Kingston Gazette, December 4, 1810, page 4

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**..±m.< .i,^^.:** parlor to look up h hk fa. he's face He .Mnf 1)? iklL HAT WAREHOUSE, POET R Y. F-jr the KtNGSroN Cazettf. WEETU tkcrcfe, when wjb'd hy morning dew, h fpreads a genthfragranee all around } Sweet the paleldy. wi;h itsfnowyhu^ _ When ifnir.g lads perfume ti-efi^dy ground. ■Awful the mountain, ivkofe projefting brow Ibrtats \nfiar.t defoliation on the pid* ■. t Awful the ocean, when the north winds blewt [gam. And tod the waves to heaven—then dufi to earth a* Bright is the fifoer in the ntmarctfi gate $ The diamonds, jewels, glittering on his throve J Bright is the fun, when in meridian fiate, The ecgle-cye can took at it alone. But far v.orefweet, more awful, and more bright, The pea* !y drops, that fir earn ax Pity's call ', * *Tbe tear that giifte^s at a piteous fight, Ar.d decks the face of HIM., .a friend to all. TRUE AFRICAN WIT. - OLD Cato on his death-bed lying, Worn out with work, and almoft dying- With patience heard his friends propofe What bearers for him they had chofe ; *« There's Cuff and Csefar, Pomp and Plato, Will they do ?" " Bery well," quoth Cato. for fc' neatei----- ten, that the old man became quite angry, and threatened to correal him fevcrey if he did the like again. This wa<.exactly what the young aitift wanted. He w,(hed to paint his father eyes when lighted tip, and fparklmg with indignation, and having ob¬ tained his end, he quietly refumed his talk. He had completed his picture beiore Ins mother's return from church, and on Jier en- terino- the houfe lie fet it before her. She kncw°it inuantly, but, ever true to her prin¬ ciples, (he was very angry with him ior having painted on a Sunday, thereby pro¬ faning the Sabbath day. The 'child, how¬ ever, was fo elated by his feccefs, that he disregarded her remonO.rance, and hang¬ ing fondly round her neck, he was alive only to the pleafure fee had given him by owning the ftrength of the refemblance. At this moment his father entered the room, and re- cognizinghis own portrait,immediately high¬ ly approved his fern's amfiftment during the |£ the Sin:: *fthe WuiUlt 8&% No. 54 > Old Marht Place. ments comple Gentlemen's mojlfafiionabk Beaver Hats. Do. Between? do. Do. Yeoman crowns do. do.'k fuperfi ne green under do. Do. drab do. do. • do. Do. black do. extra large brims do. Do. drab do. do. Be ft black water proof filk Ditto green under do. Do. drab do. Do. do. green under filk. Do. caftor Roram do. Plated do. do. do. do. do. do* do. do. do, do. do. do. do. do. s do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. ' do. do. do. do. rn t^^f /> • • * afternoon (parental pride conquering habit¬ ual piety awhile) and exhibited the pi&ure ever with new futisfaction to all who came « And Bantam Philip—now for t'other to the houfe while the ftory of M»f"£ We mutt take Scipio, Bantam's brother." interruptions fa Mr «~ ™ ^ l^ « I no like Sap," old Cato cries, ed ior, added mtereft to ha narrativ , and « Scip ratal—teU about me lies, . gratified flail more the pride of the prtift, And got me whipped." u Ki I 'tis all one> Scip fiiall be bearer—Sclp or none." u Mind'mi* eries Cato, " If dat cur, Dai Sclp come bearer, I won't fir V* DIVERSITY. A WOMAN CAN KEEP A SECXET. «7* x he following,anecdote will prove the fallacy of the remark, that " a Woman cannot hep afecrct.