Marine Record, July 3, 1884, page 6

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THE MARINE RECORD. LAKE AND OCEAN TKAPF1C. T1IK HJIGE8T SOHOONKlt 8KNT OUT—QUICK PaSBAOK—THE OLD B.ltlK AI.WCANDKIt. ( Nptqiat Cormjiondenci Mtrint Record. ' ,-~^_) Dktjioit, June 30. f Of t)ie numerous vessels sent from the ) hikes to the ocenn tho liirgost, not including Monmera sent to New York, was the Cnliir rjiRui.of GfiO tons burden.' Of those under 'J00 toiiB there were eight, nnd liom tills up to 300 tons there were twenty-six, unci up to 400 tons ninety-four, from the last figure ' ifp to GOO thoru wero nineteen. The smallest of the flcut was the sloop (,'huse, 18 tons; sloop SRoldJobicn, &B.ton«, wliluli unme ora from . Norway, nnd the seTfooner M)M, 83 toim, • Inillt here tor Boston parties. The hark -Alexander, whleh within the past few days has been forsaken and abandqned In tbe purt ' of Chicago, was one of thomarellest, In those days, which performed an Kiiiopcan vo.rage bya quick paH»age. She win cimiiiiniiiM by Captain A/'Sliilr, "liowas alunoHiier, and still navigates the lakes. There v\b>ii. perceptible lulling oll'ln thu tratlle In 1870, anil But two voyages were miidu flint sciikhi —the bark Wlirulltr, 1102 tons burilen, with petroleum, fioin CleVelniul, and the bark TlierniutU nltb H like cargo from - the came. port. In 1871, Octoh'i. 23tli, the United Stnteh revenue, Blemuer Hamilton was sent froifi Bufl'alo to New York, but no others left that season, and none In 1872. In 187U, during the iifonth of November, the United stales revenue sleainer George S. Routsvell was dUpjitched from Bullitloto New Yoik City. , in 187-1 there were live voselsfcilt out, as lullows: May 13tli, ecliouiier ('. 1). Benson, , Captain Dull', com,Toledo to Cork. May 1 Ith, schooner Pamlico, Captain E. Stretch, corn, Chicago to Cork. June 10th, bark J. S. Austin, Captain Joe Kimball, spare lo Portland, Sit., from Bay City. September 13th, Fclionnef Alice, Captain T. A. Burke, bone duet,. Chicago to I.citli. The. Alice made I lie run In" elevendays from Established in 1834. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF. MARINE ENGINES AND Cor. Detroit & Center-Sts, CLEVELAND 0. <i 'l rl ' Fit, •4'. U land to land, and was sold not long ulte ward. October 6th, fchooner G. C-Trittnpf, Cap¬ tain A. Glbbs, bone dust, Chicago to Cork. Tne Truropl returned to the lakesthcwfullow- lug season. 1875—July ith, schooner l'acltlc, Captain John Ewnrt, bone duet, Chicago to QueeiiB- tovrn. 1870—May, brig Alocbnnic, 312 tout, Cap¬ tain J. M, Kelley, deals, Muskegon to Qucenstown. Schooner Enterprise, 200 tons. Captain J. Powers, deals, Sluskegon to Glangoir. July, bark Thos. C. Street. 320 tons, Cap¬ tain lslilpp, timber, Cheboygan lo Cork. July, schooner Jessie Scarth, (leal.-, Mus¬ kegon to Bristol.. schooner Cambria, 360 tons, timber, Clie- bovgnn to Lelth. Schooner Thistle, Cnptnin Win, Gamble, timber, Cheboygan to'Llvcrpool. August, brig Pamlico, 411 tons, Captain Hnyden, limber, Cheboygan to J.lverpcm]. Schooner Twin Ulsters, Captain Straihan. timber, Muskegon to Liverpool. September, schooner Columbian, 450 tons, Captain Cnnevon, pine, Alpena to Liver-pot 1. Schooner John Slmette, deals, Muskegon to Bristol. Schooner Shnndon, deals,' Muskegon to Dublin. Bark J. S. Austin, Captain Williams, deals, Alpena to Liverpool. Schooner City of MnnRowoc, Captain John - Higgle, deals, Manlyej to Queenstown. 