V x • :■'- * I — • » > i * i > 1 ' >' I ? \ WINTER. SVjltN -••' treri *rc H bar*, n if,* '«f t" be fecn, -\-.< t;-. — .V.10V • tl •> r btJu-v h*M! Ii'ft; VV'ncsj N .'ui.-'s dlfi ib'ri or' ber ir. irttle ..' g •'en, And the ftfSafflS art fail buund b;, the fro.r. ; ft"h'«le th: reaiant maSWc ftmcis fliiy'rlng with cold, As bieik die *ia«ls north rK blow; An.J &e innocent fi wks run tor uv.-mth to the fold, With their ge«CM b forinkfal w th fa&w I 1- -h- -.Aid, vrheo :b.rcMT\.> are feMer'a with draw, And they feud forth their brea:., in a Ibam r A id the »"'■- looking iai y nv.i i fees in- rouit thaw Flake* offee thai flu finds ra the cream : Wheti the 'wet country-maiden, a. frtfh a» a rcie, As the carclefsly ti \pu often il des. And thr ruftica laugh loud, il by falling <hs mows All the charms that her modeily hud s: \\ h.-ri the lad's and th" lalf-s tor company jrn'd, In a tmvvd r. ur.d the ember.s arc n:ct» Talk .-f fairies and witches that ride on the wi->r], And of ghofts, till they're ail in a t'v.-it : Heav*n grant ;n this fcafon, it nvy b? mv lot, With the nvmph whom I l"*e ami atimirt j While Hie icicles hang from the caves of my cot, I roav thither in fafety retire ! Where in ncalnefs and quie^. ^nd free from furprif*» Wp may live, and no har.-ijhij'S endure , Nor feel any turbulent pafii.ms arif^, Bm loch as each other may cur- ,-.,.■, uikrM »..... h M'.i.t !.0 . ■-HVC.3 ll.i \ n ,.!,. . . Iw »^«V doe* not I-;!m- "He\v be n "i:-- , " 1 know it r- ft'i bcoute tt is it;; ttairVafl the way 1 ki:on it." He Is rather litfBt ol his 3?s c, very ciumu- ly biiiUf '•;•"" complexion, with lively blue eves, " iJ ted hair. He Mi like bis father, 1*2 ipCFi afld one extra finger on each band* His rmnd appears uncommonly active and vigorous : and his quefb*nri3 and arifwersbe¬ tray a fliK'-diui's v.hkb rarely appears at the' a**c of lo or 12. He Hips a little in fpcalurg, and his enruiciatioii is rather l!o\r7 C'lirefpondin^ with S'i* bi*dily movements*— Coiuvrv t,. tin ad^itf of hisbeS: friends, un- ciueilionabH'. vet ii^ oLedicnec to the opjn- ions of others, w 110 are reg'Vrdtd a:; eatially co.Tcct, his father inteiidi to exhibit him a'> rii obi-vt ot ens ro.fity, in fome of cr.r capital i.->w•;•■, where ho will undoubtedly be regard- td as an aryhmi/t'alphsxMieiiiin, 3 -ro com. MONTREAL MAT WAREHOUSl ^ ,;•, ,c.'.., ,/',/, Mn,T.;Rr Hat, No. ',-h Oh! M:,l« /'.',„, " 'abez D. Dc Witt, * -,.- ,' , e•;l&iifam the PabUc •'-" '»« '»« "" l,:""' * m"!l' Id'." w and co M;;:;."::-1.iHAr^HAvr;miK!Nc^,5,.,„,AJi Mod fupcib Military- Hats, inents u'oniplete, JenUeiiica's v^ififihnabk Beavtf 1 »3tfc Do. Betvreeas l1;'- Do. yeoman crowns do. do- Do. bl'k fuperfine g:csn under do. Do. drab dc. do. _ do. Do. black do. extra large bnai? &>. re, with orra- I.adi^moilfrlhhimhh I", ra; Fats 5cBoring viz. W!»ue Jo. Maws' cJ * ds children's do ' Light fawrii do. ..... ' D.ab do. do. 11 A!