Kingston Gazette, January 8, 1811, page 1

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Sou t] KINGSTON, (UPPER CANADA, ,;;• Mr. Str's Annual Cr.-u ' i"P"""' LeUrnrs on Natami Phi- //V'V. **# 'i'"',,'/ ;nr on .'/•:• /.'-.W Monday GAZETTE • TUESDAY, JANUARYS 1811. [No. 16. ,„' li/J '.iry—fte Court]- tmt/ljlin" of 36 Z.<v> VVj, /a be completed in tiuo memi&t—Tic lets w REMOVAL. Northrop, Wolcott &f Abbe, Have removed fro ROMEO WADS WORTH, Has received by the late arrivals from London and Liverpool, a fi*ej]j fvpply of r-.JP 4 0. ■# ; No- H St. Paul Street to No. lo2, one dor DfUJtS & Mt(ilC ,, ,/ ;/, /);//../ &J»fr * cVAr ^ where rhey have a General Affbrtmenl uf DRV GOODS on hand, which they offer tor lale on reafooable terms. N. W. & ABBE. Montreal, 1 ^| &$/. , 8 io. 1 tf t,y::!;■:{ fo Tickets for one gmnea —Th\s money pkafjwprfok'd to ihc pwchafi of flnlijic BjoIsj for the nfi of thfe tuho attend the Lcc~ turn.—Cornwall, 5th December, 1810. Which he offers for fale on better, terms than they ever have been fold in this country. Among which are the following ar ticks : Z Tons AHuiti 30 lb. Gum Myrrh 100 lb. Antimony Crude The iubicriber begs leave ta inform the Public, that he has juft received and has fat fale, at the Store lately occupied by Mr. A. Bojton, the kllowin? articles-------Viz. Broadcloths, Kcrfeymeres,Coat- mgs, fiik and cotton Velvet, Dimity, Cor- omov, Swanldown and Patent cord Vcftinjj; vhite and printed Cottons ; Bandanna, Ro- Bial and Cotton Handkeichiefs ; Gamels' hair Shawls 5 common ditto ; Leno, jaconet* fecded aitd book. Muflins ; Cot to \ Cambrics, Gingham, Chirnbr.iy, Iriih Linen, Shirting, Cottonsj Lrown Holland, Lace. Spirits, Whiiky. TeneriiTe and rurt Wines, Sugar, 'Tea-, Tobacco, Snuff, toap, R&if.ns, Chocolate, black and purple Morocco Skins, Seal 5c Ruflet ditto, t'-hoes, Safpendeis, Olive Oil, Stoughton's Bitters, Camphor, Turlington';* balfam, of Mallard, Lemon, Beigaaiot, Peppermint, Barfem & Britifh Oil, Opodeldoc, Avnatto, Windfor Soap, Nails Sc Ha.dvwireof various dvlcriptiuns. —also— The following BOOKS -—Mrs. C'ark's Memoirs—luuius' Letters—Ameri¬ can Lady—Charles' Twelfth—Elizabeth— Palebsf^Eafield's Speaker—School Bibles— TcWnts—Webllcr'sSpellin-books—Dil- W 'Vth's ditto—beiides feveial articles too te¬ dious to mention. The whole of which are of an •. [ii'il i,iu;r.. , aim vyiii dl ioid at UiO u,»ll l-di'ivd pifcvS f»i callt. ^7..,,.-■/.■«, The. iX, IS 1.0. 13 tf g^New Cheap Goods. S. BAUTLKT, ISJfORMS his Itioiuls and the Public, t'u.t he ha'.-, this day received, and mow MiiE^r i,,r lale, a LARGE SUPPLY of GOODS; CON 3 ISTIN'G OF Dry Goods, •; Liquors and Hard Ware, '.; Groceries, Crockery and I; Saddles, GLiis Ware, I; Wc, fefa Wh.Vh, in addition to his former tlock, will make \\U ail .rtmcit very complete : the whole vi whiih will be fold at the Montreal timm, f ir calh or any kind of produce. As lie is now doling his bufinefs in this, place, no credit will be given, and giods will be fold lower than can be pur- thafed in tlu Province ; and as he is deter¬ mined to fell all off, e:uncfi'y folicus his friends and customers to call examine his Goods. 