Kingston Gazette, December 4, 1810, page 3

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; k i ih **^ ^-r^^1; '*" ll,v umi11 I ,a lb an oNs^rTirpiinMiy liiiportanc*, not only to ttw immediate travcUc.4, but i landholder^ »»td owtiern of otha prtp. irrly. men of bofmcfs generally, and the n^Micat large- It will facilitate r!i-Mia.if- «[*oo of the mails, the eiUbli&ateiit of «, t'ie trenfi.ftiun of bull nets, the ad- nnuiftraiion of juftice, the ueceflary public communications, and tha various operations 01 governrmrnt. The efteS of combined exertions i \ fa- •v«,i i>f a public obje& are b y.>nd onlii aiy » ts<«npI?of our neighbors b\ the United States^ wtrat.c tpldi in roaas Icarcc- Iv pafiabl- - fi'w years ag >, th * public mails itic no*v carried at the rate of a hundred ;m"'■- a day, ia itag^s, which, at the lame time, accommodate paifengers. Their ftic- cefs haa already exceeded the molt ("aa^u-iie eiv^otUtiou;*. The internal profperity of Great-Biitain Ins lon,r been kivnvn to hav.* been iinm»*nie- • v nr&aiptgd by the improvement of the rreat IG&dd* The effect may be proportionable here. This ha* p^.lt the feeble ltate of in- fdtic/, ami is now growing up with the vig¬ or of youth. Its pro*>-rci$ will be fare and ra-jkl, if irs energies are well combined and rightly cfireaed. TUBLIU c> FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE ■Eisenach, Sept. 3.—The day before i nrcftaday a cala nitons event took place here* Al; uL q In the evening, a convoy of ammti- jnitio i v as palling through our town. The ^llnte firft waggons, which were rooftfy la- cen with cartridges for cannon, took fire : the explofi m was terrible : the adjoimug houfes were blown into theairwich a dread¬ ed crafli. The fire caught both fides of the ftreet called the Monengaffe, which wa* wholly dcflroyed. 38 perfbns have periflied. • *m UNllLij <;, V A PROCLAi/Li. iOn. WHEREAS Lytherourthfea;(/!>ftfti, Q of Congrefs, pafiVd on the firft flay 1 T >>', 1810, entitled " an aft a coneernin commercial intercourCj: between the Unite btatea and Grr-it-Brirnin and France anii London, September 7,—Lord "Welh'i on hi„ tranfowled to mioifter-j an intercept !ed lette'- fioin Napokp 1 to Matte .a. The fetter, of which the original ha- b en &nt* » evidently an aafwer to one from Maffciw, "» whicjj he had been foliating a ranfarce- nlea£of ^ l«aft 40,000 troops. In his re- T pympokon exprcfleshimfclftoth^ follow * tag cfe6fc_ p, , As lo the reinforcement you demand, " ,s ■mpoflihle at the ptefent^ iromcnt, to WMjruu lb many troops. As .i;>on as it is Iwattiuble, v-,n fHaH have eve.-\« doffihjeaf* ul.iiicf. 1" "l,J M'auiim . « .1 nuitloHnff tjir r * ^i 1 «^- bn it you are loiiniiM, the Pcpinfnla is our own. If (>d ar4defeated, which is not unlikely, yon k\)) •-"-'•"'. rale Co wciken the enemy, a • to fiimilh you+felf with the means ui" rctie:.t- 'tngto advantage.*' In conleq.ii'nce of this letter, of the gen- oinenefs of which Lord Wellington was perfectly ronvince !, a reinforcement of 4000 incn had been ordered to be detached from Cadiz to co-operate with his Lordihip, and thefc troops were daily expected at the date of his laii defpatches. -------------------- September 2S.—Never, perhaps, vas the city alcene of greater confufion than it waa during the whole of this morning. Buli- nefs feemed almod at a ftand, and the Itoek exchange 3nd the avennc* leading to it were rrowAl toexeefs, to afecrtain the particu¬ lars of an event which we are about to men- tion. It is the death of Mr. Abraham Goldfmidt, one of the great contract, us for the loan—and, we grieve to add, by his own hand. He (hot himielf this morning abjnt S o'clock, at hia h^ufe at Merton. their depend'enci s, and for other purpofes,'; H 13 piov,'.L-.i m that n cafe either Grea4 