** SOME years Once, a lady called at a glover's (hop in the oot-ukirts of the tewn, and pur chafed a pair of gloves for her im¬ mediate wear ; obfervJug, at the fame time, fhe was on her road to Burnet—that Hie had iff- her gloves at a fiend's houfe, where fhe had called, and that fire was appreheniive of being benighted if fhe went back for them. The glover fitttd on the gloves ; and the lady, after paying for them from a purfe well ftocktd with bank notes, ftepped into her poft-chaife, and proceeded on her jour¬ ney. Shi had [atrcc\y reached Finchley Common, when a highwayman Hopped the chaife, and demanded her money. He in* treated her nut to be alr.rmcd, as he had no i rention upon he-perlon—if {he fun\ndcr« ed he, property, it was all he wanted : de- c.'anrg, that diftrefs, and, not his-will, ur- g;d h;m to this defperatc &&, and he was determined to remove his penury, or periflu The lady gave her purfe, and the defperado rodecif. After he was gone, ar.d the fright had fubfided, the lady imng'ned, that, in the ad A CASE FOR THE GENTLEMEN OF THE I AW*, WILL WEBSTER, of Stamford, fold as good a cup of ale, as ever mantled in a beer glafs. He was bred a baker, and, as is common in the country, he alfo fold bread ; and it was as ufual for working peo¬ ple to call for a peony loaf as a penny-worth of ale at his houfe. A man came one day for fix penny loaves. Wcbller ferved him as he fat in the drinking room ; and after they had been delivered to him he faid, " Mailer Webfter, take o*e of your loaves back, I'll have but five, and bring me a penny-worth of ale, that will make up the fixpence, all the fame you know7." The ale was brought him, and he gave a loaf for ft, drank it and called for another, and another, and another, until he had exchanged the fix loaves for fix penny¬ worths of ale ; then rifing up, faid, Mary mult do with brown bread, which he believ¬ ed would be quite as good for her health j and was deliberately marching off, when the landlord delired to be paid. " Paid t for what P" faid the fellow. *' For my bread, anfwered the landlord. " Your bread have you not h&d it again ?"—a Why then pay me for the ale," faid the publican. " I gave you ore; d for ii,T3 anfwered the dc/vi. - dant. " That is true, anfwered Boniface, yttfimehotff I think I am cheated, but if ev- CentPa varnifhed leather Hats for travelling. Servants' ditto do. Soys' Morocco Hats of all colors. Do. do. Caps do. Mens' & Boys' fine Cordies. Do. ir common do. Do. Wool Hats of every defcriptlon. Gold and Diver tinfel Cord Bands. Common do. do. White and yellow tinfel Cord Binding. Coarfe and fine Bowftnngs. Morocco of all ccloi s fuitable for Hats. Taney Tip Paper, do. do. IJell and common Clue. dogwood, Copperas, Verdigris. Aquafortis, Oil of Vitriol, Clothiers' Jacks, patters' do.— Railing Cards. Jlat Brufhes of all kinds in ufe. Jlatter's Irons, Stampers, Runners down, Pickers. &c. &c Sec ■ Light fawn Drab < Hair, brown Olive Purple Blue And Green HAT TRIMMINGS,--™*. Pink Linings Green Linings Red do. White do. ■ Orange 6o, Blue do. [peryd. Yellow do. BPkdo. fr.i/6tQ3/^ Plat Covers of every kind in ufe. BINDINGS. Bed military bindings for cocked hats ;, Black Galloons from icfto 30/"per Groce. ' Beft drab do. Com. do. do. Befc black and drab Bands; Common do. do. White and black worded Looping • j ^ Common white Hat Buckles j fleel do. Yellow Union ditto ; white do. do. Cords and TafTels") of all fizea & colors, for Fancy Trimmingsj > Ladies' Bonnets. Extra large Cords for Ladies' PcKfTes. Fafh. fancy Trimmings for do. J Bonnets. Plumes of ail colors, for Ladies' & Children's 1 All of which will be fold at the moft reduced prices, for caih or fhort and ap- • proved credit. Montreal, Sept. 10, 1810. 