0- Cash and the liigheft price paid for PRODUCE. N. B. All thofe indebted, cither by Note or Bool: Account, are nqiiijitd to male immcJ'ute payment. Kindlon, October t, iSlO. tf Sir SADDLING BUSINESS. HE fubferibers having reroov- - ed to the building occupied by Mtfln*. Abbot 8c Bascom, rcfpe€lfully inform the Inhabitants of Kingston and its vicinity, that they are now carryiwjr on t'oe SADDL&i fclRNESS 5s* TRUNK-MAKING bu- »$*, in their feveial bianche>. _ They have now on hand a quan- lJty of warranted work ; and their itock comprifinjr almoft every aiticle ufually kept '» a Saddler's (hop, they flatter thcmielves lliat tiny (hall be able to anfwvr all ordeis fur Woik in their line —and tint ym as reafon- jbl« lerm% for ready payi as can be puvchated ">tk Province. Gm&aiit attention to bufinefs, "ndih; quali y of thJr work, will be thdr 1 * m ■ ABBOT'& BASCOM, Have] nil received and are now opening fat iale, at their Store in Kimgston,° •7 IERY GENRR.1L ASSORTMENT OF FALL and WINTER GOODS : AM0N6 Wri.CW ARK TH£ FuLLoWlNG: 5° - ICO - 3.00 - IOC - 100 * 25 . 4^o - Arnaicu A ^u a fort) 9 Nitre Fonis Cum Camuhot J5 - Carithai ides Caffia Cloves i Tons Copperas 200 lb* Cretu Tartar 3000 lb* Flor Sulphur SUPERFINE,fecono& low priced Broadciothi- F .red Cloth* Hunter's do* ' Scarlet rjr># KLerfeysi C^ffimercs Baites & Flannels C irpeting FluiUings & Blankets Plain & twili'd Velvets Thick(Vtts Genoa Cord B»ue & dr^b J^rfey Knit Swanfduvvn, worited Cord, Toilinett & Merlaiiies Veftipg SalHbury Flannel China blue Furniture Chintz do. D':t*o Fringe Sillc & co ton Bandanna Handkerchiefs Black & figured Silk do. Linen Sc Cotton pocket do#; Morocco do. Silk ft cotton Shawls Calfflcms Printed & plain Bomba-1 Meii^* flines Black, purple, flateA: b.t- tie green PeliiTe Vciwtta Jamaica Spirits Sr# Cro:x do. French Bandy Ho:land Gin Port Wine L. P. TcnerifFs do. Shrub Hjf>n, hyfi>nncin & fo- glo Teas Pepper,Allfpice & Girder* Mufcovaio fugar Raifins gc Figs Almonds, Currants 1 amarinds Honey Indigo, Fig Blue Starch & Soap Plug, roil & fmoking Tobacco Cigars, and Rappee fcuff Upper Leather 300 - 50 . 50 ., loo ^ 75 - 50 . 40 - IS • 30 - 60 - %% - *5 - 30 ^ 20 - Flor Chamomile Fol Digitalis Gum Ammoniac Gum Arabic Gum Aftafcetida Gum Benzoin Gum Elemi Gum Galbanum Gum Guaicum - GuttGimb. Gum Juniper Gum Seed Lac Gum (VII L?c 112. - 50 , 5 - 2CO - I50 - IOO - 50 - 2C0 - ICO - 1 J2 - ICO - 75 - Gum Sc3mmony, AleppM Gum J hus Gum Tia^acanth Mace Magncfia Manna Nutmegs C/ium Pcruv A.) Bark Jalap Pov.jerM Rhubarb S•*£'! in gr J.n do. in pow4er 3 Tons Glauber Salts 75 lb. Soe.macetti 60 - Tartar Emetic 3:5 - Solubil 30 - Vitriol 56 - Tapioca 30 - Veirnacilla 300 - Vitriol Roman v 56 - do. Aio. ^000 - SaIi Petre mm Pearl Barley 300 Gum Matfic PATENT MEDICINES. zectes Caiimancoes &Durants W'ldbores Silk, lamb*3 wool, worited & co;ton Hofe Lamb's woolGioves Worfted do. Red and blue Caps Kobe Pattern* Fancv Ginghams %% * CaHcuct :' Uim.tics Colored & white Mufiins Japan^dj feeded, do:ted & figured b:k. 3c white do. Lenoes & Ljcts Cotton Sewings White & colored Thread Tapes Sc Ih:rt Buttons fH Coarfe Boots BIk. blue, purple, red & printed Morocco fho*s 5eleft-d Books Youth's & children's do. A G -r.eral AfTirtm-nt of HardwarUjCutle- b v, Crockery, and Iron Hilluw Ware Bar Iron A.