Marine Record, June 5, 1884, page 7

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THE •MAFrfrlE RECOPD. ff..J. 1FE<B<B 4 CO., «Mo Brokers, Vessel Owners and Agents. * XESTARMfiliKO IN 18.B8'] B J Wtiiii*C»,»IIUIiurl«rVo'«ol«forUkeTnul«. ailil ttienilun glean Jo Quartering Venal, in the £& Superior Iron Ore Tr,nl«, b»th for Ilia (eiion mil 4Qfflr trip, ARCAOE BUILDING 101 ST. CLAIR ST., • Cleveland, Ohio. TELEPHONE{neild'en«e, Ko." 1998. " *ivorr~& (BEmimK7 Fire and Marine Insurance Agents and Vessel Brokers. Attention ol«o given til the pnrchaiw and ulo of Iron fin, Telephone, No. 18. OflM. J3'* Sonth Water.Sr,, CleTeland, O. . TH0S. WILSON __ MANAGING OwNKlt Wilson's' Transit Line. Oen Vorwiirder. Freight and, Veuel Agent U.FMaASU o CAJ'T U M rltCKLR CAPT. IIEXKY BROOK 2). M. BECKER & CO., Commercial Brokers aYid Vessel Agents, VmwOr i lettered, pnrchaied unil aold. Mnlrncti mado for roarae-and heavy freight^ Lett Bupartor and Encunubn Iron ore i haitera for iio- gle trlpbr fteaion n ipnclalty 110 Water St Room 14 foul A Iron Ex Build'),. Foleplione No 0fl3 Cleveland, MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, No 12tSt Hair Street, Boom 27 LI EV ELAND -' OHIU • PALMER &. BENHAM, Vessel Owners & Agents, New U»nk Hulhlinif, < outer of Superior and I)iuul Street Clmelnnd, Ohio. MORGANA, RICE, Vessel Brokers, Marine and Fire Insurance Agents, Room 20, Chamber of Commerce, UbltfllOlT, MICH. attention paid to Chartering Vessels. CAI-I 1 W MII.I Lit OA1T It B MONTAGUE MILLER & MOXTdGUE, DirLlITII, MINN. Vessel Brokers and Marine anil flroHnsuranoe Agents, and Bbard of Trade Welshmen. Nu 1 tu^iitluii paid to UimWiiiiik \uucls nlfo wp pi it mil ciitr »a ni fiCalii Corrttiroii dtiid - llcittxl. -JLEX McDOL'piLL, VESSEL AGENT AND BROKER, IDTJIL.TJTH:. OuV urnlimi of \wss.U \.Ialilnk lv ka curgOLii oUr ii In in tbl» p>rt will do will t > t\n\U r with im Willi (.ltd to fnitilth Hifornnilon .iiritfint I tar¬ iff. 4 o In nlitiuii to look.. «l« pthol Wat* i.iil , m Dulutli Vifiit* Hni diiw linn or purO, l'«it Ar¬ thur Wiishlmrn. VhIiIiiihI, hu«I ill p iliitt m ir tin "< t e 1 f I ula SuufiH ,<'»'l utm& «»l imiiliir- niet i i u short in tlio I i rilitimlm, pi ij,u s ul t,i-in, I it I 11. I uuloiHllnK nil ) I" !•• M fnMjJil _____ Jtf.VES T. ROSE, Vessel Agent and Broker, IIO\ Itlltl 111 I t Til, MINN. l»te Gen Ag't for Colllngwood Line of Stenmen sl'<«litl Attention l'ulil \o I liurtetlni: \,Ht.elii. ATKINS &BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents 127 I nSlllli 8Iri.rl CUHiOO - ILU HIBBARD& VANCE, Vessel Agents M ncd 868 BroadwaT 114 Lil Hallo Street, MILWAUKEE, WIS CHICAGO, ILL. KNEIP & MORRISON, PROCTORS IN ADSlIBALlY, 11! Monroe St Boon) H Chicago ROBERT RAE, INralty and Insurance Law Office, g«°m 37, Merohenta' building, CHICAGO, ILL. A. M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, "5 Eichange St. Buffalo, $. Y. W"IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE *V MONTHLY LIQT OF VESSELS "R^vi ", sfv" kuk -i GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO., Builders of Iron and Steel Ves sels of every Description. Builders of the Iron. Steamer Onoco. Yacht Twilight. and Iron Tugs International and Record. OFFICE AND WORKS, OLD RIVER ST.. CLEVELAND. 0. 