Marine Record, September 18, 1884, page 5

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THE MARINE* RECOKD.' UICTIIOIT. SpK<allotto «ariM ttmri " ' g(.|ftet»bor Id—The United ^tnton steamer Michigan has been here for several dayfyon her first visit this season. She Is on a two montliB' otulse, In command of Captain J. J. Itcudi uiid will proceed on westward to. morrow or the dny following, she tins been forty-one years afloat and looks as trim as in her palmy days. . '-' A collision on Frldny night, near cliches ■ tcr not', resulted In the sinking of two ves¬ sels and the- probable total loss of one or both. 'J'ho wind nt the t'me was Strong from the northt'ast and the vessels In question were the Monllcello, .of Detroit, owned by, Mcrlck, Ksseltyn &fco., mid tlio John T, Mott, of Oswego, owned by Ihe person nftor whom she Is named. The Mott had qn a full cargo of coal, bound up, and of course hadf the wind froe. The Montleello was bound down light with the wind oloeo haul and liorii bolng undei gient speed the collision mis , violent. The Momlcollo's bows' were smashed In and In a few moments theienlter she wont down, as din also the Mott, both In seven fathoms of water. The news of both vessels were picked up by •i passing steiunbiirgi', 80(lortunutely no lives were lost 'I ho Mott Is $10 tons burden, was fifteen yeiiisullont, nnd was valued nt (!) 000. The Montieollo has been in hoi vleo fourteen years, 310 tons burden unci valued at $8,000 The tug C hnmplon ,wns dispatched to Die Monllcello mid the tug Charlton to tlic Mott. The i ule bearing on such cases Is as lollowa: "It it vessel Is going close linnl to the wind and another meeting her Is go- ln„' free, the rule of the son Is for ihe latter vessel to go to the lee" Hid, ifjid although such usscl may either go to the leeward or wind- ward, lis she best can, jet she ought, as n Ccnernl rule to suppose thut the vessel going to ihe wlndwnid \\111-kepp her position." Captain Hugh McGuw, who line been pi¬ lot nf the revenue steamer Fossenden thus 1 ir tills season, has born retired from thnt position by ordei of the authorities nt Wash inn'ton, and up to this writing his successor lim not been appointed. The unfortunate •Handing and sinking of that steumor at I'renllss Buy r-ellcctod too strongly oil Mc- 'niw, and the Washington high jinks could not veiy well take In so big a dose. The past week lias beon an unusually < vuitful one, in the way of casualties at tllf. It rent polnls and the monthly iccord will 'doubtless foot up large. In addition to what Ins alicndy been noted above the steambnrgc Hi my Howard is to be ndded among theto- til losses. Theio was nn lustiiiince of $8,500 on her. An Incident, novel in its wny, occurred line a few nights since mid wasofncliaractoi which raioly takes place. The small pro peller Pickup was moored foi the night itt out of the wharves at the loner end of the (iiyiind all went 1101191 e, save the steward mil a flremiin, who retired to their berths 1 lie steamer whs misslijg when the niftier* nturned and there was no wny.of uooount- hr„' for her mysterious departiue. In the morning Captain Mills dispatched Ills tug, die Shoo Fly, foi the truant eifift. She was I'Miml Boveral miles down the river I) lug mains! the bank on the eiis' side of Turkey inland where, Undei othei circumstances, "lie could not have leachoil With the most expert pilot. The sleepers were hot even ir lined from their slumbers "vveral vessels which of lute have arrived jiuic from the Welliind canal, complain blt- »(|(j of the detentions they meet w Ith at the »"iueducl on tluJt thoroughfare, vim lug 'nun twenty-six to thirty hours. Hut theie 'uiiiBiio remedv foi the evil.' lho stonmerH plying botweon Monlieal and I hlcago are appaionlly doing a good business, carrying nearly full cnrguCH of merchandise westward and letiirulnir ultli Biidu and flour. They are only of mwdiiim -"c and on so long a route It is dllllcnlt to wo where tho percentage comes (n. Murphy Brothers have dispatched the decking steamer Inteinatlonitl to LakoSii- pcrlor to raise the scliooner W. RTuyloi, Milch sprung aleak and mink at II111 son's 'Say, Inilen_ylfh railroad lion, a low days "jnco. She lies in fourteen leet of water ami <• ui bo got up without difficulty, with Invor- nblu wenthor. , ' . The wrecking ' tugs owned by Cuptaln ("uminond nru being preparod for fall busi¬ ness with oompleto wrecking apparatus, t The stenmbnrga Lob ell brother mnobln- ery whllo coming up tho rlvor tho other dny, and was lowed hero for repairs.