Marine Record, September 25, 1884, page 5

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THE MAH'INE RECOKU. ' I DETROIT. SpteM It Iff ifarlM Jltard , Septombor 33.J~J'ho usual routine of inn- ' rlno mutter In thUaectlon Is about exhaust- ed, It Is truo thdro are transient Inoldonta tlint occurwlilchi to the gonorarjreadcr, would be of no Intorost whatever. But lot It bo ro- nicmborcd time on Septombor 18th, the dnto of the Inst Issue of the MarinuRecoiid,, wns the nnnlvorsnry of the llrst shipwreck and loss of life on these northern lakes. Oil that date1 205 ycaijs agone the brlgantlno Grlfton niothcrfnte on Lake_ Michigan soon aftor leaving Green Bay with a cargo of furs. Oh the date of her'departure, or within a fow hours thereafter, on leaving Green Bay, she wns engulfed, nnd all on board, consisting of six lives, lost. It Is a little remarkable time this craft, the first to flout on fresh wa¬ ters, should prove the record of tho flrstfatal disaster nnd Iosb of life w hleh ever occurred. '1 he details of the construction nnd voyage of this ill-fated craft have been already fur¬ nished your readers, or I would'ghidly give it to them In detail. But let us follow up tho next and fow following casualties alter the Griffon. Tho Gladwin, Beaver and Widow's ,son were next, but, fortunately, with no loss of life In either Instance, 1 want} on to so} to some of the historians who have put on their wisdom wigs legiirdlng lake history thttt they must keep on the eoncet track or I will be after them Contrary to geneial expectation, the 1 inncli of the new steamer Sjpicuse at Wy. milotte hns been tlefetiud In consequence of hei machinery not being placed on board. On Saturduy of the present week she will probably be floated. The Albany, the sister -hip, made her trial trip on Saturday, and her movements.proved satisfactory to all concerned, Sho Is u good fnelve-tnlle boat ,ind her arrangements throughout are en¬ tirely satisfactory. In ehoit, the Klrbj Uiothors now stand at the head of naval .irchltectme, and it must not be forgotten. Being a sailor tiom my earllost jouth and dating back to ip82, nnd now In my seventy- first year, lam not unmindful of sailors' in¬ terests as well as owners'. But since that eirly period of lake history times have changed, and we no-longei ship crewB toi the Benson, aud'tlic programme, mark ye, Is il»o changed Tho sailor Is no'longer re¬ tained at the old-time' wages of fclG per month, but now must jump on the dock on inival in pnrt, aftera sail of perhaps a tin eo days' voyage at $1 per day, Now, it sailors c uinot afford to sail foi %'l to-$8 per day Is there not any other employment to be had and stai vution kept from tho door, Instead of exercising tyranny and forbidding the employment of those who ar^ billing tq work for the best wages offeied. But m^ there- appears throughout the lake region a body,pf men, who declare that nono, unless of their way of thihking, has a i Ight to live en these froBb waters, that ho must belong to a secret conspiracy, and If not, the vessel must leave port without a ciew, as nils In- s anced a day or two since when a vessel was compelled to loave this port without a crew on board. I-would not detract justice from the sailoi, but give ovefy dollar he should be entitled to, but that man Is not a sailor who will forbid his shipmate to win k as best lie can for tho suppoit of his famllj. The rivers have been tendered dlflluult of navigation for ll few nights past, owing to dense fog and smoke, which has lesulted in several vessels stranding In the rivers. Tie Oswegntchle, J. C. Huirlson, lion Duko, with others, struck hero and there, but with no serious results. Tho new steamship Albany'lejt this (Tues¬ day) morning, on hei maiden voyago, for llnflalo, with 77,000 bushels ot wheal on board. Tho tug Phconlx, formeily the 1. U. Mas¬ ters, left here Sunday night with wrecking outfit to gb to the r'ellef of the schooner JJ KolderhnusCi reported stranded on Lake Michigan, but on renchlng Port Huron the minor proved to bo unfounded and sho re¬ turned. The schooner Montlcollo has been righted up and litis steam pumps on hoard to pump her out. She wHl bo biought to drylloek to-day., Lake freights remain