Marine Record, June 19, 1884, page 6

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6 THE. MARINE RECORD' LAKE AND OUEAN TBAPFJC. DULLNKBS 'ON Till! LAKES—VMBELS CON- BTJIUOTXDFOR TIM COASTING TRADB, - BfKial Omupmtnu ifartiu .Recent, Dktaoit, June 10. A restimo of the ]nke and ocean trnfllo in years Bono by takes ustup to the year 1BU4, during which season nineteen vesiois .were diapntchetl from the lakes. There was but little (tcvlutlon In frleghu from former sea¬ sons, nnd dullness on tho Inkea still ruled supreme, with but little'prospect of an ad- vnnco. Asln two prerlouBseneont, ptirtlcs e-imo on here from Boston, Muse., and had one or more vessels constructed for the coast¬ ing trade, the material and cost.of building here being much loss- than on the seaside. • Tho following craft, In their regular order, were respectively sent out, their cargoes be¬ ing chiefly lumber and staves:, \ 1884, May—Bark "Mary Hoe, Captain Me. Crae, walnut, Port Stanley. Tug A. A. Turner, Captain Ralph, Detroit to Now York, Schooner M. Klnnie, walnut,, Toledo to Boston. Schooner AI leu Curtis;, walnut, Toledo to Boston., Schooner Mary Brown, walnut, Toledo to Boston? v Schooner Bohuii, walnut, Toledo to Bos. •^— ton. June—Baik Thermutls, Captain Tucker, '• copper and mnveH, Detroit lo Liverpool. Schooner J'lnwboy, walnut, Toledo to Bos¬ ton. Schooner hiinitiiic, Captain Gale, copper and cedar, Detiolt to Liverpool. ' July—Schooner Ynikiuwn, petroleum, Cleveland-lo Liverpool. August—Tug- 'ii C. Jewett, from Buffalo to New York. Bark Huron, Captain Bromlck, timber, Detroit to Boston. October-B. K. Wlrralite, Cilptiilu Foran, oil cake, Detroit to Liverpool. Bark Wavetree, staves, Port Stanley to , Liverpool-. Bark Etowuh, Captain Wraight, copper, Bruce mines to Liverpool. Schooner Oetavla, lumber, Cleveland to Boston. Tug U. S. Gr;int, Buffalo to New York. . Bark C. E. Kosuilbury, CupiAin Hortonr supplies, Milwaukee to Europe,____________ Propeller W. II. Merritt, ItorstB and sup¬ plies, Kingston. 18uTH-B*lg Sea Gull, Captain Jaekinan, general cargo, Toronto to Port Natal. Bark Tlieruiiiil>, Captain Gale, copper, Bruce-mines to Liverpool. Schooner jiaranac, Captain Wraight, cop¬ per, Brtjce mines to Liverpool. Bark Ko^enbury, Captain Bearse, walnut, . Toledo io Boston. Bark \V. S. Plerson, Captain,McMillan, limber, Sandusky to Hamburg. Brig Lucy A. Blossom, Captain Lynn, walnut, Dotrolt to Boston. Schooner Union, Captain Geel, emigrants, Lake Michigan to Nicaragua. Bark J. Druniinoud, Captain Jackmun, walnut, Port Stanley to Hamburg. Schooner Clyde, walnut, Sundusky to Bos¬ ton. Bark Thermulls, second trip, Captain Gale, petroleum, Cleveland to Liverpool. Schooner H. N. Brown, Captain Hlgglns, walnut, Toledo to BoBtou. Bark Wlrralite, Captain Jones, copper, Biuce mines to Liverpool. Bark J. DeMolay, Capurm Mills, copper, Bruce mincB to Liverpool. 1800—Schooner Erie, Captain Batch, To¬ ledo to Boston. Schooner E. M. Baxter, walnut,-Toledo to Boston. Schooner Sarahac, Captain Wraight, Iron ore, Biuce mines to Liverpool. Brig Vldon came over from Norway and , returned with a cargo ol corn. j Schnonef'Superlor,Captain Lewis, walnut, / Port Huron to Boston. ( Bark -J. De Molay, Captain Tucker, oop- ^—per, Bruce mines to Liverpool, Schooner Junius, Captain Wick, walnut, Toledo to Boston, On reaching Lake Erie she Mink and wns t total loss. British gun boat arrives at Windsor from Liverpool. 181)7—Bark Cella, Captain Humor, peas, Toronto to Cork. Schooner NarraganBett, Captain Murphy, PBOPBL- i buiPun Kn^iantf'iart LubricMng and Lamp Oils of """"'"" "Q,,"","""" the B.est'ijnality,, - ■ AND A GENERAL LINE OF LAMPS.iCROCK- ERY AND TABLE CUTLERY. