Kingston Gazette, November 27, 1810, page 1

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* , v WflAft i ••-'•NGSTON, (UPPER CANADA J V J **-_ »v *y TUESDAY^' NOVEMBER 27, i3io. F [No. S-'- <EO \ r APS WORTH, arJij //. .. .;• • /A* yrc//.' London Lsvti^pQ V •' "'>?'- fapfh of Medicines; i'dU 0 1 rctter terms than ? ' r o-crj M .,- U-*v«* *- 1 * - •• 1 - V v V ■ :■*■ > ■' - * - ■ < ICO - 150- -J03 • 100 *'*£ :: Suit: : ' '••uiYi Aivrrn Gum TLus I ABBOT8c BASCOM * Have jufl received and ar? now openinjr fa? fale, at their Store iii KltfCs .on, FALL and WINTER HOODS: A*T0tf19 WHICH ARE THE KOI.LJWINO S Qlfll£it!: :NE,fecondfcl Black, purpic, fl .tr /c bof f. Jl-i.-w (•!*'. '-1 Broadcloths . th\ green 1'eltuj Velvets Jamaicj Spirits - . ■ Bro* '**. t Cfcwi.a St trier d.v. Ktrfey-, Cafltinercs Bultt's & Fiannels Carpeting Fluffing-, & Bldnkefs ffoin & twili'd Velvets Gem* < -c i I Sc, Croix do. French Bi.uidy Ho'Unii Gin Port Wine L. P. TeaetffB do. Shrub KLf.n, hyfonfk'n & fc -\ t;lo Teas MISCELLANY. T"i E account of die deilruftiori of th Engi: 1 fulp Boy,], am] tiac mxirder of h, bj the .inhabitants of New-Zealand, will -.-Jrhaps occafion much anxiety to the fneni'.- ot our feamen, whg may "be navijal- u.e waters of Aultral-Aaa. it U h ir.S atinn req>^ d fiftcJ ont ;> f ^nrclihe rent t^ ^ :,i;r, . '..... ▼ajanbics or vi-ious biim, ^ #i ^r \ V 4 irnval !n New-5Sealatid, ;.Ii? in1-.-. that place fei/.fd the il.-fl npr ;,,■::%<:y * pr\&iitG«^ to glut their revet ■ % by mur; ji.;, ihe iiiiioccr.t cOurrtryniLn ^i" Lite pa <> >3 Ja r\ni.;!:; Tlic wreich who occafi Hi ti1 Ma'covaJo fu?ac s ■ *•• - ••? ::a -■•■ S^gc tn gr^*x» -r - - .: • : ^kC. T^r--*.' >.rv5cuc < ■**< ^ B"y"«i ir*b J^ rfc y Knit S'*a ' '"'.<*', worked Cord,; Raiiln* & Fi/a :i;,-:. & Meri'aUlesI Aim'n-is, C«*vanfs Sali3^vy Ftannel Chiua biu.- Furniture Chlhu do. f-ca ii- !"a/ ^-Zealandcrs are •^ ' n>^^bratal appetite.— 'p«! -ut carcaies of their enemies iUUle» <c w^;i j£/ warm ;" but nev¬ er c;<rf tiuiian flefn as an ordinary or defina¬ ble v i.-iiM. In the uufortoeate inltance which **u esl !•' rhbch msfrry and bhtodihed died fo« :i'-.' the Tale of Actocke, ai.d before U ar 1 of jnulcecoald punifh him for his crfmt Tae ladies of Calcutta, were particular; kiud and attentive to the unfortunate prio ceff- They foothed by their fyjopatlr and confolatJotw; the heart t a daupfhtc** crawlv feparated from her father tad &ir? She was ienfible of the favors which (h* 1 aoanndd fJonfiy fr»digofl . Fig ?!ue Starch & Soap Fiu^, r »l) & Imoking ceived, and grateful for them ; often latei) occurred, the Eng&h were undoubt- preffing ilie pleafurc (lie fhould k:l ':n r- , ^ s. ing her adventures under her Tj;,ra-a- ^sf r-: V&t S^c P<kc« p/ & plain Bornba-" Men's Aoes ^'J ' ^WW - **fM ;Coarfe Boot! "A General AfT>rimtf«t of HARDWARE,CuTtE-' by, Crockery, and edly ^nfidered as foes In lie fpriag of the year tSoq, Aetocke, a druf;!itcr of Uxe king of New Zealand, with her hutband, a native of Scotland, 9v rived :n Calcutta. I had frequent oppor-' tunitivs with lhefe perfons, and from thrrn receive-d the information, which I ftiall, with your pfrmiflioji, now communicate to *he pubh-: Kcocrt Bruce, in the year 1793, Ytr>* to E^taay-Bay, on board a tranfport^ £a the ciiiucity cf a cabin boy.;—Soon u.