Marine Record, June 12, 1884, page 3

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IHE MARINE RECOHU. .NAUTICAL NOrES. A petition it being circuited nnd InrgAy ilaned among vepie] men to h»vu a n^in- •dome erecteil nt Gro»«e Point nlronl. A ■rood llBhthorrea there would be very vrIur- bleto(TEep<lriiu([htoriifl. The acow Uied by the lute Dr. ttncKjehftm « p»rt of U»t ioim>i) for ferrying puftaoMt, ffas recently purohne«d bv CutiiHin Jiimet Tufts, of Clny Biuiki, who will use It. In connection will) the tug Commodore Nutt. jour hundred and fifty Uollnrs wns the prlue paid. ThefchooiW H. B. Moore lost her jlbbobm througli ii collision with n vessel unloiiillng lumber nt the Bridewell (Jlikiiuo. The Moor's entire hettdgenr was n\m curried ,Wny, nnd she whs dchiyed lor aevernl days on neiount of the Occident. Shu whs iH tow of it tug nt fho time. A The loleilo nnd Huglijnw Lumber Coin- puny took out pnuerK lor their now propeller whs built ill Murine City tliU (cason. Her cupnclty Is ns follows; length. 70 feet,width of beiim, 17 feet; depth ul hold, 0 feet, tonnage, 00.40 ions. Sh« will probably be nsed'ns u to« bout The two government diledges which Imvu been ntwoik ut Oconto hWbor, hjive been irniisferred heie nnd begun operHtlons on Green Bay harbor, completing the work \in- dUr tho hiit appropriation, 'lliey will re¬ move About 70,1100 yards, giving n width to the chiinnel ol 200 feet nnd u depth of sixteen feet * The marine hospital nt Luke Vlew_hns —been made a ilfebont etntion. A boat hits been stationed there nt the order ol Inspec¬ tor Kogers, and In enseof n ehlpwrtck In the neighborhood It «III be manned by sailors from the hospital. 'J his whs originally sug¬ gested b\ Inspector Newcotnb, wlioni Lieu¬ tenant Rogers succeeded. Ihe tug Piper hnd the port side of her pi¬ lot house considerably damaged by the schooner Herschel. '1 lie vessel whs in -*h«TTrr^f-thB-rog--MwToTrit ileT~BJver, and while transferring the line from the latter to the Piper, the fluke ot one of the Her- schel's nucbors enme in contact with the tug's cabin and cntised the damage. Repairs were forthwith made. _jl. S^Z" The propeller Joseph L. Hurd on the way to Chicago stopped nt Ti averse City long enough to unload n deck loadM shite, which ' ihe took on at Huron Buy, Luke Superior Quite n number of other vessels have also loaded this slate recently for ports on Lake Mlchigun and the lower lakes, nnd It promises In time to become quite n paying industry In InUe commerce. The freight paid for its movement U considerably better than almost any other article nowadays. The new tugboat of the Imperial Distilling Comppm, the Lticlllla, Is now almost ready for service, having been officially Inspected on Thursday by the local Inspectors'at Ch| cago It was originally intended to nanle the cratt Imperial, but this Intention has been changed, owing to the fact that the new own¬ ers of the old Imperial objected to paying the con attendant on changing her name The Luclllla, with her mnolilnery In her, presents a handsome appearance. . Tho steambargo Edward Smith, Captain Alfred Mitchell, having In tow the barges Vlrglnus Crosthwaite, nnd John Hnnaford, completed the trip from Bnflalo to Oscoda and return In six days And six hours, which Is the fastest round trip on ncoril. All of the vessels were lumber laden, the smith hud on 882,440 leet, the Vlrglnlns 600,040 feet, tho i,roathwuiie 65,783 feet, nnd the Hnnaford 400,000, nn nggiegnto. enrgo of •! 283,278 feet Captain Mitchell may well w proud j>f the tent The life saving station at Chicago. Is to be hirnUhtd with sevepil chihiiiiiiiiiis of a late Invention, which will be very serviceable for we In the i vent ol accidents to sn'idlcinft In mill about the basin 1'hey can be usi d "l*> whin there are heavy seas more leadlly and with loss danger than larger craft. 