-, brown en. Olive \V( I I do. do. do. DIVERSITY. From the (Vermont) iir.:::::::GTcx: :... A LITTLE PRODIGY, THERE is now at Montpelier, a boy, whofe puwers of arithmetical calculation t\c certa nly aftonifliing". His name is Zerah Colbuiu ; lie was bora in thetowric-fCab.pt in Vermont, and was 6 years old or tlia t& tif Septeniber lall. His failier, Abia Col- burn, has been known to t!ie editor oi* this He is ;m honeil labor- TIIE vvhimfical and immortal author of S'rillratn Shandy, was married to IVlrs. Sterne on a o.'it.njay morning. H:3 parifhoners had ttmelv information of this circumftanee, and kniuw:i;r he would pr.acli the next morning at his parilli church, and defirous at the fame time of feeing the bride, they alTerobled in fuch crowds that the church was lull before the bell had done tolling. The bride, as was expected, made h^v ap¬ pearance, and the country folks indulged themfelves with the ufual obfervations, un¬ til Stenie mounted the pulpit.—Here every c\e was direcTfced to him, and every ear rea¬ dy- to catch the words of bis text, which turned out to thur utter atlonilhmcnt, to be the following : We hams toiled all ntght, and hri s MngU nvjjh* The congregation iook- j at each other ; fame fmiled, others Hop- Do* drab do. 3:11 black water proof fdk Ditto green under do. Do. drab dp. Do, do. green under Tilk Do. ca(lor Roram do. Plated do. Gentl's vamiihed leather Hats for travelling-. Tuiple Aud Green do- do. du. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do, do. co. do. do. do. do, do. do. do* Servants* Soys' Met ditto do. ^cco H^ts cf afi colors. Do. do. Caps do. liens' k Boys>7 fine Cardies, Do. common do. Do. Wool Hats of every defcrfption '•old and fiber linfel Cord Bands. Common do. do. White and yellow tinfel Cord Binding. Coarfe and fine Bov;ftring"S. Morocco of all coins fuitable for i'lats. -f ancy Tip Paper, rlo. j&elt anrl commoa Glue. tJU# r p,r many year;. Hc h an hofteft labor- 1ltd th-ir muuihs with their handkerchiefs mgnvdn.in very mdigent chcumftances, hn ; ^ , . thcfn -.om laughing, while the - farruiy depending prmci;:d:y for the r . . :ly (.;, r. ,, . w e very ferioas faCL.s and tho»t i.ogwood, Coppeias, Verdigris. Aquafortis, Oil of \itriol, Clothiers7 Jacks. Hatters' do.— Raifing Cards. lat Brufhes of all kinds in life. j 'idtter's Irons, Stampers, Runners down, Tickers:, Sec. &c. Sic, fuhfiuence on the avail 1 of his dailv :.: Ll.v The bny has never been at f ■'..,■ «! but lu- tween iix and fLveu weelis, wis rt he be jm) with bis h <Tvr.J:s. nnd . : ,• '. .- - d; the ufual t ibles of (V'ciUnsrs. ri. it • •' ■' a Woman s fcoocl, where reading a^d .p.'i ; only were tauglir. The b^y a\ tr>t ttaJ v.-jiiiout ipcl'infr, does not know - finarc. and Wj- never in a f,tuatit>n to \v& 1 sii ,;r- iithnutical cdculatioss, ei:her at h: • "^ 1 •- broad. i\t with >ut being taught any 1 l»m ; it<s : Uian to cou vt 20 or ?0| he wHl fol <'s the b'MTii.ntl: a very odd fort af man for a pulpit keener. However, they attended t > his di'cou u-, whidi Luraed out a:? uiu.il, v •■.-,- tnllru live, and alt went home very hi; i.'y drv« jd with the ■ ', except poor Mis. ,l Lerne, who blulhud down ro her i*..- rfci's cUda ever I'r.eo of the way to tier ! 'ufe. (7".:'- "■ > ScOt'f.titJ.—Dy the tr.fl i.-, our,t-> ;-.• it iiHpr.G/-c-mt-ii.tJi \v.erc making in t! : C'ty. The tv.X It nics of lome public btiilj_ . . . ^ "w " o' '....." • - ' city, lue nm no:tcs 01 Mine puoiic ouii-j quscke. tuanthe rroftexpeit nr-thmettcian, ;. ..\ ^,v ejlrai.i.r, are of ^ /m, a.;," with a pen, any^ ,.-/,„, j)U- to bun i i mul- ,., ; _. ., bea.ltij-hi ,'.,i(j (rr,Wl] -/..