Marine Record, July 24, 1884, page 6

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6 THE . MARINE .RECOP'D. *-» NAUTICAL TERMS. "How you getting: nlrnijt with your now yncht ?" nnid an old settler to nnothor old settler wlio U ImvlnR u ttonm yaoltt built In the country for uie In one of tho lukd*. "When do-you launch Iter." i, "0, tliey nre getting nlong nil right I fiiGsa," Mill the yneht owner, "But I don't now what you motin by 'lunching' her. , I dld'nt know nny lunch went with a yncht." "Who snld lunch f" remn'rkod the first old pnrty, who knew something nbotit a ecuifur- Ing life.—-«»»nl<I lnuiioh, that Is, to get her into the wilteK"'. "0, you Incitn vhon we going .to slide her . In? Yes.ycs. But I had not thought about that. I supposed ihoy would put the enstors under the ronf on the bottom and roll her around on land. Say Jim," biiIi) tho yncht owner, calling his friend tJnj side, "Instrict confidence I want to tell y&Ti I don't know any more about v'nchtlng than I do about religion. The fact Is,, the boys told me I ought to have a yacht, jind so 1 ordered one, but I have nearly driven the gentleman cra¬ zy that is building It lor me, by my landsman remarks. I tryto pred'nd I know all nbout the different lhiugs-he speaks of, but It Is all Greek to me. Wha^s a ruddor nnywny'( lie wrote me the orlrticiliiy to send him a rudder 'shoe, and I mitt a pair of them' by express, and do you know he kicked terribly when lie opentd the package anil Imtnd a pairofrub- "ber overshoes. How did I know wbata'rud iler shoe was? Ho sent out lui a windlass Biid.1 foindl where some fellows had been digging « ne"< and'hought thu wlndlasB they hnd been using for a dollar andla.hnlf. and sent It out, nnd It, ciimo back on the next train with indignant remarks about my intelligence. He sent for a binnacle, and I was never so stuck In my life. I thought maybe a binnacle might be something that went witli the rubber shoe, ,nnd I went to tie stocking counter ln_a dry goods store, and asked the girl In • charge if she would let me look at some of their binnacles. She wnsareal spry looking girl; and did not look as though Bhe would deceive nn old man, but I could sec she was surprised. She' nsked me what s|ze I wanted, and I told her I should think about number eight or nine. Then site told me I would have lo go to the corset counter, and I went there and ttked the girl how she was off for bin¬ nacles, and she said site was not off for bln- naoles, nB.Bhe knew of, nnd then tho stock¬ ing counter girl enme up and whlsporej to her, and she asked me If I wanted n binnacle for myself or my wife. Iloypu know, the cold perspiration raised up on my forehead, but I told her I wanted n binnacle Unit -vould-do-for-elther— myaelf-or— any of-tlie family, n sort of combination binnacle', as It were. 0, you don't'catch tho old mnn on any cross examination. 