1 tf CHEAP STORE. Lewis Lyman & Co. >> er you bother me again, call m cut, that ore: of the highwayman, fhe recognized the voice of th? g-laver fhe had jure before dealt with. This conceit llruck her fo for¬ cibly, that me ordered the poll--boy to drive back to town—aot ehufmg, fne faid, to venture further over the heath.—On her ar¬ rival at 'he glover's, fhe knocked'and gain¬ ed admittance, the ^lovev himfelf opening the door. The k«y defired to fpeak with him in private. Th? glover fhewed her to a back parlour ; wien fhe exclaimed, " I all, you ihall always pay for every thing a3 1 bring it in." Law query. Upon what can the la lord bring his action ? nd- dr proceeded j pivuctutu-----xl is a no ufe for you to deny it : I am convinced, and your life is at my mercy. Return ne my property, and truft to my humanity."—-The glover, over¬ come with K'u'It, fhame *nd confufion, re¬ turned the purfe, coafciTcd the crime* and pleaded his dMrefs. The lady, afcer fuita¬ ble admonition, gave him a ten pound note, bade him mend his way o^life, and keep his own couniel : adding, \:at fht would never divulge Sh his name, or tface of abode. She kepi her word : am), th >v.h the rob¬ bery wasiated in the public p oers, the dif- b . , -- ____... eovery was omitted : "and it'\v,s not until very recently, that a minute or this fingu- lar tranfaelion was found among the papers of the lady alluded to : Ewn in his private memorandam, the name and reficbice of the glover "-as omitted ; and the fecr.t, in that particular, reftswith the lady in th; -rave/ Afrer this tale, the truth of wl:ch may !•• relied on, who will fay that a wonan Can- not keep a fecrct ? £,j», a. DR. SHERIDAN, the celebrated friend of Swift, had a cuftoai of riniriog his fchol- ars to prayers in the fchool room at a certain hour every day. The boy: were one dav very devoutly at prayers except one, who was ftifiing a laugh as well as he could, from feeing a rat defcending from the bell- rope into the room. The poor boy could hold out no longer, but burft into an im¬ moderate fit of laughter, which fet the oth¬ ers a going when he pointed to the caufe. Sheridan was [o provoked, that he declared he. would whip them all if the principal cul¬ prit was not pointed out to him : this was immediately done. The poor pupil of Mo- muswa-4 immediately hoiiled, and his poile« riors laid bare to the rod, when the wit1 : SchoolmnMer told him if he fdil any thiny; tolerable on the occallon, as he looked on him as the greateft dunce in his fchool, he would forgive him. The trembling culprit with very little hefitation addreffed bis mj f- ter v, ith the following beautiful diilich, , There i&as a rat—fur want of fairs, Came down a rope—to go to prayers. Sheridan iuflan'dy dropped the rod, and inftcad of a whipping gave him half a crown, A Minikin three feet and an half Colonel, being one day at the drill, took occafion to examine a (trapping foldier of fix feet four. * r"PHE Subfcrikr informs Ms JL friends and cufiumers, that he is once n.ore, (after a long aril tedious illnefs) ena- ^icd to attend to bufnefs. He is not for- g.^tful of paft favors, aid hopes for the fame j;ueral patronage fronhia friends which he ],4S formerly experiencd. HE HAS JUS. RECEIVIT>» A frefh Jupfy of Goods, And expels in a fcwlaya a furtner luppiy, r.hich will render his jfloitment quite com- j Xtz. IK Zi*iu.o ail tl-fe -vvii^r^ •"■ f aw chafe goods chefy, to cal &: inquire his prices. C^Potafh,and rjoduc of every kind, received in oayrrent. B. WHITNEY- Kingston, Sept. 27, jjlir" 2—tf Hehas removed from his former flmd to 'he hoife next below Docl. Smith's, air] opp<fite Mumey's. Vtave O. vals, ■ * . ti . New Cheap Goods. S. BA.RTLET, NFORMS his Friends and the Public, that he has this dav received, and now 0>ening for fale, a LARGE o.0PPLY of GOODS; CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, ."