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. TELEPHONE NO. IB40. DIAMETEK8 OF SCREW LBR8. Of rU other elements, tho efficiency of screw propellers scorns to bo but llttlo af¬ fected by relative diameters. That Is to any: If a ship has a screw ten feet In diameter, cutting off two lodt of It seems to havo Injurious result us regards Its action some onsos it haB Jbeen ---■-■— ■——«■ screw steamer waa b year to run in shoal water, and Its propellers .were only 12 (twelve) Inches In diameter. The vessel Itself was about 100 feet long, hut these toy propellers, oa' they may he called, drove that boat at twelve miles per hour. Tho sorewB of torpedo boats are' very small In diameter, only 36 Inches In some cases, but tho boats, as la well-known, are the fastest things that float on water, < Navlgntlon'on the great lakes Is attended with difficulties, for some, of the laknaure shallow, and vessels which tradx-rfi and out of local porta have no more-witter than they need. In some cases their wheels are one third their diameter out of water. The effi¬ ciency of such a wheel 1b loss than one equal to the portion wholly Immersed, for it Is not In a position -to utilize the power expended on It. It would seem that reducing the illam- efer so that the wheel would be wholly tin der water should give greater efllcleiiey In all respects.—Mechanical Engineer SELF-LUBRIOATING BUSHINGS FOR TACKLE BLOCKS. . We print below, cuts tuid .Rescript Ion of one of the most sucessfnl bushings lortnckle blo/ks over Invented, which Is called the phosphor bronze aelMubrlcatlng bushing and which Is manufactured by the.Pentled Block Co., of Lockport, N~. Y.. ex.-linively. C. E. BENHAM, 317 Detroit Street. KEEPS IN STOCK From 10 to 25 per cent Saved BY BCTING- 8CPPUES AT JOHN SCHEUFLER'S dash Grocery, OPPOSITE FllED 6nOCWS COAL OFFICE. 8ANDUSKY,_ OHIO, MARINE SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. STEoiD TSTdRBOdRD AND STOP A* Capt. Dahlke's ONE PRICE BOOT AND SHOE STORE And Examine u Finn lino of Spring Goods at Very Low Price*. • 297 Pearl-st., Cleveland,0. DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. DOMESTIC * STEAM CQAL Cleveland, - Ohio petroleum, Cleveland to Liverpool. J 1868—There were but three departures this year, as follows: Brig Sailor Boy, Cap¬ tain Humphrey, oats from Chicago. The bark'L. H. Cotton toak on a cargo of petroleum at Cleveland for Liverpool, and was burned soon alter leaving port, October 26th; Captain Geo. De Wolf, .master. Bark Etowah, Captain Patterson, petrole¬ um, Cleveland lo Liverpool. I860—Etowah, Captain Campbell, petro¬ leum and staves, Cleveland lo Liverpool. ■ Bark Thermutls, Captain Dick, reilned oil, Cleveland to Liverpool. Stcapier Washington, flour, Chicago to New York. . ' Schooner Union Jack, wheat, Kingsvllle to Europe. . Schooner Phcsbe Catharine, wheat, from Kingsvllle to Europe. J. W.H. Fig. 2. The metal in tliei-e bushings is the cele¬ brated phosphor bronze whicli lb recognized as one ol the very best wearing metals in market and from it the bushings take their name. Cut No. 1 shows the Phosphor Bronze part Itself before being lt.serted in the hub of un iron sheave (see B in cut No, 2) or Into the hub of an iron bushing for use in a lignutnvlKe, sheave as shown in cut No. 3. Cut No. 2 Is Intended to represent an Iron •|»hen,ve w(lh a, quarter section -cut away ailil showing at B the Phosphor Bronze bushing, at C the holes lo conduct the lubricant from the chamber D to the pin or axle. D shows a part of the