^IK Vi-.ei Blifter b Crawley (tcet H iffc & pocket Piftola Shovels & fpades F1 ving Pan* Nails 6X8, 7X9, 7^X2^, and SX10 Window Giafs Thermnmetera Pia'ed fours An^erfon's Puis B.illarn of Honey Baifam of Gi:ead Bateman'fi Drops JJoftock's Elixir B',w^n*c Iilue Plaifter Br.t (h Oil Cephalic S.iulF Corn Plaifter Court kicking plaifier D.iiFy's El x\r Daiby's Carminative Eari's Remedy for the Hooping Cough Eftence Co!c-foot Do. Te; t zimittt Dr. Pennyroyal E*fTential falc of Lemon Do. do, V\OV>iaT COLORS. iMailes Ma^nefia Godfrey's* CoidiaJ Guwlan^'s Lotion Hooper's Pills jdmes' Anatcpt c Pills do- Fever Powder jfffuit's Dr jps Liquid true Bine do. Na ikeen Dye Lozer^ s To u Magncfia L genres Oimlkiik ivl-oiurie Refined Lkj jrice Steer^ Opodtldo? ' Stuughtoa's E.ixir Tiafti Baik, Huxh^m's Turing*uii'a Bail'iui Eflcncc ot Muitard Black, purple, blue, pink,J Gun Powder brown, buff, and flatel color'd Canibiicks White Cotton Striped & check'd do. Cotton Shirting Linings Platillas ^ Br >wn Holland Silk & Cotton Umbtelias SatinPi Luflrings T»ffities, Sarc.nets Silk & Twift Black, blue, fcarlct&drau PeliiTe Cloths Ditto Cords Ditto Tr;mm'n?s Shot & Bar Lead Military Silk water proof Fafhion. Beaver SHats Caftor Roram Men's & b©y*s felt do. D *. do. fine Cordi-*8 Lea'h-r Capa for children Hat (crews Lawn Hat Covers Bcft twilled filk do. Ldd.e^1 fafhionable Beaver Bonnets Ditto lf)w 1 r'c-*d do. Blue, Black White Cha.k "5 * m do. . Viake White Frankfort Black Indian Red Indian Ink I«ory Black Lamp Black ElT. Anchovies Quince 1'auce Sauce Royal Cavice L;thjrge Vellc/w Ochre P utiian Blue, Wo. 1,2, 3 Run; Pink Pumice btunj: Rotten do. •Suaniih Browa Vermillion Spanifh White S A UCE S. Cherokee Sauce India Soy Muuhroom Ketchup Teeth Brufiiss Vial Curka Botfie d-'* Wafers, lupcfinp Wax, f-aling luperfine du. for W;ne White leather Skins Windier foap A general affortnient of DRUGS & MEDICINE—aittong which are— Cinnamon Britifh Oil Harlem do* Steers's Opodeldoc EJfcnce Peppermint )9 Cephalic Snuff Refined Li quarks Set Poincrd Sal;pc Ire fflindfir Soap Gum Camphot Mujlard Burvamai Chhifs Worm defroy- Gold Leoj inn Lozenges Silver do. Godfrey's Cordial Ivory Black Jefuifs Drops Black Lead Church's Cough Drops Anchovies Balfam Honey Ketchup Hooper's Female Pills Phil Root AnderfrrSs Scotch do. Court Plcflcv James* Analeptic do. Sugar Candy Lee's 1 7V, !n Flor Sulphur L oil s 3 li'hea'unsjaun. Bitters Barky Sugar Imperial Tooth po-zvder Teeth InJirHmevJs Lipfalve Crown Lancets imegs Cloves Comm'jn do. They have likewife rented the New Score belonging to Mrs. Finkle, in Err.efto-zun, where they are now opening <i General AlTortment of DRV GOODS, GROCLR/TS, HARD WARE, an* CROCKER!" : all of which will be fold remarkably low, for orompt pay only. Cafe, Pot ec Pearl Allies, Wheat, Flour, Poik, Furs, Butter and Cheeie re. ceived h payment. & Conftaat attendance will be given at eachplaee ; orders from gentlemen of the faculty attended to on the (h<Hteftno- SUNDRIES. Apothecary fcaies ai.d Ptwier fyringes weights Camel-hair Pencils Callyyots in foitl Gold leaf Ivory Syringes Lozenges Peppcrrnirt Pa'entCo.