THE M-ABINE RECOBD. H. J. WE<B<B & CO., Ship Broker). Veuel Owntri and AoenU. [K8TAI1LI9HEO IN lBllfl.] w J Winn 4 Co, will charter Vorajlg for Uko Tmda, flnirial attention |l»en in C'lariarlng Veaaal. ,n Hit Elks Superior Iron On Trude, both (or tlio nuon and finale trip, i ARCADE BUILDING, 101 ST. CLAIR ST., Cleveland, Ohio. TELEPHQNE{itSIfd',BC"a,!NS; tang. ^ SCOTT & QmftlM&N. Fire and Marine Insurance Agents ar^d Vessel Brokers. Attention aim gi'on to the purehaao and ante o( Iron Ore. Telephone, No. IB. Olllco,130 South Wator-St,, Cleveland, O. THOS. WILSON MINAOINO U«NKR Wilson's Transit Line. Gen, Forwnrder. Freight and Veuel Agent. ci.ev«i,»Ki>. o CAPT D M IICCTKER CAIT HCNHV BROCK rj). M. BECKER & CO., Comlneroial Brokers and Vessel Agents. VMMUchirtorod, purchased and wild, contract! made for coaraejind heavy freights Lak« Superior am) Escannbn Iron oro dim ton for iln- g]e trip or aetion a ipfwialty 0lli!0,i?.lvK.E.BS5d,4. Cleveland, Tolophone No OVJ ul ' MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, So 121 St Hair Street, Itoom 27 CLEVELAND,, - OHIO PALMER & BENHAM, Vessel Owners & Agents, New Bnnk ButhUnjr, corner*, of Superior and Bund Street" Cleveland Ohio. MORGAN & RICE, Vessel Brokers, Marine and Fire Insurance Agents, Room 20, Chambor of Commerce, DETROIT) MICH. Spaoial attention paid to Chartering Vessels. CAKT J W MILLER CAPT It B MONTAOUL MILLER & MONTAGUE, DULVTH, MINX Vessel Brokers and Marine and Fire Insurance Agents, and Board of Trade Welghmen Unecldl attention paid to Clwrtorhiff VeuHs, al i> TTfilghlog and Trimming cargqei of grain Correi]wn •flenee solicited. ALEX McDOUGALL, VESSEL AGENT AND BROKER, Owner*and nnntan of vwaeln wishing to get cargoes of grain (torn thliport will do well to con fur witlt ml. Will uoglad to furnish information in ngni-d to i iir- joei,-alsoln relation t> «loeks, depth of water, etc , st Dnluth, Ajrtito Bfiy (now iron oro nort), Tort Ar¬ thur, Washburn, A*mand, amlrtl! polnw no.r the west end of I^iku Superior flood gungfe of men lur- nlilied on short notice for trimming cprgutii of grain loading und unlomlluir all kinds of freight ________ JAMES T. ROSE, Vessel Agent and Broker, llOX 1(110, DVLITTH, MINX. Ute Don kg t (or Collingwood Lino of Staameri Spi'olul Attontlon Paid to Chartering Voaeela ATKINS & BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents 127 LeSalle street CHICAGO, . ILI HIBBARD& VANCE, Vessel Agents M and MS Broadway 114-U Salle Street, • Mil WAUKfcF, WIS CHICAUO, ILL. PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY, 116 yonroe St Room 14 Chicago ROBERT RAE, Admiralty and Insurance Law Office, |™m 37, Moicllanta1 liuddlog, CHICAGO, ILL A. M. BARNUMT^ Vessel Agent and Broker, 15 Exchange St. Juflalo, N Y. WIP YOU DO N01' RECEIVE MY MONTHLY LI3T OK VESSELb (0R8U,E, SEN!) FOK IT. GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO., Builders of Iron and Steel Ves¬ sels of every Description. Builders of the ton Steamer Onoco, Yacht Twilight, and Iron Tugs International and Record. OFFICE AND WORKS. OLD RIVER ST., CLEVELANt), 0. Established in 1^830. WM; WALL'S SONS, -MAWUJTACTUtUKS OF- CORDAGE * OAKUM. fiarjBi of AMERICAN, RU^IA anil ITALIAN HEMP of the rerr beat qua'lty made to order AT ONE DAY'SNOIICL. MANILA and SISAL BINDER TWINE „ Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y, JAMES P, DONALDSON & CO.,: Ship-chandlers, Sailmakers AND DEALERS IN ^ Mill, Railway and Manufacturers' Supplies, WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. DEAN & CO. Patent Yawl Boats of dU lengths, Pleasure and Hunting Boats, Sail and Steam Yachts on Hand. Also, Life Boats that wilkpass