- Tho stoambnrgo J. E.MIIle, lumber laden, with barges In tow, stranded on Poeho Inland, Lake St. Clair, the other day and wns delnyed for seyoral hours before iclensod. The damngos woro not s'uftlolont to pause detention. Thoequlnoctlnl gale which usually occurs at this time of tile season, al¬ though slightly In advance, sot In Inst night nt 12 o'clook and to-day Is blowing jjroat guns. Notwithstanding the violence of the wonthcr there Is quite a number of craft passing either wny. Those bound westward managed to reach at or near the mouth of the river before the storm set In. Tho schooner Montleollo, referred to above, having no cargo onboard, managed to drift fu shoal water unci was gut hold of by the tug •<'hnmplon and towed to the mouth of tho,rlver hist night, and will doubtless rendh the city to-day (TuoBday.) Mr. N. C, l'etorson has Just completed an elegant boat which will bo sent to the K11I11- mnzoo fair and placed on exhibition. It Is a picnsure rowing bont, 10x8>n, mado of solid Spanish cedar, with mahogany unci solid brass trimmings, is capable of currying six peoW, and foi uniqueness. and graceful form* wo bnve lulled to see her equal If Mr. Peterson docs hot sell her nt the fair she will bo sent to the World's Exhibition at New Orleans in December, '1 he work of this firm Is excellent, and we doubt not that this new bont vftll find scores of admirers, and solve to acquaint the people morn fullv with Mr. N. 0. Peterson unci l)ls excellent boats. The schooner Smith &IPost, while bound down pn L|)ko St. Clair yesterday, was vis Ited by a swaim of hornets, which for a lime made things lively among the ciew, several of whom wore fltungSjtthUe those who could sought sheltci by going [below. On reach¬ ing Ihe river they abandoned the ship and wire seen nif more. , J. W. H. I StLRatON BAY, ' A fourteeu-loot skill, painted giecn, with t;he inline Hen Demon lettered on each bow, has been picked up bv the life-saving crow at Sturgeon Point. The bunt js supposed to have beon lost by some rafting tug. The owner can havu It by writing to the keeper of the Sturgeon P0h.1t life saving Station, Iliuiisvllle, nnd telling where to ship. hSCANAIIA. l» No boats will leave to-night,1 the loth. Wind south blowing 11 gule. Thero was a very heavy rain during the night nnd this torenoon 1 . I Fred A. Gilbert, first mate of the propeller W. L \yeltiiore, committed suicide by jdmp- Ing overboard while pnsslng Bailey's linrbor at 11 o'clock-Sunday morning Ho wns 82 yoi|rsxof age and single. His home Is at Memphis,'Mich. Captain DoWolt loweled a boat, but could not see anything of him. He sunk in about two minutes. =fe \ AflllTABULi. Bjactol lo 1)14 Martin Rtard. ' \, Tho tug Red Cloud towed tlio sohooner Znoh Chandler and Qulnare to Clovolnfld nnd while thoro went ntr the drydock foTre- pairs to her bottom. , - Tno schooners Gen. Franz Sleglo nnd Columbia are laying hero Waiting for an advance ol freights; their captains claim there Is more money made laying alongside of the dock than to run at present rates. Tho bnrge John Burt arrived hero with her iqw post and taflerol rail gone, caused by getting aground, and the barge In tow astern riiijr|lng In to her. The steambnrge Robert Wnllace came in port with her stern somewhat xlnmagcd, caused by coming In contact with her con¬ sort while picking her up outside. Repairs being done ut Devney's shipyard w'lthlu the past few days woro the schooner Columbia which wns calked Iron) light witter mink up and some tn"her ropsldes. The barge John Burt, taflerol rnil, tow post nnd some icpiilrs. The barge Godfrey,!) fore gull' and decks overhauled. The barge J. H. Ruttcr, some repairs. The steambnrjio Robert Wallace, slom repaired. The schoon er Zach Chandler, received n"pawl post. The schooner Jennie Matthews, ran In herd wind bound being thirteen days from Ogdenshurg loaded with ore for Cleveland She was seven days on this lake fiom the canal, there being no wind. Tlio Captain says It Is the longest and calmest tilp lie ever mnde. 