Britai. ot Fran:e I!: ill, before the third ei Mc-rch next, fo rev ok -r modify her edich' as that they fliall ceafe ro violate the neutral Commci-ee . i th-; Ijnittd States, which fad the Prcizdent of the Ui.ited States (iuil de- clan- hy proclamation, aul if the other na ttpn fo ill •„. t within three months tbereaf ter fo revoke or modify her edicts in lik manner, then the third, fourth, fifth, lixth fevemh, eight , ninth, tenth, an 1 eighteenth icciion.i of the a^t, entitled " an ad. to in¬ terdict the commercial intercomfe between tlie United States ami Great Britain aiu; France and their dependencies, and for oth r pmpofe<!," (hall, from and after the expira¬ tion oFthree months from the date of the proclamation aforefatd, be revived and hav« full i)rce and e'feel, fo far as relates to the dominion;, colonies and dependencies, and to t!iearticle>, ill. gio.vt'i, pt(4^Ucc orman- uf.icl.nre of the domininns, colonies and de¬ pendencies of the nation thus rtfufing or ner]cctin<r to revoke ov modify her edidl^ in the manner afoTefaid. And iht fefl^JcUone impofed by this ad fl\all, fron the date of fwcll proclain iti-;nf cea e and difeontlnue ;n relation to the ration revoki ij/or modifying her decrees in tie iriannt r afon faid :" And wh reas it ha^ been officially made known to tliis governn.ent that the edietg tj£ Y^.)c- v-ohiiiig the neutraicommerce of the Uiiitc.i .Stares have been fo revoked as to eeafefd haic efitcV, on the firil of the prefent month : Now therefore, l> James Madis&m, Prcfident or'tlie United States, dj h rcby proc.iiin iliac the faid cdi:is of France have be^-ii Co revoked as that they Ccafed on the feid fir»t day of the prefent month to viol;Me the neutral commerce of the United 3ta es j o,/. that. From the dace ofthefe prcfetitt-j all tie rettri&wsw Impofed by theahaviaK: ;v:Uhatl ccafeand be diicon- tintted in iclatun to France and her depen- afu-rte was reflJcfs ill his flcep, and would dollars. make frightful exclamations ; and foon af¬ ter th murdei- (he, the Ilepmother, hearing lnm moan, went into hifl room and was told by h:n t!:;it a youn^ woman had juft been in tli^ room with a lighted caudle in her hand, hut that he had turned his back on to H^-jo L am A-nericaru her ni fomi as lie faw 1 tw ner- Thi fe, and oth¬ er ciicumllances, induced h^r to fufpccl Breefe of the murder, and Ihe could not die in peace without divulging them. Breece afler*:.-i his innocence ; but has given contra¬ dictory ibtcments of where he was at che time of the murder. The woman alfo accu¬ ses a.tothet perfo:i, who is abfent, as being acceiary to the murder, and we understand tiiat a ftock-buckle, which was found in the lnm -. of the corpfe, is marked with the in¬ itials of this man's name. At the time of the murder a very minute defcWption of all the horrid chenmitances attending it were puWnted in the papers, and Gov. Mifflin iffued his proclamation offering a reward of 300 dollars fo: the dilcovcry of the murder cicjj without any effect tut after 18 years i^crccy, a cine is now found, it is expected, to trace it. General Armflrong, tl»e American minif- terin France, having accomplifhcd the ob¬ jects which induced him to remain in France after having difpofed of his houferv.ld furnf- tnre in May laft, had determined to embark between the 10th and zoth Olt.jb^r, at B >r- deaux. He was to leave Paris on the i iV of Odober. Aurora. ■ The rolling and flitting fron works of Mr. Brinkerhoff, two miles below Tioy, were deftroyed by fire on the morning of the 4th ult. We are informed that two men were late¬ ly lolt in attempting to crofs the Niagara River, a {hort dtitance above the falls___ There was another perfon in the boat, who faved his life by fwimming to a fmail ifland. KINGSTON : Vussday, December 4, i3io. %* Our reader; a-e Jeftted to torrtcl the following err .rs of th prefs, in Abptcm RandjU communication in laft Tutfday's fafer, Inflead of c equally fikdia&s to diftinjruijb bimfeif^ read " equally v*[okcitousS* &c.