Government Inspection, and cost less than any Life Boats in U.S.A. DtAV ,t CC. IOOT l)b ST AlHl\ sr DETROIT, MICH SUB-MARINE DIVER, Sub-nuuine Drilling and Blasting. STKItN HEARINGS ItEIMIRI.B WITHOUT flOINO TO 1)111 DOCK. Wrecking Expedition), Accompanied. Contracts Made for all Kinta of Diving. Residence, 73 West Ohio St., Chicago, lit M 11 & IHtlSCOM., CM VI I ANI) A(.l NTS. PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Lociport, yew Yoi i; are Sole Mannfacturers-of the Celebrated "Anchor Brand" Tackle Blocks, ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHED Oil WITH Our Self-lubricating Phosphor Bronze Bushinqs. Tha metal Id tlieao Bualilnga la tin) Colehrated Pluuphor-Bronie, Urn liuat bonrlmi maul n thu iiwrHot, ai»l bol.iir i orfuct lubricators limy ure fast Hjiwraiduui all orhw H 1 .rial, by Mill' t HANOI LIU . «r>wli r, ASK rOIt "ANOIIOK IIKANU" 1 ICKI.F lll.OCKS. Iluatralid Culalogue ""J I"'" >'»' ""lioi '"■' """< I'1"-"'1"" ',","^i' "r,l,'r"M<'k-"'>'> Aecou.|,.i»l"« tut r.|.r.H. nl» u„r in » Llork, PATI Mlill NOVKMIIr It 1 I, 1HHII 0. B. RAND n. li. nunoBit. C/clone Steam Flue CurANtR FOR HORIZONTAL AND UPRIGHT B0ILEH3 run """y-HQM „ To in iNCHta ________ rHOMXTO ia| iwnHii "CRESCElTMANUFACTURINCCO SOLE MANUFACTURE H S CLEVELAND, OHIO U..S, A.____ RAND & BURGER a SHIP-BUILDERS, WITH , 3D 13"2" '• IDOC3T *TTA« HED TO tnE WORKS. ALSO EREPARED.LTO.DQ WRECKING AND TOWIN& WITH THE Tug John Gregory. Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOC.WIS. The Neversink Cork Jacket AND IMPROVED LIFE BELTS, Warranted Twenty-four Lbs. Buoyancy AND FUIX WEIOIIT Or CORK, Aororilhiff to RcfiiilroinontH of lr H. Inapoctora. SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS ALSO RING BUOYS. H —: tn > w Vpprovcd niltl adopted by tlio United States Uonril of Supi'i vlolnp Iimpeetois ;nlso by the prliielpii) Oi'L'im, I.nki' mill Klvcr Stenmor Linen, uh tl(o only Kelinblc Lite Presjirver VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED Stinil for Tin nliirs D KAHNWEILER UO, 148 & 150 Worth St Ncnr f'enter St . New York. KATZENSTEIN'S SIIKACTINGME1AL TACKINO I'OItl'ISTON ROUS. VAIAE STEMS. Etc. AUopUiil und In use bj thi |irJiiLl|)al Iron \\ ork« uiid SUaaiHblp ,Com pa nk» within tho luptd^lit ^tarHln tills ami Foreign louniriei lor full p«r- tkulurs anil ruferonco* addrtBi I KAIZLNSTMN k CO 169 Ghriatiiiihar St. nriir btnot N. Y CAI1 THOh WIlbON, Cluvtlund aKiiit, FOR SALE, , 3LST"©^X7- Ixcn Ohm iiBlimifJH fiul !<>"£, 17 (uul Ihiiiii U fmt tloup ilniit J I 2 futl MiKlnt, JOx.ti new nti< I liuik r 7 fc* t In tllumtur 11 dtt li iik, ullowtil 11J | min<U Ntu»ni. Ihno iru'ii liiujttlliwiko foiniirri, uilllniou Inilklioitd ftirwvnl. uitlir UkIiL liulklnml Hirwurd u( lK>lltr trou ooul tiunktrf, vmtir tlnln hulkhond id nt nhntl g\a\ult with wuli r liulil Initi duk ftirmiliH the Hour i»f uftt r ouliln Iron lietltN, bulwurkMaliil deck liousui, iroo tow poiti Hit, lltu\y aotitt; Iriia framt1*, with rovorno bun on &!• toriiAlu (ritmw, % itlatn, ileol floor plitiM, boHor. «n- gbtu tml Rearing Iiiuuilutlnii of iron fur fluid onetau wiiuit uiULlifuury iau bucotuplotwl by GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO. Boat washing and general laun¬ dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 109 Water Street. Telephone 118._______ innvmn wmmd for lhu IU\»of nlltlio 1'rtildtmin nUDillO <>f thu U i} lhu larm.ttl Writ bmik over nolil for 1i»h tlum IwIlo our prltu ilui fiuti- •Btnllinc hiok. hi Vinvncii Immurm* profits to utfentM All iiiitiUlK»Jiit iHopltr wuui It Any q\w tun be corn*, a BiiotHMful H^tint ltjriud Urn lliLikr. Duuk Lo, I'irllin-l. Muliiu 33 5625