'■•«*<.(« THE MAPINE: RECOBD. S.J. w$m & CO.; shin Broker?, Vertel Overs' and Agent., • [KSTAHUSIUSO IN I860.] u T WonnACo., willohsrlorVoiMja Tor ijiVoTmllo. „ .M.i attention «l»on <•> Oarl'tirlng Vo«m1« m (In ?Sl«i Sup'rtor Iron Ore, Tr«il«,'b»th (or lliojienign end ARCADE BUILDING 101 ST. CLAIR. 8T, ™ -..*.. .,.,'■ Cleveland, Ohio. TELEPH0NE{HMidinoi', No.'1338.' Fire' and Marine Insurance . Agents and VesBel JJrokers, °8k JiSfgotfw.tUt,, OUt.l.n.1. O. THOS. WILSON UANAOINQ OWNK11 Wilson's Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder. Freight tnd Vend Agent. . . CMtVliUXD, 0. | ■ CAPT. D. M. BECKER.' OAPT, HENRY BROCK <D M. BECKER'& CO.,. Commercial Broken and Veiiel Agents, v/usli charierod, nitrch*«*l and; eoldi oontracta niado for coaree and hoarr freight*. un Suoerlor and Eacanaba .Iron ore ohm-tan for aln: RMtrtnor aetaonaapeclaltjr. ■■Miie;iaui^«y* ' Cleveland, 0. umuul minphono No:-Mil ■• , ' MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, PALMER & BENHAM, Vessel Owners & Agents, Now llnnk Rulldlng, corner of Superior »nil Duuil Street,. Clevelnmlr Ohio. — MORGANdtRICE, Vessel Brokers, JSlarine a Fire Insurance Agents,- Room 20, Chamber of Commerce, SHIPBUILDING CO., Builders of Iron and Steel Ves¬ sels of every Description. Builders Of the iron 'Steamer Onoco, Yacht Twilight, and Iron, Tugs International and Record. OFFICE AND WORKS, OLD RIVER ST., CLEVELAND. 0. The Neversink Cork Jacket AND IMPROVED LIFE BELTS" i Warranted Twenty-foar Ltis. Buoyancy . AND PULL WEIOBT OF CORK, According to, Roqulrnnnt* of V. 8, Inineotori. " SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. ALSO. RING BUOYS. Established in 1830. WM.W ALUS;'SON§, —iuKorAciuKRi or— CORDAGE * OAKUM. Ganai of AMERICAN, R(J38IA mil ITALIAN" HEMP of tha *»rr holt qnVtty made to order AT ONE DAY'H NOTICE. MANILA andSIBAL BINDER TWINE. YORK. Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW Factory, Brooklyn, N.Y. JAMES P. DONALDSON & CO., Ship-chandlers, Sailmakers AND DEALERS IN Mill, Railway and Manufacturters' Supplies, WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. DEAN .&:COv- ^ > K V. on « \ pproved and Adopted by the United Stutet Bonrrt of Superviiltifr, Inspectors jnlso by Ike. principal Ocean, Lake mid, River Stenmer Lines, us the only Rellnble Life Preserver. VESSELS AND TKADK SUl'PLIBD. Send for Clnjuliirs. D. KAHNWKILER UG,148 & 150 Worth Si Near Center St.. New York. .' ' DETROIT; MICH.: Special attention paid to Chartering Vessels. ' CAW. J. W. MILLER. .GAIT. R. i. MONTAGUE MILLER & MONTAGUE, • DULUTH,' MINN. Vessel Brokers and Marine and Fire Insurance Agents, and Board of Trade Welghmen. Snoclal attention nnld to Chartering' Voaeflls; al'b wMghlnjr and Trimming enrgoea of grain. Correapori denco hollcjtod. ALEX McDOUGALL, . VESSEL AGENT AND BROKER, Owner- and ma ton of voieln wishing to got cargoefi o[ grain (roru this port wltl/lo well-to confer with mo. Will Iteglnd to furnish information in rfegurd lo car¬ goes, olqoin relation 't>» ilocki, do|ith ol Witter, etc., it Dultitli, Afftite Buy (new Iron ore lmrt), JPqrt Ar- UurrWuahburn, An. aland, aud nil points nonr the •vrert Vrnl ol Lake Suerior Good gnng*i o[ men <ur- nlilied oaihort nollce fonriiumlmj