Kingston Gazette, January 15, 1811, page 2

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V -, :\v j v u'-vcMr, i, ; ■ ■■ at4' •; the !1VU{V:! • iheeon:.en ;• d pdedtbe bill feu :>... r ,f 0f th: pan;' m the loan cf fe.d- i< ; ...-, i.iihout amend n I This dsr, r.t two o'clock, the lin&fe went p to the CftfcVaf St. Lewis, and p efent- d the rolbwmjT Addrefc to his Excfclieficf. 'IW'r:'],:^ fexVCil^Cy BKJ pleated 10 nuke the forming -:;i; : The teiments d M*! *** i1* ^ in^mihms to promoi! rk tuicrciH or tus Rj^vs-rv'-nMrM-' mdtbe welfare of yW 'ui ,;v fubWcb t rop 'i<'i hi this addrefs, are ft!eh on?y as To his Excellency Sir Jamf.s H*n*T 6*MG, [}]:rc fdhi-J Lis '&&&*/* iiifo ] t,Was I c: peded from you, and cle- ma."! my aekttowkdgmcnt*. 1 fh.aU at all riota weeriw: with attention andic&urd, any JfrftVvmiuian or advice Ejiat tk- baufe of afh-myy n ay think proper to co ivcv to me. if the prcfent iaftsiice how- ** wS : gc^S^l and loy- EJ'l " ^^ * * d*n* that _i ,-., • -1 .a. ,' ..' ....... «r fnv^r rani, mv informatioU of the ftatfc oi tbe Province al fubjyib, the Common" of Lower Cana¬ da, in Provincial Parliament affeinbled, beg kuve to return your Excellency otn humble thai da for your Speech at the opening of this fmion* Proud of the infr. and elevated fentiments dues riot warrant thai, wfrfch you fay, yon think it your dtity to give rne, of the evid¬ ence offcSrs and afrpi^henJions with i Ration tu the execution of the a& for the pj rferva- tion of his Majcfly's govcTumtnt, at lead as * ' general. If fttdl i'ro-i.i or trie in it ancu.-dua i-nu^.iu., ----- .- ...... -~j---j o r . , tfijutftd by vour Excellency of the loyalty applied to the tangle in ^ ^ &Mi and zeal of the fevcra! Parliaments which fes and apprcfc iii?^ exifc to* they ao? ,......- rv,..'i,n,-v !,n.: 5,-,n fli.ffl»finn to meet in feoivfin« d t/j tjiotc whu are aware of toe pol- your Excellency has had oceufion to meet Jii Itlis P.O/i ice, we will leave nothi»«; unci »ue on cur part to convince yom Excellency that tliofe priucrples exiit in us, without the ihghteil diminution ; and animated hy the belt intentions Lo promote the inrerefts oi his Majefiy's government and the welfare of our fellow fubje&s, the effect cf tliofe fen- friracnto ihall be m mifelled in tlie tenor oi onr tsexlherattous and the difpatth of the public fnHin-cijS. We (incereK' lament tliat no atlyance?have be n made tow.irdsan accommodation or the diiFerences which have io lone ftthiificd be- livo'ii his Mijerty's government and that of the United States. The new claims bro't forward by the latter, of a nature to pwft- pvnie tint wiflied for event, require on the part of government redoubled vigilance and preeauti n. We concur with vour Excellency that no change ha? taken place in the ftate of pub- lie alTaiva abroad, that can warrant an aboli¬ tion of t!'.'j pro\iuons of the Provincial tem¬ porary act, which provllea fir the brtter prefer«atio » of his Mdjc^y's government as by law h r> fly eflablilhcd in this Province. \\t we think it our d a-/ to fnfoi n your Ek- ceHen-ry that the fears apprehenfions which prevail amonjcfl: a j^reat number ol his Tvtaicttv'd loval and iaidiful iuoi-'C+s. in con- C.'vm-nee of the execution of this c.Cc, will t!c;nar,i our fc:i ms COniideration, 'uelu.c vvc can dcte.';.,iue it 'if. co ithmation in the whde ,S its : ■■. V"t f - i ani tenor., will injure tyntncnt aiitl hh fii^jcch i ' C.