?«. ' i u! IiIn mt'i, „f ,;u • • i • • ■\ n Lii* .!• I. M* I, | * ' i I -.1 > V, ■ .... ' ' I i-. . i J .» i I.it •■ I.iw »*l 11<iii in] i i. |*^ J 111 I *1 ! %* .v ;i h i li«- ojM*rfki ion r m ||K. .uVtj Nt.n. sj u! Lis |vi ij, H v\; ,,} l./y !.. I, ^ulii.iliu.; tltv tl jtft|) t,ir. , /(l,i v :*.i Lft trtat LkKtfa .* f\\\ tin k- v j., •■.. tun ■'•• "i »*! iltitvr. f >\ c CitniiicrH ? — ,,' , r -• :»-»tiJ' r«* t i ih in fcflluii the ju- ;. '. ,i >..: ii ;' Utm< d uUllt'S ? I>0 tic r ,,,;,..• :iu- pctokled int. n jtiffo to two j^pp <:] :... 'I. Ill SfJlTL-S, ill'u <1.» ll, y t fljoJtj lii i.ill:;ii...11-vj11.. b\i made i»Ji l'Y« u.h account is it his M:i;dly*s will th.it thj ftrr/Uies pr;!v( in the porta of Spain and otlii'i' plnec3 vv A.: ;j.ii".ciplc of rvpriiiil, ill..11 b-;< riifle a i.m^cI **t ptdcnt or iuiuic iV'jynturticMi he- l\.\.a lli. i««»' ; ->v • i lira, nts ? ()i arc t lie a<fts Ju.i.iy lakiii i-y his Majefty to be. iv^arded r.> eomiluliv*: a^u'iiU rciiiiinvration ? 1 tited nor fcggdt to yarn- excellency the int• itrit t:U both $v\vrnf.u;r,s have i.i the anltfcrs thr.t ir.ay be py*?n to tfci iV queJtis303>aad bow rei.rly co'ifttricd tlivy aic with the j£bodit:i- dtrilandmg which ouw'Ut to cxift between them, af^r tHs giisatiltp luteiy taken by his M;>jdty towards an acconin:od.»tio:i oi iliiFcr- fiiveSt Wd arc not at liU-ny tu fiij:pv>it: ihaianyncw cenfidcrations will ariiie which ffiaEdcher retard or prevent tlie adoption of 0tauift:« :ifcciTarv to t furl rctioration of the eoromercial imcroouik and iriencry relauon Ci the two oowersu I cannot omit c-.\ pre (Ting-, on tiii-^ occadon, ;he li.-nte I lha.l.carry with me of tbe many cb'igritiors I am pclfb »a!i; under to your Execilency, and of the very high confickra- t'on with which 1 have the boner to be your raoft obedient and vci*y hurablt fj rvant, (.Signed) JOHN ARMSTRONG. His cxc:!h::y the Bilk ofCmkn, The Duke of Cadere to GeriCral Armfbronsc* Perisi Srpf. 12, iSio. ( TRA A' SZ -1 Ti 0 N* J SLR—I have received vonr Liter of the Vk of Sepit. That whieh I wrote to you t!^fan:r (.11v, anf^-.aid the firft of the qnei- l,°ns yoi; put to nc. I will add to what I M the honor to write to ^ou, that the De- iVi •,»r"u ' -; " *•* • '• ' ". •;' '•"* "'. • , a , ..|jl.i •'•■ mi c" k-:<•. •ice • i the act of ,.,,,; •■ 'ho ill »1 l\;;::<!\ [Sr';,u::- rc- ] ,; fWi I.mmi as iv»: w> i\- i .ii'r.in.d of the re- r.iwlo'tte' :1'^ <! non-iut'rc'oinfe paihd a- < iall ri-*r "L- '•^,l j ur fecon*! (uicllii'ii 1 liiU\tti vj d?t1 lie I'tt \<>ii that A.mi rican vcl- f,.is hruleJ wllh n.i icli.inui.'.c, 'he gtiowili ©■* tin- American in«whk-tr-, w/.l bv i^cnved »rSihtitit »11.'*. ri•. 11y b the ports «»l France, rnnihdt:.:-y hive ik>1 fnfteretl iheir flaa; to bfe its rational eh^n-'lcr, by [ubir.ittiug to •he ;at* or the L-ihiih e-wiieih Tkey may Mil.e manner uipart lioin the ports of r.ar.Ov. '1 lie tnipcrot fcas given Kcenfcs b American v,f:c:s. Jt is the only J|»* «t nwin* yeaenJay. The prop,utor ;,K JD^K fciilc* and Co. and theroute uu be peiiouned every week. tu COMMVmCATtOfi, Oov. Craig in his fpeech to the lcrif- Kl vc council and aFembJy of Lower Can^a, I ;v; that in the differences between Great I'matii and the United Stales " new chirm, •'; M-l-.tin- to their -neutral rights, have been hruu^ht ft>rward by the Utter, of a nature lis't 1-tm h'kely to place that w.'fhed for e- vc.il [an aeeonunodalioii] at P wry uncertain pfibd.,J DneBhe refer to what Frefident JWadilon, in his (ficfTa?