—Our ParHament is now in fefjson. and I with you could procure ampumfb their debates ; as I am 710KJ too aged and infirm to attend as an auditor\ but as it might he viry eypeijlve to you, <we cannot rcafcnalh expect it. * J no pet know <i\>bat countrymen you m*e% fIndeed I do not care much) iut ht me caution you againjl inveigling any of your countrymen as journeymen in your njjiet.—A cafe in point has oceurrcd at this place—coumrymen were em¬ ployed—one <was reduced tojhrrvalfon, the oth¬ er in ffcaptng JromJIarvation became a prey to wolves.—All this was not matter for the Freeiitan's Journaiiit—his guardianfhip takes an oppofire courfe—it is engulphcd in pub¬ lic legi flat ion—and nn fdf prcfe^vationj all ether laws fhould be founded. Tours, R— A—. Ar. B. Some cfus think off If 1 ding to your ' cries were not rej&Red on the b'//} Dec. Extract {rata the report of the minifterof foreign relations tu bio mr^jedy the emperor and kir:g, dated Par iu, $m Dec. 1 S1 o. " Sire—A« long as England fhaU perfill ln hto orders in council, your majeity will perfifi in yOUV decrees. Your m?.;efty v/iil cppcfe to the bloekauc of the ccaits, the con- tmental blockade, and to the pillage «>n tlie 'cas, the confifcacionof E.glilTi merchandi/.e upon the conthvnt. >■. It is my duty ro fay to your rafljcfty, your rncmies to »«wc mod r.itt nh as, ttiheiwile llutii by your perhveianee iu llita lyilem." LUCIF.N.—t\ Briciih frigate paffed Gibraltar early in Derember fof Malta, to te.k.? on board Lucien Bonaparte. * t Connefticut, wh"> get them from a Mr. Boyce, of Eliza'oethtown, Upper Canada, who is fawl to be the manufaAurcr. ^83 twrnty doll ir bills on the Baltimore bank were found in their pofllflion. 2*^ ^ T- [ From the Alexandria Gazette. ] SHORT DIALOGUE, Between two members of■congrefs in a back, 9 o'clock Saturday night, January 12, 1811^2 A. I did not rhink that Mr. —., would have voted, willi your p*rty. d C He is a man of an independent mind— His party is his conviction. You will wifh yoitrfeJFon the right fide before fix months. A. Oh, we mult have Canada. Wt ought to have had it lonsc a2°. 1 have no doubt but what they will a^ree with our tonimifiion^rs and peaceably come under our wing. I was for tlsat refolution on the principle that in¬ duced me to vote for the other ; wc mult have Canada and the Floridas. B. /Whether the comiihiflioners who are to tamper with them, proceed by flattery or by threats oFinvafion'or not, it amounts to a declaration of war again it England, on cur part. 1 have no belief that t&ey will agree; Their government officers w'M adhere to their government. They love officers. A. True, but the profpeft of office will not be leflencd. There will be more and of greater value under us. The Briti(h den'c expend 50,0001. there for tie fupportofthc civil lift. They will know that they riiuft be conquered by us, and will rather advife to a willing union. The forces we have agreed to raiTe will immediately take the field if they refufe. B. It is a d—d folly to keep it lecret ; the people muft know it foon. A. \_In a low voice.