^.a *.i, vi.-hrclj f^ L ;c f.i*V :'uai J of t'i^ former and of tlw ni- rerefls cf tlie public, ia thcmfclvos infcpara- bie. A mature consideration of this aei and that for j.'tabi'lhin f regulations refpecHiie a- liens -^U'] certain { ibjects of his Majcily who I 3vercildeJ In Fiance, will become the ob¬ ject? "i may moll fv-rivms atteiiti.m, and we will equally luep iu min-l all fidi meafmes ;'. vviii fecure that m itml confidence, which we cO'^fider zs the (ir.r.c.'l fupfort of the qov- i nrneut, b-.inq; convincd with your Excel¬ lency, that Its preferva'.ion is the fafety of the Province, and hi f. cuiity the bell pledge of the pi Llic tranquillity. T'he acl making a t-.rnponr, provulon far the rcgulat'on of trade between tb i s Province and the United States, we will alio take in¬ to our immediate coniiderntiou. The ffiatement of the Provincial revenue of the crowJij <*>^ of the expenditure for the 1 ill twelve months* and every other com¬ munication wliich your Excellency may be pleated to make to this hpufc, will receive from us th-.t leipecifui attention due to the reprefeatstive ot our mod grracious Sove- reign. ru.Ity convinced that it is the moll micei'e ivnh oi your Excellency io cultivate that harmony and good under Handing', which is io conducive to the profperity and happ.'nefs or the Colony, we ihall cheerfully concur in aay mcafure lendine; to promote thefe im¬ portant objectJ ; objects more diflieult to be obtained in this Province, thin in any other Oi his Majelly's Colonies, from the difler- enc: i re; ,*;•*.» nvh.ii i nwAti to teprcfent tn falfc coiars and in a mannei v- id- of the truth the opinions and fentimcjits of t\e different claSea of his Ma- jetty's fuhjects in this Pc-::nce. Following ;.•-..• Excellency^ example, let ev.;ry one fui/il l\U A.i; to ww bovereigiv, by an unrem' ' ^ attention to las fiuc.e prevailed amoPCy them precilciy Vom rhe moment at. wliien tne e aculion of Ability ?if themi'eivei beebming tibnaxious to the f;pev.uion pfthe ad ? The voiceyf Inch will be \\sw6 loud, and may not their clam- (.:- iiave mifled you to'inppole them morejnu- m.-.rons rhan I cruA th..y really are : But with v■■.■ trd to thr^ood people ot the Prov¬ ince, I am io far from tttinbn^ that they feel any apprelienn.nts on the fubjecl, that I date the ftibfidi^g tvftlie fe'-ment tle-ttheu exi.'ted, and diereti •• tiio'i ts£ the calm that h f; that act took -place. Similar means to thefe formerly employed misiht a^ain revive the one, and diiturh the other, rod none p-.-r- hapswodld be more erTedual for thepurpoie than the infi'.uiv amon<rli them, the fears anj appreltHnfion^ to vyh^eh you ba« a^ude t. SiiRpic antl uninfonrieil hs thtv ar^, lioW'fV- er, I {hall ncven.bekfs truft to their >;ood fenfe for it9 beina found difficult to ihake their confidence in his ^tajefty's ^cverttmeut, becauic thev find it exerciumr ic/c their pro- tccVori, tli€ m^an^ v/ith wlu'cli it ts ei-u^tl- ed hy krv, or beca'ife tliey frc that ^ivrrn- uient armed with the p</vvcr, and rendy '•-> (Ico forward fi^mM it become ncc::!.rv, to i - crufh the arts of f.wtmn, or to meet the uu- cli:nat*-;ns of treafun. Viewinc vour a i-J!cf> hi die lijrbt of an anfwi-r to my fpeedij I rauft rrm-nk, that I have been mifumkvltood in ir. The h ••mo- ny and eooil under^andma wh.ich I ex- ■* -. * *. . p'-e/Ted myf.'lf dJuo;; cf • :rit f• ■.