• V* PO'KTK X. J 1 •--• 7 v ff-LvrcK o*»S ■'. \S Ita fir.il - along r?;^ ru ;;; h ^, * * : s' .-"fi '•■ .: i -Axr":; cUvm B'ouIiJsain^ bale, .\ here r».i : ;- v.; ftsu cling. •)...; .<\Va hi ci .";.!'; ere 3 ottflft j\*vi ra i..'- , '.'ITy JiV< :' •••■v-->' -U ;. , :....<. !.,;■■ .:J •:••:•. 3**1;; He grab I i (i. r >'?:•■';■ ■ ! "' — The marb!: crvw --" inl ' d« It, A«J funic u,.M.Jit lite :1'.':«! ■". Iv] il".,-.ant trm-iii I? il i*J u:* ■ yes—■ 41 See i bapfeu morr-tk fee," Itc crfcsj :* How vain y(>: - ;.;:_ feliemts ; <: Bltmv.:^ my jrraln tire f?jrre.ft fojili '• D'n" Ives am! n:i: c-;l-.s w'tTi ih'e. &QE& ? '• Thus vanJili mortal dreams, <; The woika of God and man 1 fnoil 5 w The uoblcd proofs of human tol " I tnat as thrldffh toys, '■' I cn.fh the noble »i»J the "brave 5 " Beauty I niar ; and in the grave " I bury hun.anjoys." Hold! nrthlefs phantom—hold, I cryM—- If t)iou canft mock the dreams of pride j And meaner hopes devour, Vntue, beyond thy reach, foal) bloom* When Other charms fink to the tomb } She fcur;:s thy envious power. On frofty wmgs the demon fled, Howling as o'er the walls he fpedi " Another year is gone !r' The ruined fpire—the crumbling tower, Nodding ohey'd his awful power, As TIME fiewiwifiiy on. Since Beauty then to Time mud bow, And tig* deforms the faireft brow, Let brig-htt r chTinii be yours ; The Femala mind, embalm'd in truth, Shnll bloom in e.wiafUog yomb, White Time himfjf endures. A PEDANTIC gentleman who » as h .• vellia.T, uiv.i aoove ..rminon lnrgjiage, ii<?^ I e.l a'ran L*n t<> get hts n fc and hhnlelr y^ ,./. ;;.;! t,,c< ^t ;'ng fomeboysiwhe:. I,. ..- 3;i hiv.i, he ordc«cd one to "•ci.-^n; u' -•- Uu Kt, l,.'!c two oi E?4rectifn« r„u i the r '■:. Ciub, tht-n pcir.iit hini tofuV-dea mod r- <-■' quantiiy erf aqueous particics, afcer wJiftii lo iv: htm proper regccable rrrnnu::, and heWiiiihl n :'kc him {xcnma.v £,ii«fatft?o».M __Ti.eb'-y ! eint; un :'xuftun- i to fueh i:.n- 0 :..•>.•, 1 i: icro the boule ni.d told his i 1 '•- (i n ; oi.jfe W&b whhoUt w !i ) fpi ' i i rencl' : tl^Xailwr comes oi.r, and hwii.»igthsr •'--a ' f.old,Hiked Ittmwhsi v^-aslhe nr-.i Ltr : ••-'■;> ffnyi the gcntleti 1) ! invoke all 1? e gro«J aH/i4:'fe'3 thai yum ^:."-i.i-*i\.v rcje t-^ iv:,. ^"4 Now, T- -V••■■::.• PAV, :•.-. January r*-4 ] I 2 til - v 1 I . I' *« ' 1 l. I t \ ,11. - 2 [\ <!'-'■ : ■ :.\ TUFrI-AV- j 7H1 i" \ lMill June h do. 1 ?, i feJ sited to ^ut in pra lies my oellr.s* Now, hir? y ,u i'irrr.'o.e 10 cuf res tU&aX&fV^* o„ ili. m hv : rrcd ! ««, ai.d th- n wimiuc.t'.*- .— ANCIMN T AG RICI r£7 URE. FROM the eailieft accounts of the eaft- ern nationsi we have reafon to think, that agriculture basatall times been uuderltood by the.n in ConJi<ferabIe pe.fec'H.in : feeing they were cbvri) ; fuppli'cd not only with the iizcefimii-j, but 1 lie gr<.at:'.l luxunej of bie. As foon a; the d~{ctindants of Abraham wvie { tiled in Fah-iline, they generally !