^tcr his am/al the king of New Zealand pa;d a vifit > Port-Jackfon.—On his return, in and convincing her cpuntrymejs, 6i tiiat D.: rymple was one d^v-1 in a nation of atr y S\ r w** baptized m Calcuita. !>v ti»e ikct.^- r, Tnr ir^1 ov,. • j :;:.; ^< d^e 5* ftunce 01 her, and fl. Charlotte, alter the Queen-of whom, as a lponl >r. one « ladies of Calcutta ftn -^ , - - - Aetocke was a*" jut 18 h a b!I nrsje-ftic l\v ' H.. •**■ =.: ■;■'" was r iid, but eipf' . ,i r * -..•:'..'• ing nc^rt. F er ■"-' :;:'^ •^.; -not ' . • '>'< -Sh< 'fdf»g iu rroD ;*-" c .-i-j-;; tt.r hi^to\ ; • ;daj.d ir»s. aliGd 1- ^*; l-viocr'^i' : 1 b-n^'^xttrs ^ r- n-; ^.id.r t;f hir; trocps, aud i;»v.;;i ^viUu&if* , • Uttvvr., %«<^ atd 3<-ft SSot * Bar Uad • \a;';r'G hii g<wo. Hi*^ ^Jfca^d . , *-*- - - -i*--- ■ ... ; V V ... - \ i' Tiffiricto, ^a-.* *>cti :es. Silk & Tv.y Hla^'cj clur- |U id & drab :> sr/ivi »A'r tj ^ngs do. i *^ r. ■$}£«&£& ab;*-c her c'.i.i. - Bruce, tht <: at^.d v;Or ar ih^e- ;--vC m ,a, bux aoi de ol un^erli-.idi'-; m i-Amb'uMl. Hi- fif'thcinr.tbu- •*, of N>,a. Zealand.' .TIM '; ^-ftlbi^ -felU. IWlV^ lies and .^"" t. '/»: • f.4 Hit. fci.cvs k vk .>r t-itr^viix t R ftmiUe4-itik do. _ , n-,, * «' feihi'<wt.le Beaver f* " : J ?'>' Wl lt cmP:' •' ;il-^ of two Bonnets . PJW »' decorating' tr,t> '« : -.punfenance pitrbJ.-wtr'-^i*^ «o^ ir»e yorrng failcr, ?tctc:c!r-/roa .jan,,n jencral affortment of DRUGS & t*&p&& by ihc ^*te £^d ir-g^ioky oi h.<? ;;. ^Dl.qiN£-*uong which .,e-- ^^'^ ..'^ruce cr.d bs vuU- lived in p^ce a.-.d hao- • lib oir Linn KF */ i an ' •km -Jo. i^ f^?ciBftftiaai^,'*d believed that i: n.iSoa»^ r.ieftc5j-arr.;i»g?«U'eTe lent a- • w*^Hhe«^ thr y ir.^Et b8--*afil^iviiizeJ i-n^ruwertcd. •" ifle *ai.fc.vij*mne'in tt^c ex- ^-dation, tratlbekir^ -,i EttjlaaCwould f<f.»re bnq fenu the.cU.jK,:]i: ;wy of eftabfifl.^ r 'W^i iiepji&fic Snuff" ^inefs for a't^ibtr of yca«. P4- ^■le arsjF Wiling Lo aM^iuct; ft' - s*crs as ... took 'ifliiit \ •• -foi * Refined l.'tu'torke kgjt* r^joe-rrrum Set i'o'uuht' — -^ ^allorially-ivifited New Zcakud, and too! ?J':. Mujlard Saltpetre ^leatmc in proqurinff focb firpP'Jes for i!>m »• NMk^J *t.^ o-I 5st;he iflaads aftbii*. At len^i -xQz^,-, 'Ag .* fettletreat ^ ^kw-Zidwd, in v-h»:h :ai^ his makftY wouW ei jeri ~ ^ i brown do. J Oil Black ,*»• " >wGlaft ] 'p: Ohvc Oil m 7X91 C^rr^nt*, A'ir,ond? •;cf« of fsr'afibrctd ■alsaf- -^f: & PrimePoffc- oflur- v4s ttfiguH Tobacco ^«• ,^:rs Alifoice ' ;. X-i, Loat lugar ' ' 1 *.