chamber which contains the store of lubileant. This lubricant remains plastic until sufficient heat may have been f;enerated to cause It to flow through the mles C'to the pin. As Boon us tho heat abates, the flow ceases. The supply of lubricant can bo removed if ever required but ordinarily it will last the lifetime of the block, These bushings have now been thoiouglily tested and In every Instance have given complete satisfaction. Parties who have tried other "bushings unsuccessfully are requested'to write to "the manufacturers and give these bushings a trial. This company manufactures a full line of the celebrated Anchor Brand tackle blocks bqth wood aixl wrought iron, also ware¬ house, railroad and steamboat trucks, mid will be pleqsed to supply shelr catalogue and price list. ' ^ Geo. B. Carpenter & Co., Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers. Ship Chandlery Goods of all Descriptions. MANILA ROPE OF THE VERYBE8T MAKE Steel and Iron Wire Hope and all IU Fitting*. to 208 Ml CHICAGO, CRUMMOND'S Mackinac Line, Tor Mackinac, Si. Igoace, Cheboygan, Alpenn, Oscoda, Hort Huron, Detroit and inlenactlfate lake and river ports. Steamer ATLANTIC, Capt. D. Nicholson, LcavcA Cleveland'overy Friday evenlnjat 8 o'clock. During the wurm wctther and pliuure seuon the Steamer Atlantic Will extend tho regular trip on to Pctoakey, Harbor prion and t'h-rlnvolx. CIXVKLAM* FORWARPINtt CO., Agent*,' Office And Dock, Foot of Siuierlor-it., Cleveland. TRAVELERS' REGISTER. LAKE SHORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN. ' Commencing Sunday, May 11,1884, at 12 o'clock noon tho Mine given in the ligures below is tlif new standard (Ninetieth meridian) time, which is thirty-time min¬ utes slower than Cleveland time proper: Eastward. J Arrive | Depart. No 4. Fast Limited Express, No 6, N Y,BA A- Express.......... "6 85 X »| No 211. Elyrla Accommodation.... t« 03 No'35, Bullulu Ac'm % la Sandusky \ft 85 x Ml No 36. Toledo Accom via Norwalk flO 95 A II No 12, N Y A B Fast Express...... °1 65 P M No 14, Sped*! N Y 4 Bob Exprc................ No 2, Night Ex via Norwalk..... 0 40 P « No 32, Night Ex via eanduaky .. t» 42 p m No 26, Conneaut Accommodation T4 25 p v. "I 10 a Upl2 06 A M <7 00 l H If 10 60 * M tlO 60 i M •2 25pm 6O0P1I tlO 00 P u Wortwird. No 1, Faat Limlied Expreii......... No 2fi,M!oh Exmesi via Sandualn No 8, Chicago tuxprers via '• .. No 26, Midi Accom Norwalk....... No21, ToWoEx via Norwalk... No 6, St Louis Ei via Sanduaky.J No O.CIil P..c Fx via Norwalk.... No SI, Elyrla ao to Elyrla only... No 27. Conneaut Accommodation I Arrive. | Depart. •11 55 4 M •2 15 x u J0 05AU t"l2"&6'r"ii tl2 15 P M •0 OOP ii JMoTii '12 06 a M 6 80AH t« 10 X ll 18 20 P u 12 40 PII "OJV'Pii t< 80 p k. Sunday train for Nottingham— Depart 8.-80 a. m, and 1.-45 p. n>.; returning, leave Nottingham at 9.-06 a. m. and 8.-46 p. n. Reference mflrka— • I>ailyr t daily, except Sunday, Idally, exeeiu Monday. For full Information ua to traina anil ctiiiu«.tlona ap- flt at the new city tit k>-t office, corner bencca ami bt lair atreeia, I^ike Shore block. BEE LINE CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI 4 1NDI- ANAI-OLla Commencing Stmdav, June 8, 1884, traina of the Bee Line— Cleveland, ColunttuiB, Cincinnati A ltidlan- apolla Kailwin —will leave and arrive at Clvvelatl't as followx. t-KNTttAL aTAMJAitt) tihu, :u tnlliutea atowur than t le\plati<l time- < No. R, roluiutiua,Clncriinaii AInd Ex..... No. 23, (lallon A W healing ExprM........„ No.0, CoL,Clo.,Iod A8u Louis Ex...... No, 5, Col. tin., Ind. 4 Si. Louli Express.., No. 27, Oalllon it C.L A W. Aco................ No. 29, Maulllon Ii Ulrlchivllle Ex......... "nepaTT" No. 8, Col, ctn, Ind. A St. Loula Exp.. _No. SO. Uhrlcavillo AJUaaalllouEx . So. 2, Col. Clu. A ImftanHpolls Erpreu!! o, 14, Bt, Loula, Ind.. Cln. &CBI. Ex.... ILL. Express" 7.-C0 A M 6.-40AM , '6.-40PM •12 86 PM 4.00 P M 6.00 P M Arnve. Im Tort, PennsylTaiiiaHMolU. NEW YORK, BOSTON AMD THE BART. .The RhorlMt and Qnlekeat Bont* t» PHtaj. bnrp;, Waahlnvtan and lUIUmor* -and the Bantheaat. Contrn! nit Nlnotlethr Meridian time. S3 mlnntaa ■!«. er than Clovoland elty time °I"*, •"", Until liirthor notice troltn will leave from tka ». Contral Depot, South Water street and Vladuotufo" 6°.I i m, ttWKta Leavlttshmgh 8:85 a.-m. & New York. AlhiSy ,£ Boaton without change. Arrive at Jleadv lie at lLo. m, (dinner) Franklin at 12:08j). m, Oil aty i"m „ m" Oorry 12.W p. m, Jamwtown (Etlke'chauuiomj l.«5 n' m, Bufflilo8:60 p. m Roehester 8;20 p. m.t HeraaliV; Tlllo em p. m. [sunnjrli CoralnB 7:31 p. m. amlr»lK» p m. Blnghanton IfJ-05 p. nij, AjUny S;00 a. mTlSitoi 1:46_|>. m.| arrlvjnj tjtJSow Jjwjkj^iVdi. $1 A;™?Pin^e>.™, *•■ w- No. 22,.flalliotiAco......... No, 20. Wheeling Accom NO. 4. Col., Cin AN. Y. - -. „■________ Traroa marked • dully, ull other truitia dully except Sunday E. B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, General Malinger, Tmfflc Manufitr. A. J. SMITH, tleneral Pauenger Agent. CLKVFLANII, OHIO. •HIT — vea at _ II, JiTi niae sleeping eottch from Cleveland fo _ 'evr York. Arrives at MoaavlHo at 0.-80 p. ni , James- town S.-47 p. m., Salnm^nea 0:45 p. m„ New York J0.10 a. m, ., 11'Ml il ffl NIOHT EXPRESS-(Dally except 11,UU Ui 111, Sunday) Seepingcoaeb from Clavelind lIorDollnvlllo. Arrive at Youngatown at 1:50 a. m, McadviUe 3:25 a< in., Corry 4;50 a.m. Jameatown 6,67 a, m, Buffalo 0:20 o. jo., Rochoater'12:68 p, m., Hoi>nells Tlllo, 11:00 a m , Corning 12:07 p m, ElralraI2:40 p. ra., Binajhampbin 2.10 p "),, New York 0:10 p. m. Arrive at Pjttahurgh 6.-60 a. ni, without change. 1'0n>n nt'-I'ITTSBUROH EXPIlESS -DaUy- iioV II, 111, Through without change, Parlor ear at¬ tached. Arrives at Youngatown 6.-00 p m., Pittsburg 8:02 p. m„ Wnshlngi6n 7.-09 a. m , Baltimore 8:10 a. m, IMi ii Til' »IAHONLNO AOilMODATr" till ])i ill. Slopping at all way atationa, YoungHlown 0:65 p. ni., Sharon 8:01 p. m., t 8:10 p. m, C t£n n m PITTSBURGH EXPRESS - Di3U Ui lilt Through without change. At____.. Youngatown 0..80 t. ra., Sharon 10.80 a. m„( Sharp*. ville U1.-4Q a.m., Pittsburgh 12 45 p a., Banning, leaves Plttnbmgh at 4:15 a. m., 7;45'a. m., 1225p. m., and 8:45 p m IflQAo m YOUNQSTOWN AND PITTSBURGH IU JO d. 111. ACOMMODATION-Stopplng at all Way atatlons,arrlTlngat Youngslown 1:40p. ra.,Pliti. buHgli. 6.46 p. m. Trains arrive at Cleveland, 6:16 a. m,,6:80p ta., .10.20 a. m; 1:06 p. m., and 0:46 p. in, ■ ataTThls la the only route by which passengers can reach Corry Elmlra, Blnghampton, Now York city and intermediate polnta without change. No change to Boston and New England Cltiea. Baggage checked through' to all points East Through tickets ana Information regarding the route can be obtained at the offloo 181 Bank street, and at new Depot of N. Y., P A O R K, South Watar street and Viaduct, Cleveland, O. . A. E. CLAUK, Uen'l FaHTr Ag't Qeveland, 0. J. M FERRIS, Gon'l Mafl'gr°, Clereland, O. M. L, POPTHiPaaiengor Agt, 181 Bank St. Cleveland. The Nickel Plate! HEW YORK, CHICAtJO '* BT. I.OtH RAILWAY. Tho paaieuger equipment of this New Trunk Line la all new uud la aupplled with tho latest appliances. necessary to sate speedy and comfortable' (ravel, At Chicago, passenger trains onivc at and leave from the Union Depot, Van Buren street. Following is the time in effect,JtiLe 1, 1884, and un¬ til further notlce: OOING EAST. Lt. Chicago......... 