Marine Record, May 22, 1884, page 3

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THE MARINE RECORD 3 GENERAL NEWS. The itenmor B. 8. Ford, "fraliied at $176.- 010 win burned »t her wharf nt Clmrles- tow'n, M.I., recently. Ciipmin t\ C. Duiicnn hai been removed „, United Mutes Shipping Comntlnloper at Hew York. Mr. Jiimes C. Rued hits been appointed In lib place. Major D. J.. Heap, and^ Lieutenant J. Mlln». of the United Slates Army, wort1 In Cleveland la«r Week to lnvcall««to the elec¬ tric llght,«y»torn, with it view to plaeliiR the snroeat Hell Gate to lltuniin.ite time pilnvage. Making the Erie panal Ireu 61 tvllt hfis killed the St. JJtwrenco route for the pres¬ ent, accordlDKtotlieatafewientof the Mon. trcnl merchanti. The only recomae left for Ihera Is to folio* the exiimplo of New York merthimU nnd-domiiiid free canaU. ThU performaneo of the Oiegun, »ay« the American Miwhlnlat, In an edltoilnlon her recent remarkable trip from Llveipool to this city, Is likely to put other line* on theli mettle to do Ukev. lie, Several new steam¬ ers are building'from which high speed Is expected, and crossing the oiean In elxdnys nmy soon become a common font This will be done by enormous expenditure, of con), which will nntbilng propn reiuin« except in tlieutse of lilgli-pnkl passenger business. This will probably, in a few jea's.mnke pnasenget and freight steamers as tepainta nnd distinct, on the Atlantic, as the two kinds o'f tains now are on the in Iroml. belli Green, the veteran pisciculturist, thus prescribes for the Increase of the num¬ ber of shad. The flshviles at Hnlyoke, on the Connecticut river, he says, should be hired In the interestof artificial propagation. Then there should be two close days In iuc- cession In each week, In which notu net nhould be allowed In tlief- river anywhere. The fish caught tor spawn should bo on,tiftht only in the night, because when- slmd are- ripe they do not tra\el In the daytime. 'J. hen when therlsh are caught, only those that are "ripe" should be taken and the rest turned loose, to be caught jitfiiln at the proper time. In this way he would hatch about 100,000, 000 shad a year, and mnke nioro shad than have ever been seen. T he process of artl- , flclnl hatLhlng Is one for all time, and with Ash enough to furnish spawn, there should never be a scarolty ol shad. THE STEAMER'FLOWER CITY. The Clayton correspondent of the Utlca Herald ot this moiulng Buys*. "About nine o'clock Saturday nlglh Martin Bai ney signed ncontraot with the New York, Ontario <£ Western railway company to tlnlsli up tin steamer Flower City at once and put her on tjie route from Oswego to Alexandria Bay, by way of Kingston and Clayton, forming a new Hue to the Thousand Inland* from Phil mlelphla, New York, and alK points east, west and south. Their intentlUn is to run In opposition to the New York Central ruad, and will sell tickets at a rate that will draw a large share ot travel. They will connect Willi the West shore at Oneida. According tOLOntiact the boat U to commence Tunning July 1, leaving Oawogo at eight o'clock every morning and returning nt nine in tlie- ovenlng. When finished she will be one ef the finest boats un the river. Sli'e is 100 teei long and 24^feet beam. Her engine is a 34 Inch cylinder by seven strobe bhe Is expected trjrrmke from 13 to 15 miles an hour. The englno U now belli* finished, towed up and will bo shipped as soon as the firm gen orders whether to ship It to Oswego or Clayton. The name will be ihimged from the Flowor City to the On- tirlo CUTTING DOWN CONSULS The prealtleiu Is requested to withdraw the consuls of the United states from places which are not poitsol entiy whenever In Hi" judgment of the secretary of.the treasur) they aro no longer required lor protection of tlio