«* . - - » . , ,. > /• j< ] U3 IU ,-• -m " t.-'-l" to A; iii.ii : -i •, ■ a . " r ^ooic.i the j pM .;:.v ,.; t^v.cv Canada, 'n Provmcial of traJc b:twrcnilm Province andthetJ I j -1,:.,..;, r atftmMcs4-, beg leave to return ,.,.,„. pIxccJWuoy'bui ,:"'i' bumble thank* for , vuiir Sptex b ftofln the '1 lifor»e. We pray your Excellency to accept Our f.,...i -• i-..^.-jr,'r'm-::.ti. far ihe J?iv< - ti nnl» i-;i"*cl ■-'.' I'now. t'v-- pretend, afyerftd duia'ler*, mukad if th. jrdmk iimuend *, ami Hy in Imitation* of the fordid yfews ul the oppofeni t.f ft, mi- •U',1 1 of ikimmm'-.;!,.• eJ^'J and fluttering r..upiI fkir objeft, like a moufe rmnid a Low! of cream, without daring to plnnge ™< ; hfe £1|4c ,, ;„,., yfmv Excellency ttitaMfcia 1 fry If feted of .11 th„ they had come ^ U; e ) 7 ^ l..,j,:y arrcl manfully forward with a fan" oM *J . .J /■ . ilatcmeat of cheif plan an 1 their intentions, li id the) t icd to obviate what objections had b w made,a«d tAeti the trouble to give the public information on what foundation they rtot be ufrd with<&$. GoiifciVfcediitartai Roundel thetr f«.i-..i..e CxPc£tati->..^ A«ey -.r am, ^.hnfy ,n our Mfberation4 us not, forme uas not h,en offended ; and 0*<dd ba*e tad, uherever I fonml them «^ fel| r|„ (1ilpaleh, on our part, in yet we knowthat we poflMi not our fanner ngbt, my cotd.al approbation, and fho d a ^ -K Late. It is .':-. ihemkhtcf our domeitic haveuj.nvd ,„ the* luccefs ; bi. hood- to bar. m. the moll eh>quent tlllcourfcs, or even by devotion iiflli—(of we eau accitfe our- fe"jv»«ofoo pirHeuW crimt,«o improper re- 1 .sad :'•'■ ; and ih.fe e::eriliit remediesicifi- .ot beufed with t&Si. ConlViVaeediiturbs tjtke puWrc i'^\uc. and of om intentions ro pprt/mote tiie iuinvib- of trie King's Govern* ll,....:;i, and t!ic ;. Jiaie o{" hi-; people. Your XEixciliency may rely upon every exertion ii; Oour powi-r to proniov Itirb oljeds, upon ? citele, that we discover a remedy. Wm «*e fte that infuu innocence Co highly prked by our Bavicr hinifelf—our hearts arc touched— we f-r^:; our plans of aggrandi&eaiuit and -•.j].:iit:; and by e.id^av'oriug to prcierveour Lhiliren*spuvr(. we regain our cum. J;i ktWIiu? thrin Jclibns of vlrtaf, in teaeliing . ttm t-.oiil-r u[> ihdi f:rJt irnh', of devotion, »■».• svz tranfpoited a> it vcrc into a new world. They arc- tiili igtiarant of vice, and all th.-i pleafujes il *n i»o-n virtuous atiach- • ,..:its, frcm iiiaulieity and fmhi It h iiT.poilible for a father to fp-rnd his Ic.'iure honra in the compar.y of his children -..v.hout becoming a better man. In thtni he perceives more folid happitiefs ptocerdirt^ from the frank and cordial a.fi cUous oftlieir zcuijtr hearts, and their unafFecied innocence) iliau f;o;n the polf.iTion of ail thofe obj-'.^s wnieh m. akind are driving to obtain. It bus been often remarked that th'ife vvliv) d»d eh t dell rl-t in the iOc ictv nf chddr- n, were lei- Com remarkable; i v the[delicacyt.f their ijel- ings ; the ii-engih of their afR cli-'-ns ; drills itabiltty oJ th -ir virtue* Uitfflarrtcd pcrfons zr? accuPd of aiorofcntfa a»>d difcuntentj cupulrd i » neul ct. which rr*ay perhaps arllV froai thcxr feldoin bcxaw m tn& coira' v <>• chilJn u, z^.d nefer * - in^erelled in the ou.tivatrou of their mind-i. tlavjiig nevci i-it tit,* thrillijig*? of parental i.