Marine Record, June 12, 1884, page 7

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THE MAPINE, RECOFrj. S. J. 'WE<B<B <& CQ.', ■ ' shlo Braken, Venal Ownen and Agent*. , H [KSTABI-MHIJO IN 181(9.] H j w«n»*Oo,wmoHarterVoae«l.rorUV.Tr«de. aJ^UI Bttantion |l«a lo OHirtwlju y«ml< la the gjisujierior Iron ON Trade,beta for Hip aoaaon ud ARCADE BUIt-OINQ. 101 8T. CLAIR 8T., CleveUnd, Ohio. TELEPHONE {iianldiinea', No.' lSSS, SCOTT & <BE<R<RIMAX, $re and Marine Insurance - Agents and Vessel Brokers. Attention also giren to the purchau add ulo of Iron iJr Telephone, No. IS. ' OSloe, HO Sonth Wntor-gt., Clfjeland, O. THOS. WILSON ' UlNAOINO1 OWNER Wilson's Transit Line. Om. Forwutder. Freight ind Vend Agent, CIBYIUXD, 0. OAPT D M rlEOKEB. OAPT. HENRY BROOK 2). .M. BECKER & CO., Commercial Brokers and Vessel Agents, Veuali chartered, purcliaaed and told, contract! tnado for ooaraa and heavy freights. Uki 8uptrl"r and Eecanaba Iron ore charters for .In- ale trip or aeaton a Rpnctalty Oto-ffitevsisfvi; Cleveland, ' roli-pltone No aw " ut MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, No 121 St Hair Street. Kdora 27 CLEVELAND • OHIO , PALMER & BENHAM, Vessel Owners & Agents, jfew Bank Building, corner of Superior and Bund Street, Cleveland, Ohio. » MORGAN & RICE, Vessel Brokers, Marine and Fire Insuranoe Agents, Room 20, Chamber of Commerce, DETROIT! MICH. Speoiil attention paid to Chartering Tassels CAIT J VT MILLER OAPT It B MONTAGUE , MILLER & MONTAGUE* A BUtUTH, 1JIINN. Vessel Brokers and Marine and Fire Insuranoe Agents, and Board of Trade Welghmen, Special attention paid to Chartering Veiaels, also wfllghiDg and Trimming catgoei of grain Correipou- 4nco Holioltod. ALEX McDOUGALL, , VESSEL AGENT AND BROKER, JDTJLrrTKC. Owners and ma^tora o[ votnob wiahlng to get cargoes «f grain from thla port will do well to con fur with ioi\ Will be glad to furnish information in regard to car- C also In rotation to ilockj, depth of water, etc, at .__ith, Acute Bay (now-Iron oroli»ort)i Port Ar¬ thur, Waahtmrn AahUnd, and all points n0«r the wart md of Lako Bucorior Good gangs of men furs filiheil oq ihort nollco for irfiuming cargoea of grain, wading and unloading all kinds of freight JAMES T. ROSE, Vessel Agent and Broker, HOX 1810, DULUTB, MINN. UtaOen Ag't forOollingwood LIntof Steamer. Special Attention Paid to Chartering Ve.aela. ATKINS & BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents 127 USalle StreeiT OUICAUU, - ill- HIBBARD& VANCE, ' Vessel Agents *>'f««8« Broadway MILWAUKEE, WIS 1UU Sail. Street, CHICAGO, ILL. KNEIP & MORRISON, PB0CT008 IN ADMIRALTY, ' lit Monroe St Room (14 Chloago. ROBERT RAE,# • ^mfralty and Insurance . Law Office, ^WJ7, Morobanu' gliding, CHICAGO, ILL. A. M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, • '5E*claiigeSt. Juffalo, N. Y. WIF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE "op MONTHLY Usi OF VESSELS f0«HM.E.SEJf!> FOK VI GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO., Builders of Iron and Steel Ves¬ sels of evlery Description. Builders of the Iron Steamer Onoco. Yacht Twilight, and'Iron Tugs International and Record. OFFICE AND WORKS, OLD RIVER ST., CLEVELAND, 0. Established in 1830. WM: WALL'S SONS, —viKCr*OTOii(M or— CORDAGE * OAKUM. Office No. 113 WALL STREET., NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y, JAMES P. DONALDSON & CO., Ship-chandlers, Sailmakers AND DEALERS IN Mill, Railway and Manufacturers' Supplies, WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. DEAN& CO., <fThe Neversink Cork Jacket AND IMPROVED LIFE BELTS, Vnimteil Twenty-fonr Lbs. Buoyancy AND FULL WEIOHT OF OOItK, According: to Requirement, of U. S. IhHpectori. SUPERIOR TO .ALL OTHERS ALSO RING BUOYS. ./m. t :■• mur mzm______..