1 Schooner Middlesex, deulr, Manistee to Leilh. Schooner E. Blake, Captain Peter Thomp¬ son, deals, Lake Michigan to Dundee, Scot¬ land, Schooner W. G. Grant, Opinio Angus May, deals, Three Klvers, Qneuee to Oporto. October, tug E. B. Ward, Captain W. ' Bradford, Detroit to New Orleans. Schooner VVaucoma.Cjiptalii J.«'. Glbney, deals. Detroit to Llveipoul. The schooner Wuuuoma, with a cargo ol deals for Liverpool was abandoned at sea In September, 1870. No other departures dur- - Ing that season. Tiro schooner C. IKJienson, which left the lakes May, 187-1, lemainod at sea until 1877. The schooner Columbian, which-went out in 1876, did not return until the yea; following, In September, and was the longest making tbe trip to Europe and back of any vessel that ever undertook the voyage, and yet she was built purposely'for the ocean trade. Aside from the foregoing, there la nothing of special note irgardlng the lake and ocean trade, and it uiiiy be con¬ sidered quite certain It has met ill demise be¬ yond a revival far all future time. , . J. W. H. Tbe schooner James Mowatt, on the stocks at Chicago, was launched on Saturday. Her capacity will be about 85,000 bushels of wheat and 600,000 feet of lumber. Geo. B. Carpenter & Co., Ship Chandler-rand Sail Makers. Ship Chandlery Goods vof all Description^. MANILA ROPE OF THE VERT BEST MAKE Steel and Iron Wire Itojio nnd nil. Ill tftliiiip;*. 202 to 208 Soitl Water-st, CHICAGO, ILL. C. E. BENHAM, 317 Detroit Street, KEEPS IN STOCK AFittofVosselSnife, Lubricating and Lamp Oik of the Best.Quality, AND A GENERAL LINE OF LAMPS, CROCK¬ ERY AND TABLE CUTLERY. OPEN DAY AND fllGHT. t=* TELEPHONE NO. 11140. I n 8 South Water-st Cleveland Agents for Akron Rubber Co.'s "Valves, Hose, Packing, etc. WM. HING5T0N & SON. Boat Builders, Steam iyul Sail Yacht*.- ^jutting, Finhlnjf tuid FlefMure fiouU, Shell -Jlantu, Spoon Oars. Foot of Porter Av., Buffalo, N. Y W. W. LOOMIS, v-33:rie, -Fa,., SHIP. AND BOAT BUILDING, Flatting "Tubs, Wrecking, Repairing nnd Pier Building u-ltli'Moat Improved Facilities. All Work Guaranteed. Corraspondenoe Bolieited. N. C. PETERSON Boat Builders, PLKASUilk BOATS jJlZt SAILING AND STEAK TAOHTt, TAWL HOATfl, BPOON OAitl, UTEKRINO W11EUL8, ETC. 385 Atwater St., Near Riopelle, _______/ DKrilOIT, Mien. ■ BUTTS COAL CO. [limited,] Onl3r 3v£irLers' of BUTTS VtiyNEL COtiL, tud tie* I its In (las fo»li\ Nut CobIm, and Steam Coal * lor Tiiijk, I)ii|.vn u*c. ' CLARK I. BUTTS, CLEVELAND. O. Genera] Manuirer. FOR SALE, One-half Interest in a New Steam Yacht. To in HNGINEER'wlio will gW« bii own t-trvlcw Kor full Pirilciilnn iddreu, PEVLIN A CO., M»rlne ConTeyanccni ]flD Wtwblngton-ni Chicago. FOR SALE, At THE GLOBE IRON WORKS: SECOND HAND TUBULAR BOILUt, U Inclioidl. funattr. 43 tubea 3 lnohw diameter aod I'lteel lung, iWain drum 30lncbe» diameter, 40 InchM high; Iroul 'gratMi fllHngs and breeohlD|i; good order. SECOND HAND MARINK BOILEIt, lo gooil o»der; Shell, 7-16 Inch Iron plate; diamtttar. 9 fret fl locflta. length, U feat; 12tt tubea 4 inchei In dlaueter, ]1 f<wt 4 Incocp long, three flue* 18 Inchei dlamtter; two flute 10 InchM dUmet«r, two flue* 101-2 Inchei diatnelar: fln box, 0 ftet loot, 4 teetblgh; iteam chimney, 7 feet hlgb. SECOND HAND MARINE BOILER four feet wide, 8I-*fMt feet high, Btlly-four 2 ].