Marine Record, July 3, 1884, page 5

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IHE MARINE RECORD. DKTltOIT, ' July 1—'I"10 so11*0" l',us fnT on Wio upper lake! lina been preemlnemly a foggy onei large proportion of tho losses thnt hnvo occurred Imvo cbme from tills source. The cisiiaHies during the month of June fodt up , total of $128,800 which may be summarized „ follow s: From stranding, $61,800; colli*. ID,,!, $20,300; Fire, $18,200; iiahoro, $0,100; cipilzed, $2,000; disabled, $17,800; sunk, jj,500, and heavy weather, $10,100. There „ero seven deaths during the month—two /rom natural causes, ojie suicide, the othera accidental. • On Thursday evening last Ihe tug Oswego started with 'the schooner A. Boody from Wyandotte, Intending to take her to Toledo to load coal. Before getting out of the ohun- „el 9hc stranded, and the Boorty.Jollowing directly in her wake, struck her^ square In the item, forcing her harder on beside" doing serious damage to her hull. After two or throe days' delay, caused by a low Blugo ot waterj the Oswego was teleased by the lug Cham¬ pion and taken to Sprlngw ells' Urydock for repairs. I'he tug Bob Haekett, which I tnfprmcd you in my last had gone to Whently, Lake Erie, t6 release the schooner CatarnU, i-hore there, returned unsuccessful, after a few days' trial, to Wl ndsor to lake a rest. She loft again to make another cflort, and tt is ro be hoped on thin occasion may be moro fortunate. fin. quantity of lumber passing this way from Lake Huron and Geoiglan Bay is sim¬ ply enormous Only a day or two since, within the space of two hours, upward of eight millions passed on hoard of%arges, all of which had heavy deckloads, and within twelve hours the estimated quantity «ould fully.reach thirteen million feet. A tine sailing yacht ot fair dimensions ar¬ rival here on Saturday from -Clayton. As tliere is a large surplus of that aitlclehoro si present, beside which Dean & Co. can build tliein faster tlian ordered, it Is difficult to divine w hat It all means or what she Is here lor. Messrs. Candler Brothers, of this city, h.ive placed some of theii fleet hi ordinary u Bay Cltv until such time as tlieie Is a bet¬ ter per coinage in the lumber carrying, and •a other points I learn a like course Is being pursued. Across at Windsor one steamer niida •vessel have been retired for sevvinl Jnys. ' The tine steamer D. D. Calvin, of Garden Island, was on her return voyage Saturday \m, having in tow three Jar^e barges, all liden witli timber, Including the steamer, for (lie Quebec market, the aggicgate quantity bilng 100,000 cubic feet. The ruffing business continues to boom, and a more favorable time could not be wished for. At this willing there are not Itss than eight or leu wending their way to various eastern ports. 'The cleainnces at Chicago annoiiuqojhe depai lure Irom that poit of the steamer City Jl Rome, having on board 05,000 bushels of "lieit, 12,050 bushels of corn and 50,000 bushels of oats, which, If the llgnicsare tor- ri'i-i, out champions the champion Ouoko In iuunity, aijd Is the largest of the season Notwithstanding it has stoutly been main¬ lined that there is a large surplus of ton- inige on the lakes and vessels aio being laid 'P. the vessel building still continues, and m one dny, on hake Michigan, no loss than Uirei vessels were launched. Hie stouinbnrge Alcona, which, some three week* since, broke down with hei en¬ able on hjiko Erie and towed W this port, " u had a now compound engine placed in lier and takon her departure for Duliith to meet her barges, which wero taken there by miothei steamor. I'he following are some of the later char¬ ms at thli port: Steamer Bruno, timber, Port Huron to Garden Island, $00 per thons- 'mil oublo feet; schooner Laura, timber, De¬ troit to Biimopajnt, $55; schooner George M. c«se, Iron ore, Escanaba to Sandusky, $1 poi ton, schooner Win. Young, coal, Toledo to Nellie, 75c. Wood, Pqtoskey to Dotrolt, $-2."