Kingston Gazette, December 4, 1810, page 1

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V. i - HNGST0N, (UPPER CANADAJ - TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, igI03 n* [No. ii. <L7 A\ ,'r, Ka\ r njtaiovcd from ^,. r, : '" fetreet to No. 102, on** door Bellows* Gates 8c Co. 'e a General Aflurtment of up hand, which they offir able terms. N. W. & ABBE. •'^./. £;V. iSfO. 1 if -■■ Nnnh »i " Jl« vhfrr I R O ME O WADS WO R I • i i 7A/r recevrdly >U late arrivals j.- _ . cu: ! Liver/ml, a frejh'fujtpty of Drugs & Medicines; Which I c offers for fale on better terms felfl they ever have been fold in this countrv Ar:or.Z nvlnch tre the fallowing articles : 2 Tons A.I urn. BAGG fcf HAGAR, for fat-', a .If- ioo ib. Antimony ciude Aim FALL Al SBpf ftt low '^| F^r^-ff t>;+«J Scaler. i>. Riizes A Fi L'.rprtir^ P-*in & Wit 1 not G)rd -•r& dab afdown, • jro4«ici>>?hs T& BASCOM, - ived and are now opening for their Store in Kingston, GE:\:F.kAL' ASSORTMENT OF o WINTER GOODS : rtiCH /.Bje t.^ie following: '* i ~f»frA'f 3-adt, p irp'e. fl-tte&bot" tic zr&n Pelific Veivct^ Jamaica Spirit) ^;. Croix do. * Frenih Braady Holland Gin Poir Wicc L. P. Tviicr,(Te do. Sfirub Hyf-.n, byfonikla & fin- £*o Teas P pper,AUf}>iec A Giiigjr Mflicow to ffjgar R islbw & Fi^rs Almonds^ Currants 1'arm rinds I! .ney » -digo, FJg B!ue Starch & Soap r.Lig1, roll & frnokisg So - i< o - 3°° - ICO - IOO - 4.00 • 200 - Arnjcto NiffC Fouls ( mcharides (JJoves 5 To?^ C 'pfeurt tf&O lb. pi&tn Fftrpeffil : ne! a Vnlvc.s 'rf*jr x*j Q;r WftcdcVo d, jo? • 50 ^ 75 - 53 ■ 40 - *S • 60 - 2y - 25 . 30 ^ 20 - 1 wr Cli.ujuft.iJe Fi'J PigJcalij i'um Ammoniac ( "im AraO:c t?oni AiTifStida Ourh Elemi 0'j:,j Gaib^paxn '?. in Gud'cura • GutiG*mb. 300 - Vlitifl Roa Gum Juniper 56 - da. Alb. Can; Seed i-ati 5000 - Sale Pecre U-um /h. Ii L^c 300 - Pe?.rl Barley Gum Mjioc f PATENT MEMCWJIS. Vffg 30 lb. C»iitTi Alyrrh 15 - Cu-i» St:»mi?vny, Ale^o Gum Thus Gum Tragacfl^fa Mace: Ma^i.eJla ■ Nolintga Opiucfi Peru-Aao Earfe bb,, iSagi in 1,:-' ^T do- in puwd. 1 3 Tons Glauber S.ite 7; !b.S, *. lacctti 60 - Tart«t £mcric -^5 - SoIubiJ 30 - Vitriol co - Tj'.iora ?o - "\ cniiUCiila Roman 112 - 50- 5 - 200 - >ro- 3CG - 5° IOO ■ aiz - ico - 75- ccci^ed from London, and off^r at their Hat Store & Faffiory, No. ooSt* Paul S tut!) Montreal, next doer /out b of M"[jh, Be;Io<zvSj Gates & Co. A Gpcral Aifatticent of Genrlenicn's fine Beaver Ha is ; i\]k Water Proof, Leghorn anJ Willow do,; Ladif- and Children's beaver and fliaw BoNNETS»of the Ipfl faihions ami belt quality, At?o, Military Folu- g Haw, elegantly trimmed ; Hat Trimmings, &c.4c. which-were imported upon as good terms, and w. 1 1^ ioid as cheap or cheaper than can be bought in 1 e country, Tiey have alio a variety of Hats of their own mvikh which they are willing to warrant to be as ciurai e-aw any ever offered for fale in Canada. Oi»er; iVom the country thankfully recc.vd and ft. rjy at(en'*ed to. #^t Cj^SH paid for FURS. MONTREAL, Nov. 20, iSlO IO if hOTHE IS HE REST GIVEN, THAT the Copartnership hitherto fub- 6ithz te'.wecn James Mctf abb a-td Simon McN'ass, und.