-v afc th? ii/'l ^rattHaaf ('f a ^ ^'d ; never il.arcd i i ir-. iimp-earnuieniciits^ thcti; Qiinds }.dvc nevi i Lc-..j tcftened nor been abl- Lo re- i.ew their early uniceence. Zven the ['orrow which the death of chd- t . oecalions, i. lujjily bencficiil in ourre- jj ri jus co nl.-. Bv Inch :i cHia.rii.v, vvc are f re bly tamed to me e-^terrpiation of fen* oms 1 'ib;i -.t", which we ha J been too much Our affliction i^ fweet. / n. I by rh.e cordj ! nee that our < hildiru >'■■•- ji >;.i.. ot sir: an J eajrer no fir as thev knenv ].. ai: practice of virtue, have joined the ir.ppj in H; .ven. Wc now fee] our'c've.i LonnecTed Vfjth both world j : th.e affairs . f lKl? lofepoHoflb.eir liolJ on our nu'ud-, we h.v. a more i.'v.iy jr.ttrcfl; in futurity, and bee >:aic^ a:...:.:us to join om dear object of sf- ti a, we >r<: more diligent in cur prepa¬ re t.'ou tor a blclTcd iniflioitahVy, To the Eifi/sfs ttftbe Kingsron Gazette. l'Jihe putcfl fpiift of plvilanthrophyj and with the moft lively and difmterefk'd fo- licitodc for [\]<i comrnerciai 6rojfi>eut7 and r-im^- icputation or tins little tpw. , I again beg your indulgence, and rcqut.lt the pa¬ tience and attention of your readers. A proportion ot this community are 2bout en- tcring on an eaterprizc which I conceive chimerical, which is moll certainly import¬ ant, the r?fult cf which is extremely doubt¬ ful, and the c miequciioes fuch, fli >uld they fail, a- will ent'-iil the folly of the fiber; upon tiie children to the third and fourth ir-.r.- ration. /V correfpondeiit iV your Iall iiembet has given a learned, elaborate, and for ought that I know to the contrary, a car* r-'.t lultory of the Ba- ks of the United 4>ti:es. He ni ht ju'l as well have given ah/b-iyof the rife and pro^refs of, andm- winkedas ih, public at picfent are, how can they ail-: their conEdence or fuppdrt ? 1 f«*ar n,.t'contrr..Ji-ci.n, when I fry that four fifths cS thofe at picfent mtercuvd in k know not the purport ot what they "nive figoed. The Bonciuiions that your corr-.-fpondent Common iienfe draws, are moft fallacious, his deicript'on of the effects of this Bank molt erroneous, and the flattering profpefts of iuppoit he holds out to the farmer rdrnott tuo ablurd 1.0 deferve notice, were it not that the fyi'lem is leail underflood hi Uih country, by tliofe who will be the molf like¬ ly t > fuficr from it1? eiTec'ts. It is a well ef- tablifcd Fact that Banks give no indulgence, that the moment their paper becomes due payment U exacted, and woe betides that man who fads in punctuality. I would im- prels this BuSt on the community at large, I would warn the farmer that he will get no afiiitanee from this Bank without fecurity on his property, and that, fatlrng pun'ct i*\l- ity, that property will immeoi-jteiy be fold for the liquidation of his debt, X would aik the faruicrj after he had received money, I mean paper, from this Bank, even to the full value of his eftate, how he would dif- pole cf that paper io as to yield himhlr prof¬ it, pay the difcount to ilie Bank, for they too are looking for s profit, and enable him to retire his notes in due feafoc ? (Perhaps he di-C6 not know that the ufual Bank cred¬ it is 60, the longelt 90 days.) 1 mutt con- fefs that to me it appears impofhble ; it ap¬ pears to me that the indufirious h\.