*, mentions to have been claimed as an aft ofjuftice to the Ui.i- ted State1', to wit, a i-elinqiiijljment of the practice of what he Calls *' thofe novel hlock- wkV* which h * cliafies with the orders of council interrupting thj»Aniej*icancommerce, partictilarJy the blockade of t&e coaft front the 5:,Lc to Urtlt, dated May t8o6." Mr. Madiion lays * the bl'x-fcavlcVh) qneStonbe- in^ not moreeontrary t-. the ei^Hblifiied law (/f nations than iucor.fiflent with the ruler, of hlorkaHes formerly r. oopa.i/.ed by O. Britarn i'tucir, could have no alhoed bafis, other titan the plea of retaliation, alleged as the hi- (w ' f the orders in council." And yet that «>f May r Bo6 wast arlier than either the Ber¬ lin err Milan decree of the French, upon the r« •• (Cation of which he has ehumtd a rclin- qoiihmcnl of thoie DritiSi blockades, as well as "he orders in council. Th'-fe, we con¬ clude, are the " new elainis" referred toby Gov. £ta%, ss lii:-iy to protract the difpute between Gteat Britain and the U. States. On the morning r*f the iiu ultimo,three hoedVs in Marlbor^-ilvetL, Bofton, were con- fumed by £vs. The New-York State Prifon contains 498 nrifoticr^ Si..ce the eitahiifhrnent of that iiiiiituiion, 5^') pmoners have been pardon¬ ed, cf which oa!y 53 ha?e been convicted of feeond oiiencts. We ham rh t MeC Stfinpfon & Seher.or of Bofton, have efiabiifned on the fiiores of Lake Omaiio.1 Ivw Y.»rk, a mannfacloiyof ccsrfe and fine Salt* Trie farnplcs produced are equal to the belt blown Liverpool. They will be enabled the enfavng year to make 12,000 bufnele, and th; Works may be ex- rxa led to ilmoik any amount. From the excellient finality of their faints, 40 gallons ,-r i-,,:v. , '" j 1. • • Huflie! 1 f fait ; the' oil is n'.t ellimated :-t more than ten cents £6d.*j ]-cr btifiiel ; atid the expectation is fang trine ot loon arriving to the main body of mineral fait. From its local Gtiial i>>n, and facility of traufportation into the interior, it bids fair to become one of the molt valuable erlabliih- ments of the kind in America. \_Centind. e fomcvi*hatv5;Ririi fied[pett fatisfalt] th.it tliey lv.w: not yetasbeen able toikccccdincaivfiBg their ILig tobe rtipcxlecl, nt leatf, lie fc?i with picivure, tlirtt th^y art: far i/v-m ac- knowlecldnc: lbctvrr.mr.kAl prmci- I The Ametkaii \eif.•- whieu mav be it^ad- / * erl or. account oi FniieucRCBj or on account o£ Americans, wtil be admitted into the port: cf France. As to the m:r:L^ndiz: cwfftdisd, it bavin* been coal'fcatcd as a meat live of rcprtjdl^ the principles m re* irifalmv&ht the hiv in that aijdlr. %■ ■ V I have the hoi'or to renew to you, lir, the afTuraoce of my high confideration. (Signed) CHAMPAGNY, Drc dr CaJort. His Excellency Gen. Armflo-ii^, A fli(>al of about 500 whales, were lately driven on the Ifland of Ronfay, in Oikncy, by the boats belonging to the place ; many of thefe whales mcafured from 25 to 30 feet. The population of New York, city and county, is about 94,000 inhabitants. In- creafe the lail. ten year^ «a.ooo. Increal ftuee 1S05, t8,coo. The Bolton Qazett remarks that the 'ls(b ten years' increafe cf New York nearly equali the population of Bolton, ----- JSxtra8 of a kiterfrom dbralinr, dated zgfh Srpiemh r. ** I think that the Fo. 1. h affairs are dal¬ ly declinine in Srtain; the inimenfe defer- tion mull rcrtfl an araiy In a tew months we have had upwards of 7000 of the nm-.ft German drf.