„ ri,:in„. a •• h ww, pi .'d d r,, tc/// f r.it- U mj] c tipiied tf»gether, arc eich h.fs ihan locc. If .1.1' ! . t .».•-• .Jul .'.»•.;:.dation of a Lunatic Ah'lum ii,. been laid with much ceremony ; the proc . lion 1.0 t::■".«! occr-i: n extended three rr.il. .t A new Obftrvatory iias been erected ; ji -J a K.d road, upon which cue Iiorfe can dr. w irven ton*. Nelfoira monument was bu \t of mafonry, at an expenfe of j£§f.90&& ft has been greatly injured by lightning, a-.(] is to be tal:.:i down and rebuilt. the funis do not exceed t::ns—flu.-t i-, if mi iVroi turn- amount to roo, the <mfwt r wilI be generally without apparent calcu\i- t-on ; and if one of thofe flnmhers be not ...ore than twenty, it w;M t):: infbru; ne<u:s, or as guick 21 the qucflion can be plat. Gi;t him your age in years, lie ^\'i'.\ tel) it in day*. Give him Lk^A dillmB funis to be multi¬ plied, and dem.nid the total amount', the ar,- fwer, (altho' tb.- rcltilt of apparent calcula¬ tion, a? may be fcen by the motion of his lips) is given within a few lecondt, and gen- <-i ally correct. It is the objtd of his f.itlu r, in thus introducing him to public notice, to procure the means oi giving hi:n an educa¬ tion. Ke has been eyamintd by almoft nil the members of the Legiilature and others, ,, v- axr ti t%v n ♦..thdr.mi^rm^ui- o' i-a •« Caiy,IivnTor with Jylr* EdwardNicolleeot.P to tin;.1 unirorn) litistachon and aSomthmcnt. •. '• \T i - • b '* Tt.ivn,, • . n • , cicV or iNewyork America. lne following cue.lions were put by the Hon. Judge Paine, in pre fence of General Chittenden, (.in. Hunt, Fudo-e Puhjtrr- The following is the fupeifciiption of a letter Irdjred 'vi the pod ofii.ee in N. Yo;!.- Mr, Jiiho Mac Carv, Carv of Ncvvvciu can. of Mr. Edward Nicol Gentleman c:..- of Newyork America or to Mr. James M-/c Cary Boot Maker, &c. city of Newyt >\ America or to the care of James Mc iniu. ;, ihoemaker to be given unto Mr. Jo!in ]Ni ,^ FOR SALT, A SPAN of Englifh Horfes, riling of 15 JT\. bands high, (lout builr-| one ^>the other 7 yearsold—excellent for ihe Laddie or bar- 1 :& ; one a beautiful roan, the other a dark b.v. They will be fold to °ethwi" or fepa- r%;cj as m«) fulc purchafer?,—Inquhe of SAMl. HOWE. Kingdm, December 4, 1S10. 11 *-w SHE^FFsSALK ft wiU j X.£ ,?f / ' v Fauas* ilfu- eci out of l.'»s Majdly*s Court of King's Bench* and to me dircSed, againft the lands and tenements of James Nor:!!, at the fr.it of )ames Robins, I have fc'zcd and taken in execution lot number ttrntty-fix on Weil Lay, i^ the townlhiji of Maryfburgh, county of Piince Edward, and diflrfci: aforeiaid, con- ttiniug hy admealurcment two hundred acres, and an improvement of about 40 acres, be the fame more or lefs, which Will be adjudged to the h'g'ie.'i: bidder, at tiic gaol door in the town of Kingllon, on the [6thdayoi April next, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fere* noon. And any peiiou or peifons who may have any claim to the above mentioned prem- ifes, either by mortgage or othcrwile, are re- quetted to make the fame known to me be¬ fore the day of fale. CHARLES STUART, Sfytjf. S&srif's Office, Oduhtr 9, 1S10. >tf Newyork wt. hcafl and care. Judge Crafts and many other g titlcmtn, which were