\. unfoit..- nate farmer's laud would be fold, himivlf xu- i.ied, and his helplefs chddien left dettitnte, I would aili the fa.mtr whef^er it would not be n.o,e prudent to trult to the generofuy and indulgence of the merchant who has fupporied hint thn 11 h )m difficulties, at. ! bv vvhofe friendly forbearaii^e the agricuitu- rbh of this diftriet have been enabled to aij 1,/eac their p.tLui cur.f,rt..bie ii-.uitin $ 1 would afk whether it i> likely that tins merchant, who in common with the fjrmer, has ftruggled ih'ongh all tiie privations and anxieties attendant on a new fettlcment, now arrived a: comparative maturity, would, at inch a moment crumble id dull a work of hisown ra'finer •? it would belike a faJt.-i n.iirdermg his own child at the very period lie had. reached maturity, and afforded the comfortable profpecl of being the psop aud fo'ace of hid declining acre. Diowuinr men will catch at firaw.i, but jjracious Ct • this country mull be reduced indet-d, if its falvstion d-pends on the gratp at lo Sender a 'v/ii.; as this Bank. T':e a/fcrtio.". is an ia- futt to the fecliiw", and a (tab at the folvsu- cyof the whole country. The Banks and comtrjerce of the Uu'if-d States and this Province will bear no pdn- ble degree of companion. I na-c cogeal reafons for the afkrtiuu, but have already oc¬ cupied too much uf your attention. 1 midt a£a.*n repeat, tint the advocates of this Bank have not yet fa id ar.-r thing to convince a re- fkding mind of their abilities to conduct tin's etUbliihment to any beneficial purpofe__ tli:y really themfdves c,o not i\^ir\ to umkv- fland it—it they do they are pervcrfely ob- itiuate. t-p-e^.t the Phxro-fianh of any Dean'-rep htk. r*.% rn r j/i at , , of l,K6n i., the m.tr., oli, of Great Brit- T,K G/j°^ "fAb m Mwland. sill. It f not fie hiilory of any Bank, or an-s fet of Banks that the inhabitants of this d i-ic't ai; prtfent require, but the probable cd ct 1:11 the operation of this Upper Can- al !?.ank v\iil have on thole wht; may be dr -/n (I will not. fay unfortunately) within i voitex. When a man, or fet of men 1 ibm.-Lv a Icheme of an important nature to the pubb'c, a. (1 calls on that public not on¬ ly for their concurrence, but for pecuniary aid, it is not alone ih: undoubted'privilege f'! '•"•'-/ r. ■•:-.:.er of the community to in- wnigar? that fchente, but it becomes the k■•■ nderi duty of every individual who has j '• - :ji-■•{;..■•■ :/ of hi, country at heart, to pry \ '/ 't wirh th^ke-.icil infpeclioo, to place i ill cvuy pMiTib'v point of view, to lo -k Mrtvwly i 1,, t.hc ii.'a nti-n.s and abi'ities of l'h- ; r"j; eto s to r-c|-,i e ami>le explanation, L ' • l" a'.'.i i:,d tha- i]l0(',: tibjeftions that arc f '•' -" • •■! • i'g iiuul : be obviated before ; ' : ro^trib ite one dolt loward* th< ellab- 1 •■ t 5 ..id whtn COftjfnOn .Sei.'fe Ic-ins ;" ' ••• 1 :- 1 n- for the public to b- oi^if.-j » ' 'i'* -y ' 1 fl »m .