-nos enUiledlbr our army, paf- lin-r through this place alone ; and Colons! R....., who airivd here front Car thagena, a few days ago, to! 1 mc tint .11 officers a'nd 00 men had come over from the French the ninht before he faded." To prevail Chlmiikt/romiahm^ fru tlmgh dey are uc-v:r fwcpl or burnt, and copjeu't- Iy it lid. K i ^T G S T O N : Tuesday, j'. ::i;.;xv t$* iS'l.I* made of fait and water, nearly as ttrong as that you ufc v ith meat, and the mortar wet with it in Ilea 1 of pure water ; fait, fand and feif water, where 'it can be had, will anfwer the fame end to tnis with the lime and horfe dang. Chimniis plaltered with thiscompo- fition, on every damp or rain will growmoiii, and the foot will f :1 off without any incon- vcn-:e-vy. This may be relied on, and the eipciife ii i^> trying, that no one feouH befit ate 1 > do it, for it can do no Harm at alt L-vents, and u may lave houh-s and towns. Rtair of the Thcrmemcfer at Kingsm- ran. *V-dur!u£ the day r abotea in ll - *<**• ,I/J do' . A»rwi;,...r!.:, j ,vo ,,toi,.«. t^^r'f;^dil t uf u^^ c.-n t wt£?»*am forn an authcuu'^ fomce, ihiij t?u-' "pauiih tnhiiferat Waihiugton^ ha.dei- i'arijh-d acuitcr to Cadi/., to conu.miucv.te ['the re-frnry ainl eovtes g-^-enjinrj Ti ,|l!u,ni-\o\.n ol tie meulurc ihe executive <ii t'"' th.iu-d atat". ht-. ta'ien viji regard to ' m. of Well v!o.i.;.t. -j"ivU; f «i merits '"v,ty iiu..;:; i.j..i:d .-.„! ii. 1 of meichai.U e,iPged in evmn ..do S:»^j I";t-- ' Notice is hereby givm9 T^Oall peifons indebted to the eftafc of JL Alkxandkr McDonald, baker,late of the town of Kingdon, dcccafcd, by prooi- iflbry note, book account, or other obliga¬ tion, that unlcfs immediate payment's made to the fubferibers (who are duly authorifed to receive the fame and give acquittances) their accounts will he put into the hands of an attorney for collection. ABBOT & BASC0My Have jult received and arc now op Wr far &le, at their Store in Kinostos, * tBRt HENEkAI. ABUTMENT OF FALL and WINTER GOODS: UPEivFiNE,f:cona&| B hc!c, p-.p f, fl , & twt- I'^wpr.c'dBroadcjmh; AH perfons Iiavirig any claims againtt faid eflate, by promiffury note, book account, or other obligation, are requeued to produce the fame for adjullment, on or before t he 15 th day of March next, to the fubferibers. ALEX*. MACDONELL,Adm'r, JANNET MACDONNELL,^/mV. Kingston, \oto jfan. 1811. 17___if 97 FOR SALE—M Confiptment of Barrels ONONDAGA SALT, cheap for cam, at the Store of JOHN KIRBY & Co. Kingston, 14//; 'Jan. 1811. t22 F reft Cio'hs Huntcj's do. Scarlet do. K-.fcys, CtrTimeres Baisa & Ftenneii C irpet.ng Fnul,ing> & Bhnlcet* Plain <fe twill'd Velvets Thickf-its Genoa Cord Blue & drab J-rf-y Knit SwwrifdoMfn,worfteiCord, T.ilinett & Meoaiiies Veftiflg Salisbury Flannel China blue Furniture CIti.cz a0p Dirro Fringe Silk Ss co ton Bandanna Handkerchiefs WANTED, A YOUNG Man, about 14 or 15 years fc cf acre, to attend in a ftore ; good re- commendatlofls will be required. Inquire of the Printers. Jan. 15. tf He green PeJiffi Velvets Jamaica Spirit* Sr. Croix 00. French B ar.dy Holland Gin Po.t Wi-.