—Mor.tgolfcin Jbould alfo baw been /felted M-nt- golfier. To prevent notices of tbls kind, as painful to us as difjgr?cable to out correfpondents, they are once for all deftred to write legibly. Highly Important ! Fs'om a N-i*zv-7'ork paper of ATov. 9. The fliip Radius, Capt. Miller, failed from Corunna on the 7th or October- Two days previous to his lailing, Capt. M. law an of- M JURIED, In this town, by the Rev. Dr. Stuart, Mr. Anthony Dsml'll, to M.'fs Amy Rujfell. An Examination cf the Public School in this town, will Is held on Wednefday the 19./J inji at which the pa¬ rents of the pupils, and others who are defir- fic'al letter addreiied to the Amer- Z£$?l 2**^* " *"** "'"" tcan Coniul, which mentioned that Kingfton, ift Dec. 1810. a feverc and deciiive eniraorement O O took pl'Cenear Almeida, in Portu- 2W gal, on the 27th of September, be- , tween the French and the combi- -r\ -\xrvt ch£ap store. iicies. li, teltlniony v H,-KV.f, i have cani'ed the fcalof the U.iit.ii St...^s to be heicuu- toafiix^'.uid fxjued th.e fame with ray (t.s.) h-ii.d at che cc/ of W.dhr gion, this ie:.<:u! day of'Vw'<v.bti, in the year men ana tue comoi-. jy WHITNEY, has juil receiv- England and Portu- JL>. td and . ; • ,iTc" 1 * fhle, z ^erv -..%,'.'.. the Unled StJrtfs the ilii.i y-fifih. J AM £S MADISON. By the?refiflei'.i, R. Smii h. Stftetiry of State. . ■-.»■».-• - ned forces of gal, under the command of Lord extenfive dfym * oi Wellington, and continued, with- MLt U ;NTER GOOD out intermillion until the evening of the 29th., when the Frenf h were , Hardware, ctt 1 . '•'.a G vkl-. retreat, with the lois or 14,000 All of which men killed and prifonets. The ^^^ lots of the combined armies was trilling, compared with that of the French. The Portugucle troops behaved with the greateft gallant- ry on this occaiion. The German troops were daily deferting the I'rench ftandard. . * e-r* x r 2, l8lO. ((IRC0JLA8..) r/'/ifun Depa'nremUNov. SIR—Y,,u-.\ill terewtUreceive a copy of 1 he Proclam-tion . f the EVdident cf the United States, announcing he revocation of tlie edi&a of F.ance vhich -iolated the v.ea- tral commerce of the TJ. Sites, and that the dially invites ihofifi who are in the lia.)it o«: purchafmg by whoicUle, to call and exant- ine for thettifelvcs Kingston, ijl Dccr-mhr, 1810. 11 tf The fongoing news has already been given 7a to a part of our readers in anexirafheet. The FOR SALE, A SPAN of EngtiJn HoricS,rifing of i$ hands hi^jfe, flout built, one 6,the other 7 years old—excellent for the fiddle or ha: • nefs ; one a beautiful loan, the other a dark bay. They will be fold together or fcpa- rate, as may frdt putchaleri.—Inquire of ; S.iML. HOWE. Kingston, December ^, \^lO. U $W and that their lojs in wounded andprijoners was imrmnfe. patches of great i September 29.— frdlerday arrived m Lon¬ don Lieut, Col. Leith, charged witn dil- nportanee from the gov- rrnor-general of Ihdia. He ceme paiVeu- ger in the Willianj. Pitt, extra (hip, wh-ch left Madras on tie 8th May, ".vlun every thinrV wa;\in_ajlatL of the greateft tranquil- ay. "Lord "]&■£:> was preparing to return to Binpal. A Great excftioi'is and inceifant labor have hecn bellowed W\ the enemy to repair the works in the Maiillof Walcheren, * which is now in a go.>d lblte of defence. They are not, however, free fronp apprcheniions tor their fafety, in cale of a .{erfaus attack.