ccrgnoj of grain, lomilngnml unloading itlKklnds of freight. L°; ' JAMES. .T. HOSE, Vessel Agent and Broker, BOX 1010, BITLUTH, MINN. late Don Ag't for Oolllngwood Lino of gM»m«n Speol.il Attention r»l<l to Clmrtorlnit Veaaola, ATKINS & BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents I .127 Ea8e.lle-Street.. CHICAGO, - ILL. HI8BARD& VANCE, Vessel Agents G6 and S68 Brotdmr 1H U Salle Street, MILWAUKEE, WIS CHICAGO. ILL KNEIP & MORRISON, PROCTO RS IN ADM IRALTY, . lit Monroe St,Boom M Chicago. ■ ROBERT BAE, ~ Idmiralty and Insurance . Law'Off ice, .; Ttootu 37, Merolianto' Vulldlng, CHipAUO, )LU A. M. BARNUM, ~ Vessel Agent and Broker, . K Exchange St. au(rttIo,N.Y. .W-IFYOU DO NOT RECEIVE MT MONTfjLV' LI3T OF VK3SKLS ['or XA.T.E. a^x» for :'iv •..' " c" ' n+2 PatmLJCawl Boats of all Lengths, Pkasure"aJWr^mtthg\^^KSVi------ • Boats, Sail' «##,Steam. Yachts on Hand. ' Also, Life Boats that will pass Government Inspection, v and cost less than any Life Boats in U.S.A. DEAN. .£• CO.,. FOOT OF ST. AUBfX-ST.; PETROIT, MICH. ■ go^t boots, SUB-MARINE DIVER, Jsu'b-maiine Drilling and Blasting; STERN HEARINGS REPAIRED WITHOUT "GOING , TO PUVDOCK. Wrecking -Expeditions Accompanied. Contracts Made ft>r all Kinds of Diving. ly Residence, 73 West Ohio St., Chicago, ~^~ WARNER * DHISCOI-L, .CLEVELAND AGENTS. T.'E.WILSON, All Kinds of Water. Work , DOKEPROMPTL % TO ORDER HEADQUARTERS, Upson &-Walton's, River Street, _„_«__ _ Or, 137 Herniann-St, Cleveland, 0 pfi^ELDBLQCK CO, %ocitport,mo York, are Sole Manufacturers of the Celebrated "Anchor Brand" Tackle Blocks, ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHED ; ' OR WITII ■ ' Our Self-luhricating Phosphor Bronze Bushuiqs. S'" S'^^AnS'uS"tackle ulocks. ma.tr.Ud Cataloro. and prilllat m^lod (rceona, plicalln,,. Sample ord,r.sollclled KATZENSTEIN'S SELF-ACTIHQ metal PACKING- FOR PISTON RODS, VALVE STEMS, Elo. Adopted and la (lie t>r . the principal Iron Work a and Steamship Gompa 'hlca within lliolaiteight- yeara in't Ilia and Foreign countnee. For full par* tlculara and refereaeot addreai' UKATZENSTEINACO JJ^CnrHtopherSt, near Wort. Street N, Y. ......— -- " ndTa CAIT, THOS. V tipher Ht, i IVn.SON, Oleveland agtnt. — . U..B. IlURQElt. RAND&BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS, WITH DUB-ST D.OGZ ATTA4 HED TO THE WORKS. • ALSO PREPARED..TODO WRECKING AND TOWING WITH THE Tug John Gregory. Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOC.WIS. MARINE DIRECTORY Of the Great Lakes. R.L. POS&CO., The Well-known Dlreotory publishers, 40 Larned-st, Weit, Detroit, will have ready for circulation by the opening of Navigation, a Complete, Guide to the MARITIME" INTERESTS ON TUB LAKES. Boat washing and general laun¬ dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 109 Water Street. Telephone 118. a firUWO ranted 'or Tile Uvea o( all tha PnalrfenM aUIlll ID of the U. 8. TI,o larueat, Iwnlaomeat, Int book erer Bold tx lih>a than twlin o\ir price, 'i'he (nat- val ifUtnit book In Amehoa liumenae iironta to tKimU. All hileUiJitiut people want it. Any one cam become a mict^eaalul aiietit Term. too. llALi.ttrr Book Co., Portland,. Malnt ' 1 m f.W.! i If; ■•'■i". ■ '•■V-Tt ■' ■ !*" • ""*■■ i I- . m ;». I Ml 92 5643