~\ Hufh, you don't ob- ferve the hack-driver. Perhaps he oveihears. A. Oh he'll take no notice. After this there was file nee. T- JDrEnriSEMENr. ha« purchuftd of J oh h Sim, the Lor whereon hr now dwdU, «.ir» fun.;y art.clcBof Hj.,leh.jM F^rniturr, and Fi.e Hun rrd acre, of Wi.o Land :—A-.y perfon na.m. utH>n the ftmr, by Mortage or o.herwlc, a.e jtaui- ■•.d to make ihc famr known iritboui derav, to J0AIA( HIM VAN DE HEYDEN. Kingston, lbtb Feb. iSli 21 ^ (C> Subfcnbers to the Kingston Ga¬ zette in ihe neigbborbotd ■ : Y .rk, w bie*ft ap¬ ply at the Store ot (^ Sr. Geobge, whe.e rheir pa- pets will be delivered once a fortnight. ....Payment made to him in Grain, &c. will be acceptable .....He will alfo receive fubferiptinns. MnwFP. fe KtXVAlJL, FOR SALE B A Confignment of Q n Barrels ONONDAGA SALT, cheap J 1 for cadi, at the Store of JOHN KI1LBY & Co. Kingston, l^thjun. i8ti. t22 The fubferiber re¬ turns his fincere thanks to his friends and the public for paft favors, and informs them that he has on hand a large quantity of BOOTS,—Men's, Women's and Children's SNOBS,—Sole and Upper LEATHER— a few pair of Caft-Iron SLEIGH-SHOES, and a general aflortment of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES—which he will fell at a very reduced price for cafn or produce. RICHARD SMITH. Kingston-, Dec. 11,1810. 1 2 tf tXjThc highelt price given for good Flour. WANTED^ A YOUNG Man, about 14 or 15 years of age, to attend in a Here ; good re¬ commendations will be required. Inquire of the Printers. *--'-- Jan. 15. tf my p.uis m-eounts (bu-, that, " At the fitting of the Cuj'f'rvatlve Senate on the lotlt De- EimbeT, 1S10, the counlillor of the Hate, rom't CalVtreUi, prefeutcd a*i Expofc on the fi)|)jct't of the na\y, and a Pi\)ied oi a fe-.ia- tus conhillum. In I he latter it h propoted tint a a part of the eoiileriplioii for the ar- fj).-i«Ul in future be appropriated foi the marine t-tvve, ami tint 10,000 of each of the conlcriptio.^ <-f the years 1 8 1 j, 14, 15 and (6, ihould immediately be put at the dif- pojal of the i.iiniiler of inatiue. A report from the duice dc Feltre, miniller of wa-, was tli-.n iva'1, and a fe.TW.u3 (onfultum pro- poled, the p'i:iei]>.il art tele of which places 120,000 nun of the conkri itiom of i8it, at tk difpofal oLi the mii.ilter of war, for the pur pole of recruiting the army." KING ST OM : TufiSPAY, FSBlW.lKf U), l8l t. Zj* Our accounts from Spiin au-1 Po-tu- gttal are no later ti in thole already given. Extruc! of a letter to the Editor of the Commer- rial AJvertifer, dated ♦« Washington, Ftbrna--y I. " Since the ciiipatches have been received from the charges ties af¬ fairs at Pari?, the adniiniftration Vve been and are now* at a ftand —not knowing what meafurc will be expedient to adopt as adapted to the flate of our foreign rela¬ tions.— Unlcfs a different vi-sw fiiall be prcfented, in regard to the conduct ot Bonaparte as connect¬ ed with the Berlin and Milan de¬ crees—our government cannoten- force the non-importation Law FIRES.'—-In Exeter, (N. H.) feve-al dwelling h »ofes and ftorcs wars recently con- fume d. The fii£ began iu the bakc-houfe of Mr Nathaniel Oilman. In Portland, tvleffrs. Titcombs* brick row in middle-Rrtet, were difcoveredto be on fire J and were, togctlie-r with five other wooden buildings in union ftrect, (landing contigu¬ ous, totally confunicd. On the id 111 ft* the leather ft ore of Th'/s IViWams,jun. of Vernon,.N. Y. was confu- med by lire.