> per cord on tho tall. Steamers and vessels arriving bore com- l'1"!" of detention In the Welland canal, ovv- ,r>E to a low stage of water occasioned by * northeast wind. In tho meantime tliere "« been no doviatlon In toll rates. Tho tug D. L. Hlbard arrived here this morning with threo bargos laden with lum- bor from Lako Superior. As soon as dis¬ charged she. will return with them, and then engago fu toning rafts. The Hlbard was formerly the P. 1L Johnson. Csptaln Fred S. Miller, an old veteran for many yoars connected with tho Lake Su¬ perior route, was In this city on Saturday, where ho met many old friends. It will be In order to correct a statement In my last letter regarding the departure ol the steamer Superior from Detroit for tho Bault, which was the first boat to that local¬ ity. The year was 1822, July 2U, making It just slxty-two years Instead of sixty-six. This squares it with the record and no exceptions can be taken. • The steamer Manitoba, which arrived here a short time ago from where she had been wrecked on'Lake Huron, and to be re¬ paired here, remains In statu quo. She has been removed from the Detroit drydock and taken to the bone yard for lutuie dlspoil- tlon. Ab bofore stated the "difficulty Is solely between the Insurers and Insiued. The steamer Pearl "an ived this morning from Mackinacrand rcpoits not seeing a ves¬ sel on Lake Huron on the passage here. The steamship Onoko, w ith her cargo of 100,000 bushels of wheat, passed down this (Tuesday) forenoon, making good time and showing a good side out of water. Tho following charters were reported yes- torday; schooner Senator Blood, wheat to Buffalo, l%o; baigo Wurthlngtou, coal Buf¬ falo to Detroit, p. t., steambargoS. Shephard, salt, New River to Toledo, 13c per barrel. Tliere are but lew arrlyals of cargoes at this port, and a groatei portion of the tipie the river is as bare as roses In December. J. W. H. IIAV CITY. A good many of the l,ikd captains 6'iy they are now on thejr last trip and will lay up when they get back. Thev state that theie is no money in tho present lumber-rates. The machinery tuke,n from the steamer George L. Dunlap will be housed In a tempo¬ rary building for future use. The hull ol tho .boat will be made into a barge when business brightens. Lumber freights are weak and unchanged ftt $1 25 to Ohio ports mid $1 50 to Buffalo. KINGSTON. The steamer Ullca Is shortly to be placed on the Clayton Gananoque loute instead ol the Puritan which will be taken to Deseronto. Cantaln Ed. Bass will command the Utlcu The new propeller Monteagle has cleared from Chicago for Ogdensbuig laden with 100,000 bushels of oats, which Is equivalent to over 00,000 bushels nf corn This Is the latgest cargo any boat has ever undertaken to carry through the Welland Canal. Thb Marquis of Lome left Monday with the barges Princess and William lor Captain Meirliuiin, who begun work on the wrecked eehoonei Sum Cook Monday morning. A811IAI1ULA A seiions encounter took place hem Sun¬ day. In which one of the pitiiitipunts was fatally wounded The ulioonei Selkirk, owned by Pat Smith, was loading loul loi I'oituge, together with the ..ibooneis II. P Baldwin anil Colonel • ook, ol the tug Spr.igue's tow. About 10 10 o'clock Sundiiv night a crowd ol union sullois boaided the Selkirk, which carries a new of non-union men, and attempted lo pull oil the ciew The lultei made «njne resii-lmiie, and a fight ensued. Clubs wero Ireely used and some firearms were displayed. The mate ol the Selkirk naturally took the part ol his men mill at lust finding that tbev would he over¬ powered, diew a revolver and shot the ring- leadei of the attui king purlv in the abdomen. TlioLnloii inuii took to their heels at the Hist intimation ot bloodshed, leaving their wounded companion on the Held ot battle. The Injured man was can led Into a house near by and died during the afternoon. The mate gave himself up to the authorities, and had a hearing Monday morning bofoce a justice of the peace. He was released, however, as the evidence demoiistraleil plainly that the shooting was done In sell dclense but again airested anil placed under $3,000 bonds. ioiido. A piovlslon establishing a Miuight ihiiu- uel In thoMauinieilvei and buy atlhlspou has passed the Senate , The tug Dudley broko In r shaft and Jilew out hci cylindei head on Sittml.iy .if Ligle Point. — - . DUFPAI.O. SpKtalli