:g, /.; W-0<B & CO., . MM Brtke". Veiiftl Owneri ind Aftenti. [rtTABUd'nKO IN 18B0.] n J' W«nn A Co., will charter Vo>«ali for Ulie Tr«d«. aSui iliMilon K!»» <° piwwijg Veee.1- .■ Uu ET. Sops'l"' I""" 0n TruJe, l»th for the aoeaon ud dulttrlp. ARCADE BUILOINO 101 ST. OLAIR 8T*. CI«Mlmd, Ohle, TELEPH0WE{«mIi1«bw, m,.' iaaa. .THE^-^APa^-BECC^ri. Pire and Marine Insurance . .Agents and Vessel Brokers,. Attentionalso J,Tenl0,hc purohieeandeale.of Inn <w Tel«P>)iinf, So. 18. O'HIM, lao South Watar-St,, Olaraland, O. __-__--------------" ——■" <..------------1------------■—j*. THOS. WILSON ( IUNaOINO OWNKR Wilson's Transit Line. n«. Forwarder. Freight ind Vend Agent. OtIVILAKO,'o, . Builders of li-on and Steel Ves¬ sels of every Description. Buyers of trt6jrdfi Earner Ofibco, Mlit iWliftiit, and Iron Tugs iMfional and Record. ■•■ OmCEjiND WORKS..QLD RIVER ST., CLEVELAND. 0. CAPT. D. M. BECKER. OAPT. HENBY BBOCK ®. M. BEeKffi-fcCO:^ Commercial Broker* and Vessel Agcnii, Tamil chulitrod, purohaaed .and nidi eontracte made for eoane end AeaT/ freights. Uki Sopirlnr and Eeeanaba iron on ehartm (or tin- ' rte trip or eeseorJ a apaclaltjr. e)»»Hir.!41i. ciBTBland, 0. ' rolephono No. KB. ' --.- HOORE^tKhBARTOWrr- Ship Brokers and Agents, ^ So. 121 St.nielr Strut, Room 27. ' ■OI.EVEuAND, • OHIO,- PALMER & BENHAH, Vessel Owners & " New Hank Building, eornar of Superior and Band'Stmt,, Clareilarid, Ohio, MORGANA RICE, Vessel Brokerk, Marine and Fire Insnranoe Agents, Room 20, Chamber of Commerce* ».. ' ' . detboiti micu. Special attention paid to Chartering Vessels. CAPT.J.W.Mm.BR. OAPT.H. B; MONTAGUE ■MILLER <& MONTAGUE, - DULUTH, MINN. ° Venel Brokera and Marine and Fire Inaurajioe ___Jlflentar«MJ-B»artDftrade WelaheiM. Sneclal attention . Said to Chartering Veeaela; alio' v«l|Mcg and Trimming cargosa of grain. Correipon dance wlloitad. • . ALEX MtDOUGALL, VESSEL AGENT AND BROKER, Owneritnd nu't«n of yoimU wtihlng to get cargoes of grain from tMipnrt will do*well to confer with inc. WulbegUd to'furoUlr information in regird to car- IMMltoln relation to "lock*, depth of water, eic.ji loluth. Arnit* Buy (new Iron oro port).- Port Ar- thur, Waihburn-, A«hi ami, au.d all potnM no»ir the Wert *nd of Lftko Superior Good gang* of inert-lur- uiihed OQ-whort notice fur trimming cjirgoes of grain. loading and unloading all kinds of freight. t________, JAMES T. ROSE, Vessel Agent and Broker, BOX Wlfl, DUI.IITH," MINN. hte Gen. Ag't for OollingwoDd Line of Bteamen Special Attention Paid to Chartering Veaaala. ATKINS & BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents 127 LaSalle Strut. CHICAGO, , ILL. HIBBARDT& VANCE, Vessel Agents Wand US Broadway M.UBalle Street, MILWAUKEE, WIS CHICAaO, ILL KNEIP & MORRISON, fEOCTOBS D» ADMIRALTY, 115 Monroe 8t Boom 84 Chicago. ICmiralty ROBERT RAE, and Insurance . Law Office,.. g^°3 Marchanu1 building, CHICAGO, ILL. A. M. BARNUM, Agent and Broker, ■ iiEwWe bU 3u«aJo, N. Y. WMF YOU DO NOT' RECEIVE "o»>Ta^THI'Y LI3T OF VESSELS Established in 1830. WM. ;WAEL'S; SONS, —mnoriCTDiiM o: OOBDAGE ^ JQAIOIIVI. Office No. H3 WALL STREET, NEW YORK., Factory, Brooklyn, N> Y. Sljip-chandlers, Sailmakers AND DEALERS IN " — Mill, Railway and Manufacturers' Supplies, WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. ■■";. : DEMI & .CO., '^ Patent Yawl Boats:of all Lengths, Pleasure and Eunting Boats, Sail and .Steani Yachts on Hand) Also, Life Boats that win pass Government Inspection, . and cost less than any Life BOafs-in U.S.A. ,■-_■.