>^- caiTie hn.'Landmen, from the cbkfa of the tube of Jodah to the lowed branch of the family of Benjamin. H'gh biilh or nnj:. yt that time dfd not make any chiluiAion, for aenc ait lire was coniidered as the rruWt honorable of all employftientb ; vvitnefs the ijluflrious r*:; implc of Gideon, Saul, David. The Chalr'cnn^ who ir.hubited the coun¬ try where agncuiti.'rc dotjbtlefshad its birtli, cftiTied that art lo ;i dejrree of excellence un- .tnown in mrrotr tl;ne>. They cultivated their lands with ffieat alfiduhy, and ksm to hayc found out foute means of relloring fer¬ tility to an exliatiftetj foil, by having plenti¬ ful h irvclts in foccellon : on which account they were not obliged as th;ir predec<.(ifus had been, to change th-.ir fiLuattons, in or¬ der to obtain afufficienoy for themfclves and their numerous Socks and berds. The Egyptians, who, from the natural fertility of their country, by the overflow¬ ing; of the Nile, raffed eveiy year vafl quan¬ tities of corn, were fo fenhble cf the bleffings refulting from agrrcultate, that they afcrib- ed the invention of tint art to Of;n's, their chief God. They alfo regarded Ifls, their fecond deity, as the difcoverer of the ufe of •wheat and barley, which btfbie rrew wild in the helds, and was not applied by the people to the progrefs of food*. Their i'u- perflitioua gratitude was carried fo far, a^ to worfhtp thofe animals which were employed in tillage ; and even to the produce of thai- lands, as Leek«, Onions, Src t The divine honors paid to Bacchus in In¬ dia were derived from the fame fource, he being confidered In that country, aT the in¬ ventor of planting vineyards, and the other arts attendant upon agriculture. h is alfo related of the ancient Pet Hans, on the moft refpectable authority, that their kings laid afiue thdr grandeur once ewry month to eat with lim'baudmen. This is a ftriking inftance of the high e&iroauon in Which they held agriculture; fur at that time arts were pnctif.d asttmg that people h great perfection, partJCularly thofe of lv provic': lb tve u itrkic ns fubftan^e, 1 idei" •■•- 1 natirre, cui?£> fiver vegetal)t« i-.«!s a-, 1 J.hor tbe fulph \re,m tincture of miue- ,-,( — -cirer.^y'r 10 get rre ('-re Itinudus withiL.**-i.J*l hrinnfee^pe^with-rUt hc/h tmn, concluded him a raadi^an, and with 1 »s lul- tv *ilei feized and lie I ItfflJ h-:r:d!*.:»::d ieet, to a ling in .he barn ii... 1. tlt*rn went f« r a dociui, who put a moueia-r- bi-iL-r on his 'hifck-, which in tbree d<iy> brou^Lt hitn to hh v.aud.u.i:; feufe>, SIR ISA ii C N L V. 1 0 N *S C 01" &- T S H ' ' • IT fslaid that Si; Ifeae Mrwtcn d-d1 pee in his life go a wooing, and, a:, way exptel- ed, had the greatefl indulgence paid tJ hi3 litie f}tcuilautie% whiui ever aceor..; any great genius. Knowing he was i iin! i fmokjngt the h$y affidiouily provider! him with ?. pipe, and they were leased a; il to o- pen the bufrnt-fs of Cupid. c:Y i. la; 1 m k- cd a few svluTis—reemcd at a lofis for fome- tliiug—whiflcn ag'ain—and at but tlrcv hla chair near to th: lady—a pauG: o| i>>-^ nn'i- utes enf'ifii—Sir t:V.:c feemed !bi) more un- eafv—<,h the timidity of ibmc, thongltt the lady—when lo ! Hit Ifaae got hold tJ her hand. Now the paluit itlb»is bef-an—he will U\i\ k no doubt, Lh.iughi ihe, and then the matter is fettled- Sir ii;v,<c \\};J:l\ri with u- doubled fury and drcw the captive hand iu if his be ul ;—ri]rv-.i;.'y tlic expeclcd CuhtU vi¬ brated from the hand to the heart, v », l:\y the darniVl, grntle readci ! Jj.ir i---- owlr ratfed lire ! -V d to make tlie for --fi i jcr what he fiiiiuh \.