*j inch tubea flO luoliea long, ait irou breech ng, gi»od as new. ,j 6EO>ND HANDMARINE ENGINE; double dlrecl- aciing 8x8 Inch cjlluder, vtiaft uud wheel fur yacbtor tug; good as new j From 10 to 25 per cent Saved 1IY BUYING SUI'l'LIES AT JOHN SCHEUFLER'S Cash Grocery, qri'OSlTE fked cuivars coal office. RANDliSKY, OHIO. MARINE SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. STEADY SmUBO^RD " AND STOP AT Capt. Dahlke's ONE PRICE BOOT AND SHOE STORE And Kxiunlne n Finn Lln« of Spring Goods at Very Low I*rlce». 297 Pearl-st:VC*eveland,0. CRUMMOND'S Mackinac Line, I'ur Miit'kuiat, l*i. I^iiiK**, ClieltoygHii, Alpeiift, Oscoda, j ort I|iu<)h, luiri.n ami IntenueiHato f«k« uud river porlf. Steamer ATLANTIC, Oapt. D, Nioholflon, l*«\ti-C:t'\ilii (I t vtT) Prlda) evening at 6 o'clock* * iMinng ihe whiin «c ihfr ami pleoBiue BoaBon tl« Steamer ntu Will t-x t'tid the rt'sulnr. irip on to Petoskey, UdOor nrhigH Htm ('li t|<'\olx. • CLLVL1 AMi KOItWARDINU CO., Agents, Office win! I'ml, FooCot Sn [jprlor-at., Cleveland. DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. nOMEHTIC A HTKA.M COAL Cleveland, Ohio TRAVELERS' REGISTER. lake suoiie a Michigan southern. Commencing Sunday, ,Moy U, 1884, at 1> o'clock noon Iho time Riven In the ugurCB lielow la the new atandnrd (NlnMlatn meridian) time, which la thlrtythno min¬ utes alowcr than Cleveland time proptir; Eoatward. No i. Ftuit Limited Exprcu....... No 8, N V, B A A- Elpreaa......... No2C, Elyria Accominodalion.... No 35, fiutlulo Ac'nMlaSandtiak No .15, loleilo Auom via Norwal No 12, N Y A B Fast- Exprua..... No H, Sp.cial N Y A Boa Exprea No2, Night Ex via Norwillt.... No V-i Night Ex via eanduaky ,., .^ ,- ,■ No iio, Cpnimaut ArtoniniDdallon f 4 25 p » ]_ Arrive "llo a m "6 85 i u ta 05 a u tlO 85 A u flO 35 t II "1 65 PM 'oiii'r'ii t» «l J>ej)art, T2~b5Tu "7 00 A « 10 60 a M 10 60 A ll •2 25pm 6 0IIPU tlO 00 p li Weltward,____________I Arrive'. I Depan. No l.Ftat Dmlied Expraai.........i^n 55 A m No 2.1,Mich Expreia via Sanduiky I »2 15 a m No 3, Chicago Exprera via No 25, Mich Accoul Norwalk.. . Nj 21, Toledo Ex via Norwalk... No 6, St Louln Kx via Sanduaky. No ll.Clil P»c Kx via Norwalk.... No 31, Klyria ac to Elyrlu only... No27. Cooneaut Accommodauon ill 05 AM [12 56 P M [ft 16 P M "0 00 p u t8 10 1 "12 06 A U <-J 36 am 0 80A.M « 10 A% t8 20 pm 12 40 P M "0 3" P u t4 80 Pii Snn.lav truln for Nottingham- D'eparl »•":«> a. 111 and 1.46 p. m , r, turning, leave Nottingham ul 0.05 a. m. aud 3:46 p. m. ltaierence marki— • Daily, t dally, except Sunday, Jdaily. except Monday. For full information Ha lo toiina anil counettlonaap¬ ply at Ihe new city lliVt "llltf, coniLT Scm-cu and st Clair atreele; Lake Shore block. BEE LINE CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI A INDI- ANArOLIS, CommenctnK tsuuday, June 8, 1884, tralna of the bae Line—Cleveland, Columbua Cincinnati A Indian- aftolla kallwti —will ^-uvp ami arrive at- Cleveland ai follows t-EtTKAi. aTAMuim timk,-Mi mlnutea alower than I letclaud lluie Ho.t 'Uluiiiliui, Clnclnnall A Ind Ex No. JUT Gallon A VV heeling Expn»a.. ^No.0, Col., Cin., Ind A Sk LouliEx....... No, ft. Col. Cln„Ind. t 81. Uvula Exnreai... A C.L A W. Aco......'.....'..... No. 20, Maailllor. A UlHchaville Ex„_- No. 8, Hoi, Cin, md. ,1 St. Louli Exp No. 20, Uhricavilli, A Maulllon Ex .. ...... No. 2, Col. Cin. A Iudlamtpolla Exnreai...... No, 14,8t, Loula, lud.. On. A Col. l!x '" Ho. 22, Oalllon Aco............... Ho, 20. Wheeling Accom........................ No. 4, Col., tlln A N. Y. ExiircM,',',','........ . Uepart "MOAlif 0.