— L0I3 from 2 tc 300^ 4qUw%-. On Widnefday morning lafl, a /./aclf/n/i/j's fj.of) in this town, oca/pied ly a Afr. I'itzcr, was deflroyed by fire. On the 3d of November, by a,, cxphmon of gun-powder in the city of Cork, three honfis were blown up and 18 perfons killed, and three wounded io that their tives were defpaired of. Three-Rivers, Jan. 29. The line of Stages cftablilhed between the two cities, travel with very great expedition, the iine from Montreal arrives here before ft (/cloek, and that from Quebec,(with oneexception) always before 7 o'clock, fincc % eU;hli(h- ment. The carriages are covers^ an(j very comfortable, the proprietors det-.rVc every encouragement. It is with pleasure we fee this change. l'/c fnall at lalt fo j*ar refem- ble other countries, and trivcLin «bvered car¬ riages inroad of wheel-ba'Tows. fafi vve have every ho;»e, ti> fltortly have i«mailefi:ab- lifned daily between the two citie^|>y means of this conveyance. A late German paper contains a lift of all Ihe troops feqt into Spain up to the ill of •Sept. lait ; the whole number is ltated at 397,000 men ! COMMUNICATION. Mt\ Willcccks at Metaphors ! The following fentence appears in the Ni¬ agara Guardian of the 26th nit. and is 'igned * Editor/ By inferring it in the Ga¬ zette, you will oblige, Yours, TRIM. " // has been an object of infinite solicit- v* VDE Whb Mh 10 >/•/• iU POUtS&.iT-JOtJ * OF VtfSTKM FS&Wfo tk 4m tf«+ " cry individual of the Vro-uincc, Cnmixed ** with that gall and bittemefs which are too apt " to be engendered by party fpirit." The fubferiber in- forms the inhabitants of Kingston and its vicinity, that he intends carrying on the MASONING BUSINESS, fuch as brick laying, ftoue work and plaftering : he will be ready to perform any bufinefs in his line at fliort notice, and in a workman-like man¬ ner. MOSES DRAKE. 1 Fin? door South of Walker's Hotel j f6r~sale, A FARM confiding of 258 acres, be¬ ing Lot No. 6, in the i fl concern"on in PittuSurgh, fituate 6 miles from Kingdou — ioor 12 actes uHer improvement, with a good log houfe on the fame, and a good lV/Iarlh affording hay for 12 or 14 head of cfitt?e.-—VVr particulars applv tf* Laugh- UN M'Intyrl, {hipcarpenter, Pitiiourgh. February 12, 18 11. 2ltf • Exlral cfa tetter frm Grfp:, da'.,J ^cth De¬ cember, iSf <J» " On the 291I1 November tle Galliot, Hope, Her.derlon, from Londcg to Q^-.e- b^c, with a valuable cargo (the Rafter fays LOST—A Pair of Spcclacles, I"^RAMED in fiUer, and were in a Reel . cafe, the top of which was broken off. They were loft aboni the 26th of January lad, probably on the road between Mr. Pe¬ ter Grant's honte and Mr. Cummiug's.—> Whoever may have found them, and will ac¬ quaint the Printer* of this paper wheie the owner may obtain them, will be haudfomely rewarded. ^c^ii9J_______ TOWN MEETING. MIDLAND DISTRICT, SS. BY virtue of a warrant figned by Jofeph F/rfythyTLtn* andThomas Maryland. Efq. two of his Majefty's J unices of the Peace for faid diltrict, and to me directed;" the in¬ habitants and houlVoclders of the town and townfhip of Kinglton, Pittfburg and Wolf- lilnr.d, paying cr liable to pay any public r.u'effmei 1s or rates, are hereby notified to meet at the Court Houfe in Kingtton, on Monday the 4th day of March next, at 11 o'clock in the foreroon, for the purpofc of nominating and chooiing fit perfons to ferve in the offices of town clerk, two affe!To,-s, JAMES ROBINSON, Infpeclor of Pot tj? Pearl Ajhes, RESPECTFULLY informs the deal¬ ers in pot & pearl afhes, that he now occupies a patt of the ftore near his reli- dence belonging to Richard CartivrighttJL(({. where afhes will be infptcied with