1 heir principal use, however, will be to send them, "i' muuns of hHWseis, to stranded ornlt, "lieu it Is Impossible to use the life car. Hie crew will be dillled In their life as-soon «■ they nre ready loi sei vice Iron Works. Hor hull, uablu, and nil oilier .wZ' "I?," fc tt" Glob8 8h'Pb»lldIng !i«i.Ei.ny . miU Mventy-flve leeto»er nil, ZZm!£ tf,el bmm- •"", »,ne ^t depth of """",' "'x feM »'* '»<>•»>« forwnul, and In. ••iipiielty for tweniy-olght tons tonlliig. Tier wrew nverages 160 revolutions, mid her speed <m the run o>vn from Uleveland was about twelve knot, an hour. She onst about »18,- p«>. nnd will last as long as the brldgo. We hnd qiilto » rough sail down which proved her sinuuchness." t .-"I". r!,|r '?. l,,»'"lv but comfortable Jurnl,hed, and lin* miir berths In the cabin, Over the wlieelhoiise nre two gilded hands ' Inspe. in friendship, and underneath three Inks, hull, devices signifying the union of interests between Uniidn mid the United states, between which, countries tW Inter- national, like the bridge w||l do service. s Established in 1834. MANUFACTURERS OF AU KINDS OF MARINE ENGINES AND________ Cor. Detroit & Center-Sta, CLEVELAND, 0 Geo. B. Carpenter & Co., Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers. Ship Chandlery' Goods of all Descriptions, UANMRDPTOF THE VERY BEST HAKE 8t«el and Iron wire Hope anil all Its Fitting:!. to CHICAGO, ILL; '! HIE 1UG INIEKNAHONAI, "She Is serviceable, diirnbnl, and her speed 'about thirteen miles an h6ur,"siildSupoi- Intendent Cn]clQiigh o( tnu Inti rnntlonnl fdilge, as he entered the Wlieelhoiise of tho iiiernBtionnl. "8I10 la built eiitlicly ot iron—even her cabin, uecks, and wheelhouse. s"« takes the place ol the old I ng of the slime "nme, and will be used for nsslsilng tows of vessels down the channel nnd through the "ww «t the bridge. I think she Is the only luKon the lakes entirely mm e ot lion " Ihe International lav nt the root of Main siroet, bilglulj palmed", with stenin up, und »nitu leave In ten nilnutes for her dostinn- ""ii nt Black Rock As reportid In the ' "Press the-dny she rendu d Buffalo, slue Jv«s brought from her yard in Cleveland by ^»PJaln Byers.v.lth Mi. John McMurmyns "iglneer Mr. J C, Wallace, lepiesentlng '"" tullders, suld to un Kxprere joporier M "•« Iiiternatloual was, built bv the Globe . "Iptmlldliyr. Company of Clevehind She '"""high pressure engine 20x20 ol fift>- 1'in.i powor, and a seven loot shell holler "llrteoii feet long, both made bv ihe Globe B0DIF1ELD & CO 8 South Water-sj Cleveland I Send for Catalogs SIGNAL UMPS, -WITH- * Patent Fluted Lens and Perfect Colors. GET THE BEST & A VOID COLLISIONS. ' ThMt Umpi (rive 1 more brillnnt light ilmn »P7 Sinn.I lamp now in u» ' Thertiivenofn adopted hi I ho iirliK-lpuf 1 icean ami LnH (.unmet, hnd VHMla Hd st«fori»l«lnthe Jirlnclpnl pfirn on Ihe Atlnotlc const suit like French Wrought Iron Ranges and B oilers for Steam¬ ers and Hotels. Manufactured by Felthpuseivfc Russell, _________________ J80<*/«IMAINST., BUFFALO N~. V.7 THE ETNIt GRATE. u-.C.'BABNEUft This Improved Shaking Grate Especially-Adapt¬ ed to Burning Slack. Glolie Iron Works, MauuDac's. OIBco and Toundrr cornor ol rim and Sprnco-st» CL'eVKLAND, O. ST. MARV'b OHIO MONTPELIER. OHIO / SamaiB ^ 4)^R FACTORIES. URLCKLNKIDGE, MICH CARRULITON, MICH DE GRAUW, AYMAR & CO MAM»ACriBHia AMI IMPOniHlH ov Cordage, Oakum anjl Anchors, - - Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA B0LT-R0PE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, Marine Mardware and Ship-ehan&lm' Goods Gemmlly 34 and 35 South-st, New York. Ctclonh Stiam FLUE~£!LTANen , r0R-"p^n°oN^*Ty°,."rwxiT ■"""»■» C RES GENT MAMUtACTlJRlriti CO. SOLE MANUFAOTURCRS "•*w»ww' OLEVELA1- .S.A. Agents for Akron Rubber Oo.'s Valves, Hoser Packing, etc. WM. & SON. Boat Builders, Sloum ami Sail Yiuhta, Huiitiiiff, 1 IiIiIiik