all acftvered promptly, and all but one (how many is 15 times 5-') correct¬ ly ; wlueh, h».Viv, r, on perceiving thecv- Tor, he immediately corrected. How many is 9 times 15 ? How many is 15 tines 35 ? How many is 10 tiroes 25 ? How many is 12 times .16 ■ }* * * low many h 13 times 79 ? How many is 15 times yc ? How many days hi tin years .' How many m.mmci m a day : How many hours in a year ? How many days in 5 years ? How many doc, 5 times 25, 6 times jr., and 7 times 4 y make in all I At another time, I put him, among many other quell ion, the following j Wliat is the amount of 4 times 7, 10 times 25, 3 times 79. and 9 times 6? i Theft h; anfwered corrcaiy in about 15 feconds. It is u-i.-d by I ii L\lr^-t that the boy was frppoftd to be an idiot, nil he was more than a year old. At the age of 3 he wai fcundtobe the brightcft In the bund,.— r> .dm;, more was tiiought of Id- l«1I the hit n»miH«, when he was obfemd jj-rtt>niJ '-1"1 ri'-;!i^" to oilwr children, wUicb tn "- ,J1 -' " "[ hJs parents, it was found b, r' ilci rtadily aofwtr himfelf. I Ii- iWtliei '" ••" •• y teok the maltipticat mi ubk, ,/"1 f'"r *: ; ; w rf.after of it in ;,ny ; '"■ ••• ' ■• •. ■•• '. •. t to him. :i:„' SHERIFF'S SALE. Midland Dillric't, 7 TJT virtue of a Writ to wit : J'of Fieri Facias, if- . . fiedwl ofhh M.ijcjlfs Court of Kill's B.nch, (^1F° An Ex a viimati o n and t0 ms Sree^ "~a]^il"- iamh md hn£- tttenis of I)y-oRpkr:>. >. , <i! the Juit of Bryan C rawfardEfq* I have fixed and &a£m in execu* t onihswj} hafsffd No. %tfwm$tmceffion of of He Pi'h'lc STyjnl in this town, ivi'l fa Ic\[ on Wesbiiftlay the tgth hift at tvjich the i,a. rents of ike pupils, and others who are d.f,r_ om to olferve their jbrogrefs in Laming, an r£. qyejhd to attend. Kingllon, r(t Dec. 1S10. 2w FOR . ie tozuifh'tp of Frcderickjburghi in the counties oj Lctox and /fddin^ion, a;:J dijlriB aforefaid^ containing by admeafurement one hundred acres, and an iihfit'O'jement of tlurly-fcoe acres, SALE 5 A QUANTITY of excellent WHISK} M 3l by the Barrel, on reafonable tela for Cafh, at the Store of AUG. BOITON A ".', -Sion j Slpt. 25, I S \ 0. I---1' r3 is H BACG & HAGJR, g*rt.VE juft rcccivcJ from London, and ^zi tor file, at their of A tagstc '•, on Mo n 1 Ii n - /.'. S 2 2 d of Jidyi txifoi the Imuf of to o'clock intheferenom. t and any ptrpm or perfms who may have any claim to the ah've mentioned pni.ilfcs, by rtGrtgage or ether^fc, are rer-uflal io make the fame famv/t/d mc before the day of fale. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff! 'J: r!f's £fr> 13/fl AVi». 1 Jic. 8/7* CdT- TO DK SOLD] npi-JAT valuable (fend far a Mekchant orT.«.v- li L'KK"KrEPf'R in •I)'* townfliipof Frcderickf- kJIh * b'"1,,f"ng on lhe L.t tie Creek, near BradiWs Mj«. lhe property eoi.fifts in a not Dwelling- H fI „ „ , ------------- .