Marine Record, July 10, 1884, page 7

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MORGAN & RICE, Vessel Brokers, Marine and Rre Insurance -Agents, Room 20, Chamber of Commerce, DETROIT) MICH. Apodal attention paid to Chartering VeaioU, ~~JLJ. WE<B<B & CO., ship Broken, Veuel Owners and' Agents. [ESTABLISHED IN 181)0.] 11 J WBtin4Co,wlllch»rtnrVene]f lorUknTnilo. lik.i Bficiil attention «l«n '» Oniturlnj Vem|. In lln like Superior Iron Ore Tride, both for the union ihd tlDRle trip. ARCADE BUILDING. 101 8T. CLAIR ST., ClmraUnd, Ohio. TELEPHONE{nMldiinoe, No.' 1MH. '^corFs <BE<R<Rimx7 Fire and Marine Insurance Agents and Vessel Brokers, Aiienilon alw given to ttr purchase, nnd sale of Iron Or Telflpliono, No. IB, Ofllce, lilO South Wnter-Ht., Cleveland, O. THOS. WILSON MANAOIVO OWNKR 's Transit Line. Gen Forwarder. Freight and Vessel Agent. cliVBIAND o CAPr 1) M BIi!KI.« CAI1 IIINHYBROCK ']). Mr BECKER & CO., Commercial Brokers and Vessel Agents, Vr»e|Htli»rlor«>d, purchased nnd Mild contracts mndo for cotirwo and heavy freights, Lak-e tjtiperlor nnd-Dtcniiitbn iron orn rlmi tors for sin- jrle trip or season a ipoclnlty , loalAlronEi B^ld'g, ClGVGlclIlfl, 0. ' Telephone No 0«i3 ' MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, Xo 121 St Street, Room 27 CLEVELAND, - OHIO PALMER & BENHAM, Vessel Owners & Agents, >ew Hank Ilulldlng, corner of Superior nnd Bmul Street, Cleveland, Ohlb, CAIT J W MIII.EJt GAIT II* IS MONT\pUr MILLER & MOXMGtm, , DULUTH, MINN, Vessel Brokers and Marine and Fire Insurance Agents, and Board of Trade Welghmen. facial attention puld to (litttorlnc NihncIh nl«o wHfcmbg and Trimming cnrgoLs of grnlii Ct»rrti|mn dome ml lotted. .■4LEX McDOUGtiLL, VESSEL AGENT AND BROKER, zdxjlxjth:. Owner- and nni-teni of vlssoIh wlulling to get cnrgoPB olculn frniii this port will do well to confer if 11 It uu 1\ ill bt k1»(1 to fui iiIhIi infonuntIon m cegiinl lu < ur- eoi*, also In rotation to docks depth 61 watir eit ,n Dtiluth, Aunt* Bhv (now iron ore iiort), I'nit Ar¬ thur MiiNhbiirn, Anhlaml. and all points no ir the west fit I „[ I ftkt Superior Good gungn »f >"lu lur nislii 1 on short noileo for i rimming em-gnti o( gialn, Ian I tin, irfd unMiKlhiRiill Umln (if freight JrtMES T. ROSE, Vessel Agent and Broker, BOX 1(11(1, IIULI'TII, MINN. Ute Gen Ag t for Gollingwood Line of Steamer, Nx'ILI Attention Puld to < hurterlnir V. »».'1« ATKINS &BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents _ THE MAPINE RECOUP. GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO., 127 LaSalle Street CHICAGO, - ILL. HIBBARD & VANCE. Vessel Agents Wand Ml Broadway 114 U Salle Street, MILWAUKEE, WIS CHICAGO, ILL. MOCTORS IN ADMIRALTY, 115 Upuroe St Itoom 04 Chicago ^•niralty ROBERT RAE, and Insurance Law Office, "«m 37, Merchant*' building, CUICAUO, ILI~ A. M. BARNUM, ~T Vessel Agent and Broker, >5 Exchange S« Buffalo, N. Y. HTIP YOU DO NOT RECEIVE Wd MONTHLY LIST OF VESSEL* Builders of Iron and Steel Ves¬ sels of every Description. Builders of thejron Steamer Onoco, Yacht Twilight, and Iron Tugs International and Record. OFFICE AND WORKS, OLD RIVER ST., CLEVELAND, 0. Established in 1830. wm: walks sons, -MAMUfAtTURKHS OP- CORDACE * OAKUM. 'GingBof AMERICAN, RUSSIA «l<l ITALIAN HEMPof the Tory heat qua'lty made tu order ATONE DAY'S NOlICr. MANILA and BI8AL BINDER TWINE. Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. 'Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y. JAMES P. DONALDSON & CO., Ship-chandlers, Sailmakers AND DEALERS IN Mill, Railway and Manufacturers' Supplies, WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. DEAN. & CO.,- • ■ Patent Yawl Boats of-all Lengths, Pleasure and Hunting Boats, Sail and Steam Yachts on Hand. Also, Life Boats tfiat will pass Government Inspection, and cost less than any Life Boats in U.S.A. nuN .[ co„ toot ot w iuirs-\T Detroit, mat. SUB-MARINE, DIVER, Sub-ininine Drilling and BtastUig. srHtN lll.AKIXOM HKI'AIRI II WITHOUT GOING TO IIICX IIO( K. II'welliia Expedition^ >kvompained.. Contracts Male ftr all Kinds of Diving. ' Residehce, 73 West Ohio St., Chicago), AUNUt & IlItlSCOLL, fXMI I AMI AGl NTS | PENFiELD BLOCK CO, Loci-port, Xew lor 1; are-Sole Mannfachn'erfof Hie Celebrated "Arichor Brand" Tackle Blocks, l KNEIP & MORRISON, ^all steel roller bushed on WITH Our Self-lubi-icating Phosphor Bronze Buslunqs. «l,\l torwle by BHII' OHANBLCBB eferywhere ASK FOB "ANOHOB BBAND" TACKLE IltOCKS. Hluatraud fatalognr and prl« llet in.....I frieon»ipliralion Mnnpl-nr<li.r.H< Auominnyiiill i.ul n-priMiill* our n< w blnrk, I'ATI MIDNmHIIIKKIJ, 1HH I Cvclone Stiam Flue Cleancr 'CBESLlE^rrvMJFACTlJRINGiCO. 0. U RAND. * ii, D. nuftoEn, RAND&BURGER ship-builders; WITH 3D as-ST. ^ocz: ATTAt UBD TO TBG WORKS. ALSO PREPARED.,™ DO, WEEOKING AND ^OWING WITH THE Tug John Gregory. Vessels Docked and Re' paired on Short Notice, MANITOWOCWIS. The Neversink Cork Jacket AND IMPROVED LIFE BELTS, Warranted Twenty-four Lbs. Buoyancy AND FULL WKK.IIT Ol CORK, According; to Requirement), of I' s, Inaiiectom. SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS ALSO RING BUOYS. A pproveil mid {HlopU'd by tliu United Stated Hoard of !iii|wrvlnlnK InHpeetora;Hlao by the prliitipul Otienii, Ltike iuiU River Stenmer Lines, hb the oidv KcUnble I.lfe Preserver VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED Send for Cireuhirs. D.KAHNWEILER140,148 &U0 Worth St Nenr f'onter Sr . New York. KATZENSTEIN'S SELI-AgTINaMLlAL PACKING FOR I-ISTOM RODS, VAIA E STEMS, Etc. AdontuU and In tiae by tllu priiicfpul Iron Worka untl bttiimslilp Compi nlOh wltliln tlio laatUghl years in tlila und Taroljiii cuuntnes 1 ur full pur- llmlaDt und nfareacui aildreaa , I IiATZI NSTLIN iCO 109 ClirMonhor fit, mur ttoat SlriutN. Y CAI'1 THOS W'lLhON, CUvilnnd oilint. FOR SALE, JXTew Ixcm TuLg:. DrtuuiisUiiia 7tt fuut loiiK. 17 foot t«atu, 11 foot doirn tlrult 91-2 fe» t, cnginu, 2Qx£> uuw alotl bollor 7 fmtt in dUiiiclor, H ftot long, ullowoil UJpounilsriteani Ihno iruii breast hookn forward, col Union buUlicud forwanl, water Llglit Imlkluad fnrwonl o[ liollor Iron ooul luiiiktrs, wttLF tlvlit Imlltliead aft ut utiuft ulniul, with \Mitur Uutit Iron acik forming tlio lloor of after at bin Iron deLka, bulwarks and dock houses, Iron tow posts aft Ikiivy anglu Iron frank* with rovurau bars on nl to rim to frames, ya plait siuU flour plates, boiler, en¬ gine and bearing fouiidatlou of troti For sale caesp when machinery tau becompluted by GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO. Boat washing and general laun¬ dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 109 Water Street. Telephone 118. APPlfrDQ wauted for Hit) 1 Ivtsof nil the I»rt»lrtwiit« fAUlilUl) ofthu U ti Tliu largeat, liamlsomeat bmt book ever ioIiI for ltirs than twici) our price Iheftul- eat sellliiR book lu Amonci* Imutensuiirotiui to agoiita All iuielllgutit puoplu want it Aur one \ an In come a ■uotusaful «i(Biit T«ruit f»o IUllmit Book Co , I'orllnnil,. MaJui». 73

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