-40 A M "0:40 V M •U«BPM 4.00 Plf JMMPJH Arrive. •0:40 A~M ».«l AM 0:60 I' M •4:48 P U KI.-00 A M 4:30 I' M VISAM Tralna marked* dally, alloilier araina "dalfy "exMp! lunday t. B. THOMAS, (•eneral Mtnagrr, 0. B. SKINNER, Traffic Manager. A. J. SMITH, ticneral I'anaenger Anent. CLKVKUtNIi, OHIO. " New Yoric, Pennsylyaiila'& Oliifl.H.R, NEW YORK, IIOHTOK AND TIIE XUet The NhnrlMt nml f*nl«kmt Rnnte (oJpm'.V hnrff, Waahlncton nnil lUlllij v and the' Snntbnul, Centrnl or Nlnolloth Merldlen tlroo. 83 minnhu .1— er than clovclnnd elty time. • ^ ."""»'«i ilo» Until further notice trdlna will Itive from ta. .. Control Depot, Kouth Water atreot ana viaduct aifT lowi: laductaafoi. 6.50 a. m, ^L^Kx„7&»,x Leavllialnrgh 8:36 a. m. to Now Vork, AloiS,'25 lloaton without change. Arrive at Moadvlllo al in.jn m :,llnnevl Prnnblln nl 1Q.OR n m nil r^.i .VJO-^Oa, in. Blnghanton i&OSp.m., Allalny Wi.lrJ'lSiffi 46 p. ra.) arriving at Now York0:16 a.m. "* 7'91111 HI LIMIT,ED EXPBESS-Through pun. L M \li m> man aleeplng cOaeh from Clovalandt. New York. Arrive at Mesdrlll* at 0:80 p. m j. JJ? town 8:47 p. in., SalatuiuiM 0:45 p. m„ New % 10:10 a.m. ■ #i ^ ' lllOO D. ft, S'indaV) sS?S irJ„"m'Jcia"fflj Hornellavllle Arrive at Youngitown at pgo . „ Mcadvllle 3:25 n. m., Carry 4:59 <l. ra. Jameatown S 61.' ni,BurraloO;20a, m., Booheaier 12:68 p, m.. Horn.a.' vlllo, 11:00 win , Corning 12.07pm. KlmlralMOn n Uinghninptnn 2:10 p m„ Now York 0:10 n, m. Art.'! at rlrtaburgh 6:60 a iu., without chang6. J 11,111, Through wllhout change, Parlor car it ed. ArrivcB at Ydungatown 6:Q0 p m., Pittiburi p. m., Waalilnsion 7.-4JH a. rn , Baltimore 8:1D a m i:ou a iu., witnout cnango. ,% „ „, I'lTTSBllIUill EXl'lfE88 - Dally _ /Ml" n m maHonino AOiiMbiiATibN"!'"' 4,11 ]f, 111, Slopping at all way a*otloHa7arrlvlniii Youngalown 0.66 p. ni., Sharon 8:01 p. m., Bhnrptiilll. R 'Sll Q Til PITT8BUBGH' EXPRESS - Dall?_ D r3U lli 111. Through without chauge. -ArrivM it Youngitown 0..80 a.m., Sharon 10:80 a. m., SliirnL vllle 10:40 • in., Pitlaburgh 12 45 p m., ' KotnrnlnT leaves Illtnhuigh al 4:16 a m., 7;45 a. m., 12*6i> m and 3:45 p. in *" ' 111 OX; Q m YOUNOSTOWN AND PITT8BURQH IU l)0 d 111. ACOMMODATION-Stopplng at -S . Way alationi, arriving afeYoungtlown 1:40 p. m.,Pliia. buigb,6.46 p.m. Trains arrive at Otevoland, 0:15 a. m., 6:30 n ra 10-20 a. m; 1:05 p. m., and 0:46 p. ra, " •aTThls li tlio only ruule by which pmnengen cin ronch Oorry Elmlra, Binghnmpton, Now York Cltv and Intormeduile points without changot No ckiara to Boston and New England rules. ' Baggage checked through to all points East Through tickets and Information regarding lbs route can be obtained at the ofUco 131 Bank atrset and at now Depot of N. Y., P A O It 11., South Water lira" and Viaduct, Cleveland, O. ' A. E. CLAJ1K, Oen'l Pass'r Ag't Cleveland. 0. J. M FEIiniS, (len'l Man'gr, Cleveland, O. U, L, FOUTs.l'aiaengor Agt, 181 Bank St: Cleveland. The Nickel Plate! NEW yonii, C'HIC'AOO * ST. I,OCI» RAILWAY. Tho passenger equipment of this New Trunk lint Is all new iiik) is supplied with tho iHteat apnnfnMi necessary to sato speedy and comfortable travel, At Chicago, passenger tralna onlvtr- at and lurt from the Union lajpot, Vim Buren street. Tollowing is the time in effect June 1, 18B4, and 110- lll furthur notice: y GOING EAST. . Lv. Chicago......... 7.60 s hi.'............................... Arr. Vaipaiaiw.. 0 45 ' " ..,.,.............■ "' " Fort Wayne. 1.30 p. ni..........................'