-r the Firm of JAMES & SIMON MchABij was difl'lved, by mutual confent, on the tweii.h tiUnf.. All perfons having claims againft the l*'il "J?-<p, aie requefted to produce the fame for adju((n*» it to James McNabs, at Thurlow. And prrfc s indebted to the faid Firm, a»e hereby re • MISCELLANY. The folhiowT is a de/eriptm of the MINES Profeflir SlLUMAH vifitecl in Derby'hire, England. THE Owdin Mine is believed to have been wrought by the Romans and Saxons. However this may be, the enormous mafs of vubbiih collected near its mouth, demon- ftratt-s that it has been worked for a very long period. It is fituated near the foot of Mam Tor. The fir 11 thing that attracted my attention on entering the fmall huts around the mine, was the beating of tile ore. This is perform¬ ed by women ; they break it to pieces with a kind of mailct ; it is then fifted, wafhed, and fent away to be (melted. My guide conducted me into his ward* robe where I put on a miner's drefs. It coufilted of an old tow cloth pair of breech¬ es, coarfe aud dirty ; a woolen mcrt jacket in the fame condition, and an old hat, with the brim all cut off, except three or four inches, and that turned behind. With a lighted candle ftuck into a piece of clay, I now followed my guide into thefe T ibacco tun FUtfnel im ba % * niture wz do. ,10 i7i-pt ik .^ ' tx$t Bjnda H-^V *< \ j C\grt9 and Rappee fouflf Sack r.vtt-ecJ S:Ik do* ! U;iir,, Lea'bcr ineh lV<'. 2 uvekx-xq^ Morocco do0 Ik&.tan Khiwisf* C*\(iktM ■v.t VMi\ Bunkba* lhn\ /hecs Iirii9-ii«i Ai Duran/ts t* dbotf k*;s iW Coirt;i [ f; *' wrjK< lives ?i' d do. -*fiii i.fw Caps r« > G . t;h-^ o>> — ,4 ^ •£*] .» i<*S*V ■i u»h. &■ white io. <: cobtM Thifad fcuyit Buttons icW, ?urp!c,bh^, brown, buffi r»nd i)xu colAr'd Cambrirks YhtteC'Cton :,cton Siur'^g lfliDg« Pjnllas ^jt&C^ui Umbrella ;», Luflrings Uilj Sarrcnetg St »"<vrt ;lc, biu^fcarlct&dra'. Pei.fle.C.fttha^ )it:oCor^» l.tto tr iQ-in^ Blk» bitt>N» >urr/1r, rpc! f^ ur.uteri Morocco flj^a <? e£li4 Books «ufh's ^children's do, HG*nerAl AiT.rrmont of H a r i»v a a t:, Cu t r, e- sr, I'ftocKERy. and JaoK Mallow Ware B.s . 4 Ande: foe's Pills B.'ffarn of H>ney Ba!fan ftf Giiead Bjt-?man*s Dro^s Boiiock's Elixir Bowden^ Iiiuc Ph'Het Br.t/h Oil G&^hdik Sn:jf7 f Corn PJaifter Coortftick.r- PlalUc* 1 > lily's Carmi.'tative Larl's R, n— ■■/ for -he Co ;Sh Du. Pv*f>j»e,rnrif ^ Oo. P ni^r<;yai , Gljfl.^ iVO^gnefia C^fi-cy's CotdiJ Gowland'i Lotiofl Hooper's Pills jamcb* Analeptic Pills do- F^srPovider r-eiait*9 Drops L.'^jid uue Blue. <3a. Na.'kecn Pyc Loaenges Tolu Magaefia Lozenges OrmPiirK Medicine Refined Liqaori^ StL-crs'd Ooodd^C Srou^lic-n'a E :xk' Tinct. liaik> Haxlie.