-np. Mortar3 Pewter Ounce Meafures ALSO, ico K°gs White leaaj Chocolate grown 1 Spe-macecti Canlkl txo do. Spanifh brown do. do. Oil c,o Green do, Cafk. R-ifins co,Yellow i 50 BJac.'c P'-x do. 2.00 boxes Window GJafs Fig;, Oiive Oil aff.ned, 6X3, 7X9, Curr^nvs, A\moncs 8Xio, 7|X8|. Wrapping & Wnti.-.g Pa- A general art'ortmenr of per aflbrt«-« inop furnituro, viali ai". Med & Prime Pork rortsd, a variety oi'fur- Plug Sc Pigtail Tob:-^:o Fgeoa's raftrtttneiits* P^ppe., Allfpice ON HAND, Cpfftv, Loaf fogar Together with a General Aironm. of Dyestukf, TEAS. Press Papers, Ten¬ ter Hooks, jacks, &c. &£• Sec Nutmegs ->y ■ b, n upon U, ,n..,Vc ,,o,^e. rfdj ^^ fc ^ ^ ^ 1- iv/u ! IR'ruM v Co, November 1%*W<~ *.^* Commission Business tranfacled on the ufual terms, and Cafii advanced on any kind of Produce and other property left with him. Montreal, Sept. 15, 1 310. I | tf BAGG tf IIAGAR, JTAVE received ftom London, and ofer J^ for Aiit', at their Hat Store & Factory, No. 100 Sc. Paul Strcttt Montr-eat, n.xt doorjeutbof Mfjl'rs. Bellow, Gatet (J Co. A General Afl".>itros/w or Gentlemei s 1\^ Beavf.r Hats ; fillc vVatec Proof, Leghorn a:id Willow do.; Ladies and Child.e;>"s beawr and ftraw BoNK its,of the latcft fa&ton'i and belt quality. Aio, Miurary Folding Hais, elegantly trimmed j Hat Tfiruniiigs, &••. jfcc, which were imported upon a» good terSOSj and Will t»e fold as cheap or cheaper than tan bs bought io the country. They have aifo a variety of Hats of their own nuke, whtch rnu| a-e willing m w.irvan: ro be as durable as any ever uii'e.ed foi fele in CaSapa. Ordfrs from the counrry ifewWfolly recc'v d and ft. idly attended to, *t# CASH faid far FURS. Montreal, Nov. so, I J? io. IP if MISCELLANY. • • * For the Kingston Gazette. RECKONER------No. 2. Augur or, uxorisjUos optabis amores- TIBVLLUS. I WAS pleafed as well as inftru&ed with the convention which happened at a dinner party a few days ago, and 1 {hall therefore prefent as much of it as I c~,i remember for the entertainment of my readers. Marriage was the fubjed—fome were commending early and fome late marriages—love and hap- pinefs dictated the one, prudence and con¬ venience the other. An old bachelor, dif- pleafed at the kind reception which matrimo¬ ny experienced.among us, declaimed againft it with much volubility, and enumerated no fewer than twelve formidable objections to this happy {late ; but the principal one, and winch indeed comprehended all the reft, was the lofs of liberty. That a fenfible man fliould be obliged to attend to the caprices of a pafliouate and filly woman, and be hourly chfturbed with her foolifh humors and chang¬ ing inclinations, appeared to him a moft de¬ plorable condition. He had a facility iu da¬ ting thofe ridiculous objections to this ref- perflable connection which weigh with the giddy, the idle and the profligate ; and feeni- ed vailly pleafed with his own eloquence. \ After he had proceeded for fome time ^ without interruption, an elderly gentleman, the father of a very