'J'ho steambnrge Oscar Townsend took her Inj'tow lor Cleveland. Tiro barge J. H Rutter cjjinie to 1111 anchor oP'thls place Saturday about noon. There was a heuvy sen running from the eastward and before hei anchois picked her up, she was verycloseto ihe shore. The haibor tugs went to her assistance but being so close In and the wind blowing hard the captain thought ll best to remain until the /sen run down. She was toWcdln iiextmoinlpg, Vessel men should'bear In mind that the best anchorage Is about two uiUes noiih of tjhe piers. MJPFAM). • ' Five steam pumps have failed to make an hondwny pil the wntor In the propeller Potomnc, sunk nlongsldo tile Lehigh Valley conl shutcs. Her rudder casing la gone, and Cnptnin Michael Cnrr Is engaged In closing up this opening and covering partjof her sides with canvas. There are no rales on cargo Insurance, but the pool will writo rates n't the snme figures elsodocs. The Continental with¬ drew Horn the poo] Saturday at.midnight, and ngents of that company w ejfe ordered to wrlto at the besi' rules they could get. Few risks, It Is rcporit d, Mere taken hy this com¬ pany at 25 cents per hundred from Chicago A lively, time Is therefore in VI. hay cm. „ Saturday evening the pmpcllei Oconto, while tin ulng urnuiu1 lu the 1 Iver ut tho foot ut-Firth street, was run into byilhe binge (■alateii Thy stein of the Oionto 'was knocked out ol pluce and she bus'been In the dry dock since receiving re pal is, AMHK1I811111)11, Tllf watoi Icjggod binge Conrad Ifcld, which wns taken into Ainheisthurg Satur¬ day, finloaded hei deck load ol 800,000 lath, mid -Monday niorning was pumped out by the Ainherstbiirg steam lire engine, at the into of two leet an hour I'he tiouhlo was caused by the hatcheB not being battened down, a|id Ihe so is washed 011 boarJ and tilled hei to I be deck?. She Is not oilier wise Injured. The tug Beatrice's low wns the last to suicessfiilj cmry uuiij the lightship at' IhcVdluii kilns. W UHKKN IIA\. ('nptnlii llbiall's now tug Hint Is being built at the'foot of Madison sticut lias tlm celling nnd planking completed, and tliejna- chlnery, which arrived from Port Huron, Is alongside rend}'1 to ho used uhuu required. First-class material nnd thorough work ure making the boat 11 sin vie cable one. IIA1I1IOII BI'IIINM. '1 he sohoonoi Sophia Homier, of St. James, was loading at the iiead of Little Traveise Bay, whoA the gale cuiiiiiie'iced, and list night dragged Jierancliois nnd wont nshoie. She Is, high on the beach, and with Jliciivy sons breaking ovci her. As she is 0)1 sanil bottom it Is thought she will siuvhe (lie Btorm. Hoi crow escaped. , r ./I The Cuiiadlan schoonei Krle Bell left here last night loaded w ith coal for Toronto, little attention wns paid to how she wns bending tho wind being oil the shore and sin^dky She ran ashore about four miles below) this pjnee. The hnrbor tugs w eut to her nssijnince and aftei pulled her oil and towed her here, wijjere she now llee, leaking badly. An ellort Is being made to/keep her nfloat. I I J. P. KINGSTON. , ' The St. Liiwienco has been released by the Hasting* SI e Is not dumaeed In the least, as her engine was shopped and she wns going against the current when the rocks were ciicDiintcrcd. The steamers Princess Louise and John Thorn had a race from Halladav's about nine miles down the river The latter was about half a mile abend nt the start nnd wns oveitnkvn ]>} the Princess on rounding the point. r» The binges Nebraska and Toledo, wbleb went ashore at Hlckorv Island on Sunday night, haveJieen got of without damage. The schopnej: Houghton, with gpUn from Chi¬ cago, passed lo-daj, bound for OgdeiiHhurg An llnportai t yxporlment In the'lArecllon ol lui|iiovlng the navigation of the Low er Si. Lawience is about lo be tilled by the Do-? minion government. 