."".!" " New Haven.. ^.0.5 ' .................... " West Leipskt. 8.50 " ....................' " Arcadia........ 4.40 " ................. " Foitoria.........6.00 " .................... .™..... " Green Springs 5.45 " ........................"ti...... " Bellevue........ 0.10 " .................. Lv. Bellevue......... 6.20 " 7.66 a. m. ,. ...'.'.'!..... Ar. Ixiraln......:..,.. 7.60 " &.lfi " Accom. ' Arr Cleve bind......0.02 ' 10.22 " ' Lv. Cleveland....... :.......... lff.27 " 8 52 p. m A.IT PalnesvUle............... 11.88 " 605 *' Ashtaliula...................... 12 25 p. m. 41.03 " Conneaut....................... 12.60 " 8.81) „ " Eric........................... 2.09 ■' ............ •■ Dunkirk................,........ 3.47 " ............. !' Buffalo.......................... 6.20 " .......... GOlNti WEST. Lv Buffalo........... 9.60 1. in. ..:........ Air Dunkirk...........11.24 •• , „' .........".... " Erie................ 1.23 p. in................... Leave " Conneaut....... 2.20 " .................. 6.16a.m. " Ashtabula........ 2.5] •' ...........'...... 6.40 " " PalnesvUle...... 3 44 " ................. 7 43 ' " Cleveland........4.62 " ......... 8.65 '• Lv Cleveland........4.57 " 6.47 a." 'in! ............ Ar. Lorain............„ 1,12 •' 7 35 «' .........._ Arr Bellevue.........7.36 " 11.10 " .......... Lv Bollevue....................... 0.20 '» .............. " Green Sprlugs................ 0.44 " ........„..... •' Fostorla.............,....... 10 22 " 1 Arcadia......................... 10 84 " " West Lelpiic................. 11.80 " .......... " New Haven.................. 1 85 p. m............... " Fort Wuyne............._ ., Y80 " ......... " Valpralso........................ 5.42 " ............. '• Chicago..........................'7.6O " .....'..... ' Through titketslo nil pointa are on sale at piinclpit nfllccs of the company at lowest nATEH for any cIhm of lickel- d, sired Baggage checked lodeittnatlon • For Information, call ou nearest ageiftof the Com¬ pany, or address B K. 1IOHNEB, Gen'l Passenger Agent, LEVIS WH.MAMH, General Managur. Cleveland, O. /HIT (I '"■'"'O working rlaai. Send ten oents for |»i- UUliU lage anil we will mall you fret, a royal, valin- hlebox ofsamploigooda that will put you In the way of making more money In n few (lays than you ever thought possible ut any business. Capital not required. Wo will sun you. You can work-all the lime.or In spare lime only. The work la nulversally adapleii to with sexea, young and old. You can easily earo from 60c«ntalo|6overy evoning That all who want work mav tost the busluuss. we make this unparalled oiler, < to all who an not noil satisfied wo will seed fl t»"l'»! for the 1 rouble of writing us. Full parlloularavdlrec- tiona, otc., sent free. Fortune! will be made by t"»M who give their whole time to tne work Great succwi absolutely mio Don't delay Hlart now.. AddrtM STJHtOM A Co , Portland, Maine. APPI7r St'V<l six ceo Is for postage, and rcceivs . 1 UlilLl. free, u cosily box of goodl which »'« help you to more money right away tfan snylhlim «l» In this world. All, of ellhor aox, succeed from Hi"' hour. The broad road to fortune opens before lh« workers, absolutely sure. AI once address jTauK A Co , Augusla, Maine. WILLIAM F0RDE, SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N, E. Cor. Colunihua Av«. A Water St., SANDUSKY, OHIO, ^ 1469 694081 5659

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