Marine Record, June 19, 1884, page 1

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,J21'84 VOL. VI. NO. 25. -jL±j___:_______ a BO WW TEE LAKES. ______ i CLEVELAND. The Ilfe-8i(vci8 ut this port received n -new bout on Tuesday. The Otego will hnve a new ,Etn»shaking grate put In by G. 0 Burned. The mui Ina business Is lively at Ashtabula. Fifty-one vessels were reported.nt that port Tuesday. A quick trip Is reported for the Schooner irB. Breck, Kingston to thU port with ore in two days and eight hours. Our efficient lighthouse keepers Captain George Tower and Captain J. M. Heed have donned their ;i6W uniforms. " . The lohndatlQn foi the lighthouse, crib Is being prepared, and the crib itself will piob- ably be toured Into place next Monday. The new stftim derrick supplied at that dock by Messrs, Andrews and Hitchcock for loading and unloading vessels seems to be working well. The ^teamyacht Cyclone, owned by Cap¬ tain Paul Lohnemeyor, Is out In good shape for the season, and w ill make regular trips between fhls port and Rocky river beside Sunday excursions. The yacht Circe, owned by M'Enoheran & Ritchie Dras., whloh was tied up Inside the breakwater, parted her rope during the gale on Saturday, drifted on the beich anil pounded herself to pieces. She was valued nt $800 and Is'a total loss. Thestenmyiioht Nadlne, Captain A. Robin¬ son, owner and master, after a railroad ride of some miles, was successfully launched into plneld Lake Chippewa last SaturtTay. We wish Captain Robinson much success in his picnic enterprise. Tho Keweenaw, Captain Sloan, will have her rudder fixed at the Globo drvdock. She will ply regularly between this port and Buffalo trom the (lock of the Cleveland For¬ warding Company, Superior street. The lure is $8.60 with room, or $0 lor the round trip, GLEVELAND. O.. JUNE 19,1884. tt ore charter on the upturn, Eecanaba to Cleveland. After tlnlshlhg her repairs by letting a new bowsprit and completing her now bulwarks she will load coal at 70c for Milwaukee. Ills said the propeller Jay Gould, which l'»d some trouble at this poit with ore men mently on account of her irrclics will be taken out of the ore trade, and will load nill- rond iron at Chicago for Milrquette, and will lontlnne in the Lake Superior trade tho rest of the season. The American Engle, Captain D ihlko owner and master, took the J 1.1 «se to Ashtabula on Tuesday, Captain Dalilke says 116 Intends tq remain at Ashtabula tho hal- »nce of the season with the American Eagle tJRethat wit), the tug Hawley, the demands 01 We 8nlppln£hitere«8 at that port requlr "if! more tug (powder. The t„K ThbnWQuayle, with the schoon- «». Ufrlnler Zach Chandler and Mongua- „„" '" tow «"«< ol>H«re«l to put |,„„ th|8 port »naccountofnloohe whee] w)|(!h wj|)be Wened here. The tug American Eagle 'Pwe'l the Lafrlnlei Into this port and the h»rbJr,80n '""1 Z,,t'lc0ll"l")lcr t0 Ashtabula brute mM,er °f the 'Kim»™ <'• C Trow- ifm.1 rep°r'8 l"iVl"*! •discovered a reef or "°"! near the entrance to P.entlss V w hlch Is not marked on the latest govern¬ ment charts. Tho Tiowbrlilge ran hard aground on It during a northerly gale. The depth ol the water eoyjsrlng the reef Is only seven feet, and someproVlslon ought to he made at-ouee to mark it, ah Pientlss Bar Is becoming qiiito nn Important point for ves¬ sels in the lumber trade./ »' At Globe drydock since our last report the Goshawk hud her -huts calked and some minor rcpnlrs, the yacht Tempest received, a new wheel and a canal boat some general repairs. The river tug Thomas Quayle, which wii6 out In the blow of Saturday with three schooners is In to have a loose wheel made tight, and Air. D. 1* Bells'yacht Wlnnfred to get n new wheel. The newsteain yacht Tempest built by Mr. J. Chatterton at No. 80 West Center street, and which was fully described In theRKConn of February 7, has been chartered lor the season by the Evangelical Assoelnt'on of this city. The Tempest will run as an ex¬ cursion boat to and from the picnic grounds at Vermillion, On Tuesday the yacht took on board a pleasure party of ladles urn! gentleman and mado tho sail to Llnnwood Park very enjoyable to them. The achoouur Joseph Paige, Captain W. R. Williams, takescoal to~Milwaukee at 70c. The Paige is 62b now tons burden,'was, built at Milwaukee by Wolf & Davidson In 1872, Is owned by Fitzgerald, of Milwaukee, and r>ratesA2 Captnln Williams has sailed her ever since sl|c was launched, twelve years. He was master 0f the Glenbtiln, which was tied up In the river nt Chicago during the great lire of 1871, and burned to the water edge. The schooner Burton was built on the bottom of theGlenbiiia. George Galley, one of the orew of the sphoonei Mattie C. Bell, in his efforts to overtake two boys who hud stolen the yawl boat of the schooner- capsized his own bout and was drowned. His body was re¬ covered. It Is said he could not swim. It should be the duty ol cverj sailor to learn 12.00 P*» Axxtw 3IX0LE COPJlfl ii Cmn A, , * „ , hiioihu De tlie duty ol cverj sailor ti <h n , "8 "lle ech00l,er Thom»8 \jhat useful means of self preservation. Too hneldon Captalu~McHenry, got the first mid, reliance, should not be placed by the H ore charter on the upturn, Eecanaba to ^iur ,,„.„ ,,„„„ .i,„ „„„„i„ ..'.....,„. ' ^ Bay sailor mini upon the vessels conipletmont of life preservers, rafts or any other accidental means of escaping death when he finds him self In the w ater. He should be able to help himself. , Lute chnrteis include Propeller Kittle Foi bus, coal, Erie to ( liluigb, bO cents, schooncinV W Wheeler, coal, Cleveland to Chicago, bO coins, D G. Fort, |ijg iron, tit. Ignace lo Kile, $1, and Annie binlth, coal, Chneland to Chicago, 80 tents; steain- burge V M' Pratt,, Toledo t6 Colliu- wood, 70, cents, bleaiucr Argonaut and schooners Frauds Palms and Coiitou ore, Escauiiba to Clc\cland O.'ic, schooners ( aui- den, coal Cleveland to Milwaukee, 70c, Thomas P Sheldon, coal from Cleveland to Milwaukee, 70c; Joseph Paige, coal from Cleveland to Milwaukee, 70c. Melvln S. Bacon, coal from Cleveland to Milwaukee, 70c. s~-\ /saNIUSKY. Special to Ihe Marine Record There Is considerable lumber scattered along the bench, at Pelee Island, which was lost fl inn some boat In the northeaster ol Monda), Ihe Uth Inst I would like to find out through the colunis of the Majiink Recoiid who owns the lumber, as I should like to buy it The owner can address me at Sandu»k),Ohlo Caimai.n W.G. IVitu, CHICAGO. Special to the Marine Jlecord. The schooner Wcstchestci of Milwaukee, running betwien Slurgeon Bay and this port, has been miking extraoullnary good time this senson, having made lour round trips to the former portjr^ twenty dnvs.ji distance of 240 miles, ora total of 1,020 miles In eighty days, allowing fin time consumed in loading and unloading. This is acknowl¬ edged to be the fastest time ever ■uiudc by a sailing vessel on Lake Michigan. The West¬ chester Is sailed by- Captain J. V. Clark and was built In 1847 at Union hy Ki'tchnm and rebuilt in 1888 by CnpiaiuJ. r.Claik. She Is ISO tons burden, classed Bl and Is owned hy Latham & teinltli ol Sturgeon Baj, who may be proud of the lecord she has made. The old schooner Evelyn of Milwaukee, built In Chicago In 1857, airived heio June 1.' foi the first time In fifteen jcars. She Is 40 new tons burden and will entei the lum¬ ber mule between, this port and Muskegon. There is ncweiord of hei ever having been lebullt. The steamer City of.'l'raveue was towed into this port lasr Thursday night by the steamer City of Grand Rapids, the machin¬ ery of the former having broken down. A new crank and some repairs to her machin¬ ery arc being made here. The tug Protection, when rebuilt, will have placed upon her a powerful tire pump to be used In case of fire on the river. The schooner Morning star has been sold by the National Fuiniice Company, of»De- perc, to Captain A. Elliott. Consideration $3,403. The woik of raising the blIdge nt North Halsieud street will commence at once. The stiucture will be raised foiir'tecn feet. ' The tug John Gordon was In Miller Brothers' drjdock Saturday fora new wheel. The sleauibnrge Almendinger was in the Chicago di>dock Saturday getting her stern bearings llxed and a new coat of paint. . The steauibarge Tempest and tlie schoon- ei Andrew Jackson collided Thursday be¬ tween the structure of the new Rush street bridge and ihe dock, causing damage to both. 