Marine Record, September 25, 1884, page 7

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.4 :■■ rO. ' E. J. W*E<B<B & CO.,) . tililp Brokers, .Venal.Owaart antf Agents. [ KBTADMSniCU IN lOftO.] ' .. U J.WinnACn.iWlIWlVrlfr.Vb.MlgforUlrttnulo. Spatial' •tlontlim jlTon'lu C 'UNerfog VnHtK'ik the like Superior Iron On Tr«<ta, both fur thef soaaofi and tingle trip. . '•' ARCADE BUILDING 101 3T. CLAIR ST., Cleveland, Ohio,. THE MABINE RECORD, TELEPH0NE{pk»- No. 1398.' SCOTT & 'BFM'RIMdN, Fire and Marine Insurance Agents and Vessel Brokers. ,Atte ' '........... ■ ■ -- >re,_i om , Attention also g,«m to the niirdiaMandaaleof Iron Ore. i Telephone. No. 18. H , l!l6 South- Wn.ter.flt,, OWoland, O. THOS. WILSON. MANAfllNn OVN'KK "^ i's Transit 'line. Gen. Forwnrder. Freight arid Veuel Agent. ' clrvilud; o. . ., ()APT. D. M. flECKEIt. |OAPT. HtSNKY BROCK - 3. Ml-mcREn <& CO., Commeroial Brokori and Vosaol Agents. Vetweh chnrterod, purclin-iH and «old:<contrnt:t» made forconraH ami aeavy freight*. Lake Siijit'rli.r mid En'mimlm Iron ore charters for iln- trie trip or. aonnon a apAclnltr. ) Water St. Boom 14. f\]M — -» I.IHk r?i aml. ajnlAlroiiEi.BulM'g, GlBTBlilDB, 0. ' ri'lf plinne Nn. MB. MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, So. 101 SI. Clair, Itoom 27. ;.. CLEVELAND, - OHIO. PALMER &BENHAM, ,- Vessel Owners & Agen New Ilanlc liulldlnjr, corner of Superior Bunk Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Vessel Agent and Broker, BOX 1010, DUMJTH, MINN. Late Gen Ag't (or Gollingwood Line of Bteamen Special Attention Paid to Chartering Veeaele. OAPT. J. W., MILLER, C A IT. It. B. MONTAGUE MILLER & MOKTm UE, DULUTH, SUNK. VesseLftpokers^ftfid Marine and Fire Insurance Agents, and Board of Trade Welghmen" ihartorlna VquqIs; Sneclal attontion paid to flharl wfllgblDgand TriramtogCftrfjoUaof . dance solicited, gralu, Oorro.jwn- niA. t- 'ALEX McDOUGrtZL, VESSEL AGENT AND BRJBKER, OwneraandMaitera of losiols wiilirng to get cargoel -ofgrain fronilhie port will do well to oonfor with inq. WOlbegladto (urnlah information in regard 16'car- one., also In relation to dock., depth of water, etc., at DalaOu Ante Buy (new Iron ore port), Port Ar- ttiar, wubbnrn, Aehland, «iul all polnta near the weft end of Lake Superior. Obod ganga of men fur. niabed on abort notice forirlmmlng oargoea of grain, loading and unloading all klnda of freight.__________ GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO., Builders of Iron and Steel Ves¬ sels of every Despription. Builders of the Iron Steamers Onoko and Wm. Chisholm, Steamyacht Twilight, Iron Tugs International and Record. OFFICE AND WORKS, OLD RIVER ST.. CLEVELAND,!). »-.« • Established in 1830. WM.: WALL'S SONS, -UAvnrACTORKRi or- CORPAGE 8< OAKUM. . Gang, of AMERICAN, RUSSIA and ITALIAN HEMP of the Terr baat qua'lty made .to onler AT ONE* DAY'S NOTICE. MANILA and SISAI.BINDEU TWINE. . ■ No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y, ■I Ship-chandlers, Sailmakers AND DEALERS IN _ J., Mill, Railway and Manufacturers' Supplies, WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. DEAN & CO, KNEIP& MORRISON, PBOCTORS IN ADMIRALTY, 115 Monroe 8t Room H Chicago. ROBERT RAE, Admiralty and Insurance Law Office, Room 37, Murclianln' building, CHICAGO, I A.M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and .Broker, I c Exchange st. , iv.Ma, N. Y. tariFYorj do -not reckivk UY MONTHLY M3T OF VKPSKI.6 VORSM.K. SKX!