unchanged at tills point and wheat, being the principal grain shipment, Is quoted at l%c to Buffalo. The schooner Pandora lpia buon lying two weeks at Windsor waiting for a cargo. Tho now stonfhuhtp Wm..Ghlsholm, bound up n few nights «lnce, got nahoro on Lake St. Clair about 400' yards to th'o north1 of St. Clair ship oanal, but wiib llghtoted off with¬ out damage. The, dlvors finished patching tho sohoonor Montlcollo and she was pumped out nnd l«, now In Springwoll's drydock, whore she wjll bo repaired. Tho wenthor continues foggy nnd smoky, causing much delay to tho shipping. J. W. H. DUTFALO. It Is said thnt Captain Robert Jones, of tho Western Transit Line propeller Vanderbllt, will take command of tho new stoel,atenm- shlp Syracuse, soon to be launched by tlie Detroit Drydock Co., and that John Cornish, first mate of the Chicago, will be appointed to the vacancy on tho Vnndurbllt. Section 4,405, Revised Statutes, says:" l'bc grade of an engineer or pilot shall not be raised, during the time for wlrleli his license wns granted, by nny othor than the Inspec tor who granted the name, nor by them un¬ less proper reasonslaro'assigned thorefor, which reasons shall be endorsed on the new certificate." The above being the rule gov¬ erning tho promotion of engineers' papers, It is evident from the faots that If the Buffalo In¬ spector has promoted the papers of the lute second engineer of tho Keweenaw somo mistake has been made in regard thereto, or that he does not understand the implied sense of the iuIo. The engineer fn question received his papQrs as second engineer at Detroit, where ho should have applied to have thorn promoted at theli explratio i. If said inspector Is at tun It In overstepping his jut Isdlctlon It would be a matter of pru¬ dence, in the Interest of right and justice, for him to correct It us far as It lies in his power. Captain James Davidson's new Bleamshlp Australasia has been documented heio and her papers mailed Jo Bay City. By lake hist-week «ore received at Buf¬ falo 1,484,740 bushels of wheat, 1,070,390 bushels of corn, 128,500 bushels of oats, ISO,. 100 bushels of rye, a total of 2,803,820 bush- oIb, besides 70,700 barrels of Hour. Canal shipments amounted to 1,035,400 bushels of wheat, 377,040 bushols of coin,-081,270 bushels of oats, 117,080 bushels of rye, a to¬ tal, of 1,714,750 bushels. Coal shipments by fakofor the week weie 44,070 tons, and foi the Benson 1,006,110 tons. The steamer Keystone, with the «ohooneis J. G. Hasten and C. J. Wells, nrilved with grain from Chicago. The reports of the breaking up of this tow on Luke Michigan, September 18th, were greatly exaggerated. They left Chicago at 9 o'clock In the morn¬ ing, and, at 11 o'clock the same evening, the wlud being from tho southeast, the Keystone let go the schoolers. 'I'hls was oil Raeluo. The steamer afterword plckod up the Wells and went on". The Hasten did not 'ose hei jibs until the 15th, and there wnB not much of a blow even then. 'I he satis weie old, and therefore blew away. The next day the Mutton made Clieboygnn harbor As near nscim be learned the Keystone bus not power enough to tow thetwo schooners, and making bud headway at the thuo mentioned, let go tin lines. Cnptnin Maurice Laiigun, lielore tin' MaBten lolf Chicago, re¬ signed tin muster, and will leave her. He siij'b she is abundantly able lo take care of herself at nny time with propu uinnngomqut- George L.'Colwell, ownei of the tow, Is here Captain G Townscnd was appointed mas ter ol the schooner .1. G. .Hasten. The non-union sallois on the schooner (! P. Mlnch weie on Monday discharged at thin poll, and a ciew ot union men put on 1 he discharged men refused to accept their wages and » posse of police was called to piotectthe new men. The old men claim tho captulu bud no right to discharge them here, aa they were hired for the round tilp It Is probable that they will libel the vessel on her letuin The body of Joseph Cat turn, deckhand ol the propellei James Flsk, Jt , who has bit n missing shite last Thurstln), was found In Mali) stieet blip and Identified by his broth- oi. He hulled from Cuto, St. Paul, Canada '1 he now propellei Wuldo Avciy nrilved with coin from Chicago on her iltst down trip. She* Is