Marine Record, May 15, 1884, page 3

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\J NAUTICAL NOTES. Tho Ico hmdlmippetfred from the entrance to BulTnlo harbor..! - Only nh"'" fl0° buiholB of the Siberia's cargo 'worn found to bo svet. Sturgeon Bay tiigmen ilenlro a coal whnif. at that place. » The Mhpni or Brooklyn Ims liorn tnkon t« Murine Oltv for n gcnonil oveiliniillng, Buoys were placed Thnrndny on nil tho elioals near St. Igiwoc, Mich. The light fornierly shown from tho tower nt Copper Harbor has boon (lUcontlnncil. The water In Portage lake Is enlcl to be eighteen Inches lower than It wiisjit this time last year. .The Chicago and Ogdenahurg Lino has contrnetoil to bring 40,000 tuns ot coal Iron) Ogdensburg to Chicago. Tho lumber laden slcnnvr Oeorge Kiwi ran agiound iiiBlde the breakwater at Dun¬ kirk Wednesday morulng. The piopellcr Juniata, of the Anchor Mne, mil aground seven miles below Miuk- Imiw City on Tuesday. A rod light has been placed on the end ol the long pier, oh the west side ol I'oitg. mouth Inn bur, as a guidance to vessels en- tcilnglhe harbor. Iinuii'iise steam pump* are being placed in the Oneida, and a Jacket has been put- around her to keep out the water. It Is ex¬ pected 10 float her In a few days. The Thames & Mersey Insurance Com puny, represented a_L-Dsirolt—by Captain Ebor Ward, Ion a considerable amount on the flour which formed a part of the State ol Florida's cargo. The steam yncht Cyclone is having a con- densqr added to her mnchliiery at the Globe Ironworks In the hope of maintaining tier present speed, and at the same time make a saving ot fuel. The lighthouse construction Btenmer Win- rhiglon loaded with material at Detroit for the building of a new lighthouse nt Little Traverse Bay, a fog signal nt tho Sturgeon Bay canal, and repitlts. to several light¬ houses. The schooner Antilles, one of the oldest craft In existence, has gone to the bottom. Shawns lyingat the dock in thoXlgdpu wiuiU. and sunk from onuses unknown. It Is doubtful if she Is ever i She wiis-bullt al-Cntaruugus, N. Y.i in 1853. Mr. Clark I. Butts' fine vessel, the Thomas P, Sheldon, la painting and tilting out in Chicago to go Into the grain and ore trade. Captain Archie McIIenry, formerly ol the schooner I. L. Foster, Is her -master mul naturally feels proud, nn he has reason to, for being put Into so staunch a ciaft The steainei City of Dresden was seized by die custom (minorities nt Windsor just ,\i she was ready to depart tor Lako trio. She gave bonds In $400 and was permitted t to proceed^-Sbe4a thargetLnitlugoliig^ta Sandusky, and I rum there to Point An 1'elee, without reportiug to the landing officer at the latter poit. The same steamer had to pay $400 duty on lepairs made here lust spring.—.Deli oit Fi ee Pi eat. '■The old snylnn that a boat launched on Friday will nevei tare Well, says the Sngl- iiaw Herald, Is knocked In (he head now. I'lio'l. S. & 'I'. Company's barge J. R. Jul- wards started hui keel at Mnilnc (Ity on Friday, launched on filday, shipped tho captain Prldny left Marine City on Filday (or Suglnaw and arrived op Friday, mid laid up for die season at Mnrlue City on FiIiIiij. "Good Friday." The propeller Colorado, foinierlyot the Couiinerclul Line, juid which exploded hist fall, was sold at Steinberg Elevator, Buffalo, In the pfesenco ot a largo crowd of men In¬ terested In marine commerce. Tho wrecked tamer was sold under