Marine Record, September 11, 1884, page 7

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?HE MAPINE RECOPD. 7i S. J. WEB'S & CO., Ship Broken*, Vessel Owners' anil Arjents. • ,\- ' [ESTABLISHED IN 1BHO.] ". A" ' 11 J-W«BnAOo.,wlIlch»rlorVoii«|«forljik«Tn(Io. SpitMal Ittenllon jIVon to Charter og Vonol- n Ibo LoVo Superior Iron Ora Trade, both (or tlio Bouon and itnglotrlp. V .. ARCADE BUILDING 101 ST. CLAIR ST., \" ' Clevuliind, Ohio. . TELEPHONE {nei?d'cnco,No.' 1388; , '[■ SCOTT & $m<RIMM!;~ . pre and Marine Insiirahoe Agents and Vessel Brokers. Attention nlwgiren to the purahano end ul« of Iron -Ore, \T«Ienhono,'No. ID. Office, ISO South Wntor-Rr,, Cleveland, O. V THOS. WILSON * . MANAOINO «*nkk Wilson's Transit Line. Gen, Forwarder. v freight and Veuel Agent. Ct.IVKt.altl>, o. OAPT. D. M. HEOKEU. OAPT. (IENKY BROOK . ®/M. BECKER\ A CO., Commeroial Brokers and Vessel Agents, Veauli chtrtorod, purchan*l and. told:, contract! mido for ooarao and hwtvy freights* Lake Superior nnd Escmulni iron ore chartera for iln- gift trip or tonnon a ap«clilty. Office. alrAWt ciBvel'dDiro. '________ ri'l-nhonr No. m. . ■ ' MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, So. 101 St. Clair Btnut, Room 27. CLEVELAND, -OHIO. PALMER & BENHAM, Vessel Owners & Agents, New Bank Building, corner of Superior and Bank Btrcot, Cleveland, Ohio. Vessel Agent and Broker, BOX 1010, DULUTII, MINN. Lite 0*n. Ag't forOolllngrrood Line of 8teamen Special Attention Fold to Ohnrtarlngr Veaaela. OAPT. J. W. MILI.EB. ,UAPT. R. B. MONTAGUE MILLER S MONTAGUE, DULCTII, MINN. Vessel Brokers end Mferlne and Fire Insurance Agents, and Board of Trade Welrjhmen. 8 nodal attention paid to Chartering Voiuls; alio weighing and Trimming cargoes of grain. Oorreapoo- denco solicited. MEX McDOUGXLL, VESSEL AGENT AND BROKER, OwDtVi and raaiteri of Tespola wlahlng to get cargoes of grain frotu thja port will do well to ton fur witli we. Will be glad td furnlah Information in regard to car- goes, alio In "relation to dooka, depth of water, etc.. at Doltoth, Agate Bay (new Iron ore port), Fort Ar¬ thur, W-unburn, Aanlandf and all points neir the WMt end of Lake Superior. Oood ganga of men (ur- nlihed od ahort notice for trimming oargno* of grain, loading and unloading all kinds of freight. KKEIP & MORRISON. • PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY, US Monroeijt Room M ROBERT RAE, Admiralty and Insurance Law Office, Room 87, Jforollauls1 building, CHICAGO, ILL A.M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, l'c Exchange at. Juffalo, N. Y. ETIF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE UY MONTHLY Ui'l' OV VESSELS FORSU.F. SK.V> FUK :T WILLIAM FORDE, SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N. E. Cor. ColurobuB Ave. 4 Water St., • SANDUSKY, OHIO, BUTTS COAL CO., [LraiTKD.) On.137- ^£inexs of BUTTS CANN EL GOAL, and daolera In Qaa CoalH, Nut Coal*, and 8team Coal for Tugs, Bargoa, eic. CLARK I. BUTTS, CLEVELAND, O. General Malinger. DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. DOMESTIC it STEAM €OAL Ol.TtUnd, Ohio GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO., Builders of Iron and Stefcl Ves¬ sels of every Description. Biillders of the Iron Steamers Ohoko and Wm. Chisholm, Steam yacht Twilight; Iron Tugs International and Record. OFFICE AND WORKS, OLD RIVER ST.. CLEVELAND, 0. Established in 1830. WM., WALL'S SONS, -UANUPACTURKRB .Of.- CORDAGE * OAKUM. Gangs of AMERICAN. RUSSIA anil ITALIAN HEMP of the Tory beat qua'lty made to order ATONE DA Y'8 NOTICE. SI ANILA an.d SISAL BINDER TWINE. Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory,,Brooklyn.N. Y. > £• .