'Die girls held a consultation and then called a floor walker, and talked with him, nnd then one of them asked me if I wanted a binnacle that laced up at theside, or honked In front, nnd I told her I didn't want either, I wanted one that buttoned up. They said then I had better go to the glove counter, and I went there, Tmd-whcjijsaid I .wanted n binnacle, the girl nsked^)0~^i»UM!loj\iind I told her I wanted a terra coltu blnnTiunrt—riltfr-iiUjJjli£ nearest she had was lavender, and thatshe" couldn't sell me a single one. She said I wjould have to take a pair. 1 didn't Want a pair, nnd she -tii-ked me if 1 wns buying n whht do ynu call It, fur a one armed man, and If so, which hand, right or left. 1 mis stuck, then, and asked her, witli some indig¬ nation, if she knew what abinnacle wis any¬ way, and she said she would be blessed If W\a diil. I like frankness, but 1 was really In hopes she did know what a binnacle wiib, but just then the lloor milker came up with jthe three other girls, anil lie asked mo -what - a..binnac)o was lor, and I told him it was for use an a yncht. Then lie said that wns nil right, nnd I could, find it nt the underwear counter, so I went there and told the girl, » real intelligent person, that I wanted a binnacle for a yacht, and one of tho girls niid 'he wants a combination binnacle that lie. or niiLof his family can wear,' and the oilier girl said 'one that buttoiiB un,' and the girl from the glove counter said,'give him n terra cottn colored one.' Well I pledge my word the binnacle business was becoming serious. The underwear girl opened several boxes, and said she didn't believe they hnd terra cot in, but they hail brown, nnil lUle thread, and silk. 1 told her to give me a silk bno as quick as she could, and it she dln't null out a silk undershirt, tho binnacle on. I have found out that a binnacle Is » thing that they put a compass In, for me In the pilot house, but I don't toe why they don't call It something that a man will understand. I ciimo near getting my neck broke when I win up there. Every¬ thing Is called by some other name nbout a ship. A rope Is called a 'painter.' The cap¬ tain throwed a rope over the side, nnd told me to fasten It to the end of tho painter on the ground. Well, there was a Dutch- fel¬ low painting the lido of tho yacht, nnd 1 made a 'slip noose and (listened It to the slack of the painter's pants. i He didn't un¬ derstand our language, and thought it wiib done (or n purpose, and just then the cap¬ tain asked me if t hnd made It fust, nnd I said,'aye, nyo, aor,' nnd lie shouted to one of tho men to 'hoist awny,' nnd I'm blessed If they didn't jerk -that painter right over the side, by. the sent of the pants, nnd half way up the mast, nnd he yelled murder In n foreign language, and spilling a bucket of paint on deck. They let him down, nnd then tho, cu'ptnln explained thnt a painter is n small rope. • The painter wus mad nnd chased me nil.over the shipyard with an ax. 1 had to buy li new pnlrof pntit*, but I don't care for' expense, as I am learning some¬ thing every day. Sny, what Is h tiller rope?" '•0, I don,'t know," snld the first old citi¬ zen, "you better go up to the dry goods store and ask th'e girl at the corset counter," and they separated, the yneht owner going to consult an encyclopedia, nnd the old mail to take a drink.