« ...:-, *.. j .• that harmony and go \ ! u.u-J 'f(la»i rixis be- tween me and the '•Ov-f brancht.': tu the P gin»ture which muft be Co conducive to tb: profperity ^r.d happinef? of the Colcuiy, vvhrrcai I perceive you have ap.oh\.d the •: i'i- A - 0 thofj pniiciples h the cO'HTBunjty ::t hrgr- i li!s* would h-' r-> otherwifi of c;>r*(- qii nc?^ tlian as it Ins Fiirniilj ' j you with the opp »r- tuniiv ol biiucitDvv fonvnfd <i fent^nent *:> which i dciire mail: cordblly and truly to csprefs my entire concu'-nee. I mall j »in with you in feeling pain in every mPm:e I wilich tfte paiuons or prejudices ot aov Oi'»e part of his IvIaiellyN fubiects ihall lead them to reprekv.i. in f.dfe color;, and in a man¬ ner wide of the truth, the opiniens and feti- timents of any other part of their fellow fub- jecls.—-Vv ithoiit any reference to example, let every one, a^ vou fay, do his dutv lo the Kino- and to the public ; and as you exprsfs v.un-fuives aware of the grctter ditSqulty that exiles in this Province in the a:ta:nmc it of the important qbjeel: \\i quc^dm, fo I confidently truft 1 mad find you, on all oc- cahoiiK, exerting with advantage, the fuoe- rior opportunity which is afforded you r.v your finiation as reprefentatives of the dco- p«e, for promocin.r and eultivating thole true principles of aif-ciiion and attachment, that may unite us in one ir-^ and haoov e. . /• h ,7.j.l (■/ iii,;.:r >■>,.';?»>.', or luol it t.: an i\r hulk &Gnh : Af/gJkt it iwt mih r kfaid^j '$f lunar inf.u:r,n /••".' /.-■' . itched f/>e ,j ■-,,l,r-;i^:i:-: , rferl With cf Jnty flu ,. •■-. /,»■•.■,; " «'M theraj^.i rf { ...iK:ll'i!i. us", ,.:■!■!; ^n tgTA.ii to, «l"d tk-jJwkvl I r'i.r.lj,- ,.,;jvj,u t,jc appear. t! [all i-:^-^-! to nc en^ro-ncd-< A petl^on <r hn&tj tie't...:;,. in Montreal ' '\ r}!-::v;-.; :nr rc'i f. w.sprt- ftVl ri by Mv, Pamuew, and refe'nd to a ;„; h -vc;;:c<!.'.';;//■' :-n on /-•.-/ t,f th~ immunity f->c<-ri1 comn it w .' •:-'/--' ^v /*"//'v;: '*' /,;; ;'^' »^»W »«flfef 'i'h. H »afe v. .-■ i i< io a committee o»i ' br.llo piv>r"t'h: fo-^'ii - •nd cuincei.c; itlg ,.iir .'oi tiills f»I e^chan; .•—epwtcd I'^o- L-rt&a^l LUa-tol leave t«i ht f^ais. i., yes. THE KINGSTON 5A2ETTE 4* a&r thrs&jn dtig£*f ' 1'iacfalh" Int leasts a wand t.'.HU tunc /.'/■•/ •::«...-' hfirdly heal, A FARMER. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. dCMQtfX* oi: miss H all, ch^rmlpg rn^id, deiight of everv eye ! A ceepi n.-pa>er for the-*, to heaven I iend, R rcei've hahi mc ?. bvtr's fondeii fish, K eci ivc the war me A .vun-: of a fiknd. I n r.a 'fe purity thou art an3 E lie iro -ni'd r. 1.1 H wi h mod^rty and grace,^ T nun, KO'unfif, virr ie, are in thee liifykfi J S implicity ai.d love adorn tliy i2:e. M ay «-..cli revolving y~ar add rothpfs charms, V ear after yrar th> happtneis insrtaf?, T ill Ifick'd wilhin a fa'abful ho/b>n.c$ arms H a'vn ctavvRS thy life with bin's—thy end with peac, For/be Kingston Gjzztte e, MESSRS. EDITORS, HAVING lately djfrved In vimr-pppet /•-v-;/ hfersj^ned I'fo Ghn}} of Ab% A7ew- /<'.