■■ . . PBf** * CO.. FOOT Or /ST. AVBIK-ST,. DpTjtOIT^NICH. SUB-MARINE DIVER, Snhrma', ine, Drilling -and Blasting. STERN BEARINGS itEPATRED W1TIIOIJT GOING a.;s.iiAKD.V ,;. ;,7;.; !n,B.buKobb. RAND & BURGER .' • " SHIP-BUILDERS, :;'.:/:#ITH>;;':':"- 3D Si "2" JDOGteZ ATTAIBBD TO THE WOBKI. . AL80 PBKPAKBD.iTO..D0" WEEOKING AND TOWING Tiig John Gregory. Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOCWIS. The Neversink Cork Jacket And improved life bel^s, Warranted' Twenty-four Ms. Bnoyancy AND FCIX WEIGHT OF CORK, According to ReqntramenU oMT. S, Inapaotora. SUPERIOR TO-AULVOTHERS^. ALSQ-XINQ-BUOYS. TO ORVDOCK. Wrecking Expeditions Accompanied. Contracts Made for all KMsofDiyioe. Residence, 73 West Ohio St., Chicago, WARNKR 4 DniSCOLL, OLEVKLAKD AGENTS. t; ;e. wilson, ,■ All Kinds of Water Work DOKEPROMPTLY TO ORDER v HEAIIQUAKTEM, Upson & Walton's, River Street, Or, 137 Hermann-St, Cleveland, 0. PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Lockport, 'yew York, are Sole Manufacturers of the Celebrated "Anchor Brand" Tackle Blocks, Alia. STEEL ROLLER BUSHED OR WITH. Our Self-lubricating Phosphor Bronze Bushinqs. 1),. metal In Hum BuiWnga I. the Colebrat«d.J>l™plioMlronM, tliobert bearing mi«iriQOmaiT»»db.hl?p«rroct lubrleaWrfW u«Tk« anpeneding all o*.r SJlS For sale brSUIl' OUANDLEBs eror)flt«ro. —J ^ ASK FOR "ANCHOR BRAui" TACKLK 1II.OCICS. WualraUd Catalogue and pH« ltat maMod frw on\|,Blleai lo\j. !an|||l« oadwa eoHcllul Aacompanringcut r.pre»nl. our n.w block, I'AT»NIUDNOV*:MI!ER13,1HH3 Approved and adopted by the United States Board of Supervising Inspectors;also by the principal Ocean, Liflte »nd Blver Steamer Lines, as the only Rellubto I.lfo Preserver. V'ESSEI.'S AND TRADE SUPPLIED. Send for Circulars. D. KAHNWEILEB148,148 4160 Worth St Ncitr Center St.. Sew York/ KATtENSTEIN'S SELF-AOTINO METAL PAOKINIto' FOR PISTON RODS, VAXVE STEMS, Etc. Adopted and la uaa bj the principal Iron Worka und Steamship Oompa PlMwIlliInllulaltcljbt ycimln tblaand Foreign countnea. For full par- tlculara and refarancea addreaa L.KATZENSTEINACO' 160 Obrlitopbar 81, near Weal Street N. V. CAri'. TUOS. WILSON, Cloreland agent. MARINE DIRECTORY Of t|ie Great akes. li. L. POLK & CO., The Well-known Directory publisher*, 40 Lirned-it, Weit, Detroit, will have ready for olroulatlon by the opening of Navigation, a Complete Guide to the MAIUTIIME INTERESTS ON THE LAKES. Boat washing and general laun¬ dry, in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, (09 Water Street. Telephone 118. AfirUTP wanted (or The Uvea of «ll tlio I'reiidont. Allllfl 1B or the U. S. The largeat, haodiomeat, bm< book ever aoblforleaa than twice our price. The Inst* ret ndlln^ book In America, Iuiuienta urollu to agenta. All Inlelllgenl peo|Nnwant 11. Any oue can become'a ■iicouufiil agent. TehnT Irce. lui.r.'jcrr Book Co., Portland,, atalne 1 , ' ■*.«;-.■•!)■