« L. P. T.nerifts do. Shrub Hyfon, hyfnnfkin & fin- glo Teas Pepper,Al|fpice & Ginger Mufcova io fugar RaiJinsfc Figs Alrnondsri^urrants 1 amarinds It ioncy Ir.digo, Fig Blue Starch 8c boap Plug, roil & fmokiog Tobacco { C'-gars, and Rappee (ouft" Midland Dipia,! IVT OTICE is hereby to kit : j" i\' given, That the Court of General Quarter Sessions cf the Peace, will be holden at the Court- boufc in AMphuiownf on Tnefday the 22d day of January, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon : Therefore all Coronrrs, Con- Itables, and other Peace Officers, as well as thofe that have any bulinefs to tranfacl: at faid Court, are hereby required to take notice and give their attendance accordingly. CHARLES STUART, S/jerif. Sheriff's Office, \^th Jan. 181 I. Biack & figured Silk do. j Upper Leather Linen & cou<,rj socket do. Morocco do. Silk & cotton Sh.wis | Calflfclns Printed & pUj„ Bomba-' Men's {hoes ze t*S , Coarfc Boots C.ilimancoes&Durants Blk. blue, purple, red 8c ^Y ldi>ores pr'nted Morocco (hoe* Silk, lamb's w>o!,worlbd; Saled-d Bx.ks & coiton Hofc La nb's woi>1 Gioves W -rltrd do. Red a->d blue dps Roe Patterns Fa.icj G rithims " Cilic-.es Unmties Gdor'd Se white Muflins jj^an'd, f^cded, dotted &! Youth's Sc cbi'drcn'sdo, A General AlTjrtm.'nt of Hardv;/.re,Cutle- by, Crock er v, and IftON Hllow War* ar Ir*n Anvils, V;:es Biiitcr & Crawley fteel H rfe & packet Piitols Shovels & fpad-s Bgurd bik, Ss whhedcK Prying Pans Trails Lenoes & Lc.ces Cotcoa Sewings White & cobr'd Thread Tc*pcs & flurt Buttons Eiack, purple, blue, pin!;, 6X?, 7X9$ 7|XS% and SX10 Window G:afs T licrniom-'tera P-ared l";>urs Gun Powder brown* buff, and flats, Shol & Bar Lead SHERIFF'S SALE. Midi and Dfl, id, 1 |) Y virtue of three to wit ; 3 Xjt Writs of Execution irfueil out of His Mnjeftv's Court of King's Bencb, againft the goods and chattels which were of Benjamin Skymour, deceafed, now in the hands of Elizabeth Seymour, ex¬ ecutrix, at the fuits of Alien Mc Lean, Efq. Mr. John Shutcr, and William Hunter, 1 have lazed and taken in Execution two thoufand feven hundred buftcls oi ASHES,which wi'i he fold and adjudged to the higheft bidder, on the prmn.'frs of the late BeMJarnxb Se)> nr/ir, on .Mor,d«.y the 2 i fl cisy of January, at the \&m oi two ift&odk 1'. 701. Charles Stuart, Sheriff. Sheriff 'g Office^ 14th Jan. 181 f, Strayed into the colnr'd Cambricks White Cocton Striped & checked do. Coctan Shirting Lining? Patillas Brown Kjlland Silk t'fe Cotion UrubreUas Satin?j Luflriri"? Tafnt'es, 'iircenlh Silk & T.v.ft Bla.Ic,blue, fciriet^cdrab Fi-liiTeCi.uhs Dl«0 Cords Sati Military * Siiic vvacer prtiof F^ihion. B-av;r Gattor Roram Men's ftboyN fell do. D). do# f'ne QardisC Leather Cap* for children Hat fcr*ws ' ' Lawn IIjC Covers Brft twilled filk do. Lakes' fafrioQible Beaver B >onets Ditto Tr mnalnj* Ditto low priced do. A general affortment of DRUGS c7c MEDICINE—among which are—. Cinnamon ftrihftj on Harlem do. Steers's Opodeldoc EJfence Peppermint " Mullard Cfbfxiiie Srvff JRcfined Liquorice . Set Poinent Saltpetre Wind/or Soap 1 prt-mifes, and now in the liable of the fubferi- bev^aDAV COLTj about two years old : whoever it belongs to, will have it onapplica- tjou, and paying the expenfes. ° G. HAMILTON. fOi'Zslon, Dec. 25, iSio. FDR SALE^ * A SPAN of En^rlilh HORSES, ri&ng of 15 hand- high, flout built, one 6, the other 7 years old—excellent for the fad- die or harnefs ; one a beautiful roan, the otlu;,- 2 dark bay. They wiil be fold togeth¬ er fir leparate, as may in it porchafers.