hikI l'lourfurr llontH, Nli< 11 Ilonta, Spoon <)»r» Footof Porter'Av., Buffalo, N.Y W. W. LOOMIS, Erie, Fa., SHIP AND BOAT BUILDING, FIhIiIiik T«it«, WrMiklnir, Itepulrliiif HikI Plor llullillliR Tvitli Mont ImproM'cl Fuoilltlo. All Work Guaranteed Oornipondaiioe Solicited BUTTS COAL CO, [limited ] Only lv£iners of BUTTS VtiNNQL COAL, »i d ilealert In Cm Coal", Nut Coaln unci Sleeim Coal for Tugs Rirgea, e c. CLARK I. BUTTS, CLEVELAND (> OmrriU MaiiiHrvr. F. ft H. BORN, PLUMBERS. MaDnfaclnr^mfHoiel Raises & Lanndry Stoves, and Dealers in FOR SALE. Qnarter Interest iu tlie larce Tug Samson, Out pf thejjioflt powerful lugi on ittu IhLclh She v,ar> built nt bt LBtliPiltus \y MiUklunn relmllt in \n\ ■nil muiiKureK IH1 (lieu] tonnanc bin In i<triilglil A. with InBiiranre t In tlun of $ltl 000 und can t u uiiiuid forffl'JOOO Will MllquirtLf for <a 400 i»iri c»bh bal tncctiiiiu j it,nu» Aillnw Mahink UkcOud N. C. PETERSON Boat Builders, PIKA8UIIK BOiM AND aAHINO »»D «TUII \A.Cint, YAWI IlOiTH BPOON OiBJ, aTKEIUNO WaiJU, n» 385 Atwater St., Near Riopelle, PKrROIT, CH. FOR SALE, AT THE GLOBE IRON WORKS. SfCDND HAND TUBULAK IIOILI B, U Inelmdl .nT.inr 43 tubin 3 hiclioa dlamBlor and 12 (eel lon». .Saw drum lolnche- d.lan..l»r, 40 lnchu hl«h, Iront urate., m*i«. tod brmohlnp, 8»od onler , SFCOND flANDMAW^K BOILEB, In go«l ordei, dh.ll 7-16 Inch Iron plate, diameter, II feci 6 lnchaa loiSft IB fwi l» <"•» * '°<!h"'» diameter, 11 loot * nchMdlouclcr, two duo. IU1 2 Inches dinnieter, lire box «leet Ions, < feethl«h, aleam ehlmnej, 7 l«it high. Hi.'flllVI) HAND MAIUNE IIOILLB lour het wkU, 61 Jl el long SloethlRh .lxtr-four J M inch tubM 60 lnchea long oa.t Iron brecchng guod m new MFO'NP IIA^nMAItI^^ I'NniNF lUnbleiHwot- acllngHiB Inch ijllndor, alialt and wlitel lor jaiMor tug geud a» iu» For Saleor Exchange, Tug Annie Robertson. I length ovorallfil 1 10 ftet, Inailth 18 SlOfiituml dciitli of hold f ftot IruwnfiJiJ f*. i (f WHiir uitusiirf* 0.M 100 (new) toim ami 18 24 HW old Hulll ll) H»0 nud rebuilt tills spring iiL.\*dLik froineH «ntl mlin and machinery th((r uglily oMrliauh-d I nglno )■ HxU, biiiler PH ftet long mid O U In dliuneur Wur rant* (1 In No ] comlltion andbiiljwt to Iubi ettlon, I'rkp, V M)0. Aildrtu Makink Uhcoiiu Okkici FOR SALE Her length Li 18o feet, bettro 2A feet, »nd hold 10 feet lOimjhett Boiler 17 fuel loua 7 feet illametur, three tfuei two 16-inch nnd ono 17-lncb Engine iSiii. Cirrlei2-*0,000fe«t«f lumbtr Bieed 11 mllei light, and 9 12 loaded, Iniuraiicu valuation. Ub 800 Vd* dresaMAniNKHucxjitD01I.ce No J South Water atrtet, UoTeland O FOR SALE. A Fine Harbor Tug. Dlmuulonjtof IrullflS ftLloYCr all Id feet benui. 8 ffijt hold, «i d meaiitrtu 4Q toiuwlih 7 ft ti draft ewrba ujatlt d (tub draft Ihe ennluo, 18x.0, la in flnl-clnai cunditlou, with nil iiuw brtanei, new rlngu in tylludtr and turns a alx foot wlutl which waa new laat hi anon Ihti boiler In inc ytar dd, in largo onough t) titarn i>uod oruml Hnd la alhwvd liJO noiuida* r Nttam Hrltu $1 70" mid ID list 11 h Id I un lilt? u( thirty da^a ^Addrwm MAKINt 111 lUUD OhULIC, Phcenix Paint Co.y^ , MANUFACTUKCIIS OF ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. OFFILE AMU ACTOIIY 36 Michigan St. CLEVELAND, OfllO. V D XICKERSQM, MARINE ARTIST Rear of Central Tug Office, Main St. Bridge, Cleveland, 0. Vesselmen hrlOULD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, ronialiiiriR all polnia of MARINE LAW li de- U rrained by tho United tiutue Court* Seainon, Onneri, FNilichta, Chnrt«re, -Townffe, lt«|rUtry, CollUlom, KnmllmmiU. General Avermjre, Cominon CHrrlera, UuUei of Henmen, MHttt«r» St Owoera, Ulllof LudluK, Wn|r«n, Ac Tha Column In tuuida inilv hound In illII' Retard mrvra, and nt I mtllah d ihllndUnj Haul to »ny >\ IdriuiH |>o»tiit* 1> ihl for f 1 i«u 8659

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