Iht7hrtnt'ltea>rd. Tho new propeller Sir S. L. TJlly arrived ntthls port on Sunday afternoon, and will take a load of railroad Iron for Port Arthur- She was built by Shlokluna at St. Catharine* for S. Neelon, her complete cost bolng about $80,000. Sho Is Intended to fun through the lower canals to Montreal, and therefore is of limited dimensions. Sho Is fitted In regular propeller shape, to carry merchandise, etc Her Irauies are of Iron, the planning being of wood. She Is said to be well constructed throughout, though differing In many re¬ spects from American, built boats. Her length Is 178 feot, beam 85 feet, lower hold 15)6 feet, between decks 8 feet. She has a fore-ilnd aft compound engine, the cylinders being 28 and 52 Inches in diameter and the stroke 40 Inches; and two steel b'ollora,each measuring 9}£. feet by 11 feet Jwo Inches. Engines and boilers were built In St. Cather¬ ines. The wlieel, one of Trout's, is His feet in diameter, and has a lead of 14>fJ feet. The Tilly measures 070 tons and will carry about 1,200 tons on U feet draft. She Is well equipped and lomfortably furnished. Her commander Is Captain A. McMaugh. The now steamship Calumet, of Buffalo, has also taken on hei fuel at Buffalo and a cargoofcoal lor Duluth. This will be her first I rip. The Calumet was built and equipped by Ihe Union drydock company. Her keel length Is 255 'feet; over all, 272 feet, beam, 37'i foot; hold, 20 feet, S feet of this being between decks. She has t,wo full decks, three spars and seven hatches. Her frames are iron strapped, with a heavy cord at the top. Her timber Is all of selected white oak, the bottom being almost solid. Her engine,' a fore and aft compound made by H. G. Trout, has cylindei s of 28 and 52 inches, and 4") inches stioke, with steam leverse gear. The cabin arrangements of the Calumet are based on the tnest upproved-modertt-plairsr The main cabin aft is Mulshed in walnut with ash panels, and Is decidedly a hand¬ some apartment. Two spare staterooms off It are al«o done In wa'nut and ash. The ofhiers' rooms lot ward are also muilorr'ably "tinge unci nicely finished in grained pine. The captain's quarters nie quite elegant. The equipment of the Calumet Is also first- class, and lurludesji Providence windlass from the American Ship Windlass Company of Providence, K. h, and all Improvements ot service In the handling of boat or cargo She has a handsome model. Hei official measurement Is 1,520.17 tons gross, and 1,180.71 tons net. It Is calculated ihatshe will carry nearly 2,000 tons. Her complete cost U $105,000, and she Is owned by the Hon- James Ash, K. L. Daiitorth, R. K. Giaves and others. Captain Donnelly, the Canadian wrecker, has succeeded In raising the propeller Oneida, which was sunk I mt fall in the St Lawrence river. The Oneida left Chicago with 35,000 bushels oj corn for Ogdensburg, anil just, oil Clayton, N. Y., she struck a pipjecilug rock, knocking a hole In her bottom huge enough to sink her. A New Yolk vvreiklng firm undertook to raise the Oneida, but after sinking over •fJ.OOO In the atlempt they gave It up as a bad Job Cap- Iain Donnelly agreed to float the vessel for $10,010, mid his oiler being incepted, he went to woik with tugs, pumps, and divers mid In less that tluee week, had her afloat The dispatches say he pumped her out, but of hei means must have been used lo ac¬ complish the result. Aliogethdi It isoneot most suiiessliil pieces ot wniking work ever doncon fresh water. The Oneida be¬ longed to her cotauiander, Captain MchiuesBi of linllalo. SnfSwas built In 1802, measured 1,102 tons, and was valued at $35,000. After hei repairs are completed at BullaloHhe wll' be put on her old route, between this port and Ogdensburg. The steamer H. J. Jewett going up the river grounded opposite the Tlltt elevator, the water being somewhat over a foot low. I ug* weie unable to pull her oil. Theie Is a slroil at this point on which huge vcsbcIs have lately (etched up, among them tho steamers Lily ol Homo, Kochestei,and John B I.von T he ii build ol the binge John lireeilen at the I'lilon van! will he tlnished this week. 1 he work has been done iindei the super¬ vision ol her in jstei, Captain Skinner who Ii an e\perlinied ship ciipiulei. 