^«.cher with a General ; 'Blrgamot Wind/or Soap Chth^t Worm dejlroy- Gold Leaf ' ' fag Lunges Silver do. Godfrtojfs Cordial Ivory Black jtfut's Drops . £hck Lead L h tirch V Cough Drops An fhovkf Btilfdm Htnry Kit chap Hooper's Feincle Pills Pink Root Ahderj<iij?& Scotch do. Court Piajler jfamts* Analeptic do* Sugar Candy I.cSs 7 it-p 1 j Plor Sidhhur n . » > JbUlOUS do. r* ' *' , Lou s y y Ourn L<imp!: Wheaton\vj'arm9 Bitters Barley Sugar Imperlai! Tooth powder Teeth Infiranients Lipfalve ,'3t " Crown Lancets >fjor i ^ ifrintmUf Dvi-sTt'fFj Nutmegs Cloves Common do. v z< Vs^sss i^nKa, Ten-." x V* ,, ^ K.OKV ^c*., They;have; Jikewifb rented the /^ *v. &$.• . • New Sfo«K_belQflging to Mrs. Finkle, in , - £r-ngfoti>nr where they are now opening a #wess^ranfe&ed . Qj?»«ral"' Aflbrtment of Z)i?r GOODS, M&,'. .^J'-.Caluttajftrtcca on'iny GROCMWM^ HARD WARE, and ., u^9itJerpjT^ertyfeft;wkli CROCKERY : aU of. which will be fold ranarkaiilyloWi for prompt pay only. ?-.. 15, if:o. - i—tf - Calh, Pot & Pearl Allies, Wheat, '" ^•Trr^"'---------------------" Flour* Pmk, Furs, Butter and Chccfc re- S|;4^S £ALE. : ceived in payment.' )alrymple put into a port whe^-huce wa jhen refiding ; but as the kind 9/wood whicji vva8 wanted, abounded in anttfher place at \ ^.infideiable diliancc,-hfi-Jefndly offered to go\ v;i>h Dairympie and fliew him the fpot .,/here he could purchaie what he needc.j, „ ot only in abundance, but of the belt j.uahty. To grajaiy his Prtie with a fhort v .»yage on board a large fhip, Bruce tock. 1. er with man After being furnifhed with t^e articles reqaired, Dairymple put to lea, t>i.-acheroiifly carrying his gueits from their Ljme 5 and noAvithltanding their tears and *,,rnonlt»mces, P-nd Bruce's warnings of the •jevitable effei^i of his conduit, on the firtt ■gjigliftiman wip mould vifit New-Zealand, .t.e barbarian pa-fifted in his ihameful defign. ^fter being at fea a few days, Dairymple re^ll in with anther fhip, on board of which ua- put Bruce, under pretence that he had atttempted to fxcite a mutiny his cl,ccw. He tb4 proceeded to Pulo-Penang, w^iere, after til mod cruel and abufive treat- inj^nt, he foldf\etocke to afettler, for fifty liars. The Princefs, indignant at fuch "•!.,J nrv-Jineol'^arWritii 0* Conftailt attendance will be c^d, as (he lAlearned enough of the Eng- ,- ^.JL>' >4 Fifrl /■'■cicis: fffev g-vtn ac cach place ; orders from gentlemen JJK language 4>m her hufband, to converi'e lb» IWtity'a Diliia Conrt, and f the facultv attended to on the fhorteft no- iA\l confidence fluency, made known the ity's Diliia Court, and £f the faculty "attended to on the fhorteft no nil the gj>ods and chattels- tice . an(j medicine put up in the beft order, . at the (oits of John W. ^0.vember 13, 1810. 