-n'% a quirrd t make payment to the faid James McNabb, who is 1 iy uiM.horifed to recsffve the fame, and mike 1 Y \n , (- , J r -/i ah v„ „a GSik, clamp and unitary regions. Jrle carri- finsf a; u^e.nents of cxifting accounts. Al! engage- * r JT / .9 - - , ments-ftered into from the date hereof, wiil be for cd a lighted candle in his hand, and two the ftp**e account of each of the faid parties. more wtre fufpenderj from his neck. Thurjw, icch ) JAMES McNABB, Nov.nler, 1U0. S SIMON McNABB. * » ADVERTISEMENT. AS fie fubferiber has immediate payments utn3ke,hc moft eameftly tequeft^au pOJ&JH hidebtff^ rhe late firm of James & Slwon MeNabb, eithe J/N *te or Book Account, to rr.ake payment to bioAt his plac? of r^fidence at Thurlcw; on or bc- firet'>£rft day of January next, as ail thofe that re¬ main Ipai j on that day, will be put in the hands of his st fcty for immediate colledion. Th-fiu, iGtb Nov. 1810. JAMES McNABB •ElRwial fait of Lerna-w 'En ...c St Muii^rJ Do. do. ytnesar* ^ COLORS. ... \ m B'lcr ik Crawjov SiT.ik^ ' ^^" *-£ ^v—-P 'V:» .ir^tWTJe "S i-r-ic >• t,..;r. s " 5* T • »g P.i.... ftforh *. jXio Window Guifa Ti^notn-tet* Pi eJ fours (';.ii Powder £i» r Sc Bar Lead flitary ! • It watef proof 1" fnion, Bcaffrr > Jats - ilror Rc»am ie'i's& bo\*? felt do. Bhe, Bbclc Red do. a!ce Frankfort B'j'.k Indian R?'d Indian I ok l«ory Bla--': L u^p-^J^k i*-trurce Y ' .« f.; f, P ujfiao Bhir* i" ■ KotCrn do. SpaMiT, Btown VtymiJiion ^>p«..:ih While SAVCE s.< ^ j Cherokee Sauce I India Soy j" • iVJuihro>m Ketch© I C> TO BE SOLD, TAT v>vu*bfe Hand for a Merchant orTAV- Jv..-K.FEr£R in the cow.-ifhip of Frederickl- ku.gI'Si..'-.iesing on the Lifle Cie*:k> near Bradihawii Miir.Alhc property confifts in a neat Dwelling ' h ,'0j * -- t " "" ' ! ftV^^fv^ *:t in f/rvgrfc a>io iPi; -fix Ur.c iWi '.'-, ; galieiy in txonc> •** "'/p-' " '* " -—-f '-- i. Nfcfs , thw w^lU afi.) i# i ait, aH but r ©f foood burnt britk ; The mine opens into the fide of the moun¬ tain, between two walls of lime Itone ; the entrance is about two feet wide and five feet high. Of courfe we went in, ftcroptog, and with very little room to fpare on either fide. In this manner we proceeded through apaf* fage always narrow, and varying in breadth according to the breadth of the vein. The defcer.twas gradual, and the bottom of the palTage being every where deep, with mud and water, was rendered lornewhat more pratlicable by boards and timber, which were, however, generally baried in the mire. We went forward Hooping ; fometimesal- mnll creeping, and often through pa&ttfcs fo narrow that it was we; a- ' fi-r.vr. Over our heads vra*: a "oivring w bo^rc .4. •on vvcoden rafters, »o * ' and fionco ; from t f f'r* v a - try where droppin nd 1 Kne } a &o4ikririi cliJmney with tw.i fire«nUci:i r «Hctc are f* rooms on the lov'-er floor, undone b-d room 4Vall3» ,0 tmz ve r; "r^ < D^. c!->. il;)r Cordiea father C*pi for children H -t fcrewS Lawn HirC>virT^ C n ..v";|p J fi]f£ d.^r,^ FLad'es' fa&tonaU^ Beaver 1 Fomets Dkio Inw pr«ced ^. fitasnr 5^w pt of DRUGS & long which ar«?—- CitvMunon Cephalic Snuff . .. Refined Lif/uorice- ■ &•/ Foment Saltpetre -~ l'/h'Jfor Soap (farm defray • Gold Leaf \\rr.ges Silver do. I Cardial Ivory Black °T ijfirey . / Female Pills P** Root W s J\«d do. $v.y.'