Marine Record, July 3, 1884, page 3

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FUEL SAVING FURNACE J^NEX. Now thnt tho opinion of the Siipromo Court of Illinois, rcnderoU jit O^tnwn, 111. on tho 13th Inst. Ib nclverae tathe burning of coul whloh crontea n donso smoko, the qnoj. tlon of imoke consumers cornea dp pro. mlnentlyfon the nltcrnntlvo, the burnliig of linrd con I. It Is mid thnt tugmon roeelvod the news philosophically enough, nnd will pt«iice tako steps to meet the requirements' of the ordinance by burning hnrd conl. They Imve domoiifltrulcd thnt smoko buiners, or at least the patents biouKht outio the present time can not be iieed successfully on their boats whore the drought line to be forced, and every time a bout Is caught out in heavy weather tho consumer had to be taken out lor her own saiety. The only othor course which remains open for them is to burn hard coal, which emits but very little smoke, nnd this will probablv be done, 'J he test of tho oidlnance whs mfldo by deal¬ ers In sdl'i coal who Imve, supplied the tug¬ boats with fuel, the tubmen not caring to bi defeated In the cqurts, n» they fully expected to be. The icsult of the (leclnion remains 10 be seen in tho action ol tug owueis, who ueoni to think that BOiue provision will Imve to be made to bunr the extrii co„t of running, their boats'. A coiisldbiable advance In the towing turffl will have,to be. made to do till*, as there is no other course open. Last Inlr Crawlorc! & VVnlsh mid other tug ownei a ex¬ perimented will liaul coal, using it tor eeveral nuiuths, only tollnd that It could not beburneflatthe tariff rates In then existence. 'I lie rates nre the siune this year as they were last year, hence tho same conditions prevail, fcoft cbnl can be purchased In any quantities for fcUO per ton, while liuid coal will cost not less than $6 pei ton, mid the ihPereuco In the nmoiints of each consumed is \cry slight. Vessel owners are objecting to the present tarift rates, mid it is en»y to prejudge- their course in the event of any advance on them. We however present to our renders an illustration of asmoke contiuuier or preven¬ tive the Invention of Ml. Hlrauu<j Wil¬ son and manufactured bj the'Fuel saving Furnace Annex Company, 157 Washington -6tH)uirClilcago°, which Iws-ulioiidy-seoiiiiiU-a- jjooil reputation by actual test, made bj Messrs F. W Lamb & Co. engine supply manufacturers, No. 258 Michigan stioet, I blc.jgo, and others. It is claimed it not only prevents smoke but assists In making steam rapidly and with large saving of tuel. Hie Wilson device consists ot two parts In rHE MARINE' RECORD. vonta sufficiently tho frcolnj of onrbon to make emoko unobjectionable. Tho burning °l '"".H1!?808 by the feeding of oxygen through the forward plate cousnmoi the major partnt what becomoa- smoke when thoAnnex is not used. The Annettn 111 also ovnporato more pound* of water per pound ol coal than can bo done without, It and give potter quality of steam. While tho prevent¬ ing of smoko Is a consummation now de¬ sirable yot tho groat -clitlm Is decided economy In luel and hotter results from the reduced quantity, ----------- - J.-------,_____ new lake 81'eamek. One year ago the Detroit & Cleveland Sti'iun Niivlgailon Company built an Iron boat Inr the Detroit and Mackinac route. Tho vessel Is over (ill ai5leet; «tilth, JM loet; ■ lepth, 11 feet; tonnage, 000. The boat win fitted with K boain engine which came out of a vessel that ran on Lake I'hamplaln. Tim wheels are feathering. 22 feot dhiuietei, milking on iixernge 30 involutions pei mln lite. The speed of the boat Is 17 miles per lmiir. Tho sl?e of Hie cylinder Is W dlamc. ler by 10 teet stroke. The genernl iniinager of tho line, David Carter, thought by i om- puimdhig the engine they would save 20 per cent on tui'l, and lie recommended to the board ol dlieotors that this" be done. 'Ihey authoiUod the change and Mr. Carter con- trni. ted ttilh the North Uivei Ironworks, (late Fletcher. Hnrilson & Co..)ito make the alteration in ilie engine by pulling in a high pressure cylinder, JO inches diameter by 0 feet 8 lilehes stroke. The engineer ot the boat informs mi! that she makes the same time as betoro the alterations, and saves 38 per cent in fuel. —-fl I enclose you a clipping taken from the Detroit Free Press, of the trial trip. I waited until I could And bow the engine peifomed and how much saving there was In fuel hefoie sending it to you "The tiinl trip of the steamer City ol Mackinac, of the Delrnlt and Cleveland Steam Navigation Company's line, called lorth a number of persons Interested In ves sols. The reason was because the steamer's engine had been compounded, making h«i tho only sidewlicel sieamer on the lakes that has an engine of tills cIiibs. '1 he main ob¬ ject ol the eou>pany in compounding tho eu -glue-wiii-to guve-tuel.