■.:[. }i, ! the ' ' : [l[- '-' 1 k, : a... ! . f ,,!,;.,;,.,, 1 '" 1 ': i- -•' •-•ha-'., uud, : j PROVINCIAL PARLIAMENT OF LOWER CANADA. o Legislative Council Chamber,! o'.irUJUJJ), Dr.CEMBF.K jj. f This day, at one o'clock, the Legillative Council went up to the Caftle of St. Lew¬ is, and prefented the following Addrcfs to Hi3 Excellency the Governor in Chief : To Bis Excellency Sir James Hrnry Ci: vc, Knight of t/>,' mofl HomraMe Order cf lie Bath, Captain-Geii£ml and Governor i/t Chief, m timl over the Provinces of Lower Caiu-d,', Upper Canada* Nova Sc'olia, New Brunfiukk, andtheir Jlvcral Dcjtetida/ctet, Fke Admiral of the fame, General and Commander in Chief of all l!is Maj(jtf& Forces in the [aid firtwtnees of Lower Can¬ ada and Upper Canada, Nova Scotia and Neju Brunfwieh, and their fiveml Depend* encia, and in the JjLnd of Newfoundland, Oi- <i>c. lye May it pk-afe your Excellency, We, J],:, Majelly's mofl dutiful and I,/. a) i'd,-r'.: the [KVillin, Council- I -h- attdiwf We cannot but recrret that no advances Jj-.ave ben made towaids an accommodation 0j»f the difftreiices which have lo long lub- fifiled between His iVfajelly's C>ove:nment a,itd \}'a' of the United States ; and we learn, ■^ .Ji adoidihment, that new claims relating t-o th^-ir neutral rights have been brought fa-ward, by the latter, of a n.nne that f. .ens likely to place that wh'hcd iv>r event, 8t a very unceriain period. We itfj)cctfully think with your Excel- Je,ncy, that no change has taken place in the {} ,itc of public aua.rs which can wan ant a departure fiom thofe precautions and that vj .:^d-:.cc which have hitherto induced all 0, .ni'-iies of the Ltrgiuacore to co.ifider a-? rircc]Ti.y, the " i\e"t for the prefcrvation of *< lii3 iv[;,jcllv's Government, as by law «« happily tliabh'fhsd in this Province," and tr.e;-' '* lur tft:'biiflii'ig regulations refpec.1- << 11 g aliens an i certain fubj.-ctsof His Ma- << Jetty d.oka- iciid.-u in France," and as v, are fully fa*i<-fied that the prefervauon of K'is M; ;aty's Government is the fafcty oi' tee Pi'^i'.tce and its lecuritv, thecuiv lafe- ■ o- ard to the public t>oijQu:i.iuy,we bc-'iea-.e tu aniue your Excellency, that liufe acts, v,-' h ti.e i.-^X making tenaporaty ptociiion for this regulation cf t.ade between this Prov¬ ince and the United States, Until receive our 11,11 and w»medic.i:e attention. Wc !,-.< leave to affiire vottr Excellency tl: x tf e do and ever ill all retain a deep, grate¬ ful and unalterable fedfe cf your Excelhri- cs'. admiui-lratlon cfthe Government of t).i. Ftovince. The rule <i your condudb v..- have I.jtrg and untfo/mly rceor^ized i:i yo«»r r.cticns. We have w.'tn.-ffed the con¬ front folicktidc cf your Exeeliency (evinced .,r ) (■•>• tv necafi^ 1) to difehar«e vour dufy ti. His Majefly, to p-.*..note the inttretts "f hi 'Juvcia.i u ut and the well'ire of his fob- j ct , com uiti-.c :o y& :v charge, and to riain- tain in their j.ufl f.i.ance the rights andpriv* reges of evcy br.nich ^S the Lcgiil.iturc ; and if anv couuderatiou could ibereafe the value of Inch conduct it woufrl be derived from yonr Excellency's declaration m which we molt cordia'ly mice that the interells of His M.jj'-f:y'.