. Plfler dnalepii* ttd. Sugar Candy E;T. Ancho^-gs Quince fauct Siuc» Royal C4vice SVNPHIES. Aporhecary folcs and Pewter fyringea weights CameJ-hairJ*enciIs Callycots ii.loio Gold kaf Ivory Svrlr^eSy Parent Ci>rWWMl\tars Pewter Ounce Injures l«0 Kegs White l^f ^l^Iate fT a.,"^ feermac«ti CanJb c 59 Orecn -l-» n» 0 „, 50 YC1I-.W , c;0 Rlatic Oi; rnris.cond. l.ikcwife., a good log ft ore' houfe and — a h f ttable, an<i uowards of two hundred acres of m>i EXCELLENT LAND, bour.ded on the weft fi<:** tf the Lune Creek, and on the e3(t fide by the e.*rt hlf of lot No» 13, extending from the; King's hi>:-ray fouthciiy, d^ wn acrofs the Big Creek* ;f • ■ . ■ - -• Our path freque 40 or 50 feet, like gr.llery, fimilar tot! Through this lowe mine runs off. *Some enve was oi" cj-\rfe ne- ffing *^ For further particulars apply to Toseph Foa - ceflary, in p?fling bv feefe fhnfN, ally m lome mealure coverea with boards. Teeth Brufhea Via! Corks Bottle do. Wafers* fuperfir.e" Wax, fealing fvperfiac . do. for Wine White leather Skias Wind for foap SHERIFF'S SALE. 1 M'Matt Cafk RaiJGns ,V: yan-.s, Armowje 'Ppiog & Writin affotted & Prime Pork Pa- • \ \)rops , Long Black Lead h Drops Anchovies . Ketch; ^ rvr _; x*/t?r outptmr G jBttious do. n nr .7 M (xww Camphor wny*jaun. Bitters Barley Sugar mrjTootlf powder Teeth Inferumenl w . Crown Lancets . .' Cloves Common do* *HV have likewife rented 20C b'^xe* Window ^.J at aff.rred, 6X8, 7X9; 8X10, 7{^^- A general aUbrtrnent of Ihop furniture, vi.iisaf- Me forted, a variety of fur. FlugV p^IImVV* ON HAND, Co^e,V^Pf^ar Gunpowder, ^ Tos«hdyith a Genera| Vooag Hyfcn, {r£^s Prkss pX t | Hytcn ikin,. ^ ter Hro\ v ' Hyfon Crm!^. J &c. &c. &?.•# S* Soychonr^ J r a —*#* Ccmmissiom Business tran^e(j on the uliul terms, and CaiTi advanced o^^UY ^ kind of J?rnrju<;e and other property left x.\\ dDiflria,l |3 Y virtue of a Writ wit, j XJ of i^t Facias* iflu- cd >ut of his Majefty^ Court of King's Beth, and to me dfrcded, againft the lands ant tenements of James North, at the fort of Janes Robins, 1 have feized and taken in excutton lot number twenty-fix on Weft Be/, in the towrilhip of Maryfburgh, county of }i ince Edward, and diftrtS aforefaid, con- tahing by admeasurement two hundred acres, an an improvement of about 40 acres, be the hue more or left, which will be adjudged to th<: hfgheft bidder, at the gaol door in the tow of Kingfton, on the 16th day of April neal, av the hour of ten o'clock in the fore- noui. And any perfon or perfons who may hafe any claim to the above mentioned prem- mi either by mortgage or otberwife, are re- qwffled to make the fame known to me be- fo£ thr day of fale. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff. . Sheriff's Office, October 9, 1810. 3tf . 4 Moutred* Sept. 15, i8ro. Hoife Building and Painting. SHERIFF'S SALE. e\ Midland Diftri&, 1 TDT virtue of a Writ _ to wit: J of Fieri Facins, if '" fuidoui of his Majejlfs Court of King's B nch the T'T-r r k■ -i l t • .