'I lie accident would not have occurred I but foi iinnccc6saly obstructions placed In the way ol ihe vessels by the bridge build, erf The selioonci Culm, in tow of the tug Craw foul, collided with Wells street bridge U edncsdii), doing slight damage io hersell I and the biidge '1 he accident was Oicasloued through the bnaking of the tow line. Another juoain pleasure }tieht lias been added to the number of excursion boats pil¬ ing nt our lake front, she is an excellent bout 611 feet III length, U leeto inches beam and 5 leet deptli ol hold. James Elliott built her nt South Hiiven, and she is com < inniided by Captain Win. J. Wlntei. Captain Corcoran, of the Anchor Line steamship Conemuugli, which arrived hero Tuesday, reports pueslng a spar standing about five feet above water, about six miles northeast fiom Milwaukee pier, In a most I dniigerous spot lor vessels going lino and mil ol that port. 'Ihe Supremo Court ha\ log decided that the city ordinance to abate the smoke nui¬ sance is legal, lots more trouble and expense will be put upon the tug owners, jcho ilo their best to get tlieli work done etllciently and with iib little annoyance to the general public as possible.' Smoke consumers of all kinds have been tried, none of whlch'bave proved a success, and the burning of hard coal will not enable tlie lugs to get up ateam quickly, so that the owners and tugmen are nt a loss to know what to do. Some of them have decided to put up with the extra- ex¬ pense and Inconvenience occasioned by burn- Ing hard con I, while others determine to fight the case In other courts. The Anchor Line steamship Gordon Campbell, Captain D. Murphy, arrived here MondayJnden with coal Horn Buffalo. She did not remain out of commission but a shoit time. Tho Anchoi Line steamship Philadelphia, Captain John Leonard, which arrived at this poit Monday morning, laden with 1,000 tonsot coal, made the trip up fiom Buffalo |_ln se>ent).»ix hours. Great ciedit is due to Trout, oi the King Iton Works Buffalo, for the Improvements recently made to her inn.' clllner). The United. Slates lighthouse supply steamer Dahlia Is iir port. Mio has on board a cargo of supplies foi the lighthouses In this district She wltl-Vtsli othci porta on Lake Michigan and supply the different light- houses with stores. The schooner Lotus, In tow of the tug Prlndivlllc, collided with Luke street bridge laat week and lost her Jlbboooi. Wo hope this is the last bit of bud luck we shall have to record for her worthy captain, R. Seator, this season. The ^choonei Sardinia,* Captain Martin Howard, got her stern badly damaged dn the 11th, outside ihe harbor. The tugs Al¬ pha and Flossie Thielckc weie racing to get the tow, when the former, in endeavoring to avoid a collision w Itli the hitter, struck the sclioonor a veiy hard blow on the starboaid quurtir. The Alpha obtained the tow, bpt It will cost her dearly, as the damage done to the schooner will foot up some $300 or more. A'n nccldent which, happily, did not occa¬ sion more serious results, occurred to the schooner Margaret A. Mulr Wednesday She was unloading coal at tlie bllver Creek coal dock. Noith Branch, when the hook on the twin buckle broke, leaving the whole weight of tlie buckei, weighing, with Its contents about 2,200 pounds, upon the pine derrick, causing It to break, ami the buckot and Its contents fell a distance of thirty feet on to Hie deok, smashing In a portion of the schoonei'sdetk-and a heavy djiLk beam, mid rendering unconscious, for a Mine, two'inen engaged In unloading her, who were In the immediate vicinity. Repairs to the schoon- er'sdeck were mnde ut the Ves-cl Owner's ship yard. . The steamer Ut) ol Gland Rapids went Into the Vessel Owners' drydock baturduv and got hei bottom calked. The schooner Metropolis, which has laid In-ordlnary all this Season, is being repaired ami/ fitted out for business at a considerable uost. The vessel belongs to the Golt estate, and Is managed by a gentleman named' ' Cochrane. She is perhaps the most hand- - ' somely modeled craft afloat on the lakes to- ilay. She was built at Cleveland by Peck * MaBtoisIn 1857. halls from Chicago, 1« 245 tons burden, and classed A2. * The big propeller Clyde arrived on Satui. day Irom Bulliilo, coal laden. While being towed to a dock In the North Branch she got aground at North avenue, and It "rc- qulred three or four tugs and several hours' [Li/amiitrf(hi 41!, jiatje.,

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