Marine Record, September 18, 1884, page 7

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]'*• THE MAPI'NE' RECOBD.. • v;' , e.j.we<b<b & co., Ship Brokers, Vestal Owner* and'Agenta. - I [KSTAIltlBHEO IN 1BBO.] 11 J. Wknn* Co., will chartpr Vo.iels lor Ulre Trade. SvcciH ■fioniuin glTon to C»arlorlng VuuN IE Die Lake Superior Iron On Tniilt, bo^li (or tho Muonlind -alriBlotrip. •.. i : • • , '• ' ARCADE BUILDING,, l^l ST. CLAIR ST., CUreiund, Ohio. TELEPHONEIrk.uinnto', No.' 1398. SCOTT & SmZUMrfN. , Fire and Marine! Insuranoe Agents and Vessel,Brokers, Attention alxo J"«n'to ttic porohair. and sale of Iron Ore, Te1»phn;iii, Ng. 1». Office, i:lf> Sorith WtUit-nu, Cleveland, O. THOS. WILSON ' MANAOINQ OWNI'.U 'J t: Wilson's transit Line. ' Gen, Forwarder. 4T' , Freight and Veuel Agent, CAPT. D. M. HKCKKI1. CAIT. HENUYBROCK 2>:M. BEQKER & C0.y. Commercial Brokers and Vessel Agents, Vew.elsicliar.ored, purrlia-ix! and sold; contract!.mado for coarsw and hoary Mights. lake Superior and Emrnnnbn Iron ore (•hni'tors for iln- ale trip or season n ipflclajty. Office, aJiWaWi Cleveland, 0. ■ ■ ,'.____ rolrphone No. 9SJ. ' T MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers > and Agent?, No. 101 81. rjalr Stieat, Boom27. CLEVELAND, - OHIO. PALMER & BENHAM, Vessel Owners & Agents, Nbw Bank Building:, pomer of" Superior and Bank Street, Cleveland, Ohio. JAMES T. ROSE, : Vessel, Agent and. Broker, HOX 1010,' DULUTII, MINN. • Ltte Otn. Ag'tfor Oolllogwood lintof Btaaman Special Attontlori Puld to Chartering Vessels*. CAIT. Jr W. MILLEK. UAl'T. II. B. MONTAGUE MILLfiR & MONTAGUE, DUIAJTII, MINN. j VobsqI Brokers and Marine and Fire Insurance Agents, and Board of Trade Welghmen. Sneclal attention pnld to Chartering Vessels; alio .wfllghlngand Trimming cargoes of grain. Correspon¬ dence solicited, ALEX McDOUGALL, VESSEL AGENT AND BROKER, ' Owners and raa«t«H of Tesael* wishing to get cargoes ojjrraln from tlili port will do well U> ounfor with me. WUI begltd to furnish information in regard to enr- Roe's, alio la relation to docks, depth of water, etc., st, DuluUL Afcta Bny (new Iron orsVnort), Tart Ar¬ thur, WMhburn, Ashland, and all polnte near the weit end of Lake Superior. Good gangs of men iur- nlihed on ihort notice for I rimming cargoes of grain. JoadlDg and unloading all kinds of freight Builders of Iron and Steel Ves- X, sels of every Despriptioh. : Builders of the Iron Steamers Onoko and Wm. Chisholm. Steam yacht Twilight, Iron.Tugs International and Record." OFFICE AND WORKS, OLD RIVER ST., CLEVELAND, 0. Established in 1830. WM. WAILL'S SONS, -UAIttlPACl'UKKRB OF- 4 i CORDAGEV* OAKUM, (iangs of AMERICAN, RUStfIA and ITALIAN HEMP oftbwaty belt qui'ity made to order AT ONE DAY'SNOTICE. MAN^AtndSIBAL BINDER TWINE. . I No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N'.Y. -^- JAMES P. DONALDSON & CO, Ship-chandlers, Sailmakers AND DEALERS IN 1 . Mill, Railway and Manufacturers' Supplies, WQODWARD AVE;, DETROIT, MICH. 1 .DEAN & CO., KNEIP & MORRISON, PROCTORH IN ADMIRALTY, Ufi Monroe Ht ttoom 84 Chicago. ( ROBERT RAE, Admiralty and Insurance Law Office/v Room 37,, Merchants' bulldlog, CHICAGO, ILL. A.M. BARNUM," Vessel Agent and Broker, I c Eicharige bt. Juffalo, N. Y. VJriV YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ilY MONTHLY :U3T OK VESSEL^ WRmi.K. SEN!) KOK \'V ' * WILLIAM F0RDE, SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N.E.,Cor. Columbui Ate. A WMorSt, ■ 8ANCUBEY, OHIO, BUTTS CO All CO., ■ ' [limitkd,] v \ Onl^r Iv^ineis of BUTTS UAKNEL QOM, and dialeri In Qai' Cb'alB, Nut Coals, 4uit Steum \Conl *i lor Tup, Bargufl, oto. I m * CLARK LvBUTTS, OLBVKIANI). O. l\ Oon.ral Man»«or. (lent DAVID BARNHISELlgent. UOHENTIC A NTKAM COAL, Ohio «» jm.- rar* ji» m-r.-at »i- wm ma Patent Yawl Boats of all Lengths, Pleasure 'and Hunting ... BoatsrSail and Steam Yachts on Stand. .Also, Life Boats that,will pass Government Inspection, add cost less than any Life Boats in U.S.A. nEAlf.