« ^'V'^P^ Span! A brown, forty-fiv, feet in length Hats ; fi fc vV,Ur Proof, Leghorn and Willow,, . a,;d twentj-f.x feet w.de, including a eatlcrv in honr L«dies imii Children's beaver and Oraw Bonn ^ , . ,J ul;,tl' runs the whole fejigtfa „f the boufe -the wills and parutione a,e all built „( found Llirnt b|kk a «.iod brick chimney wirh two ftre-pjaces: there are five ,0 |r. Juwn ^ I J a h f/i»C'h" ' "f^ ' g0t,d '"« ft0fC *»* «3 r'r i'b"' 3nd »"W..rds of two lu.nd.ed acir, „/" ^J*$**»? l-a*i>> funded on ;•;;,,;[ Pink Linings Green Linings Red do, White do. Otafure do4 Yellow do. Ii:.t Covers of every kind in ufe. Bin* do. [pcryrj. Bl'Ii do. fr. 1/6to3fy JINDiNGS. Fell military bindings tor cocked hats; Black Galloons from loftQ 5'c/per G:cce. Bell drab do. Com. do. do. Foil black and drab Bands; Common do. do. White and black worded Looping ; Common white Flat Buckles ; rteel do. Yellow Union ditto j white do. do. Cords and Taffels^ of all iizes & colors, for Fancy Trimmings_J Ladies' Bonnets. Extra large Cords for Ladies' Pelifles. Falh. fancy Trfr-imimj-.s for do. [Bonneis Plumes oi .ill colois,ior Ladies' & Children's All of which will be fold at the mod reduced price,, lorca'h or Ihort andap- piovcd credit. Montreal, Sept. 10, iSio. 1 t'f "Lewis Lyman & Q TAVE received Fv the late am- i- vais, a FREvSII ci^l-"PLV of Drugs & Medicines, ." h h tWj/ ojfer un //.:/■ f/fetTfttrms: Ai A lots Annatto 6nti jfliiurn Annileed Arrow Root Aqua Fortis Bitter Almou&a Boiax Barley Sujj.ir Carcphor Can tliai ides Cloves Cinnamon Caffia Crem TaiJar Calomel Camomile Copperas Fol -Senna Flor Sulphur Gentian Glauber Salts Gum Aral ."c — Copal — Affafoetida — Guaiac liloolafd O jalap Liquorice Mace Masnefia Hat St & Faclo Kuiiiri on ( t ph die ^'ni'if C. .1. a L hous r'iis Court Harder Cailor Oil Lfl. reppcinmit — Bergathotte — Lav uder — Lemon Salt Lemons Godfrey's Cordial Hooper': Female Pil'[9 James' Analeptic do, I--fuit's Drops Lee's Bihous Pills Relmcd Liquorice Sel PoiVriant Steers* Opodeldoc TuHingt:m's r«alfam Tooth Brute Warden's Japr.n Ink eio. Powder WinJfox So:ip Rpts. Tui pentine Dry White Lead Kegs "white Paint o do. Red do. Patent Yellow* Verdi-'i «•• ■ j PjrulCai) VAuc Spruce Wlluw 2000 Books GolaLcsf Silver do. Flake Whiic Black Lend Ivory Black Wiii? m<£ Spaniih Brown Rofe Pin.': Dutch 1 •'■' Vd.ct C...., Bet ? War. ^VIllte ^'a olad-'er Ca.ttlAV • rl ('1 ) ■•■■ . y No. 100 St. PatrlStreet, Montr&l, next dcor /',.,, Aftf'r*. Bc!h-n>s> Gaitt & Co. A General AU'-jumem ur' GeotJemea's fine Be. :r Che In.,- UhMni and bell quality. Also, Milr'ary l-oldjofi K*it, c'cgantl) trimmed 5 Ha» Trimnnlg4 &c.&c. ..*liuh were inpoit-.i ...|MMiusguod termv,attd w; I be (,,.: „ cheap or cheaper than tan be b.;,.-ht ill the fM'r.tiV. '1 hzj I ivt« a fi a variety 0;' Hats tff tlicir r«*n mifce, wl n r!;vy ,jrc w.'in.g ro Vk.untu JO b a, do 1 -Ie a- ai \ .-v,r Peered for fale m CA.s ... » 0<M p ."• -:n !hr tmin'rv thanltfaJIv rcc- -v. . ,, d rtl "'v ■ '■■■ 1 '•• *.♦ CASU&idfa Wt fv" ■•• r. * ... Nov, io, iJ'iu. , ,, , , ' r i N0' M.-x'n.din;- From the KWi f'rf5r ?Frta,,*w,,thrl,,JI'frrH.....'•......■■»• Manna Nutmeg-s Nu trails Tinker Opium Oil Peppermint — Vitriol Peruvian Bark Pink Root Rhubarb Sago Saltpetre Sugar Candy Peppermint Loz. Honey, Tartar Emetic Roman Vitriol Anderfou's Pills Balfarn Honey 11.,';'... A/.J ", A Gcncriil AilbrtiiKut 01 Shop Furniture—Vials afibru-d— T.d.'e L»l.i£s— Trepanning Sc Amptitai/n • lui\\< u.mu^.x • CC;' Comniifllon Btilirnd*, n nt^Clc.i ..; u'.ui-- Motitri'td, ^i'< «\.y/. i.v: \> >. 1 ii. Writing and Wr-p" pinivPaper tVii l.i1,' i ' . • r i '•uir: 1 : i, .,,, 15/ MO\\ I i- • r / .< / , / 11 i\ . • i 1 1 1