1 In .Inh Breeden was Inillt at Port Dalhousle by Andrews in 1802, with n6apacltyof 817toni>. Luke locelpts of grain at Buffalo to tho end of Juno, this soaaon, wero 12,300,020 bushels, n decrease of 5,524,080 bushols from last year for tho same time. Coal shipments thus far this season foot up 440300 tone, a gain of 20,040 tons over hist year. Canal shipments of grain this 3 ear were 12,684,530 bushels, * deereuso of*-1,508,800 bushels un¬ der last sosson. ** ' Coal freights were dull yesterday, vessels being scarce. Thq Bchooner Porter was Chartered for Milwaukee at 80 cents. The schooner St. Lawrence will load railroad iron for Port Arthur at $1.50 free on board. The now steel steamer building at the Union shipyard, Is about two-thirds platod and hsB her bottom finished. She will bo completod tills season. , •The supply steamer Haze is getting new decks, boatns, and some now rail. MILWAUKEE The new schooner Joseph Moffat was succefif|i^|y launched Saturday afternoon. Her dimensions were given In n .previous Issue of tho Makink Rkcoiid. The Cleveland coal tleet la trying tho ca¬ pacity of the Mllw nukeo yards. The wrecked steambarge Oscar Townscnd arrived In tow of the lugs Leviathan and "Delta, and was placed In drydock with about half her cargo,'which will remain In her, as It will not Interfere with her repairs. Part new keel forwar'd and aft, hew forefoot, paifnow garboard strakes, new shoes, stern post and rudder will be lequlred, beside re- calklng. The repairs will cost about $l,000i which, together with Ihe threo tug bills and the cost of the ore jettisoned, w ill make the toral damages about $5,000. T he Oscar Tnwnsend was built at Port Huron by Fitz¬ gerald lnJ873, is 1,038 tons burden, and lates A2. She Is owned In Cleveland. The wiccked barge Monitor arrived In tow of the tug Ivato Williams, which gels $3,000. She will be docked here. She Is ap¬ parently in bail shape, two pumps being re¬ quired to keep her (ree. About 200 tonB of her cargo nl conl leinain in her. The barge- Is uninsured. The wiecklug tug Leviathan goes to Washington Island 10 the Lincoln Dull, and the JCute Wllllains to the Bermuda at Grand Island, Lake Superior. The cargo of grain of the damaged schooner North Cape was not damaged. Clark I. Butts' schooners Thomas P Shel¬ don and Camden, coal laden, niado the run from Cleveland to this port In a few hours over four days. The Thomas P. Sheldon 1s a recent puichase of Mr. Butts, and was built at EiiBt Siiglmiw by Croathwatto In 1871, wus,cxtcu8lve|y repaired In 1884, is 009 new tons burden and rates A2)jj. She Is valued at $20,000. The Ciuiidcn, w hlch Mr. Butts has long owned, was built In Cleve¬ land by Quayloift Martin in 1872, Is 001 tons burden, and is classed A2 She is valued at $21,000. Jolin Snvojiind was awarded the contract of supplying the Johnson with unions for this season. The schooner Keslless was docked afWolf & Davidson's iiuilu yard foi recalklng Keuairs,on the old stow J M Hill, at Mil¬ waukee, are nearly tompleted, and sho will soon 101110 out In a new ill ess and under a new mime. Her name 111 the future will be Dan .Unybe, after hurpasi owner, whosaileil hei a groat many yeius. She will have three spins alsu, Instead of two, and her ends will be sharpened a little. Captain Ed Coles will tommaiid tho Maybe. The J. M. IXIII was built at Nesbuata by Brown In 180b, was 19J Ions buiden and owned by Lyman, et al. her port of hail being Milwaukee. Charters—Propeller A. L. Hopkins, 01c Escanaba to Ohio ports, 05c, bargo Scliuv I- kill, 10.000 bushels of wheat to Buffalo. FIUNKKOKI. Special to tht ifaritu XKOrd, One-half Intorost of tho tug Hannah Sulli¬ van was Bold for $3,000. Captain Nat Robblus, superintendent of life saving stations of this district, also Lieu¬ tenant Hogvrs, Visited Point Betsy station last week, and claims that Captain Matthews and crew are the best drilled and neatest station mulct their charge. Captain Lockwood, U. S. A., of Grand Itaplds, In charge ot haihois, inspected the Frankfoit Inn hoi mid gaveoiiltis Inrsnme .."1 HMlk ( . Ii.

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