& CO., FOOT OF ST. AUBW-ST.. DBTItOlT, MICH. SUB-MARINE DIVER, S//b-?i/4i/ne Drilling and Blasting. STKJtN llEAltlNQS KKI'AIKKD WITHOUT GOING , ' TO DRYDOCK. Wrecking Expeditions. Accompanied. (^tracts Mailfftr all Kinds'.ofDiTing. Residence, 80 East Ohio St., Chicago, Ci^iTAIN (PIUHCOI.I., CL15VK1.AND AOKNT8. Cvclone Stiam Flue cleancr for h0bii0ntal and upright boilehb '"J Hill H TO 18 IMCHU PENFIELD BLOCK CO, M Lockport, New York, arbSo'leManufacturer^)/the Celebrated "Anchor Brand'; Tackle Blocks, ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHED Oil WITH NKIJ-LUIIHIC^TING v PHOSPHOK BRONZE BMlINGS. rTho metiil In tliiao Bu-tli-iigi i» the Celebmlwl l'lio.H|)liorJlronie, Hio boat boa'rUw nietul In tlm murkot, and biting porfoct •,-lt'-lnbriaitor« tkwy me (a* nu- pvraedTng ail oi.ier (Jtyloi. fbrmile by SH1|* CUANULKIW werywhwffl. ASK FOK '••ANOHOn llll^VNli" TAOICLI2 .(LOCKS. Thflaccotuuuuylng cuU rvprusunt the hIoovo jmrt, initio l'luifphor-Uronza tjojf.Lubricating Himhing •niuplete; the former as applied to l.lgouiuTitiio and and tlio lattor aa amillml to Iron shuavua. ____ Illustrated OaUlOtfut) and prlooliat moiled free on application. Sampld ordtvi soUuuuU ■ -i -\ ' : : The Neversink Cork Jacket .^ND IMPROVED LI^.E BELTS;; larrantiiu Twenty* Lbs, Buoyancy AND I'IulL WItlGnT. OF CORK',, . According to IloqulnjiiienU of V. 8. Inipaeton, SUPERIOR TO'.^LL OtHERS,' AW MM BUOYS. ' •. Vi o a ► w • en Approveil mid mlopted by tho United Suites Bonrd of Hti|)ervl»lji(r Inspectors ;nlso by the principal Oceim, tike and River Steamer Lines, as the only Reliable Mfo Preserver. VESSELS 'AND TRA'dK SUPPLIED. Send for Circulars. -• D. KAHN.WEILER 148,148 & 160 Worth St Nwir Center St.. New York. • KATZENSTEIN'S SELK^CTINO METAL PACKIMO' .■ P FOR PISTON nobs,' VALVE STEMS, Etc. Adoptdd and In an by tho principal Iron Worki ! nnil Steamship Oompi hiob within tlia lutolglit yenrain this and Forolsn countries. For full par¬ ticulars and refarsneoa addroa ' L. KATZENSTEIN ipO Id) Cnrlrtophsr V, 'nellr West 8treot N. Y. CAIT. TUUS. WILSON, Cleveland agent. N. C. PETERSON Boat Builders, PL-UUUHB B0AT9 AND lAlLl^O k«£ WtMkU TAOUTS, TAWtV BOATS, SPOOK OARS. VTXKRIMO WUEBIJ, XTC. 385 Atwater\8t., Near Riopelle, DBrRO«t_J~ PRESLEY Globe Drydoi ShipBuildingj ferydocking,', pairing and Spar Making.^ CLEVELAND, 'OHJO. WM, HINGSTON & SON, if Boat Buildei Stenni anil Ball Yuchtu, Iluirtlng. Flailing iitid .Plenaure Houta, Nhell Ilouta,'Spoon Oari. Foot of Pbrter Av., Buffalo, N,Y W. W. LOOMIS, 23rie, ^»a., SHIP AND BOAT BUILDING, Fishing T'litfa, WraCkliltr, Itojinlrlnp; and Flor I IlullilliiE Willi Most Improved Facilities. Atl Work Onarantecd. Corriiipondenoe SoHoited •• FOR SALE, £Te-w Ixon Tvirgr. ftliiii'iiMiirn IS foot Iouk, 17 foot, Iwnu, n iMt J0,„. draft, tl 1-2 feot; euKino, t0x20, usw slccl bollor 7 feot li (11 liuutur, la feet loug. atlowtnl 112 pouniU Htoam. Three Iron tireast hooks forward, coIIIhIou Imlkhead forward water light bulkhead forward of bollor; Iron ooal bunkcrs'wafor tluht bulkhead aft nt shaft-gland with wutcr light irou iw,k forming the Uoor of after oabln Iron docks, bulwarksaud deck houses; Iron tow Doiu aft. Hoary anglo Iron frames, with reverse barsonal- tornato frames; 5iplal« stool door pines; holler, en- gtuo and bearing foundation of Iron.- for lile oieun when machinery «an bo completed by i -•" GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO. \ ■%":% Boat washing and general laun¬ dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 109 Water Street. Telephone 118. . MrPM ".'li^J"^^.Uv.™°'- »H the l'r«il,lont« fllllin 10 of thb U.S. 'n10 largest, lunilsonusjl, beat book ercrsobl tor liusthau.lwlco our price. Tho fosl- *.*.'.I1'"1?.? book '" Ainlirlca Imiuou.oprollu t<i agonU. ' i AJI InnUlgont paoulirwant It. Auy onu ean becomo a vsssm. Ko ^or"" ,m- iLu^ ""O"a>- j- <' 4' i <; ■ I.--.- -*- ■¥■■ 00

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