•"/, svr'j'.rn with o degree af afuerily again/* r i'-:rt of the comnu.iil'y <t&ho fupport the hijli- /.."■':/: •/ a HjiUih far the Pm^ of upper &.<i u-dn ; I lament to fee in the different fiitbli-* fiihns (kciticy QulrnzctL thd PjMtc's Friend tiTidiiertl and Ccwunm Senfc wl'ifud under peae* ralaLtfc and -: zhY< n i cmatited with firineU f'i v irfutr titeproprit fy of tm liifthuiiuiu If dc&itoifimihfi h vttit$tted% 1 ccn b Mwiotwh to tj/rr* that Upper Qeii&ifa.p^^sfu^ish^ cop':- ; it j or evtry pu '!i: il U could he te.fulr d for ftich t ,t vjuttrttikiiiy* Il is a tnaxhn ttol io le . •>. i /■ *7/.://, -<//V/7 a capital can bs employed it t ■ "-.' /•.' • -.«« '/ thai caf.l.d in tlr country ii'h:i'c Frem ■>' Bofltm Gazette of December 20. The arrival of the Paulina from London fiiniifhcss dates from that place to Oct. at. On the fnhjci't of AmenVan affairs, they are totally filent, and on thofe of Spain, un- i vterelluuf, beinsr many flays anterior to the accounts received in \',.:i countiy. The illnefs cf th? Hritiftt King cpneared to 1 ::c:it^ much, fenubih'ty. He is in his 73d year ; and the foluiiude fhewn in the minif- terial cucles made it apparent that bis difeafe was not a llight one. i'L-- death would have great Muence on the aflairs of Europe, as well as of England. An entire change of roiuiiicrs »nd policy would be among the firlt acts of George the IVth. A negociation and probably a pe::ee, with Fraricej would be the ccr.fequence. What t&cGt this will have on 'he profperity or delti.ny of the em¬ pire, can only be conje&ared* One thing is certain, the party attached to the Prince of Wales, and who would unqueilionably he his counsellors on his; acceiUon to the throne, combine much of the talent and influence of the nation. H'lic enormous duhe* impofed in France on colonial produce are extended through the whvde of the Neirli of Europe, excepting Rnflia and Sweden ; and Prince "Bcrriadotte having arrived in the latter kingdom, and be- in«E ready i,> vault into the regal iaddle, fhe \, ill n.>t long be an rxception. Jm every re- L..nination extended, fc ,, ,.., , .,./.. • ,. £;'ll'i uhvre vtench c ; ' -; 'Pf '- '" f/jm "Jf1;: t0 r- ';5'^f ateafufci vvhich would deiiroy the Ame.ican ; ' '•'me'^ S' !:" Jl " ■•>' (l ***** iklt carrying trade, were i : a^ive operation. < ' ■*'; ivJ? d m '/'." bands of a htrw HTihr) of ' - • ' -'"' •':', Vitdti !>i ■■' r ficuntvi W Llkr • ■■ i. m Uk I.<iinl.i oj mi mdruidiiM, f.r ;.••■•".<• • . '< / . /. //. that 1 his .;■ ■ portion of the earn- :■-"■ 'y :;•■'.' ftYibtlrt, l^xdave in preference to 1 "' 1..'..-'■.'.;.. :tr'. Nuw '.t is notorious thiit a 1 <" ?jr'$ of /'■; ca/iti I "f Tl/'per CamtJa is ■ ■■ ' ' i;> the bttu '■ ■ ',, >l mdiiult u! bilrnjlout . :. ,.:. tf a- J' ■■ ■ . ; ;-r ,1; -■;' 1 \ b-%1 ' L ;'■■ , . iW.V /frrym f'hnfjfvh ::•;/, fo ;//•-/.' I ', r : d, fort ftrt'fi no, wltMcindhiz *t»h it //-•.• i! i y ' r itt\ I " ■'.' /v' is f1* pet, ce in ihili CQHn+ry fr>mifwhft* i-t'sr-ic tjQ trsivd/tr ; elurtis)a?idr/ii no odhT j-rhifUhd do /W/& to nc<7 JJ.;.?; efiah- LJhed, .