■ JAMES P, DONALDSONS CO., Ship-chandlers, Sailmakers AND DEALERS IN Mill, Railway and Manufacturers' Supplies, WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. DEAN & CO.. Patent' Yawl Boats of all Lengths, Pleasure and- Hunting , : Boats, Sail and Steam Yachts on Hand. .Also, Life Boats that will pass Government Inspection, and cost less than any Life Boats in U.S.A. DEAN & dO„ FOOT .Of ST. AVBIN-ST.. DETROIT, MICH. SUB-MARINE DIVER, Snb-manne Drilling and Blasting. STERN HKAKINGS REPAIRED WITHOUT GOING TO DItYDOCK. Wrecking Expedition's Accompanied. Contracts Made ftr. all Kinds of Biving. Residence, 80 East Ohio St., Chicago, CAPTAIN DltlHCOIX, OLEVELANI) AGENTS. The Neversink Cork Jacket AW) IMPROVEI) LtFE BELTS, ' Warranted, TratyJonr Lis.. Boomer , AND FULL,WEIGHT Of CORK, AcoordlnB to Jlnqtilnmanta of V. 8. IntnMton, ■ • SUPERIOR TO ALL'OTHERS. , .: ALSO RING BUOYS. > « v. w so .\|ipriiveil mill adopted by thO United States Uuitnl of Siipttrvlnltiz Inspectors;also by the prlnulpAl OfL'iin, Like and RJver Steamer Lines, its the only Reliable Llfo Preserver. VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED. Send for Circulars. D. KAHN WEILER HO, 148 A llSO Worth St Near "en'or Sr.. New York. KATZENSTEIN'S SCLK-ACTINO flETAL PACKING m^m. FOR PISTON ItOpS, VALVE STEMS, Etc. Adopted aod In uia by tlio principal Iron-Worki and StoasiBhlp Cdm'pa nioa wltbln the loatolgh^ yean In this and Foreign coiiotnea. For full p>n> tlculara and referencea addreia L.KATZENSTEIN4C0 • 1«0 Chriitopher St, near Weat Street N. Y.' CMT. THOS. WILSON, CleTeland agent. Cyclone Stcam FLuiTcLeANtR EDBJlQfllZONTA^^RK^BO^B C RESCENT MANUFACTURING; CO,' SOLE MANUFAOTURCRI * *• KIP -fe5-^ PENFIELD BLOCK CO, ^m Lockport, New York, are Sole Manufacturers of 'the Celebrated "Anchor Brand" Tackle Blocks, ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHED OR WITH SELF-LUIlKIOATrNG PHOSPHOR BRONZE BUSHINGS. n Tlio rue I ul In thoau DuHMngi la thy Culebrutod Plionplior-Bromt, tliu hunt buarbm niotul In trio muraot, and bultitr perfect Sfll'-lnliricntoni thuy iA-« fast cu- pmudiutf all oilier stylet. For wilt by SHIP ClUNDLKItt ovory where. ASK FOlt "ANCHOK 1UUND" TAC1CLK 11LOC.KN. Tlieuccomuauying cuta rcjirono'iit the bIwvc jmrt, mid a PlioapliDr-lininzo Solf.Lubricating ltuiili|iig«uiuplt)iu; ttu' former BHuppllt-il toLI|rnumvitio and ami tlio Inttor au ajiplluil to iruu Hhenvea. _m Uluatrattid Catulo^uu and price llat mat lid free- nn appllcai Ion'. • Bum pie ordora »o)li:Uuil N. C. PETERSON Boat Builders, PMUSUBB IOAT1 AVD IIIX.! NO AMD IT Kill TAOHtt, TAWL MATt, aPOOJI Oaftl, ITKKKIMO WUKILI, BTO. 385 Atwater St., Near Riopolle, DEmOIT, aOOB. PRESLEY 6l CO., Globe Drydock Shipbuilding, Drydooking, Re¬ pairing and Spar Making. CLEVELAND, OHIO. WM. & SON, Boat Builders, St dam and SntL>'»chta, Bunting, Flahlnfftuid t^leaaure Boat a, Shell Boata, Spoon Oars. Foot of Porter At., Buffalo, N.Y W. W. LOOMIS, Brie, JPsi., . SHIP AND BOAT BUILDING, Flaking Tug*, Wrecking, Itepalrinff and Tier Ilullriinff with Moat Improved Faollltlea. All Work Qaartntepd. Correipondenoo Solid ted. FOR SALE, IfcTeTxr Iron T-o.^:. PiriKMiBtoDi 7H f«ot lonij, 17 foot twain, 11 fo«t dean- draft. U 1-2 tfi'ii] uukIdu, 20x20, iihw Bioe] bullur 7 feet lii dUiiietcr, l.t ft-ot long, tiflowed 112 pounds Htoaoi. Thrco jittoi tiroast huokH forwai'd, colllnion tuilkliuiul forward ' wut«r llglit bulkhuad forward of boilur; iron ooat bunkers, water ttubt bulbhoad aft a! iliaft^lnml with witter ilulit iron iltrk /orralng the lloor of aftrr cabin IrondocltB, bulw»rkaan(| deck housui; lro0 tow poiii aft. Hoavy angle iron framea, with rovorao ban on at tomato fanorftl.tatfl.Ktael n0or platta; hollar, ao- gtno aim waring foundation of Iron. For talo oaein «rben machinery, can bfrcompletad by ¥ GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO. Boat washing and general laun¬ dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 109 Street. Telephone 118. Water AI!PWT<! "anted for ThoLlTca of nlltho Proalttanti flUDlUU nl the U. 8. Tlmlari(c«t, hondKimMtTbe.! book erer sold for loca tban twloo our prion. Tho luU •at ii'lllnR txwk In Amorica Imui.nsu proflla to asenta All Imi.1IIk.ui rwoplu want It. Any one can bocoma a •iiotHMfur aniut. Tonu» /no. IUlibtt Boon Cb Portland,, Maine • 67

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