—In- (juiveof SAMUEL KOWE. K*m s£o fi, December 4, 1S1 o. 15 3 w " Burgamot Chinas Worm defray- Gold Leaf Silver do. Ivory Bhtch Black Lead Sugar Candy Flor Sulphur Gum Camphor The fubferibers have juil received a confignment of Sixty Sid-:? of ALBANY SOLE-LEz^TrlER, Which they offer for fate cheap for caih. _Jan. 1, 18ii. ABBOT &BASC0_^. Whereas I the iub- ferfcer did, fome time in the month of Janua¬ ry 18 ro, ?ive a note of baud for twenty dol- ar^ ?,nd fixty-two cents to Augvjlin Barthol- ome*iVi which note was not to be paid by me Mitfii the faid Bartholomew fhould finilh a faw ni;n for me upon which he was at work, as Will appear by a written inllrument under the hand of the faid Bartholomew: and wheTcas trie faid Bartholomew has never re- HWfted to finilh the faid work. 1'hefc are ir.g Lozenges Godfrey's Cordial Jefutfs Drops Church's Cough Drops Anchovies Balfam Honey Ketchup Hooper's Female Pills Pinl; Root Anderfons Scotch do. Court Plajhr James' Analeptic do. Lee's 1 —.r , n . , r -a'.nous do. (.ait s y Wheat on'sjaun. Bitters Barley Sugar ImperialTovth powder Teeth Infiruments Lipfalve Crown Lancets Nutmegs Cloves Common do. They have likewife rented the New Store belonging to Mrs. Finkle, in Erne/lown, where they are now opening a General Affortment of DRT GOODS, GROCERIES, HARD WARE, jn? OROCKERT : all of which will be fold remarkably low, for prompt pay only. Caih, Pot & Pearl Allies, Wheat, Flour, Potk, Furs, Butter and Cheefe re¬ ceived in payment. £T Conftant attendance will be given at each place ; orders from gentlemen of the faculfiy attended to on the fhorteft no¬ tice ; and medicine put up in the bed order. November I ^, 1810. 8tf____ SHERIFF'S SALE. Mid idland Ditlrid, 1 UT virtue of a Writ to wit : S °f Fieri Facias, if fued out of his Majefy's Court cf Kings B nch* and to me direclcd, againfl the lands and tene- to (&tit£tm the public again!! receiving or pur- merjs 0f DoctorPrmdl&9 at thefuit of Bryan. ^ chafing the laid note, as I will not pay it un- Crawford Efq. 1have?fixedandtaken in extcu* tion the eajl half of lot No. 3, frond concejion of the townjhip of Fraderichfouigh, in the counties of Lenox and Addington, and diffitl aforefaid> containing Lv adnieafursment one hundred acres> and an improvement of thirtyfve acres, le the fame more or lefs ; which will be ad¬ judged to the higheft bidder, at the gad door ir. the town of Kingston, en Monday the Zldcf til «hc faid Bartholomew has finifhed the m\\ in queftion. ASA F. REID. A'ii/gston, Dec. % I, 18 1 o. 6*8 1"HOSE prrions I'm K..r»gftf*o wno arc indebted to Joseph Emerson for the Canadian Co a rant, arc '>que(ted u> m.jk-.- payment, on or before the 2ad i'n&« TO Mrs. Patrick in K'mgftun, who wall receive l,u,e "none/ and difcnaige th-ir accounts. &% fubferibsrs w II receive uu mote pjjer?on fiii ^m Vfon's account, th<- Paft rfiguefts T-ach nerfone as w-lh (,rTh- CanadianCou-i.it, W leave thsir naoies "c Ms. Fjtr clc's by the 22.I inft.......G-nOlrnien of (ctsniQg arv. refficclfully inviiei to prnmo'e the poMjc i'° "1 by encourag ttg 'h- prsl*>. Withc-w f>jbjc>:lers firfapm the msiimufi fi;ft as the pioftts ot that a- Jwn^' NVI|| ni)t mgj-t is txuCiif-. J*l. i, I6J i. BEiUAH CLFLAMD, Ppftrliier. July next,at :he I. :ur if 10 or loch tntheforenoon. And any perfin or ferj w who may^ have any claim to !' ' oB&s tnenih ' / pre* ij r, 6 mortgage*? ■■' ■'[■ t an requt/ied to mah tl ft mt i wnto m before th d< ofjak. CHARLES STUA \ S^nfl