amiable family of chil¬ dren, obferved to him that his parents mult have lived a very miferatye life. The remark being unexpected, ftar.tlcdVmr eloquent bach¬ elor j but recoveiinghimfelf, he replied, by ro means ; they were exceedingly happy— their children were kind and obedient—they had the fatisfa&ion of feeing them ?11 well fettled in the world before they departed, and of being convinced that they tenderly- loved one another. Where then, (aid the gentleman, have you imbibed fuch ftrong prejudices againft matrimony—furely the ex¬ ample of your parents is of more weight than ten thousand luch argjjmcBt* as v u ha»e produced. The iorce and energy nattnaito man ought to be foftened by the delicacy and fweetnefs of woman. If friendfhip be any thing, if it be the balm of life, furely that intimate union of fouls actuated by fim- ilar inclinations, affections and interefts, mu(t produce it in perfection, k has been jnftly obferved that marriage is not otherwife un¬ happy than that human life is unhappy ;— and if we confider how feldom this natural and endearing connection is made with due preparation or reflection, we (hall wonder that fo many are comfottable in it. Indeed one of the principal caufes which prevents rafn marriages from becoming always unhap¬ py, proceeds from the facility with which new habks are formed. The characters of the parties are blended by degrees, and tho* at firft their inclinations were different, by mutual conceffions and attentions, they be¬ come really attached ; and that grofler paf- fion which brought them inconfideratcly to¬ gether, is frequently purified into a holy flame* The more common evils which at¬ tend a fmgle life, and which appear with in- creafed force as we approach the grave, mull have frequently occurred to your mind amidfl: all that affected ridicule which you endeavor to throw upon that (late which your worthy parents adorned. Life is not greatly to be enjoyed, however fuccefsful and fplendid, if we have no wife, no children tofhare it with. It is at home, at our own fire-fide, fur- us. rounded by thofe who are dear to us, and to whom we are equally dear, that our choicelt pleafures are tailed. In fuch a circle, mis¬ fortune itfelfis often deprived of its ^\\\%. The anxiety of our families to confole and iupport us, and the {hare they take in our giief, give life to the moft grateful emo¬ tions. Take away the endearing names of father and mother, fon and daughter, brother and filler, and human life becomes a prey to mifery and defpair. There is nothing left worth pofTcfling ; the choiceft fpringa of fe¬ licity are dried up ; and man is no longer a foetal being. Suffer me to call the company's attention to the advantages which we derive from hav¬ ing families, in our moral and religious pro¬ gress. We cannot engage actively in the bu¬ finefs of the world without contracting fome of its pollution—the finer feelings of the foul are gradually blunted, and even the belt of men, by a long and uninterrupted i^crcourfc with mankind, are lefs alive to virtuous emo¬ tions } aud allho' they may retain their rev-

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