A hundsonio and powerful cnlU. On her way In, und while passing the Lack¬ awanna tteBtle she took Hs|ieor, and her storn struck tho Jlbboom of tho schooner Redwing. Tho water In tho oreek Is very low, and tho stonnw struck tho bottom. Her cubtn-deck on tho port sldo was damaged. The Redwing suffered no damage. Arguments on the demurrer In suits agnlnat Lorenro Dlmlok will be hoard In the Supeilor Court Saturday. _ O. „ DULimi. Special to Iht Marine RKcrd. , | There Is at present 6,000 tons of.oro In tho pocketsnt Agnto Bay. Tlie shipments average about 0,000 tons a week. . The Duluth Hornld snys another effort Is being made to-securo what is loft ot tho cntgp of tho City of Winnipeg. W. II. Nowton, a civil onglneor of considerable repute, hns boon engaged to proscoute the eoarch nnd tho result will probably be thnt tho machinery nnd whntover oIbo of value la In her will be taken out in tho course of a couple of weeks. Tho plan ndopted forgettlngntthe enrgo Is to build n temporary wall around thoAvrock so that the water can be pumped tit, Mr. Lloyd will undoubtedly receive enough from tho City of Winnipeg to amply repay him for tho expenses lie has undergone In ex¬ ploring tho wreck. The Noithwestern Transportation Com¬ pany's steumei Quebec of Siirnlu, reported lost with all hunds between Mlchlplcoten and Port Arthur on Saturday, made this port all found from stem to stern }e6terduy the 21st. How the leport originated Is not known, ^ , Tlieio is now twenty-flvo oargoes of wheat chartered ahead from this poit to lowei lakes; thU is-nnl; asinall per centago of what In to come Dredging operations under -the now ap prnpi iatlons have commenced in Dulutlrtjlur bor The work is'now progressing sjgtciBntl" cully with a view to a better 6titgo ol watei generally in tho old dredged area, and in ac¬ cordance with rcoomqiendutions of the late somewhat severo leport of chamber ol com inoree committee, yessol men have itot of late pxperlenced as much dlllculty as formerly, owing to tho fact that the present stage of water on hike Snperloi is nearly a tuot higher that usual. Nopoleon Grlguon Is about putting a new dredge on the stocks for Williams & Unhami hiirboi contractors. Mr. Grignnu Is tlly pioneer shlphulldei of Duliith, linving built several Bchooncis and tugs entire and rebuilt ni'iny more. His Inst woik was the Haggle Can oil, which is pronounced an excollnit tug in ever} nay. * A drydock which will accomodate largo vessels Is getting to be an Indispensable iteSesslty at DUlutli. Flour i utcs from Duluth to Sarnla 10c. to Buflalo Inc. . B. AIl'I.NA. The wind has been blowing a gale from the southwest for the past 'fourteen hours. Tile propeller Manlsllque, bound for Bh|c% Bhlttt River, wont ashore off that place last night. They%.uttlod licFuiid telegraphed fot a tug and ptnnps. If the wind holds In the pres¬ ent direction thoro Is a fair piospcct for hei n lease, but In any event sbo Is ifuw and will /itmid u hard sea. 'Ihe schooneis Jenu|e,i Nou! und Germuulu cumo Into Ihe buy lor sholtei. The harbor tugs were compelled fy go to their usslstuuce to keep them oil the beach. The propellois Hall nnd Garden City with consoits are In port. " "*• SAULl HIK MAHII . On Thursday morning as the barge Cham¬ berlain and tow was oil tho red stake above the cunnl, in slacking down the tov line be¬ tween the Uhambeilsln und schoouei John Hurtln caught on a largo anchor which wiib lying on (lie bottom Slid lifted itnndcairled It along into the canul. On 'Stopplugpfbont was loneied fioin the Mm tin and nil attempt made to loosen the anchor from the tow Hue nnd get it Into the hunt By some miscalcula¬ tion In doing this the anchor fell off and knocked nno man Into trie water i.ud caused him to drown, and struck another of the sailors itiid broke his leg. Tho Injured nmn was taken to the loit hospital: The bodyof the othei wns lecovcrcd by a diver who also helped i also the unelioi from the bottom of the cunnl. . ■ ^^ i C1IEI10YQAN. / The schooner Alaska sprung a leak and stranded ut Soott'B Point twenty miles north of Bemci Islnnd, Tuesday night, in a heavy southerly gale, and will piovo a total loss, as recent heavy Tspuhwcstoily gules hnvo no doiibttusW her all up. The crew