—Peck's Sun. C E. BENHAM, 317 Detroit Street, KBBFH IN STOCK The joint committee appointed before the adjournment of Congress to inquire Into the organization nnd work o( the coast and geological surveys, the signal servlce'lind hydrograplile olllces of the Navy Depart¬ ment, has decided to hold Its first meeting In Washington on the 11th of November next. In tho meantime, sub-committees will collect information with regard to the work of the bureaux named, nnd obtain tho opinions of scientific experts ns to the economy and elflcioncy of their present orgnnizallon and management. Sonator Alllon, who lias been made chairman of the committee, nnd Senator Pendleton will investigate the signal service; Representatives Lowry, of Indiana, and Lyman, of Massachusetts, the const nnd geological surveys, and Senator Hale nnd Representative Herbert, of . Alabama, the hydrogrnphlc office. Lubricating and LamjrOiirof the Best Quality, AND A GENERAL LINE OF LAMPS, CROCK¬ ERY AND TABLE CUTLERY. OPEN DAY AND -NIGHT. TELEPHONE. NO. 1B40. STMDY STtfRBOtfRD and STtfp at CaptDah Ike's ONE PRICE BOOT AND SHOE STORE Aiftl Exnmliie ft J'inft Lino of Sprliiff Good* at Very Low Price*. 321 Pearl-st., Cleveland,0. Established in 1834. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF MARINE ENGINES AND HEAVY MACHINES!. Cor. ^elroF^n^in^r^tMlimAND, 0. Geo. B. Carpenter & Co., Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers. Ship Chandlery Goods of all Descriptions. MANILA ROPE OF THE VERY BEST MAEE Steel nnd Iron Wire Hope and all Its Fitting;.. 10 208 Ml Mr-it, CltlCAOO, ILL. WM. HINGSTON & SON, Boat Builders, Steam und Sail Yachts, Iluntlnif, Fishing; uml I'leusure IlouU, Shell Hauls, Spoon Onrs. wns gind io (Jet out'of this b'tore, bccnuso'iiii ! Foot of Porter Avi, Buffalo, NiY tlio girls were luu(!lili|R lit me. I Buppoec I Bwcut n ptilli'irl. Ilut thnt wiib nothing to wliut 1 suffered when I look'Uie binnacle tip to where they are building tho boat. The captain nsked mo about the biunacle, ami I told him It was In the small package, and ho opened It. I knew when he wiib opening It that he hiitl doubts im to whether I knew what n blnnncle wns, nnd then ho pulled thnt female undershirt out nnd held It up by otic ' arm, I ahull never forget the look on hUfaur, Well, nn old snllor should' not expect too much of n inuii who Iiiib never been to sen nny more than to join the Knptist church. I giivcMhc blnunclt' to a hired girl nt the ho¬ tel, nnd squnrvd myself with the enptain by snylngthnt.I ordered n blnimclonfid they had probably sent that thing by liiMitkr, nnd had sent the binnacle to unuu liuly that hnd or¬ dered the shirt. -The captain Bald lie would like to see the lady whence filed to put' CRUMMOND'S Mackinac Line, For Mackinac. Sf. Ienncc, Cheboygan, Alpena, Oseodt, Fort Huron, Detroit and inlcrmoUlnte fake and river ports. • ' | Steamer ATLANTIC, OajSt, D. Nioholaon, •Leaves Cleveland every Friday evening at 8 o'clock. * During the' yirro weather and pleasure season tho Steamer Atlantic Will extend tho regular trip on to pctoskey, Harbor prlnga and Churlevolx,. CLEVELAND FORWARDING CO., Agent*, , Office and Dock, Foot of 8u yerlor-at./.Cleveland. I BUTTS COAL CO... »' "" [l.'lMITED.] Oiil^r .lv£in©zs of BUTTS (MJOtEL COAL, and deaJeraJn Gqj Coals, Nut Coals, and Steam Coal for Tugs, Bargea, e.c. CLAKK I. BUTTS, OLEVtSeAND. O. General Man offer. New Yort, FcDDsylyania & Ohio t i NEW YORK, BOSTON AMD" TUB BAST The ShorlMt and Qnlekmit Rant* to