revenue. See 8 nbolUlica all fees and otitis requited bj existing laws relating to entry of gnod>>, '"id It Is provided where such fees constitute 'ill or pun of tliecompen-atlon ot any ofllcer, the laiter shall receive II) lieu theicot a lixed 8 ditry, It Is provided, that the secretary of the treasury shall grant peTrmlsslAn to any firm or corporation to withdraw frotp bond alcohol or any spirits containing alcohol 'abject to Internal revenue tax hi specified I'limtltUn ol not lesa than 300 proof gallons, without the payment of llie internal revenue '« on thosam», or on spirits from which It "my liiive'beeu dl«llled, for the aolopui pose of mm In Imhutiliil niirmilts. WILLIAM FORCE, ShlP BROKER, vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N J> Cor lolumlma Avn .1 Waleril , bAN DUSKY, OHIO, >9 ill for catalogue SICNAL LAMPS, —WITH— Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors. ^ GET THE BEST & AVOID COLLISIONS. Thcae lampi Rive a mora lirllliml llitlit llitin nnjr Slgnnl Ijimp now In um > Tliejr h»TeU6en adopted by tho iirlilelpal Ocean ami I,nkc Summon and Ve>ael\ and an (or talo in the principal porla nn ihe Atlantic coiut and I.Iipi French Wrought Iron Ranges and B oilers for Steam¬ ers and Hotels. Manufactured by Felthousen fc Russell, nn * hi m*in st.. nuFPAi.o v. v. THE /ETNA GRJTE. G.t BAM, ill. This Improved Shaking Grat)EspeciallyAdapt- ed to Burning Slack. Glolie Iron Works, Manjifac's., Ilfflce and Foundry, eomer n( Elm and fijf^ Spruco-sta., CLEVKI,A.ND, O. ^ZJjl THE NEW PULSOMETER CHEAPEST, STRONGEST, HOST SIMPLE, COMPACT, DURABLE, Ef FECTIVE & ECONOMICAL .....STEAM PUMP IN THE MARKET, for rulalng liquid* unilor mill up to too font. No Murhlnerv, No Oil, No Bpeolnl Ultra. Inn liouoikml aliapenm il liv n elinln. Will |ma* aril, mud, annil, null), etv ..without Injury to lu purta Nreiln onu nutvum pipe from Dollar to run It. I'rluu (100 jrnllimH pur Hour. SMI, MOO il . KTtH 3,0011 do. • 1004 0.0(10 do Ollti, 111,000 du. U17IS 18 I 00 do. »25| 35.000 do. 8375; 45.O00 do 0IU0| 00,11 It dj>. »5u0| 130,0(10 do. S1.000 Oomparu tlila with „nv othm Fttiup Llat. WrlIoforllliiatroUjdd(K.ripllv< linnk'uirli h •ihhniiiiil» Ac Valtiifrtt 81BABC PUMP CO., 8A John St., New Yurll City, V-S.A. ST. MARY'S OHIO MONTPELIER, OHIO OtfR FACTORIES. BRECKENRUXJE, MICH CARROLLTON, MICH DE fiROT, AYMAR & CO, MAMFACTURKKS AND 1MPORTKRS OK Cordage, Oakum and Anchors, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, Marine Sardware and Ship-chandlers' 'floods Geneially. 34 and 35 South-st, New York. Cyclone STtAK**r"LUinirLEANtR TOR HOPIIOmflt AND^QHT ,.,„,. CRESCENTMANlJPA6T(jRINaC0 «OLI MANUFACTURERS ' CLBVELAMD. OHIO- U.S.A. k M 8 South Water-st Cleveland Agents for Akron Eubber Oo.'s Valves, Hose, Packing, etc. ~N. C. PETERSON Boat Builder, rLKASURS OOAIa AND U1LIK0. AND UTUAU TACHW, TAWL BOATB alOOK 0AI1B, aTKEBlKO WIIIKU, KTO 385 Atwater St., Near Riopelle, DErnoiT, SUCH. BUTTS -COAL CO., [LtUITKD] Only l^inere of BUTTS CzLMEL COM, „d ilaakrt In <««■ ( oala. Nut I oub uud Slmm Coal (or Tuns, IIiibh, is c. CLARK I. BUTTS, CLE*rI"t-NI> II Ocni nil Wwiinmr. Phoenix Paint Co., M/I\UFACTUHEBS OF ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. OFFICE AND FACTORY 36 Iichuag St.. CLEVELAND, OHIO, V. D. XICKERSON, MARINE ARTIST Rear of Central Tug Office, Main St. Bridge, Cleveland, 0. Vesselmen ViOL'I l) HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK. Containing all point, ol MAIUNK LAW aa do- tflrmluad bf tba United Statea Couru ,--------------ON--------------, t JaCAffa"35 lb/warn kl? IJJDrtcIto°**«g£*f ^WJMi»fis»B®»aCa.,ft Seunen. Frelichti. Toivn((e, ColUnioin, n«n«ml AvcriMfo, Outlet of Senmen, Ownan, Ch*rt«ra, Kiirulluientii, Cotiuuon Onrrler*. MMuter* A Owner*, UIU of Lmllnit:, WniceM, Ac. Til* Tolunin In humlnomfly hoiuid In itlfl Hoard coTor«, aud title r nullah doih liludln^ bent to any addrftts jwstiiK* l1*1*! ',,r 91 Ot) DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. OOMB1TK 2» NTEAH COAL (Ittclnml, Olllo Established in 1834. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF MARINE ENGINES AND or. Detroit &.'Center-Sta, CLEVEtMD,0. Geo. B.) Carpenter & Co.; Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers. Ship Chandlery Goods of all Descriptions, MANILA ROPE OF THE VERY BEST MAKE St«cl and Iran Wire rtopn and all IU Fittinga. to 208 Sill CniCAOO, ILL, FOR SALE One Iron Stocked Anchor, 2372 lbs, and Two Shot I 1-2 Inoh Chain Apply to C A. CHAMBERLAIN, Foot of Grlswold-ot, Detroit, Mloh. FOR SALE, IXTerw Ircn. Tag", DiuieDiIutu78'feet long, 17 feet twam, 11 foot deep. drnft, 01-2 feet, engine, 20x20 Q«w siecl boiler 7 feet In i)lmuter,llfeetlong, nlloved 112poundsatoam. Ihreo in>n lireaat hooka forward, col lis Ion bulk hood foVward, water light ttulkhcAd forward or boiler, iron coal bunkers, water tight bulkhead nfl at ilmlt-glnnd, with water ilaht Iron dock forming the floor of after cabin Irondecki bulwarks and deck housu, Iron tow portJ aft Heavy angle iron frame*, with reverse barton al¬ ternate fnunea. % plate steel floor plates, boiler, an- gino and bearing foundation of Iron For sale cheap when machinery i an be completed by GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO. For Saleor Exchange, Tug Annie Robertson. Length over all 51 3 10 fcet, breadth 13 SlOfoetand di-ptti of hold (t feat draws 5!4 foW of water measures 9.N-100(t)ew) tou* nnd 18 24-100old Built In 1S80 and rebuilt this aprlng now dock frames and cabin, and machinery thoroughly overhauled Fnglne la 1-1x14 boilers^ feet long and 4 8-12 In diameter. War¬ ranted in No 1 condition and iiiblect to Inspection, Price, 83,800. -AiMriBa M*tii!NB Record Office FOR SALE Uer lengtli u 183 feci biam a lost, Mid hold IP feat 10 lnchuri Boiler 17 fiut long 7 teat illamptur, thre« Ituea two lS-lnch and one 17-lDch Engine 22x42. Carries 210 000 loot of lumbi r 8peed 11 niilea light, and 9 1-2 loaded, loaurance raluatfon, fU,800 Ad- droa MiRlMi ltHCOiiu umce, No 2 South Water .Heel, Cloveland, 0 FOR SALE, A Fir>e Harbor Tug. Dluifnnlona of liullfiS fett ovor alt 1G few beaut, 6 feet tio d, ai d moaiurta 4fl tonawlth 7 fi«t droit, ceo Im> inndt fifett draft lliu en^htc tflx20 la in flMt-ctxia condition, with nil new brausc, new rlngtt in cylinder nn (I turuK.» nix foot whet) whlih vat new loatacasim 1 ho boiler la out yuir old, Is largt^ enough to tinrn w ood or mul and li niton id KKJ P<mmU ot fleam. Fiieo S4 70ii, nod must bi sold inside of thirty daj t$ Addraa Maiunl Hu(x>ki) Ophcic FOR SALE, HfrdlnieiiHiouitaro Wlftet lon«, K> Teer beau] 4 feet d pth of In id bbu la Ihrto ytirn old and In godd con. dltlun AdilriH-t Ii»_s Hkimihimku Ktlloy'H Island O FOR SALE, AT THE GLOBE IRON WORKS. SFCOND HAND TUBUIAR BOIL! R, 44 Tnchrt dU Mueter, 4H tuhtiH t liidiia dmmete'r and 12 feet long, htoAtn drum lOlnclieu tllumoiir 40 Lnohia hlah, front gratea tlltlii^H nnd hrtccliiti^B, wood ordur HI COM) IIANDMAHINK 110II,Fit, In goolortler, ttticll. 7-16 Inch iron pi mo. diiimoter.U dot fl inotiM lungth it) feet, 12tf tulna 4 fm boa In dlHmoler, U feul 4 lncfica long, three fluea 18 inches dlumoter. tm> flues 16 Inches dlumeter two Hues ll) 1 2 Inche* dinuieter, lire box, 6 fiet Ion*., 4 feet high, ntoam chlmne*, 7 loot lilgh BtCOSD HAND M^ARINL BOII KB four kei w4d», 61 2f<ot long 5 feethl^h Mxiy-four 2 1<J mch tubas 60 inches long, oust Iron brec'chng, good m now HFOtND UAN'DMARINE (NGINr doubledirect- nclinic fixS inch cylinder, hhnfl tud wheel for yacht or tug, good Oil IILW A 40 297011 69

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