-i Government and of his peo¬ ple are iufeparab'e, anil by th.e deck' '.n\_,n of vour d'-rfire to cultivate an entire harmo¬ ny and good underilauding for the further impiov merit of the profperity and hsppi- i!c;', of the Pi-jviuce and of your Excellen- cv's rcadinefs to concur in ever meafure which may tend to promote thefc important o With aiTeclionate attachment to your Ex¬ cellency and lincere gratitude we nwke tinfe our heartfelt; acknowledgments for k.ch conduct, for the faithful dilcharge cf vour Excel'encVs hi^'h trull and for the manifold be'.e.'its derived to the Province from an ad- miniuration governed by fuch principle,. Principles and conduct which cannot fail to endear the name of vour ExceJlencv to, us and to all chlle> of Hi; M je^y's fiuhj^J by whom the invaluable blclliu'Ts which we enjuy tirder ti\z M.ijctly's Governirjciit and the happy couiliLi'iun of the P.ovitice me juftly appreciate 1. To which his TixcrHesev wa 1 1 ;••' d +o o. uflui u»*»»vio«n j r oviiicr and the TT ' ted State:, t f America, by land or inl"'! navigation, wtw ptefentcd, read a firft tim and ordered to be read a fecond time on Sat* urday next. A committee was then named to r ^are the draft oi an addiels in anlwcr to 'his £x crfieiiey the Governor's Speech to both Honics of the Provincial i\-ihamcnt. After which, a mcfra^c from his Excelled cy the Governor in Chief was prefented to Mr. Speaker by one oi his Majefty's Exec. titive Council, intimating that Pierre Be dard, Efqniro, returned to ferve in the pref. cut Provincial Parliament for the County 0f Surrey, was now- detained in the common gaol of this dilhict, under a warrant of three of his Majcily's Executive Council, by vir¬ tue of the act for the better prtfervation of his MajeJly's Government, as by law happf. ly citabliihed in this Ptovince, for treafuna- ble practices. > Whereupon an addrefs of thanks was v0. ted to his Excellency for his communication. A b'll fc: disqualifying the Judges from being elecTtcd, fitting or voting in the houfe rf Aflembly, was prefented, read for the firit time and ordered to be read a fecond time on Monday next. A petition from the Honorable the Com- minioncrs for the creclin-r of the public jail at Montreal, demanding a-further fum of money for completing the fame, was prefen¬ ted and mid. 1 The houie v?.~ then informed that Jofeph Diapeau, Elq. rettimed for the county of Northumberland, was deceafed. Friday, 14.—The contingent accounts of the Houfe for the two lad ieiHons, were or¬ dered to be laid on the table by the Clerk, and referred to a foea'a) committee. 1 ue tioufe then went into a Committee on •he petition from the Honorable Comrr.if- fiouers for eredting thjs Montreal jail; and being reftm.-jJ, the committee obtained leave to lit again. Saturday, ic.-^A bi-1 concerning aliens amK-ertainjubj.cis oi' his Maj.fty wiio have rtiided in France, coming into'this Piovmce, or residing ihemh, was brought in, read a nrit time and ordered to be lead a fecond time on Turfday next. A bill f)i the relief of the poor in the Irtanof fecd-wiicat a:,d other grain, wzsia- troduced, read a ih It time and ordered to be read a lecond time on Wedntfday next. r>,'t'Jii:ir.;r -.- t.^.3— . . •!.