Pltu. bnrjr, Wuhlucton and Ralllmor* and the Bonthcut. "Central or Ninetieth:Merldlen time, 88 mlnnt.i .1. er than Cleveland dtjr tlmo. """nut (low Until (urtber nolico tralni will Icsve from. tb. .. Central Dopot, South Water itreot end Virtue? ufa? 6.50 a, m,^pdnh^<sittt/c Leavlttshurgh »:85 a. m. "to New York. JUttivXi lln.lnn without clianno. Arrlvnat tleadvUloal lfi-ln, p.m.OllatTiaAm alie.Ch«uta»qni0iS8n' Boitoo, without cliangp. Arrive at Meadrtll«« ih.j»V ro. (dinner) Franklin at 12:08p. m,OilcttjYaao„ J- Corry 12.M p. m, Jaraeitown (Eakr "•—"-" ■■* ■■ ra . liliaalo6.-60 p. in. ltoolicitor I Tllle 0.-00 p in. [tapper]! Cornlnii p. m. Bfnghinton 10:011 f 1:46 p.m.! nrrlyl mln 8:04 itonlu:0Bp. ra., AlbiinvSoOe ma™!: ..... . .vlni.tNewYorMilllVro; ™W|)' o-.on n ni'fI'l5llTp1EXp«E88-T1'»«8h run. L iflU Ui, iU.1 man «loenln« coach from ClBTelanffi Now York. Arrive, at Sloaiivillo at prS ji»T2 town 8.47 p. m., SnlamiiDM 0:45 p. m.. New YnX 10.10». in. . • ' w I0r» NIGHT EXPRESS- (Deify ,,„., _______.__Sunday) Seeping roaoh from Olemu^i llornclLvlllp. Arrive at Yonngitown at I'M • » Mondvlllc 8:2« n. 111., Corry 4.-50 a. 111. JameitownR m.' n||U"jra^0.',i_ltocJioiierl2:68.j;, ra., Horartl!: ll:00j. m. llornollaVlllp. . vlllo, 11:00am .Corning 12:07pm. Elmlm'tooiTm Dlngliumplon 2.10 p m„ Now York D:io B m Atri. atnitahiirghBtMa m.. without chnniio. 9'9fl il ill EPSBUnfiH EXPJ&SS - Dally - LM ]), 111. Through without eliang,, Purler car,!, •uichcd. Arrlvoaat Yodnintown IffOO p m„ Pltuhiu.. 8:02 p. ni., WwWnaion 7.#a. ni, Daltlmore8:10 , i' /Ml 11 111 MAHONING AOMMODATION - ' rlt. Youngmown O.-M p. m., Sharon 8:01 p. m., 8h»rreirllli fi'Sil Q ill PITTSBURGH EXPRE8S - Dally _ D iOU d, 111, Through without change. Arrive! it Younmtown0..80 a.m., Sharon 1Q:80». m.. Shi™.. vllle fo.40 a. m., Pitubiirgh 12 451>. m.. Roturahii leave. Plttahuigh at 4.-15 I m.~, liTtiirST■' and 8:40 p.m. . ' ' 1 h QC n m YOUNG8TOWN AND PITT8BUE0H II) JO d. 1, ACOMMODATION-Stopplng ,t ,,u Way ilallom, nrrlvlng it Youngnown 1:40 p. m. Pltu. bnrgh, 6,45 p. m. Trains arrive at Cleveland, 6.-15 0. m., 6:3 10.20 a. m; 1:05 p. m., and 0:45 p. m, p. m., MlDTARNHISEtTAgeni: DOMESTIC 4k STEAM Cleveland, iX TRAVELERS' REGISTER LAKE SHORE £ MICHIGAN SOUTHERN. Comnienrlrjg Sunday, May 11.1681, at 12 o'clock noon tho tlmo given In the hgures below la the new standard (Ninellnlh meridian) time, widen U tlilrty-thrvo mln- uie. Blower than Clovulnnd tlmo proper: I Arrive | Doparl. ________Eastward. ■____ No 4, fast Limited Express.... tfo 8, N Y, B \ A- Kxpreaa..... No 21, Elyrlu Aceommotfation. No 35, UulUlo Ac'm \ la Sunduskv tlo 11.1 a » No 35, Tnledo Accuui via Norwalk flo JIG No 12. N. Y A B l'ast Express.... "" ' , SpeeUI N T..... No 2, Nfght Ex No 14, SpeeUI N-V k Bus" Exprcs No2, Night Ex via Nurwalk:.. No 22, N(ght Ex vfti clndunky No 2t], Coneeaut Al-colDnuidation "I 10 am °B 35 8 05 a si "12 06 A 11 OOAll »1.£5 I' 11 "iiiip'ii tO 42 !• SI t4 25 r SI U0 50 A si 10 60 A si •2 25 v SI 5 00 r si tlO 00 1' si ________Westward No l.Fsst Limited Express, No 2,'l,Mlch Express via Sam No 8, Chicago Express via "U .,.'