\;iiU".'--,7 t'jhtu\oj' ;;d ' CC TOP i Xfrl\-----COA/ff ^^.....n% A slEAhOVii Ithtcxaat pre li.\ o\ %c determined to brine? dbriti ihc hi'ah &&1J+ <:;/'.:y or top-rnpts, th- n mi fail;: n among ti:,' ladies, and fin thia purpofe, one Sunday took, the following ttxt, which lie fVid was to be found in Matthew, 24th Chapter, and 17th vtrfc. " Top-hici—ufWie down '"*■— From this text, fa lliikii-glv i.i point, the good man undertook to piove ih-it /';/. hn's were, hkr all other extravagant frtihom. : •- • • * culiarly olleufive to the Deity ; that he:e was a divine interdiction agair.il this odi.vus article, and that r'.« wrath ol C->l\s ven¬ geance would inev- ably follow ihofe harden- ed wretches, who p.-i lilted in "the ufe of them. His audience were a&oni;lied, that they had never before noticed this appropriate text. Upon examining their Bibles, they found the following :—v- L-.t him9 who k en {he ho'-ijl- ioby not came down, to iuh any thing oul of In- hovfe" i io»h Aupsft rcrli Sfpied.ber i,: October 2 2d do* t r.fi November -id December 24tb do- /.V,.^V JOHN bMiVLL, ( E. C*. T //^c Wardmist; /ji :L- Shn of tic M.:iT.ih-r H.iTt -V,-. c.j, j,vT>!.Z I), OK VV?TT and complete HfTortment cf HATS, iiA 1 *pi> 1 k>1 v.* ! Si? i^, c-.» ;^'r i 4viL'].V^/^TO, C«l.« . L* C. rnrtvtf co^tplet-e* Ge itk-ii-.-..^ m^ ' /:^ &$iia$& 3c?vcr Hats. J>o, ^ i-uiis c!>', D.:, Yeoman cto ivs do. oo. i').j.i : k ;'t;p::!;n^;uwi u rdtf d do. r1 ■ 0, do. Jo. 1 > ,. tl -;ib Do. bi.;;!v do..extrs! lari*e biiois doi do* do. do, do. ?o. Do. lib. o.v, do, do. Do. or.11> Beil Mack water pi >of iilk Ditto green toider d.-. "• drab do. i.\,>. rrcen mnk : lilk caitor Koiam d: . Plated do. Gently v irnithed leather Hf**-ts for travelKng. '• nits9 dilio do. i- ' ••' Morocco Hats oi all colors. I- >• do. ( laps <io. *viei;y .": Boj s? io'C Coi'diejJ, j )p, C>r 1 :• 11 'i >. I; >. Wiv ! i I !■."'•' rv di f '•i^•!:'•*,. kdij a id iiivci imi.l l • i*d Bands. Common do. do. "\\"i ;* , and ' r'ltovi? tiriiel fJ-> irie and 'hie ^^r.v'l.;. g% Moroccn oj' all colors miiuhli for Hit's.. Fancy Ti ' I'npf r, do. do. Beit and common Gi.'c. Logwood, Copperas, Ver;]:.-;ri-\ Aqmu'.'it-'s, Oil uf Vitrioh Cloinicrs* Jack?. Hatters' do.— R.i.'-ng Card«« Il-.t Bruilies of ali ■•..•ridsip. ufe. Hatter's iron:., Stampers, Runners down, piiLei^, ,'\'c. yc. 5'C La<l.■<>.";.■/'_///,'//;.•///.-,ll\ bcav. Hats k bonnets, viz. V/lute cio. M.iiuY do. ^ children's do. L\»i d x-JliuU'g Lisht fawn q ;. do. do. Drnb do. (iv). do. do. Hair, brov. n dp. do. do. ■ Oliva do. do. do. % do. do. do. Blue do. - do. do. And Green &>-/• do. do. i «- 1 t laps anno ali the lurr.lr.2s andttoi tjfting f of fcriptnre, to fupport thetent'.i of a jjar- ticular bet, or to enforce a favorite du6trine, nothing can be found more outrygeotdly im¬ pious than tin'-. HAT TRIMMINGS^™** Pink Lininn-s Green Linincrs O O Red do. Whi:e do. Q\\\U'r> do. ■ • A GENTLEMAN obferved to a ft new black, that it v.