^Liquors and Hard War-, I; Crockery and '.' Glafs Ware\ *« ceries Evill the \* Groc yhich, in addition to his former Hock, n.ake his affn-tment very compltte : AJiole of which will be fold at the Montreal j flees, for cafii or any kind of produce. ^ As he is now clofing his bufinefs jj this place, no credit will be given, and £ood$ will be fold lower than can be pur- c^k& in the Province ; and as he is deter¬ mined to fell all off, eameitly folicits his friends and cuitomers to call and examine hi* goods. received by the late arri- a FRESH SUPPLY of Drugs & Medicines, Which they offer on their ufual terms : Among which are the following articles, viz, Britilh Oil Cephalic Snuff Chiug's Worm Lov.. Coit's Bilious Pilk 4 Court Phdftcr f Oaflor Oil Elixir Paregoric Ell. g.lJeppciminr - Kerg.unutiJ - Lavender - Lemon Salt Lemon* Godfrey's Cordial Hooper's Female Pills James' Analeptic do. JcfuiVs Drops Lee's Bilious Pills Refined Liquoric Sel Poiffnanc Steers' Opodeldoc Turlington's '13 alia m Tooth Bruihe3 Walkden's Japan Ink do. Powder Windfor Soap Spts Turpentine Dry White Lead U Kegs White Paint do. Red Patent Yellow 1* «r Salts ANECDOTE OF A PAINT; R. [fzom ?,::■;, cue's Umow.2 •' ONE Sunday nfieiroon, while his 1.0th- tr was at church, Mr. Opie, then a bo,- 'c.i or eleven years o for pai» ting in a little- kt Uome, fellow, hold up your head/' "Yes, Sir."—" Higher, fellow, higher !" —« What fo, Sir f* faid the man, railing 11s caput much above the horizontal para£ lei. «« Yes, fellow, to be fure.,>— «* Why thcn>Y-W/, Colonel, fori (hall never fet Sir Cash and the hi^heft price aid for PRODUCE. N. B. All tbofe indebted, cither p Note or Bool Account, are requftcd to male ■<mned'uite payment. Aloes Annatto Antimony Allum Anniieed j^nntwv. Rxrot. Aqua Fortis "Birr.'r/Umoudv I5orax Barley Sugar Camphor Cantharides Cloves Cinnamon Caflia Crem Tartar Calomel Camomile Copperas Foi. Senna Flor Sulphu: Cjentian Glaub Gurn Arabic Copal AlTafoetida Guaiac Ifinglafg Jalap Liquorice Mace Ma Wanna Nutmegs Nutgalls Turkey Opium Oil Peppermint — Vitriol Peruvian Bark Pink Root Rhubarb Sago Saltpetre Sugar Candy Peppermint Loz. Honey Tartar Emetic Roman Vitriol Andcifon's Pills Balfam Honey >*» do. agneaa Verdigris Prufi^anBlne Sprufce Yellow Books Gold Le>i Silver do. , Flake* White Blackh Lead Ivoryt rBlack Whir hi ng Spaniid h Brown. Roi^i^ftr * Dutch ro"^?\ui Velvetonfi* Cork^, Bees V]y cx1;ax Whit MaddcnPantir Camw»ant?« ,,0d Gin^^Uircd e an "Wax 1 ndigc would al n Kingston, October I, I 810. tf y * of fixed bis mateials kitch ;.. directly >p- ' -"■■ tJ«parlor,-wiiarc'W-if thvr fat readifg tht bible. lie wmi on drawiuj till he in A FEW years ago, when the vfrcr Del- aware was frozen over, a number of booths were eicaed on the ice, near one of which nn Ittfhman ohferved a perfon to fall rn, ran A For Sale 0 ihh Office, DISCOURSE on the Chara&er 0f t\ KING GEORGE THE THIRD, addrtfTcd to the inhabitant^ of 13-itifh Atner! ..a—By the Rev. John Strachan, Rec- iprof Cornwall, (LI. C.) ftfo* 13. nirea!, 0j Sept. i 8 k _________________* iUv 1: - *",;'! - ' eveiy ihiu;* but the uead, and whu; •it Cfl.'ie :.. t!.^t, he frequently rai- into x\\ ...-,„,,.,!,- :o the,- „f -,, booth, TO Mi LET, a..a H I,,,. Jtl| ^„ , „,,., ,,;. A SMALL roon-, t%ht and iv,l KgfcW, ... luc Gazette OUi ' 0£k G. Writing Txnc^'i Wrap- pingr<1peMo^•l;1lo;, ,",', tlu>"!i:""_. t,,.ii __^ 11^ iii i _^»-»~"" - r< .id PKXNT2D AND h :'j \&LWl* B/ MOWER &» :!N ^j;M)Al^ ■J'JitCJl FlfTKKN litt.tlh o „.v .'••'•'• 1

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