■». UI1UI.CU UAJIIW.......... No 23,Mlch Express via Sandusky No 8, Chicago Express via " .. No 25, Mich Accjhu Norwalk. I Arrive, I Depiirl. »I2 OSTsi <« 35a'm 0 80 AM is •11 55 •2 16 am JO 06 AM m'is'pii fl2 16 F 11 "0 00 r u t8"i0AH tB 10 A ! t3 20 P 1 12 401'1 »6 81 • p u t4 80 P n W. W. LOOMIS, Erie, Fa., SHIP AND BOAT BUILDING, rLhinc Tuva, WreokliiK, RnpuirliiK itiid I'ler nullillng with Mint ImproifHl I'uclUUea. All Work Guaranteed. Correspondence Solicited; N. C. PETERSON! Boat Builders, PLKASUUK IIOATH AND SAILING AND tTTttAM yACUTA, YAWL ttpAIS. BPOON OAKS, MTKKItlNU WJIUULS, KTC, 385 Atwater st., Near Riopelle. - nKraoiT, Rncii. N»21, Toledo Ex \ia Nurwalk,. No 5. St Louis Ex via Sunduaky. No O.CIil P«c Kx vin Norwilk...* No 81, KlyrU ac to ElyrJij only,,, No 27. Connrntit Acoommodullui tiumlay" train (or NotilnKliani-^l>cpi.rl~8!lt0 rt, ._ and ];«p. in.;n!turnlug. leave Nottingham At 0.06 a. to. and 3.45 p. m. IUJorencaraiirk*—"Dully, t dally, except Sunday, jdnUy.wtoopt Monday. Korfull Informal Ion us to trttlnsjuvt) coutiot-tlonn ap¬ ply at the new city ticket offlce, coruur Seneca and Bt ClulratrceiB, Uttkv Shore Muck. l BEE LINE CLEVEUND, COLUMDUS, CINCINNATI 4 INDI¬ ANA ITJLI8. Comroenelnii Sumlsv, Juno H, 1884, trains of Iho Boo Lino—(Jlevclenil, eolumbus Cincinnati it Indian¬ apolis Hallwkj— will leave and arrive at Cloveluinl us follows, ckntRai. standakd tiuk, 311 mlllliU'B slower ...... „<. |Jgm| tlmK -------------t-~---------------TTO JWB, 1 iCIm No. S. folumliiis, Olnclnnotlillnd Ex, No. 23, Gallon A Wheeling Express....... No.0, Col., Qn., led A St. Louis Ex....... No, 6. Col. Cln..Ind. lc Si. Louis Express,., Nn. 27, Ollllon ACJ. i W. Ace......„... No. 20, MussllloWTtllrlchsvlllo Ex.... part No. 8, Col, Clll, Hid. A UU> Louis Exp...... No. 20. Uhrlctmlle A Masslllon Ex........... No. 2, Col. Clll. A Inillanapoll, Enrols...... No, 14, 81, Louis, lud.. Uu. ,t Col. Ux No, 22, (lulllon Acc...„........... No, 21). Whoelint Accora____'..... No. 4, Cnl,, (lln AN.Y. Express Trains marked.c dully, ullotlior trams dully except 7.-00 A M 0:40 A M «6;40 I' M •12 115 PM 4.00 P M 6.00 I' M Arrive. .........• 4.-0 ..........I 1;ll •0.-40 A M O.OO A M 0:60 I' M •4.-45 I" M 10.-0O A M I'M 15 AM Hunduy E. B. THOMAS, Uenorul Maimger. A. t'Ll.VI - . 0. B. SKINNER, ' TniOlc .Malinger. J. SMITH, - liim-ru! ru-ison'ut'r Anenl, :i.Ani>, diiio. WThli It the only route by which passengers nn roach Corry Elmlra, Blnfhnmpton, New York Crtv and latermedhiie points without chanio. No chsea. to Boston and New England Cltlei. . " Baggage checked through to all points East •7- Through tickets ancf Information regarding Ihi route can be ohtalnod at the offlco' 131 Bank alraef tad at new Depot of N. *,,, P 4 O 11 B., South WaUrstrest and Viaduct, Cleveland, O. " ' A. E. CLAKK, Oen'l Paaa'r Ag't Cleveland, O. J. M FERRIS, Qen'l Man'gr, Cleveland, O. M. L, FOUTS.Pasaenger Agt, 181 Bank St. CleveUnd, The Nickel Plate! NEW TOBK, CHICAGO * BT. BAIIAVAY. The passonger equipment of this New Trunk Line Is all new and is supplied with the latest appHamu necessary to safe speedy and comfortable travel, At Chicago, rfossenger trains onive at and Itsv. Jrom_the..Iljiloii Pepot. Van Buren sureet, Following latlio lime in eneet JunTir til further notice.- GOING EAST. Lv. Chltego......... 7.50 a m....... An-. Valpaialw.. 