• . » • » l aid to me directed, againft the lands and tene- iTE lubv-iliersbercbv give notice to the :nhab»i * n J r ■ r r> itants .f Kingfton, Erneftjwn, Adoiphjftown, •:<"'-' of DoctcrFmndle, at toejutl of bryan in this manner we travelled on half a time into the bowels of the mountain* When we had reached the end of our ;our» ney, we afcended into a great cavern, which they h3d excavated to the dillance of 40 fee*: above our heads. The afcent was by raeans of timbers fixed in the crevices of the rock, like the rounds of a ladder. Here I tool, hold of the pick axe, and broke off foaie cf the lead ore to bring away as fpecimens. We rerurned a part of the way, and then took an excurlion into another vein which diverged from the principal one at an acute angle ; this vein has been explored for a mile, but we contented ourfelvcs with going only half thi* diitance. In our progreis thiough the mine I had the fntisfaftion of feeing, in their native iltu- ations,the moft important ores of lead ; the beautiful cryftalizations of flour fpar, and calcareous fpar ; the fulphat of barytee, na¬ tive copperas> and exieni/ve ftrata of lime ftone, iilled wirl; the moil curious petrifac¬ tions. The fcene was to me extremely inter- eftint; and inftruftive, and two hours pafled rapidly away in the mine. The ore is con¬ veyed to day light by means of fmall wag¬ gons. The nature cf the fituation necefTariiy precludes the employment of any don.eftic animal, and the miners therefore a& iu thetV ftead; they are literally haraelTed to the f:0 r Aflbrtment of DRT GOODS, JURIES, HARD WARE, and ftk *ERT : all of which will be fold ty low. f rnrompt pay only. fflf *> ^0t ^ ^ear^ Allies,Wheat, ^Potk, Ears, putter and Cheefe re- *p. iipaymcot. j \ i^n *jch place ; orders from gentlemen ttod ^ aUtn'^ t(- on l^e 'horteft no- \t\i*A •wtli'jinc put \\y in the belt order. djr 13, I JOINERS Stf 3$jo. AWfi^tw rtvis.Gi'Na. ia^ iwitii vj j*. rfton, on luvnaay tve zzacj ------------ ■ —------------------—----■ 7— jfulynex:>ai lke\$ir of to o'clock in the forenoon I a NOTE OF HAND executed ty the foyerifr tL JL ,- t, V 1 ttlEdvardm.ktr iu July Ufa for £ %*,*>itl>**i*- cny chin. 10 the auy> jrttnUcmd prevttjes, ly dotfoment of i*>. as it wul be paid to noferfon fat tbe mortgage or &tberwtjtyre requeued to maxeiL; fatdWalhr, *r to him vnicjs produced in one mmk fams fotvwnti) me It fa* f/>e day of file, frotntbedanyrtf. m JOHN SIZ'd. \ • Cf/MLES $JJMif, Sheriff. Kingston j j}w*&er az, 1S10. o^» Slenf {: '• lw> • through d.irknefs, and very ottfn their \o*' is ricihing but rubbiih, for, it is ind.'v-y13 blc that this be coiJlantiy remove^ ()tl{-' wife the gallery would be io oK'«t1^^J no work could be done-^t they u.uai.y fpend their whole lives i*re, ard feem a Vc.v cheerful it l of men. My gu'de has bren z ; years in the mine, and bis father and grand- fether had coofomed all the.r day* w tix Ii-:::. p]ac<?> Wc now rerurned to the l^ht, br.ngin^ v> ah *-ii fpcciiceo^ of tbe dific' "" '"

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