-as rather lingular that be and his bother (who was a preacher) fliould be of fo different callings—" O, iir, (re¬ plied tlie fhoe-blask) our callings arc not l<» different as many imagine—George takts care of thejfai, and i take care of the ut- psr-kaikr," A* q ir c 7 h rr t r -n «aris a"lfI TalTels 1 of ail iizc-3 81 colors for A, Spaldrrrg Sdfiom,*Iafg we( k, an In/h- Fancy Trimming, f Ladies' Bonnets. man was fuand gudty oi ireaii.,- from a fltop Extra large Cords for Ladies' PclilTes. Fafh. fancy Trimmings for do. [ Bonnets Piu-nesofall coIora,fbr Ladi<-r & Children' All of which will be fold at \\i>: molt reduced prices, lor c;:iii or lliort and ap¬ proved credit. Mont real, Sept. 10, 1S10. 1 tf Blue do. rperyd. Yeli'nv do. Bl'k do. fr. ij\\\.oy'c) Hat Covers of every kind in uic. BINDINGS. Bell military bindings for cocked hats ; Black Galloons from eoAo to/" per Grocc* 1 1 1 1 1 J J n'cii drab 00. Com. do. do. Beil black and drab Bands; Common do. " do. Whiie and black wortled Looping ; Common while Hat Buckles j Reel do. Yell.nv Union ditto; white do. do. Cord-' ROMEO WADSW OV, tij J Ins rmivrdfa the fa'* arrivals /' ..m j <w<l 14 &\ l":-} " J' J'-1 Jvpp'y .j Drugs & Medicos; V/hieli he offers for fale on bet'./-,. m8t} the; ever have been fold in this country, Among <ivuub mt tl'eJJUwir.g utt'ultf t t Top.s Alum igo lb. Aruimori; cruje ArnJ«:tj AToiies A" ; "i'ji rj« 4 N.Tie E«:-tt's Gurn CjEH'hor C uila 10^ lb. C;?di ; *xt$t 1000 lb. F».^r S In'- • r Ftoi ChAro Wliifi Com A'r'rn;n!n: Gj:t) Arabic 5° - TOO - 30O - J-O - I JO - 100 - 100 • 300 - 5° v 50 - 75 - CO - 40 - r5 * 30 - jo - :i> - '•5 - ;c - JO - 30 lb. Of.ra Myrrh G^m Seaman Aeppu •» Cum Thus Cum Tragacanifc ivla-nefia Manna N> tmegs Opium Pe iiv .<n Bark ICO - J3>«'p 3 li - PowJcrVlRhubarb j j - S»g • in gram 75 - do. 'ti po*det 3 Tons GiauDJr Salts ?S lb. S i«rmaretti J5 - ::^ - y coo • 350 - 3C«-> - CO " Gum Arfjtts-ilda 60 - 'iaicai tmvtic G<«na Bet s >m Gum €» jtb^nata Gum Gc aicutti -o - Solubil Vitriol r,6 - Tapioca ■jo - Vcrrndci!la - GunCwno, 300 - V.cnoi Roman G\iri) Ju.upor so - do, A\b* UumSted Lac 30CO - Salt Pet re (uim ihrll L ic 3^0 - Pearl barley Guju LVJ UHc PjftEA'T ZIEDICIKES. fn&ttion** Pills I iKa.-n of Honey 1" ilfsrn of Gilca.i [-aternan's Drops loitocir's El ^ir 3 .wilerfs lil-ue PJAjitCjC Brit fh Oil Cq%h.ilM.Sft&tf Cjrn PiJ.Jv r Lo\.\t (ticking PL'Iucr Dairy"» El x.r Daloy's Carmirativc E.irl's Remedy fo. th--* Hi)opint' Cut'i'lj F 1 net- CtfityfooC Do. **cpi*cnnint Do. P A^Vrovnl Blue, Bbclt tVuti Cluik R *.i <io. Carmine Fralttf White Frankfort Jllaefc Indian Rrd Glalfes Pfta^nefia Godfrey's Cot dial Gc-w'and^s Lotion n«wj*T-« Pilli do i vcr Powder ), 0 .?d iriif Blue a ■. Na; ktc.i D)'C Lna.^J y S T%*)*u Via;., uj l^'---nges O/m/kiik Mcd.unc FUJiucd Li-quoris* Stwu'si Op< I l/oc Ti;iv"l. lii k, Huxh^ro'i TurJIngton*- B.ri-a lyory SJIack Luo|* Black J?"! In1, 'r b ;..C f I\>jai Cavicc LitJiufge V. Mow O.brr P rilivi ]-^lurt No- M»J Rvifr Piok P u in itc Stone .