*» 1 , \ 1 ■ w - 1 . .. — ddrc!s of 1 hanks voted to his Eaudf.ncy oa riiurfday laft. The till further to coi'.mue the ads thcTeV- in mentioned, making a temporary provif. ion iuv the 1 gulaiion of trade between this Province com! the United States, of Ameri¬ ca, by band 01 inland navigation, was read a fecond time, committed to a committee of the whole houfe, reported and oideredto be cngr jfTcd. 1 he h ude in committee on the petition fiom the Honorable C(MnmifuoniT7 f-r erec¬ ting the pcblic jail for the diftuca; of Mon¬ treal, re&dvtd that the fum of /.'ocoo lim¬ bed bylaw, for building the fame, was in. infheieut, and that a further fum cf /*66c3 mould be granted for completing tiie i2id jail a^d its dependencies ; and beimr refum- • ed, the rep. :t was ordered to be received oa Mcaiday next. O Intdlig &&*> &*-*y&-*> retain ihi:iallowino anfwer. GF."7rrMli;,, Accepi my m-.ft ftneers inauli Li th.. af- w.Ui.'.iA: ami hind addie^. (oe.\\,h:d oi your j^t.-ni difpofition to prpmote ti-e i-.ter- ti\ ot His Majelly's Governmeiit, and the profperity of tiie Provirice, I cannot but feci peculiar Idtid-dtion at finding, that yon io rord.'ai.y concur in the rectitude of thofe nuout ua:i pj;i cignt o Cioex, on trie evening of the lib. of September, a French iFSffuun, drawn bv vine, horfes, and loaded TERR IDLE EXPLOSION The following irte'i-fting article h copied from lhe London Courier of October 2. Wt'KTZKUSG, September 11.—The fol¬ lowing are the details of the unfortunate ca- talbophe which happened in the city of f' »in^r' 1 •.__ About half paft eight o'c!o:k, on the :h d with fourteen cafes of powder, cartridges and gr.nades, arrived at the gates of this city, ;;tid eut -red it ; in fpite of the diScuItk* which a:ole, the watjuons continued their mute, although it was lem.uked that one of them Imoked ; ii hardly arrived at the mark¬ et place, oppofite one of the iaus, when it meaones, wh.cn I have hitherto purlued, cam;ht rlie with fo j»reat an explofion, that v.itn the view 0* drfcharging my duty in the it was heard at Er&rt, twelve leagues dilt- ant. lii a moment the ucrnhborimr houfe* were on fire ; every peifon th .£ was near them \;as fn.tteied io pieces. The limbs of i.-vc.i cannon:*ra, who tfeorted the waggon, and tvf the horfes, were featt'red in tl»c promoting of thofe great objects. ^ IiO USE 0 F y/sSE MB L T. Thurfd-iy, 1) 1. 13.—Mr. Speaker inform¬ ed the Houfe th t his Excellency had' been phaf.d ti^approve the Jiuice they had made itieets.—Two vouuo- nwri.d p^ple, who o msperfu, to U their Speaker ; and that w« dtting in iVoi t of their ho :le, %Vtf« 1:1 iheir name he had claimed all the ridr 5 m.d pri.ih :.■;„!■■■ the Houfe ; and that Iris E-<:-. d«:.iry had beer. p.e\ { d I 1 fiy that he WAMm uiiiinr.es rtlf eel the j w it si- o:..:,| '■ ;li;;-:'--i^-;h^,c.f1h. 1:,,;',,: A-„ k.ml /. end ,ce! to pi-e •• by an enonnotib free Hone, it'liich (he L-..pl..j,:«,n [.oi j'jyd uixou them. M» C'onufJ.'.M- L)«nr Ins 1h«-,, bmt\t* and K*+ '•i! p< Mir; l...ve l-..-.:i louiid Jvad n\ hi? houfe. • -i -I • ti 1 \vn> in. I, oven] Ui die Itcoml . ;.j >;r. o , . • , . :,"°r l»' lhn ;' -i I- ' '. • ^::< a the tmie m ■" '■■' •■'-""■ : Jl,i-'V ■■' ' • •-.....- .v;,iere'i:;.,, ■ ,;„;. d,,, ., c f KicM rT,ii...,il i- ... ' . , ; v . 1 id (.' ;it:\/-i I' '" • •'.. r ... e i, ■ pi i'.Jhiif ,,J*^bii„.~a ::-„,„;,,;,. :,,.:,,,,,,. '•• '. ■ " !'l