> KOK VI WILLIAM FORDE, SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Jns. Agent. N. E. CM. CoIuiAbua Are. A Water St., ------DubT"'------- SANDUSKY, * BUTTS COAL CO., > [LIMITED.] ' Onl3r 3iv£iners of BUTTS CdKXEL COM, and djatfera In Gai Co«U, Nut Coals, aud Steam Coal forsTugs, Bargoa, iftc CLAItK I. BUTTS, CLEVELAND, O. Generul Maiiaffer. DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. DOHESTIO A ft TEAM COAL Ot.TeJand, ... Ohio i\ Patent Yawl Boats of all Lengths, Pleasure and Bunting \ ' Boats, Sail'and Steam Yachts on EandV* Also, Life Boats that will pass Government Inspection, and cost less than any Life Boats in U.S.A. ■'. DEAN tt CO., FOOT OF ST, AUBIif-ST.. DETROIT, MICH. The Neversink Cork Jacket AND IMPROVED LIFE BELTS, Warraitei -Twenty-Mr Lbj. Bnoyancy AND FULL \TBIOnT OF OORR, Aeeordlng to Reqalnnienla of IT. 8. Inineetori. SUPERIOR, TO ALL OTHERS. . ALSO RING BUOYS. CO > CD H . Approved iiml ndopted by the United Stnte» Boiird of Supervising Inspectorsjalso by the principal Ouenn, Lake und River Steamer Lines, iih the only RellableUfe Progerver. VESSELS AND '1'RADE SUPPLIED. . Send for Clrailufg. D. KAHNWEILER140, V4£ & 150 WorthSt ! N«ir fIfentcr St.. New York. KATZENSTEIN'S SELF-ACTING METAL PACKING FOR PISTON RODS, VALVE STEMS, Etc. Adoptud and In uu by tlio pHnclpal Iron Worlu nnd Steamship Compa nics wfthln the lutofght years In this and Foreign' «mutrie»0 For lull pur- ticulara and roferencei addreaa 1^ KAT2ENSTEIN A*CO 160 Chrlstophar St. near West Stroot N. Y. OATT, TUOS. WILSON, OlQTeland ngtnt. N. C. PET ■H Sopjti dosses SUB-MARINE DIVER, Sub-ma) ine. Drilling'* and Blasting. STEIIN IIKARINOS ltKPAIRKD WITHOUT GOING TO DBYDOCK. Wrecking Expeditions ttccompatnied. Contracts Made fir all Kinds of Divine. Residence, 80 East Ohio St., Chicago, CAl'TAIN DHISCOIX, CU5VBLAND AOKNT8. Cyclone Steam Flue clcancr FOR JiOBIMMT^ AND^UP^IOWT flOHJtB» CRESClWlvlANUFACTURINGiCa aotl MANUrXOTUR(lll ■* \ flLtVILAND. OHIO' U.8.A. ' T^TT- BLOCK CO, ,• heliport, New York, are Sole Manufacturers of the Celebrated "Anchor Brand" Tackle Blocks, ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHED ;OIt WITH SfciF-LimiUOATING PHOSPHOR I3RONZE BUSHINGS. Tho muUHfln those Biulriugi'ii thettlelebruted Phoaphor-Dronxe. tho beat uenriug nieuil In tho markot, and.balntr 'norfoct irlf-lnhrlcatorfl fttoy are faat m* pvinudTng all othcratylM. Foriuila byjSIUl' OHANDLElte everywhere. ASK FOlt " ANCHOR HRAND" TAOICLK IlL^CKH. , ThfloccolPpanjliiK euU roprewmt; ttie aletivo piirt, aud'a I'hoaphor-Dronit) tielf.LubrKating Uimhlng enuipletvl tlie former na applied to LlgnumvlUo and and the lauoraaapplloil to Ironaihearea. , , IUiMr»t-d Catalogue and irieoliat mailed free on application. Suraploorden sollciieU Boat Builders, PLEAHMlll DOATB AND BAILINO AND 8TKAM TAOUTt, TAWL BOATS, BPOON OABfl, 9TKBRIMO WHBKU, BTC. 385 Atwater st., Near Riopelle, DETKOIT, MICH. PRESLEY'^ CO., Globe Drydock Shipbuilding, Drydocking, Rer pairing and Spar Making. CLEVELAND, OHIO. WM. HINGSTON & SON, Boat Builders, Steam and Sail Yaohta, Hunting, Flahine; nnd rienaure Ilouta, Shell Iloata, Spoon Oara. Footof Porter Av., Buffalo, N.Y W. W. LOOMIS, Brie, ^a.,- . SHIP AND BOAT BUILDING, Finning Tug., Wracking-, Ilepalrins and Pier' llulldlnir wMu-tloat Iinproreil Faellitl.a. All VorJt Onaranteed. Oorreipondenoe Solioited FOR SALE, ZLTqtkt Ircri TMgr. Diiiienalon. 78 luot loiui, 17 f„0t Imam, II feet deeD-U draft, 0 1-2 feut; eiiKlne 20k2i>, uow aloe) bailer 7 feet In til .motor, 13 loot luug, allowed 'I'hreo Iron liroint hook. Iiirwanl. oolll.ion bulkliead forward water light bulkhead forward of bollor; Iron «oat buii.kera, water tlifht bulkhead afl at jliaft-iiland with water light Iron dock forming the floor of alter 'cabin Iron decki, bulwark, and dock'hou.c; Iron tow poati aft. Hoary angle Ironftame., Sithreveraebaraoriali tomato frjmeij %plale iteel'floor plalaa: hollar, en- nine and bearing loundetton tt Iron. For aale cheap when uiachinery uan bo complolwl by GLOBUS HIPB UI LP IN G gO. Boat washing and general laun¬ dry in a few hours: CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, (09 Water Street. Telephone 118. HfrFHTS w."tad„tarTh"u"»0l »llttiel'r«.|derna AW? 10 ol tli. U. 8. The large.!. haudaoStJbeai book eroT .old for If^tban twice our price/? l*o |„t- ?in^'f(? lK";k '" •^u"!ril!• .Im»"">"» troOta^igenti All Intelfigaut people w.ut It. A.y one can booome. A ■.*i f . '{'. 7 14 4 70

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