°- I III. IWOMI V tli HlMVii » ' ; ...illi WWW V y? £/' «"/' .V. Mtiihrooiu K.etcfa J? J'eeth Brulhcs Vial Cries Bottle do. Wafcn. luperfine Wax, fenling fuperfinc du. lor W;nc White leather Sk.^3 Windfar fo»ft SUNDRlEti* Aw\\*£C3ty fc-llcs and I • wivi f} 1 i wj'ght.s Camd-h^ir Pencils Galfypocs in (oxt$ Gold leaf Ivory Syringes Lozei ges Peppermint Patent i'^mo. Morta»s Pewter Ounce Measures SJ L S 0. 100 Kegs White lead, Chocolate ground Spcrinacelti Candles 1-50 d >. bpar.iun brown do. do. Oil 50 Green do, Calk Raifins 50 Velinw i 50 Black Box do. 200 btixe* Window Gtafs Fit!», Olive Oil a'T-rrc^, 6X8, 7X9^ Cu.-rjnts, Almonds 8X:o, 7^XS^-. Wrapping & Writing?j, A general uilbrtment of pe*- afforted (hop furniture, via:5af- Mels & Prime Perk fortedj a varury offuxJ Plu^ & Pigtail Tobacco gecr/s intirarnenrs. Peppcfj Aiil'pice ON HAND, Coftle, Loaf fugar Gunpowder, *\ Together vvth a General H)fnn, I AlTurtm. ot'OvEsriFF Yung Fyfon, l:<^^ Press Papers, Ttt# Hyfon Chulan, 1 &c. &c, v>;c Souchong, *^* Commits?o-4 Business ttaafa&j on tiicr uftial termsj and Call: advanced on aft? kn:d 01 Produce and atlief property left wit^ aim. Montreal.* 55rM 15, 1810. tf WHH'NEY, has kift recelv- • td and 15 now offcrmg for laic, a veiy cxtc.iiive afirirtaneiit of jK^£,I k WINTER GOODS. ALTO C5 at Crovvland, a pair of Imill clothe* ; [ot which offence he was fcnt«uced to a term of imprifoianient. This imprifonmmt was a thing which Pat didn't like at all; and with-avery iGog face he told the juftfcea on the bench', EtS. 3 Hardware, Weft India Goods and Groceries. Ail of which 1'c wjU aifpafe of (wM'cfiik aftdrctj.il) at as low a ra&a« cm Ik ri"Ji.ii- eJ in Montreal or (.^ ,J.cc. i !v- lr'ol! loi- that if they pcrfiltetl in detaining },i m mi c»i agrrculturc ; and it was a maxim of tbe Z< r»davefta, the r>ideft book now in the world esci-pt one, that !o wJio f«>ws the ground uitij care and diijfrence, acquneg a gr ater ft %ttc df rclfpioua merit, th-u S. -onj'l have .. - icd hy 1 he rep. Uinji <A ten tliO.ttfiinJ jiraycrt!—^iouw.. .,„.' Cwr.nt. prifon, M ihci/rvilof apofntoe would hi> poor old mother get for the winter, for flic de¬ pended upon hi.-n to dig her crop, ?nd would. be (h.ved if he didn't go !" The poor fi |. low begged, tlierefore, that their wor/htpa would udo iome civil ihhr> to i-im," and let urn be oil. The magistrates were amufed with the whim/k;.l flyle of the ptt'tttiiicr, r.id changed his fenUnce to a />•////',.• noh',!,. pin? ; wh.ieiipon Pat, in a «;rarilnl cclhu ■•, »' auk"/!ihcm family ; and he nidcu/no ii., /Jo^iiig through ;he marJcti lait '^uei'diii •' 'th h%h good v ti! —/..-../. /,, K.JSMOVAL. Nc>-ibrop, Wolcoit fo9 4i&, Have removed from No. 54 Sf. Paul Street to No, 102, one door North o| M^m-fc );,.,o^, Gatfs&Co. IV ;•;•;; llh> ' "';i ^««?«J Aih,.f,1(-n, of )fV, WODS ^rf, which thev offer iiJ' J-.e on rt'.dn.idih !.-,„■. dtally invites Lhoiv who -n. ,'.i •'< ■ ftaliii «?t' ptirchafirig by wholcudc, to cM&td csaCT* ine for thcnitj.lv. .$. Kington, ijl Dca rj.t >\ i; i :•. nil' Cash paid, for K AGS • AT J UK l-MN r /•.,; OPKI. 1 K.N 1 on PRINTiD ,ini. n ii.ijkp Hv MOWh'.K fcf ki \lv\I.!.. f/'ff/C* '/.' TKHN •1111 ■ - . • . is / "' .;/" ■ V .AO Ul../ . . /. . .