•-.'/ beyondtit reach of culamire, c-i-t. of ft Gi. :: ,' i-j3;:',! ;;:■.' thehidhiJua!'i-hen depefit I)is e :/'.• fwe in preference to f.>id"-j it to neig/jff»rht* or"fire'<*n State ? Wuuld U not le a ftifi a, u ■■! to the r lafdi a n and trujhes of mi- ?/.>/■ children aud ad minifl,'titers !;j d. ■'-:/•: the ironies e::!r:f?jc! /.; their care h 'fish da i'f\u- i:i4 ■--'•(■}• guarantee tf the irf 1alure, rn,-!of A 7 pr-.v-."/t the iemhtaii'M of hithroncr '•.,•""- It is ilatrd in letter^ from Iiollaiid, thatao lefs tliai 16 French C(>tn lets were impi [foil¬ ed at Bayonne for having refufed to proceed to the armies in Sv&la and Poitugai with difpatches. Hardly one meffengcr out ot fix, who takes the route of the Wefterh Py* rennees, ir known to arrive :it his deRiimtiafW ^ Lf.Lcrs from London of the 26th and a [ft or OcTobc-, mention, -Ji.,1- {.hey ^'e.-eanxionC ly await.'.-g what the I (I of Nov. would bring, forth. No deeded opinion was f»rmei wlieiher tht orders io council would be re¬ pealed or not. Some, who had for ?. time tho rgftt they might be repealed, now incline to :» co;;trary opinion. Very little rch'ance v.a:: ; i-eed 0:1 the repeal of the Berlin and hl:\i:) decreets. The only knowledgepr in- tiinlii-n of the repeal feemed to be derived kio'at die Duke of Cadore's letter. EXTRACTS FROM LONDON PAPERS. A 7 pr -rv ■•// the temptation of'improper fpecnl-u I he Spanifh peafauts are confiantly an* tioit P Would ml fitch pttltlk <hi'f-' he a /-•.';- "oyin;; the French. A considerable trtafnre, ei.-at foid that il? huneff Incfa/liyyus ftnnei' aad olefin _d f. r the pay of the French armies /••*..* ie',. - j. ... • « . ^ . wecha j's m' rti ,-t all times rtfiri to hi • V* four f th .,- d'flrefs ? Would it not fa mh. > < < ■, that belovedeomtrv fo fetr fame '/.v its arts, 'tis commercet its a^rktd.ure md fritlUe /kv?;v- iy, ■'."•< fo mucu (hi envy of forihu nations P 1/>>■:■,.' tt not five that hrbUc aid to am'knllun to^J'deh/di rmntrhs l'-'d r fojlerhtg hu/id, '■ -r • ■-: f the fabric tiftfvierc ' a fail, yet the emmiry would le benefitted as tb: aid -/iev/ to deUu -d f. r the pay of the French armies,- wa-5 iutt-rcepted by a party of thefe patriots, 1 ••-,-.-• -.,: U..yom:e a'ad Madrid, and 12 wa<r- g-onstatcn. The booty was calculated at 200,000 crowns. 7'he I:inv of Denmark has riven nermff. iron to 30*000 French boops to pa i\ over ia d'viih ns of ?ooo .,1 a time into Zealand, from whence thvy are to proceed to Htlfin- bur-rh, Dsc for o Does Jernaootte nnd this mi!i:ary 1 1115 i»iajeiiy s ^oionie:., iron cue uiller- nc- ;n opinions, cuiloms and prejud:ic£8 of ;* M.'j'J'y's fubjec'ts rending therein—We -•1 eel with p<\',n on the efrorts which are _ 1 hr.noufe went into a committee on the bill from the leg,'fhtive council f >r the betrer prefervation of ]ils Majedy's government, and reported the fn-ne tvxlilOUt amendment, after which the bill waj read the third time, and pahed, nem. ro.v. ih'z houfe ufie>-wards went into commit¬ tee, wi'th clofed doors, on hi; Excellency trie governor in chief's mcffa,:e, relating to the iinprifonmeut of Pierre ijedard, Etq, Wediejday, 26—The aiieu bid was read a third time and paffed. A bill further