—* * * i- - "On her trip down she passed Woodward avenue at .1.10, Third stieet at 3.21, Grassy Island light at 3 40, Mamma Judii light ill 3 68, Park's Whan, Amherstburg, 4 22 and Bols Blanc light at 4 2~>, making the whole distance of eighteen miles from Woodward avenue in one hour and 0 minutes, On Inr Semi lor ratitlngua, SIGNAL LAMPS, — -WITH- Patent Ruted- Lens And Perfect Colors. GET THE BEST & AVOID COLLISIONS. Th«« Unipji (tlv« • rooru brillant llKht lluin any Slcnal Ump now In line They havptioen lulopnx! hy llio principal Ocean anil Lube Slramcr. anil Vault, and are tor sale in the prlnclpul porta on tho Mlantlrcoiwt-iwd lakes. French Wrought Iron Ranges and B oilers for Steam¬ ers and Hotels. Manufactured by Felthousep * Russell, 4 Tift -fl. 1 A * «r ■ I>r rm _..«» . _ _ __ ... ' 130 A MOtAINOT., IUIFFAI.Q N. Y.' THE JETNA GRATE. B. C. BIDES, Alt This Improved Shaking Grate EspeciallyAdapt- • ed to Burning Slack. - Glorje Iron Works, Mannfac's.,.... Office and Foundn. corner ot Tim and 1 $ % SpmcMU , CI.KVEl.AND, O. ST. MARY'S. OHIO MONTPELIER, OHIO Ser^hio o*r factories. m?SS ISS DE 6RAUW, AYMAR & CO., MAM'lACIl HKIIS AMI IMI OIITV IIK UK connection, I. e., the diaphragm or heat-con ducting plate or phiten, which in width covers ihe entire apace between tho side walls under the boiler, or bntterv of boiler,*, and extend from the rem end of the boilei forward to a suitable distance trom the bildge wall, where It Connects with n perforated plate or plates, which also ex¬ tends tile entire width between side mills nnd longth of bridge w all, resting their upper olge upon tho apex of the latter. In placing the diaphragm, or plates J, a suitable dis¬ tance below tlie bollyjMOve form combustion ibumber [ and nU'Uiiul K. which aie, of course, the enj/re width of plate J and performed «htte M (see di awing ) Now If we ndmlt/ifir info K at tho greatest possible dlstnnCV'from the bridge unll, It will naturally flow forward and enter combt stlon chamber I though perloratloiiB M, ciurylng with It whatever heat inny have passed through diaphragm J, nnd thus udd luel (oxvgcn) to the Ilie n« It comes over too hililge wall. If plans M be placed improper "ngle, the air thus ndinliled distilbnicd will tenll to spiead ami nt the same lime elevate the llaiueB so that ihej will "hug" the boilersuit] Induce more pei ltd <oin- bustion and Hhsnrpllnn of hint. I Ills spread- log of the flumes ohviiiles the "blow-plpe" tendencies of concentrated force* The air being thus admitted to combustion chiimbti ' In rear of and near the upex of the bridge will, acts Bomewfiat ns it deflector fo lire chamber E, so that while a smaller amount ol coal Will yield the same or greater bent than Is usually produed by u large quantity, It will not be consumed as rapidly as if Ihe whole draft ciime nvri or through it, and thus we obtnin the ivoiioipIo lesults of more perfect combustion mid iitllhEillun of heat without damage to inetnl employed in con¬ struction ot stenm producing nppuitti*. The orlltc 0 for admission ol alrtoduct Kshoultl be nt rear ol and as fni lis posslblu tiom the bridge wall, and protected by damper door to allow Hmiiunt of air iiduillled to be reguhited according to need's ties by aimos- pberlc conditions, It Is not claimed that Die subject of this nrticle in a smoke consumer but that it*pie- return tho steamer made somewhat better time, taking the current into consideration, junking the distance trom Bols Blanc to the Mlchigaa Central elevator in one hour nnd eighteen minutes. It wns found that if the stroke of the engine were lengthened ilia steamer would uinkc consldernbly better time " 1 he tollowinR office™ Imve been appointed for the steamer this season Oaplaln, Alex McKay, llrstunite, K. Fln- layson, second mate, J. McLaiti , llrst en¬ gineer, R. btnge, second engineer, W. Mc Donald.