8tf . White, Eliphlet Ad?ra8__________,_________,_____________________ 1 have fcwed and .aken Narthrot. Wolcott & Abbe, •!f^peta{h kettles, ten tons or "tiflftewggon.and harrvefa, two >-*&*s, a quantity of peas and |*!U.efh pork ; all of which "tofiiirhighcn bidder, on the i*^ Tu»,.eriu Sidney, ,511 Satur- ».fof December'neAt, at the ^clo^k in «.he *"«Teuton. ,*-fc8 .iTUART, Sheriff, \ I %tf> Nmvmhr, 1«1 o. Pi f Have removed from No. 54 St. Paul Street to No. 102, one door North of MeiTrs. Blllows, Gates 6c Co. where they have a General Affortment of DRY GOODS on hand, which they offer for fale on reafonable terms. N. W. oc-ABUE. - fthntrmh \Othl\<tt. l8lO. <« .nducl, new !c the Governor of the ifland, ^°'d, as Pae !.?Uearncd enough of the Eng- 1. ^-cumftances 1 which fhe was placed, and Turned his prde&ion. Colonel Macalifter, , J Govemor.immediately paid the price the , life. * Brae ifoon after arrived at Penang, hou. r an'^ 'ce and re crofity of Colonel Macalifter ,., no di0 i,-.. f her purch*, and received her into his [ ufe. Brae Ifoon after arrived at Penang, °li his wife ^63 reftored to him. But the 1 Jl!ano: llo'p ^re. 'He feat them at the Mc eNpcnJ to Cale»tta, with a flate- Pll,Jrit of the icaftes they had received.— ca*^. ,;a majCiH' woa%?.«x,jenej^:e *heT'advan¬ tages attending a friendly lnterroorfe v/ith tHe naiives ; but he feai.-d that bahyrrtple';. conduct mult be the cmife of much ti.ifc.y and bloodflteu, before he and has wife could extinguifh their father's reientment, by full and fa:i>fact >ry explanations. AetOcke related a variety of anecdotes relating to her family ; amofe them one 'is emenibeared, which proves that even anQOng ia\4ges,. a due regard is paid to the diltinct- ion^yf rank which prevail and are acknowl- edged iu^vilizcd fociety. One of her lif¬ ters ha^ditjraced herfelf, and would haw co:;tair.h^ed her ilhiftrioua blood, by hd affection fW a vulgar fellow, whom il »-iO- body knewk m the beiu tdM* of New- Zealand, m; fc»«-"fc, asfoov^7J lu:difiov- ercd the nsUlc«\'~ot .hi? d^^l^able paffion, erected a cag> list a $< v .age, and raifed i; on a port fiftcen\et■ «iigh.. In this prifon, whole dimenfioT^ ^old n.»t allow the inhab¬ itant to lie dow:T IcV.^h*. or ft ana* upright, the king incarcfin.•?dys' dsagts^r ; reviv¬ ing fhe Ihould ^te the. Vrc\ q c her k>vc\ She was fed with watt.\d dr;ed<i . at th? end of a pole, twiceao-\ i.&MftcQnfa- tion fhe remained upwards ^ two years* un til fhe was thoroughly cured^of her vile at¬ tachment, and begged to he\^atu received into her parent's tavoc The .;ccf5*£thj* csperitnent induced the king to ^-cp up the houfe on the poftv as an pl)ject i^ierrojem for the good of h»'fubjffts. It iyud thai a peep at this ii'feifioi^ to ail^y\« ruoft violent paflion, that,is undue ior^c; the" content of parents, and the eti-jucrtWtbi circles of rank and falhion.—No ^iiar,- '"•« * been known, fince the pmuWnt**, - ^^ princefs, of a virgin fo forkful # ^*'~ fhe owes to herfelf and famii> ,^ to ;•--' K wed beneath her proper degree. Brag^n* withftardmt? the king's alf^^o-,, *« entitled to the liand o!; th.» rova1 UtaUtr^^Ct txr..t«.^-mo*.' hs of dai«7 tJrt ut, "H^ *BWT'l w it.

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