7.50 a m. ..._,........................ Arr. Vnlliaiaio. 0.45 " ................................ " Fort Wayne. 1.80 p. m................................. •' New Haven.. 2.05 • ,„.„......................... " Wc»t Lclpsio 8^0 " ................................. " AraidlA......... 4.40 "............................... " Fostaria......... 6.00 " Green Spiings 6.46 " Bcllevue ,-...... 6,10 I.v. Bellovue.........6.20 Ar. Lorain............ 7.60 Arr Cleveland....... 0.02 Lv. Cleveland...........*. Arr Palneavllle........... ... . " Ashtabula..................... 1226 p. m. " Connoaut....!.................. 12.50 " Erie....................,........ 2.09 '• Dunkirk........................ 8.47 " Buffalo.......................... 6.20 GOING WEST. Lt Buffalo...........q.HTa.^i,:........ ....... 7.66~ a. m! 0.16 " 10.22 10.27 11.88 Acconi. 8 62 p. m 6-0.1 6.03 ' 1.80 „ Air " Erie............... 1.23 p. in..........;;;;~". 'Le»,o " Conneaut....... 2 20 " ............. 6.16a.m. •• AshUbula........ 2 61 •' ........... i ii ., " Painesville......8 44 "...........748' " Clevelsnd.......4.52 " ......... ...... 8 66 '• L» Cleveland........4.57 " 6.47 a.'"m" Ar. Lorain............„ fl 12 " 7.85 •' '.'"......... ArrBellevue.........,7.88 " " Lv Bollevue...................... 9,20 '* u Green Springs.....v......... 9.44 •• ............"' •' Fostoris..........................10.22 " *v'""....... 1 Arcadia........... M.............10 84 » ............. '* West Lelpslc.........;...... n.Bo " 'i New Haven................. 1 85 p. m. .'............ " Fort Wuyne.................. 1.60 " ....... " Valpralso........................ 6.42. " "•'........... '• Chicago....._................... 7.60 •> ."!'.—..'Z.'.. Through tickets to nil points are on sale at pi Inclpal offlces of tlie company at lowkht naTua for any claal ofllcket- d.alred Bsggsgo checked lo destination For,lnformatlon, cull ou nearest agent of the Com¬ pany, or address B. F, HORNER, LEVIS WILL.AM», (i""1 V"*"*" Ag""' General Manager. Cleveland, O. for tho working rlaaa. Bend ten eenta for pos- n-r- '»«• »n<l »• will mall ynu Jm, a royal, valua¬ ble box of sample goods that will put you In the way of making uipru money In u lew dnya than you ever thought iwulblo at any busineaa. Capital not requlretl. We will start you. You can work all the time or in spare time only. The work Is uniTereally adapted to both sexta, young and did. You ran easily earn from 60 cents to 15 every evening That all who want work may teat the busineaa, we make.thla ttnparaUed oflbr, to all who ori not well aatlafled wa will send II to pay for tho troulne of writing us. Full particulars, dlrec- te*'i*'0:i. Vnl ft*-, PortMBu »«l *• made by those who give their whole time to f-e wo>k. Oreat success absolutely auio Don't delav btart now. Address Stinson A Co , Portland, Maine. APRI7P . *">d »lx cents for postage, and reoetvs . lltltlu, free, a costly box of goods " ' _'" ;oods wblcb will « i mull, irev, a cosuy nox or goods wnicn win help you to more mouey rlaht away than anything else " thU w.orW- A".°l oh her sex, succeed from lirsl Hour. The broad road to fortuno opens before the workers,absolutely sure. Atonce addroaajTliuit ACo., -Augusta, Mslne. ___________ * ^^^_ WILLIAM F0RDE, SHlfr BROKER Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N. E. Cor. Colmnbua Ave. A Water St., SANDUSKY, PHIO, 7

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