the great- eft attention and difoatch. Kingston, Feb. II, I 811 /20 TANNING k CURRYING. THE fubferibers inform their friends and the public, that they carry on the TANNING &■ CURRTING bufinefs, at their works in Kinglton, and pledge them- felves that their work (hall be well executed. They will tan hides upon {hares for Inch a* may defire it, upon liberal terms. Hides will be received at the houfe of M. Rogers, ad¬ joining Walker's Hotel. Morocco and other Currying done at fhort notice, by a workman lately from New York; MOSES ROGERS, JOHN ELLERBECIC Ringfton, January 1, 1811. I5tf Ao,ooc) nut into this harbor, ,nd & hid <ne colkcter, one town warden, overfcers o< uo far the winter, under my char^ as to her highways and roads, pound keepers, ccc. .or the year enfuirig. ' JOHN D ARLEY, High Conflable. Kingston, Feb. IQ> l8iu THE fubferiber be which has been propo was to h pio: fupplies. Much about the lam* time ihe brig CroPoy, Macgaw, with lander, from Q-,:cbec to Belfait and Liverpool, bore a- way for this harbor from haying fprung a leak ; a^d (he too winters with us. The fail has been uncommonly boillei;Slls. In a violent tempell on the 3d of Nov,moer> and within a few miles of my refidcme> a large fhip apparently in ballaft, confequqnly bound to Ouelnc, was dafned to pieces .ga,'nft our unmerciful cliffs, 8c not a living p$fQll efcap- ed. The whole were literally crUihed to fed.----If I atoms, and the only memento Jetc us 0f the Lift of Letters remaining in the Poit-Oliicc, Kingfton, 9th Feb. iSli. Edward Arnold Adam H. Meters j Monjieur Amabletran John McLean Francis Bnnoughs Chcjkr Nieholfn 1 • ;.v„,.o Tf-rvihl flioekine caiaftrophc is colUctec frorn the azard a conjectui c I jhoald ftcclo^ ^ ^ P^ fa^ ^ u ^^ lay a non-intercojirie wnl be re- V/V^er Tohnfon." [%^Mh non-iritercouvie newed againft bcth belligerents \ tut L have no particular reaibns foe fuch a con:,cchirc beyond wliat wif foggeft thcrafelves to your mmd.-lAt. prefcnt 1 prelude tlte adiTiipMlnitidn and the major;'y much at a fe>6 to In« la, Peter John ion as wlvit will be clnv: as 1 aa)> *■» knowled-rd their vrllany.and lla: -1that they rcfide in Delaware county, N. X. • that the r. rmtr cbuined the nou^i Irom o^c Milhan -d John Biford Ifaac Gumming M. Jacque Cabanah Tnhn Ea'jar David E?ney Samuel Hiwhley "James xlopkins^jun. James ffudgem Richard F. HUchens James Hammers Andrew HuffiiJ Mrs. slliguil Jones Thomas %Jc:ies "h'hn Mcrgtm TIL Timothy Porter David Pattcrfon Jofeph Peel: Samuel Porter Mrs. Robinfon Henry Smith Eiias Smith Abe! Staf'jrl Mr. 'JU'ri Singtetm William Shirijf Afu Turret-, Efq. Thomas Var'y Reuben B. IVay Edward V. 'hiltemore DEACAN, P. M. ■I ing duly authorized to collect the debts due ohn Adams, of Frederickfburgh, Black¬ smith, takes this opportunity of informing thofe who are indebted to the faid John Ad¬ ams, that unlcfs immediate payment be made iheilp accounts will be put into the hands of an attorney. RICHARD ROBISON. Napane Mills, \j! February, 181 K o 5w ~<n IXFENCE per bufhel will be U> Siven for g°od HOUSE ASH¬ ES, at the Store of CUMMING& HAMILTON. January 2 1, 1811. iStf For Sale, at the Kingston Mills, Boards and Plank of alldefciipticr.3, at the ufual prices. N. B. No credit will be riven, r* ^ but Produce or -very kind take a Inpayment, at a fair valuation, j^a; ;z, U29) . .., '

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