8.8 BAND Established in 1830. WM-. WALL'S SONS', -luiitrrACTUtEiw or cordage * Oakum. K^dg^tS^S^rSSK orlb, "rr be,t <,a,'"!r'"ordM AT 0NB Office No. 113 WALL STBEET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y. JAMES P. DONALDSON & CO, Ship-chandlers, Sailmakers AND DEALERS IN Mill, Railway and Manufacturers'Supplies, WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. DEAN &- CO., . «* A ,t *■ "«-r :■: m^. -mm m: Patent Yawl Boats oj.altLengths, Pleasure and Hunting Boats, Sail mid Steam Yachts oji Hand. Also, Life Boats that will pass Government Inspection, and cost less than any Life Boats in U.S.A 1XBIS' .t CO., FOOT' Oh JIT AIBI\-\T DFTROII, V/CII SUB-MARINE DIVER, Sub-mai me Drilling and Blasting, WTV \\\ l\Y VIIINGS ItEPAIRLD «ITIIOUT GOING TO OltlDOCK U'reding Expeditions dreompanied. Contracts Made for all finite of Bifim. Residence, 73 West Ohio St., Chicago, AIlNUt & DRISCOLL. CU.M LtMl At.I.NTS T. E. WILSON, Kinds.of Water Work DO.YEPRO.VPTIA TO ORDER II, B. nUBQRft. i RAND & BURGER. SHIP-BUILDERS, : WITH ^ : 3D231T DOCK s attjaThed TO THE JVORKSi ALSO PREPARED.TO^DO WRfeOKING AND TOWING WITH THE Tug John Gregory; i Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOQ.WIS. The Neversink Cork Jacket AND IMPROVED LIFE BELTS, Warranted Twenty-four Lis," Buoyancy AND FUIX WI.IGI1T Ol CORK, According to Requlrementi! nf 1 s Inxpector*. SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS ALSO RING BUOYS. 71 W to IppravGtl nml niloptpil 1)V the United State* Board of Mipen Wng uom ,nl»o by the piini'lptl Otciin, Inko unil Rivet hteniner LIiilh, tut tlit onlv Rtlitible Lite l'ttoervor VEhSELS 'AND TRADE SUPPLIED ^t'lid lor ( iunlaiH D KAHNWhlLER 110,148 & ISOWottlt St Nmr f eiiiur St New York. KATZENSTEIN'S IIQUA1U Upson £ Walton's, Rica Street, Op, 137 Hermann-St, Cleveland, 0. penfIeldblock CO, LockporU Keio York, are Sole Manufacturers of the Celebrated "Anchor Brand" Tackle Blocks, ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHED OB WITH Our Self-lubricating Phosphor Bronze Bushinqs. -i„lM, «._, Bmhttim l< the Celebrated Pboipbor-BronM, the beet bearing nftWe£«k".iffiSperftol lubricator, they ar. fart .upe«dln« all o*.r 2IS1 rorSebr BHIP OHANDLEIWoTerywhere * ASK TOR "ANCHOR BRAND" TACKLE BI.OCKS. UkuMUd(Wales,- .no DfteWit m-Ud trtiooepHUWIon. 8««t Z^ ..>« r„,rfIir„,1.,o„r„r. L*,k. PAT>NT*.N.rtF%n.mi . IN. M II -AC! 1NO MET tL lAClvlfJQ 1 OR PISTON RODS,. V IL\ L STFMS, Etc. \il jptml und lu Ulo by tin |iriiid|j ,1 Iron Wort, unil bt< inmklti Oompa nits ulihlu the limtLlglit ) i in i In tlilq atiil Foroigu 0 luolnci I ill full pur* tl 111111-. ui)d rtforeucel uililnaa I KAI/I Nhll IN HO 101Clirl»l"|ill|l SI nillr Ho.1t blnot N. Y CAI 1 1I10-, WII hON Clittlmd aiitnt. niRiNE DIRECTORY Of the Great Lakes. . R. L. POLK & CO., The Well-known Directory publishers, 40 Larned-st, West, Detroit, will have ready for oiroulation by the opening of Navigation, a Complete Guide to the UAIUTIMl, INTERESTS ON THE LAKES. Boat washing and general laun¬ dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 109 Water Street. Telephone 118. wanted for The live* of all the Pretkleala _____of the U 8 Tho largest, haudtomeat, toft e«f told for leu than twioe our prloo 1 he ffciU tit leUlnjR book Id Amerloa Immense proflti to asenU. All lulelilgetu people Wf\ot tt Aut one van become a luotoMful *(eut To run Irte UahsttBook to. !' r Swil Mlu 33

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