to ratify and c-u-'u-m the pnoviiioml agreement between LJfYoer ai.d 1 creafJih, ir capital to one million, I fides the nu¬ merous banhhg roivhn,;}^ tn atj 'tjie pr'wc}pal t zi<:is, which an- /awi-Jfe. The Banks of the United States have ff-eceil-d inhere no im- prferfpeciduti'M has tahn /dace. Hat to brirj the^ matter nearer Lone, hi the Ghfl re- toihJiiJ I art uot ptjfifbnned, there are two Bods in the village of Utica, whoft "fit'nation r ts nearly finular to our cm ; nor can it haw. op ft < f p-cater conmen a! trndertrdhtg than the Pro'vkce of Upper Canada. Vet thef *> mh ore profperom, gn-rr that aid toon,}. eidhtreandemnmrceiitd ,.■<>)> I, }<> or^Uorfoo,/, M •■'■:: fit mlvantnges have beenfujihli felt in Upper Cam a. h%n If ,,{■ of the Baoh the intereil of id; -..,.-.,-,, ncut and tiie h::n- 1 r. e s pmuiof his :'. bj. •' : j;i lUh Cok.i^, and b« v '11 fetl •'• •• a it : : ad:^- •■ ce to the le;',v.' :i 'd {....ic.p es of the Cvuttitatiort, and a '■■■'•> fnpp.rt <" the e jual rights aad * ',;- °f fc'•'-": • ^neh of the Icmikturc, are 1 - 1 ■ '} -y ;'•• :' • tA Leu ring- to hi* Majcily* ■ ') ' :-- ;': - U I' ■>.'■: :e, |]w foil and clltil s e ' :. : ; " (- t' :»"r lib •:,., religi U; opin, "V ' '■'-> ■ ; ■, - id -•! iehcai nm \ - .,'. ,l ■ til ■ • ! •■• '!..!-, !':•■, lit •!, . "" I ■'■! - ■ ! ■•]<e .' I ' r.Ut ■ ■ . '] '••• '• •' •'• ■■. • . -ran rorce neceiia'y to mamt-iUi nim on tieSwe- d'.fh throne : or h h to be employed to awe,, orpofloiy to attack, Ru.di froia Finland. It has been Hated in rnoft of the papers, that Luclcn Bo'.iaparte 1. prenarinr to nro- ceed forthwith to Ame.iea ; but this is not the fait. Such i :deed v.\n his mih, andin- tention ; and nothing be feems to deprecate more than to be treaied as a prifoner of war. Hi-; c\(e has confequentiy been fubmittedto the Grown Lawyers, and the queilion pat, whether iie>n\ circumtlances under which he ivll i.iro our p-swer, we have a ri-jhf to con- 1 • • a ititute him a p;itoner< '"war. The lawverv hive decided in the aiiirm.-iiv., and o\)\cn> raw tit have determined to acl aeeordingly. A i'-iii> oi \\ar lias iw confctpitnce been fentout to Maha to take him on board, and to convey him, bis family and. e'deed-, to England. 111 leporc oideied to be received to morro.v. A eu.mmittec was appointed to pri pare a Hill to provide temporary htutfct'ofc-bmCti^H i -the difFerent diilricis of rhi: ;rox:.„-e. 7 ;'/,_/'.',;;-, 2.;. —A melliup- v„i,, til Is V',>'.ii imimaud ih<.ir c. w i ■>• ,.,.■ in ( , ■ " ' ' ' ' w ' ;" ' ;.i .'• : hi II -, / '■■•■"- •'»"'■ •- ••: the Uhod ,'-. 1 ' ',"■""'• ' • "•' >'■'■■ ■ ■<>:■■ "■:■■■:':. '/; FRANCE asm AMERICA. ll.e folJivw/nef c<n ;ei"ooi di-nec com nofed if p'it ol the iriafi of documents acconfpJH r-ving Mr. ivfadi-on*-; h:re McP.age ; the mere I'-aiingui ihe ivhvle ,'u<ft j.pivc l>v* m;d >I:o-s' t'lnn'cuiiuit to the Afpeiicnn Gcueral Arnifcrtrn;j; tu the DlAfi ol (':t'.h.;v. / a .•, ■:'• Sept. «Sro. :•■! :?_..y,„ 1, , .,., ;,.:1, v , pj , (>I ,1,;,,k B* i*'., - itMifSl ■, -j J ih, ^\,\ , moh»v the hill H "" 1 ' I'l of i.", I' iy tit V 1 ;, in li f. at2 •'" c* : • ; d '.......... , j.,. I.llnw 'i ; }t. j:»'» •' i

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