will save nil tlijjrtfhn. She was liitjen with oro from Escanubl and insured for tfi.000. The Alaska, fofrrcily Acorn, wns bjillt at Port Dnlhotislp by,At Mulr In ISObJiIO tons burden, nnd wnaWncd by A. Mulr of P,jrt Huron. ' ■ . SANDUSKY. The prapel/cr Glldden, oro laden, from Escnnnbu, got iigrouutf In the Inside channel hero Sundny. Sho Is drawing fifteen feet four Inches and la on n plnce where craft more deeply laden had passed In safety dur¬ ing the whole season. It Is thought that some obstruction hns gotten Into tho channel thdro wlthfri the past few dnys, probably tlm tilling in of; earth caused by dredging In the outer oliiu^icl. * { About 3 o'clock Tuesday morning, the lake horeiiuoutwasenveloped In ndensefog,'whllc the schooner Vehus'b|iund up with a cargo of coal went ashore nt East Point, Kelley's' lehfnd, There was very' little wind, nnd conscqiiciitly'Bho did not pound much. She \ UpiStoc] her ^ign of distress, nnd the tug linv's, which"was cruising nbout nearby, steamed up to her,, und, assisted by n fortunate rise of water, succeeded In releas¬ ing her before sho hud sustained any dam¬ age, i A,MIlhI18'lUUH(J. TheKdio says there Is nnother jachton the war path, heie. Captain I. B. Mnnafleld Is the owner of the craft and she will be known us ihe Navarre. On the 13th, tho enptnitu r]Iernmn 'Kallman and "Jack" DcnguUMw'cut in her to Detroit, us tho latter cmiaWin luo/hu)urs and ten minutes, with two stops' lor bnllnnt. Jack says this Is a first-class record and claims, with a strong fair wind, they uonlil ciond tho Dresden clo«Cly, for the ilis|nuco , I \\i\ I AW AS. i. Tliere wnfe a hent/yy southwest gXR on the 21st, during which ttf^p schodrel lJemoerftt burden w aslon good^and bottom to westward of East Tn\| as Suit ui),d Lumber Compuny'st dock. The damage Is oplv Irilliug, * aiunauoN oai. As tho sqliooncis Cct'ullu wns Jonvlng the , pier at Jncksimport nt S o'cIodV Tdondny morning she bepnme unmanageable and' went on the rocks.' Tho tug. Spauldlng went to hor asslstlince, but, as tlio \Vlres axe down, It Is not known whether °r not the vessel has been leleased. Both vessol and caigo me insured, but ngninst total lo6s^ only. 'She wns1 bulk In 1808, measures 175 tone), rules 111^ nnd Is valued at 1(4,000. JiicksoiuuJrt is on Lake Michigan, about Mldwaylfat'twoeu Stuigeou Bay cunnl and Death's uoor. There Is a dungeious teef near the pier. ' ' ^ GODEPICII. * Tho Canndlnn schooner liiljfln Is nshore and may prove a tptil loss nt Michigan Buy. Sjho hns been on there lor the past ton 'dnys and no eQort tins beuu tniule to release hor. Cap¬ tain M McGregor, of this ves»el, bus gone vfor the uBslstmice of n wreaking outfit. He Ibns n cnigb of codur for Sarnlit and a lnige 'boiler on deck, jshe Is fuM of water nnd much exposed to the uoithwest winds The Elgin is, owned in Goderlch, Out., by George Ackoui She was built at St. tatherlnes by Slilcklunu In 1874, measures 290' tons, and clauses as A2. MILWAllKKh. bptclalM t/ifl Murhu Ilnord Tl(e onp*ireil. solfioner Belle Bonlt wns sighted off Manitowoc Monday morning, and the tug Welcoit£ leu here lo pick her "P- , \ Tho barge Golden Age, coal laden, groundo In the noith draw of Muskegon avenue bridge Sunday morning. The tugs Hiigejfninnn and Merrill worked on her some time, but worouniib|e to move her. Another ntetnipt will be madclto lelouse hor In thu-^ morning, but should It full, purl of her cargo will have to be llgliteied. •.The wreatied schooner A. B. C. F. M. ronohod horb to-day lit tow ot tho tug Cox, und will be docked. PATENTS MUNN A CO,or tho SniNTmpAMinicAH.oon. tlnuo lo net a-i Hullclhini fur I'uti ntiCrnvoutit, Trudo Wart'. Cnpyrl«lll» Mr UuuC»lt«il HluCon, Qinsda, KiiuliUKl, i nuiu. Oormilny,ol.o, lluml Hook allout ViiliiiiH mint fho '1 hlity-M>\rn ytarB'oxiu,rluuco riilintanhtiilliiiltfiriiiwliHUXIIftCO aronoUcwt In thu M( i, > ri t in A u t ick-aM, tltu larscoi, l«it. an J >iiiMtnlililyilciuliiu»t »(.ll)utlflctiu|iur l.ljIiDcur. Wiiiklr Unlnnjllrt onomvliidlnliih Intvrolliia In- {oriuullon AiHiclaen flA|iy of lira itflrmlno Ainer. Jcnn si nt frt»o AiWhiksMU ■ *lrm u kcsi.ric\v^oo^'iisrdVul&x.VLit"1'"0 -—r^—■■ r.*'----------------

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