— The fleet under ibir Edward Pclkw, made fes appearance a fejv days fince oil" the Duer- loo channel—a cijcumftdoce which excited r.o fmall degree 4f alarm for the fafety of thefr new fleet, |ad filled the inhabitants with te-ror. that law to th^conttaty noivith^aading. It alf > foilow> that if Uvat Britain (hall not, on the 2d day of Febuary next, have revoked or modified in lik: tanner her e-dx&s violating the neutml ?f.raaiece of th^ Dnited States, the 3d, 4th. 5th, 6t; 7th, 8th, 9th, loth and i'8ih fe6lions ol he " Act to in¬ terdict the oommetcial intteourfe betweer the United and Gcat Britain and France and their dependeo^Sj and for other purpofes," iliall, in coniarnjty with the act lit ft above mciuioned, be tvivcrd and have full force and effed, fo far Relates to Great Britain and her dependences, from and after the faid 2d dav of Fcbruar next. Unlcf'; ■ The Natchez Chronicle of the 8th O&o- therefore yon (hail before that day be olii- ' fcer ftates, that the Conventionalifts in W. Florida, are becoming pretty ftrong : that they have neatly 600 men at Baton Rouge, and that the friends of the old Spaniih mon¬ archy are embodying themfelves in the eaft- .£T SADDLING BUSINESS. JG bu- 27th of September ; he brought a «»~» Inhabitants of &^^« audits vicinity, th^. p^er of the 24th, which he fays contamed ^ now • QU ^ SADDLE, an account of a Heel of 37 iail of merchant f^RN£ss & iRXJNZ-ulAKIN ilvips, American and Britiih, under convoy,. ^ .^ ^ ^^ bvanche9. bound to the North-Sea, being overtaken on han(j a ^ by a violent ftorm in the beginning of Sep- 1UC/"*' * - - - ^- - cially notified by this depatment of fuch re¬ vocation or modification, ?u will, from and after the f;id day, cany ino effecl the above mentioned fections, \vhieh>rohibit b>th the that "they (hall be able to anfwer all orders forwotk in thtir line—and that on as reafon- able terms, for ready pay, as can be pnrchafed in the Province. . Conftart attention to buiineis, and the quai:y of their work, will be their tion into tne harbors and *ters ot the Urn* tionahas. ■ from the United state ted States, and the imposition into the li¬ nked State3 of any articlefthe gniwth, pro- duce or maiuifacture of th dominions, colo¬ nies and dependencies of freat Britain, and of any articles whatever irought from th.- faid dominions, colonies afl dependencies. I am. iefpectfury|ir» Yc;r obedient pant, \LBbLRrGALLATlN. The Collector «f the Cujlotf for the Tflnct of i * * Rehiring done on the foorteft notice. * C. WILL1STON & Co. Kingsto-, Nov. 6, 1810. 7ti Early Sleighing.—I* the city of New- York, on Thurfday night and Friday morn¬ ing, the tft and zd Nov. the mow fell to the depth of eight or ten inches, and on Friday and Saturday the ftreets were filled with fkirrhs, and the fleighing was as good as is ufualin winter. In New-Jerfey .the fcow - ^^ nd inform5 them that he (till fell about the fame depth, and the inhabit- for g h • ^.^ g^- ants travelled in fleighs to the d.ftance^of ^«^ ™^8, at his (hop oppofite eighteen or twenty miles. • _( £ARLE's, where cuftomers may be ABIA B. SAYRE, CABINET-MAKER, RE?URNS his fincere thanks to the Jadies and Gentlemen of Kingston* Wash ington, j Nov. 2.—Government ycfterday received -difpatches from General Armftrong, our u" nifter in France, which weunderlUnd, afl'o d official Information of 4«late change of s/titudebf tint n-.ition. "-'......:' ' " — ._ r„ m,, y^rxtd^CiochXafeSySideboarJs^Dejh, r T-----' TT^nf Noble ad of private munfcence.--^t™^ WJJ ^ |i^ B& toWOTdinaif Event. HJX^ of^a -w h^ /^^atthe ^teii notice. . PHiL.^:.:-H:A,0a.J0—Onfcaturd:iy nAl-,n a, COn!nander in ch.ef of the Amei_- JFfe***?M,^ .0_ ^ti _,, aclins as con; na.._- - -.- ft Charles Bceee, iate i cit' conftable, was ex- ^ \vmyi has made a Sanation to th* Uu- amiuecl and committed Ija'U C)!' achate * of Hw& , com nhtcd iiAv^uli, 1792, «>a at the (hot tell notice. tings/on, Oil. 16, 1810. 4*r

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