0.45 " ...... " I-'ort Wayne. 1.80 p. m....... " New 11 axon.. 2.05 ' ...... " West Uipslc. Sit " Araidla......... 4.40 W fl"JuiTlrl!S47Ul4Tra^ ". I-'oslorla.........5.00 " Gri-on Springs 5 45 " Bclluvut)........ 0.10 Lv. Bellevuo.........6.20 Ar. Unalll............ 7.50 Arr Clevi'lnnd.......0.02 Lv. Cleveland.... Arr l'uint-svllle.. 7 55 B. m. t.ltl " 10.22 " 10,27 ' ..ll.SS " 1225 p. m. 12.60 p. m Ashtnhula............ . " Connouut............. " Erie............................. 2.00 " Dunkirk......................... 8.47 " ............. ." Buffulo........................... 5.20 " ....... GOING WEST. . Lv Buffalo...........0,60 a. m..........._.................. Aur Dunkirk..........11.24 " ......... .......... "-Erlo................1.211 p. in................... , Leave " Conlicaut........ 2.20 " .................. 6.15a.o. " Ashtahula........ 2.51 ■' ................ B.4« " " Painesvlllo...... 8 44 " .......,......... 7 43-' " Ctovelund........ 4.62 " .................. 8 5.1 '• Lv Cleveland........4.57 " fi.47 n, m........~ Ar. Lorain.............. 0 12 •' 7.35 •' ............ ArrBellcvue.........7115 " 0.10 " ........' Lv Bullovoo...........„.......... 0.20 " .......... " Green Springs. ..*.......... 9.44 " .............. ■' Fosterlu,.........................10.22 " ,............. t Arcadia.......................... 10 84 " . ..........- " West Ulpsic................. 11.80 " ...... " New Hnvon............,..... 1 85 p. m............ " Fort Wuyne.................. 150 " ......... >• Valpraiso........................ 5.42 " ............... '• Chicago.......................... 7.60 "•> .............. Through tickets lo nil points nro on solo at pi Inclpsl offices of the company at lowkst iiatks forauy clisi of ticket, desired, Bssgagochecked lo destination Forinfurmntion, call on nearest ageul'of the Com- liauy, or address B. F. 110RNEB, Gen'l Passenger Agent, LEVIS WILLIAMH, General Manager. Cleveland, O. V: D. NICKERSOX, MARINE ARTIST! Rear of Central Tug Office, Main St. Bridge, Cleveland, 0. for tho working rlaas. Send ten cents for pot- _ tage and we will mall yon jVw, a royal vsiu»' bio box of sample goods that will put you in '»".V.' of muking moru money in a few days than you evy thought possible at any business. Capital not require'- Wo will start you. You can work all Hie lime ur, !P spare tlmo only. Tho work is universally ullul'l?',„ both boxcb, young and olil. You enn easily rare ire™ 60 cents to |5 overy ovimlng. Tliat all who wunt v™* mny test the business, wo mnko this unpuralU'il °"'r» lo all who ur< not »oll suttsOud wn'wHI scud •' •""*' for tho trouble ol wrltlngus. Full piirlli-ulaw, JIP-' tlous, i-Ir., sent free. Fortunes will bo iiiudo by i»J" win, glte their wlmlo liihe lo t»o work. tiioM'KE, absolutely suio Don't delay Start now. Allure" SriNsoN A Co , Portland, Mainu. ____ J PDI71? *»d "I" cents for poslnpc, and r««l» ft iKlilt. fr.-o, a costly box of mods «uhh «» hidp inn lo mure mauey rlitbl uuuy tmOi iiiiyl|""k,;,-.i In llih worlil. All, »f either wx, sitciad »,'"",,?, hour. The lnuu.l rouil to forluue cijhjjis l»'"r0,,° « urksTn, n lr.1,1 nt, 1 y tiiiru. AturtWudilKM,,'!"1'1 '" " Au^tiMtu, ]\|ulm-. 77 0442 5659

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