—Cm Vnham<al Enijiuea. THE KA'IZENbTEIN PACKING Within the Inst three months U. K«t7nns- lelu & Co. huve lurnlshfd iheli meiallic paiking nnd tgbular uietalllc pai king to the following lineB and stciimors. This report leaves oiitol account all pncklug Hpplled to stationary euglm s beVen sleniners for the North German Llojds; eight sieamerB lor Ihe Ilniiiburg-AiiH'rlcaii 1'itikot Co , three sleniners for Ihe Anchor Line, two sieiimeri enili for the( imnid, Mouarch an'1 Kid hlar lines; one Bleiimer tiiuli fpr ihe Buidenux Stetiln LIomI. TliliigvnllK nnd Ited Cross liner, mid "twenty-three other steamships for vui lous dines. They have nl-o applied Iheli pa king to nil the Greel) relic'steam¬ ers, Tor the United btntis Navy, ni well »s to about llftv tugs, uetiinboau and steaiii- jnchts In New York harbor Foi Lake Erie they Imve also used their skill mill appliance on steamers In all the promli.ent lines. The pncklug is eloquent tor luelf, and l„ KaN zeneteln A Co. are deservedly reaping the benellt ot its excellent qualities, by being umstautly called on to enlarge their sphere of action. They also furnished last week the metallic packing lor tho new North Ger¬ man Llojds sieamur Em>, and the new Cu- niiril (lormerGnloii) line stemuei Ougon. Ibis exielleiil Hacking is also In use In this cltj nt the wad i works, nt the Standard Oil Works, nt the Cleveland chv Milling Co., the Cleveland'Rolling Mill, mid in the steameis Wallula, Kasota an 1 Wocoken, and will also be placed In the new steamer being built at Quavle's Sons' shipyard for Cnpiiiln Thomas Wilson. Cordage, Oakum and Anchors, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA BQLT-ROPE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, Ma/hie Hardware and Ship-ahaiidlen' Goods Geneudly, 34 and 35 South-st, New York. T. E. WILSON, All Kinds of Water Worl DONE PROMPTLY TO ORDER HI-AD0.UAJITEI18, Upson & Walton's, 'River Street, Or, 137 Hermann-St, Cleveland, 0. FOR SALE. Unarter Merest utlielarte Ton Samson, Oni ol the most powerful lugs on 1)10 lakes Slio wns built ut M lutlieritus by Slilckluna rob 11 in In 1881 nnd rat. a mires 181 [new] tonnage. H'>o 1" itrnight Ai with 1 onirunce v iluntlon of 510,000, and cm bulnsuml for fl^OAO Will b«1I qunrtcr for Sit -100 [.Art ranh, bal ancoon tuiy terms Adtlrtw Mahinb lUcwui* For Saleor Exchange, Tug Annie Robertson. LtPBlli ovir all 51 1-11) fiet, brrnilth IB 3 10t(otauil ilrptli of hulit A tnvl <lruw»5^; fiyt uf walor iiimnurea 9il-llW|iii wi turn nnd 18 21-100old Kulll In 1880 anil rebuilt thin spring, nuw tkclt framett anil cabin anil Diachlntirv thortiiiRhly tivurhaulii) tnglno Is 1HM liollor H'/, lul li iib and 4 K-l^ In dlum«or War- rantul |n Ni> 1 cnmlltion and subjetl to lns|iectlon, Hrkc, JJ,8O0. Aildrma Makinl ItKColtn OH-ICK FOR SALE H«r length la 135 lael l.iam 29 [Mt, and hold 10 feel lOlnchoa Dollar 17 leisl loug 7 fc«t illauiKor, liiree ttuaa, two 16-Inch and one 17-Inch Cnatne 28«£* Carries 240,000 teet ol Iambi r Bpead, 11 miles liiplit, and I H loaded. Insuranco raluatton, laH.100 Ad- dreaa UAmnn Itnojao Offlce, No. l«l Hugarlrlor alratl, fluMland, O FOR SALE, A Fine Harbor Tug. plmonilona nt inilins fail over all, tC frut biam.8 feel bold, and uieaiurts it tona wltji 7 let I draf-t, can be mi do fl fetit draft Tlni.n^inu, lrfliil, is In flnt-cUu condition, with all utw braacca, new ringa In cyllndw and tnrnia ulx-foul wlietl which wu new laat Btinatm The boiler la one year old, In largo unougli to Inrn vrood or inal and la allowed 1U) iiouudi of akaul. Frtie $4,700, Rod must bo sold inside of thirty daya Addxeaa yiJUNk. HKt-uhU Ovrici. Phoenix Paint Co., MANUFACTURERS OF ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. OFFICE ANDrACTOIW 36 Mm St., CLEVELAND, V. D. MCKERSOJf, MARINE ARTIST Rear of Central Tug Office, Main St. Bridge, Cleveland, 0. Vesselmen h.iOULD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK. Containing all pnta" °f MAHINh LAW ma de. torvtoed by the United btatrt Couru Senmen/ FrelKhta, Towaye, CoUlalum, Qenernl Avcmi-c, Dutlca of Heamen, Owners, Chiurtara, K«-K(itry, Knrollnifmta, Common Carrlora. Mimtrra A OWnrra, Hill of Ludliiir, UHitrn, Ac. The Tohnun Is handaomcly hoiuid In it iff Board covert, aud line Knftllsh i loth hindlitg bent to any addreits posture paid forfl tki (tjOC a week at home 15 00 outfit tree I'ny ahaolutelr VUU Blire ^° r'|,*t- (apital not required Ittader, if you want bualneai. at jrhlrh pirtonnof eilheraex, young or old, tpn make unut pay all the time they work, with ab«olutf wrialntT write for partli ularaet 11 Hii I nr , A t o , 1 ortlauJ Maine, <V 397179 4

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