____«_ w Patent Yawl Boats of all Lengths, Pleasure and Hunting Boats, Sail and Steam Yachts on Hand. Also, Life Boats that will pass Government Inspection, and cost less fa any Life Boats in U.S.A. DEAN & CO., FOOT OF ST AUBIN-hT DETROIT, itWll SUB-MARINE DIVER, Sub-manne Drilling and Blasting. STERN HEARINGS REPAIRED WITHOUT GOING TO DIUDOCK. Wrecking Expeditions Accompanied. Contracts' Made for all Kinds of Diving. Residence, 73 West Ohio St., Chicago, AltNER & DBI8COLL, CLEVELAND AGENTS. T. -E. WILSON, All Kinds of Water Work DONE PROMPTLY TO ORDER HEADQUARTERS, Upson & Walton's, 'River Street, Or, l37,Hermann-St, Cleveland, 0. PENFIELD BLOCK CO, LockporU Neio York, are Sole Manufacturers of the Celebrated "Anchor Brand" Tackle Blocks, ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHED OH WITH Our Self-lubricating Phosphor Bronze Bushinqs. The metal In lline Buililngl la tlio Colobrated pLo.pbor-Ilron«e, tho beet Iwnrlw metal lotho mara«l, and beh"«t perfect lubricators tboy are fait .up.reedln.- all othur St£i loJJala brbUlV cnANDLEIts erorvwhore ' ASK FOK " ANCHOR IIHANU" TACKLE BLOCKS. Uiuamtcd C«»alo|ue and prleellst mailed frceonappllcatlon. SampleoederifloUcllod AeOOtnpanjMW cut MrWuito our ntw block, TATENTKD NO> EMBER 13, 18fl(a Of 8. USlND. h. d. ituaora. RAND & BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS, WITH 3D K "ST 3D O C3C ATTA< UED TO THE WORKS. ALSO PRKPARED..TO.DO WRECKING AND TOWING WTJ'IT THE Tug John Gregory. Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOC.WIS. Approved ami addptod by the United States Board of Supervising Inspectors ;also by the principal Oram, T.tikc and River Steamei Lines, as the only Reliable Life Preserver VESSELS ANU TRADE SUPPLIED Send for Circulars D. KAHNWE1LER MO, 148 & 150 Worth St Near f enter Sr . New Ytirk. KATZENSTEIN'S 8ELF-A0TD»Q METAL PAOKIMO FOR PISTON BODS, VALVE STEMS, Etc. Adopted and la uae by the principal Iron Workt and Stuaaiahlp Oompa nice vltliln the lutcljbt yeariln tblaand Foreign countries. For full par* Afculirs and referenoei addroaa _ MCA1ZEN8TEINACO 189 ObrUtophor St. near H'wt Street N. Y CArT. TIIOS WILSON, Cleveland .gent. FOR SALE, 2<Tq~w Iron 13?" Diiuumloni 78 fool long, 17 (out beam, 11 foot (loop, draft 01-2 foot oukIdo, 20x20, uew atool bollur 7 foot la (liuiiutjur, II LLLt1oDj{, hIIoww) 112 pounds Hloaiu. jhroo Iron Lroant tiook» forward, collision tmlkhoftd forwanl. watur tight uullchumt lorwarU of iHillor, Iron ooal liuukurn, watur tlghl hulkluHtl nfl ut shaft-alnnd, wltb Will or light Iron deck forming the floor of after cabin Jrou deck*, bulwark*audi dock houato, Iron tow poata aft. lietfy aosle Iron franiea; with ruveme bars oh al¬ to male fr«n)«. % plate, iteel floor platu, bollar. an- Kino and bearing foundation of iron, For Me aheap wheu maobinery cau beeoiupletad by * GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO. Boatwashing and general laun¬ dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, lfJ9 Water Street. Telephone 118. I firiJfpCt wanted for Tlie live, of all the l'realdunla fllltfl lU of the U S The largeit, llaniltuneat, bort book erer .opt for 1ui«i than twice our prloo l*h« faal* wt aeUlng book In America Iintuenileproatetoagenta. All lntelflgvut people want It Any one ean becomo a* mooeaful agent. Tertue fne lutiarr Book Co , Portland,, Main. 02

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