'Ihe marine and flsliJ eiles agemy at Quebec has just reco'ved for the propeller Ocean King Ibrce of the tele. brined Pjnreh gas buoys. These me enor¬ mous iron globes or tanks, which, it Is said, when ilniiuiil, will bum continuously night and day for tinco months, thus ynahliug vessels to distinguish II10 proper channel In dangerous localities at all hours and in 1111} weather. It Is understood that these buoys, which are the llrsl of their kind evei Im¬ ported Into I auadu, will jbo placed In por¬ tion as soon as possible to serve for the; re inidnder of the season, and the necessary propitiations are being iiiado In consequence to change tliem. Buildings for the manu¬ facture of 1 lie gas which Ihey burn, and itblcli isdeihed from crude oil, nro about 10 be cm tid at Quebec \ scow iwasiiilng uliout I!i0 tons Is 11. Iioiied agioiilrQ on (iruSse Isle on thu ( anii- 11 lien side. She was bimntl unsold appeals to have been light, 41s she Is a long w 11} out ol the channel. A Canadian lug will be sent tohcr assistance ~^ | to Buffalo, prospect. Adlspitchto (he Buffalo Courier from' Port Colborno snlfl the tug S.jfJeelon paid a line this morning of twenty dollars, tho canal superintendent says, for Incivility to ihe officers dining tlio recent delnv of the schooneis A. IJ, Noirls nndjUolden West at Welland, Mi. Siiurln, owner of the Neclpn, which was towing 1 lie NojTis, told the man In charge of the acqundiict Hint it looked lis If the tow 11 01 Welliind gave him a bonus for delaying vc-sels at that place, lor which he Was reported and lino Imposed. Mr. Saul In visited St. Catharines to Interview nnd ex¬ plain the unjustness of Hie fine to the super¬ intendent, but his highness would hear of no explanation, but that Ids decision w,as final, and Hint the tug would not bo allowed in the canal mull the flue was pnid, nnd If any more remarks weie made she would be barred from the canal altogether. The propeller Potomac, ljlng alongside the Lehigh coal dock, spuing a leak Sunday alternnon 11 nil sank" An eflort will bo made In the mot ulng to pump-lier out She Is tho piopeity ol Peter Wex, of Buffalo. Coal Is in belter supply and consequently there will bo less delay In making up car¬ goes for vessels. Rates nre steady at 50 cents tp Chicago and Milwaukee. The schooner Golden Fleece was placed for Chicago nt that figure; lire Jura for Green Bay nt B0 cents mid Ihe St. LiiwrenVo for port Mackinac ut 50 cents. _ ^ The schoonei H Fllzhugh, which wnsTc- ported to hnve run Into Clevelaiid lenklng on Monday, arrived here to-clay/^Ttniugh coming down in n heavy sen, she made no watcc of consequences. She was loaded with pig Iron from Luke Michigan. The wind continued strong down lho lako to-daj ( and only two line propellers left port. Later advices say the propeller Potomac, was got nfloat yesterday by tho use of lour steam pumps. At dark she was nearly pumped out. She was to bo rowed to Ilef- ford's dock, and afier taking her coal out will go Into dock nt the Union Yard.. CIIMIOIOJAN. A henvy gale hus been In progress from the west to-day, mid several up-bound craft havo sheltered her6' '1 he steambarue Keystone lost hor tow im| Lake Michigan Satin dny in n southeast gule Ihe Wells Wns picked tq) nt the Mnnitoiis, nnd Ihe Kojstono has been looking for Ihe Masteii oyci since Another report from Mackinaw says the Mnsten lost three Jibs In the gale 011 Lake Michigan, lndlcmlng that she has been heard fr'vui. The gule seems to have been severe, dilviiig nil vessels to refuge. Tlio harbors me crowded. V body was found on the bench to-dat and is supposed lo be filial of Templotiui, the man drowned from the propeller Buflaln In the straits, a short lime ago. The dcscilp- lion Is. Helglirllvc leet u;n Inches, smooth laco, dmk hair and eyes, tweed pants and veBt, caChiillc beads In pocket, aged Mi, weight, 100 pounds. Templeton's frhnds have been nutllled Al I'l SA While tho tug Fisherman was comingjn 110111 the llshlng gioniids iibou^l 1. in. \cs- terday, she was run Info by the tug Win ne Isabel going out, about three miles from the light. The Fisherman was struck 011 her port side about foiu leet from the stem, and cut through her fendci shake and envoi lug board, and I11.1 deck shattered. I'he Isabel lost, Jier stem and has gonejuto Gilchrist's lor lepaiis. 'Ihe damage to ciuii tug will amount to about two hundred dollars, 'lho Fisheriyan blow one whistle, Yvhlrh was not niisweicd by the other tug until nearly abreast, when sire blew twujjwhlstlcs and struck her a^s staled. .* f. I. 4

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