orders from the United Stated Court. i'he Hist bid una $1,000, bv Mr. Cook, attorney loi Frauds l>- Moulton & Co., who libeled Hie bom. She wns stunk oil to Captain'Dim Uncus, ol the linn of Kugeis & Blown, lor $11,050. The sidewlioel steaineis ChicagiNind Chi? uoygan torn1 u dally lino between Crrrnrfjo and points on the west shoie as lui noiih as MnnitOBoo, Including Haclno mid Milium- kio leaving Chicago every morning at 9 o'clock, except SaturdajB. when one of theui leaves at 8 In the evening About June 1st the sldewheel steamer Mus- logon will be placed on,the same loule, mi as to form a dnv and a night line be tttden Chicago mid Milwaukee. At present die M'l'kegon Is iuuiiliig between Milwau¬ kee and Manistee, along with the sldeuluel «ie uner Corona. The latter will be placed " «n the route between Manitowoc and Srtrr- sunn Bay as soon as (he Btenmer City ot 1', which is receiving a new anility in Milwaukee, Is rcudy to take her place on her present route.. The flue stcnmei Me noiijliioe Is mnklng triweekly tilps fiom Clilcago to Grand Haven and Muskegon, '•oniiectlng with the Detroit * Milwaukee Jalljvay. The screw stei|iner Depeie, whkh has been the winter boat ol the company, H now lying ail the wharf in Chicago un¬ dergoing a thorough rellttlng preparatory 'o going on the Green Bay route, which In Uudos Chicago and all prominent points on Hie west «horo -to Win-hlugion Wand, titmice on Green Buy to Knvetie, Hsi analui, Menominee mul Green Bay ( ilj. THE MARINE RECORD. ' • 3 7 SIGNAL LAMPS, -WITH- f ' Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors. ~ GET THE BEST & AVOID COLLISIONS. These I.nfnpa give • more WHInni light than any Signal tamp ih.w In in* . They havo lioen ailoploil bv tho principal Ocean anil Liko Sic itinera i ml YhhI', nnil nraforsalointho principal porta on Iho Atlantic const mid lakes French Wrought Iron Ranges and B oilers for Steam¬ ers and Hotels. Manufactured by Send for catalogue Felthousen fc Russell, inn-* him.uvrt,. nitFFAr.o n. y, THE /ETNA GRATE. G. C. BABNBS, Agt. This Improved Shaking Grate Especially-Adapt¬ ed to Burning Slack. GIoIjb Iron Works, Haiiufac's., Office and Foundry, f orner of Tim und Sprucc-sla, CLEVKLAM), O. ST. MARY'S OHIO. MONTPELIER^ OHIO 0/?R FACTORIES. liRECKbNRIDGE, MICH CMiROLLTON, MICH DE 6RAUW, AYMAR & GO, MaNUFACTUBKRS AM) IMI'OHTKKS OF Cordage, Oakum and Anchors, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA B0LT-R0PE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, Marine Hardware and Ship-chandlers' Goods Gene?'ally. 34 and 35 South-st, New York. Cyclone Stbam Flue Clbancr for horizontal and upriokt boilers prom H to it inchu CRESCENT MANUFACTURIN&, CO. 90bl MANUFACTURERS CLBVELAllD. OHIO t^S.A. If You Wan* Ihe Best STEAM JPUMP rMlll.CtiemlenIorUa* Wortu J; Qiuurnea, Cellar* or Plantaj For Mining, lUllrond or sttumbaat me, Papci ------------------------------------------------DralBlm ! Tannti 1 tlnnn Jntnr, SinfilnaT Foundation!, coffer other Contraeton' Work, or Ralnlnc ury, Brewery or »n«»r Hennery, i, Irrlirattnc or Hydraulic All Dam, sewer, Well Blnklnc and otner Wiun»»i. .,»..., » »»»■■■■ Water for any kind of Mnmifactnrlnr or Fire Purpose, wrfto fop an Illus¬ trated deaorlptivo bookj)n tho IVBW PUWOMKTEB, containing greatly reduced j :ic«a,honlliedB of testimonials oto Malledfroo Prices lOOporcennowortbai Every pump tested before ablpment and guaranteed aa reproeanted. lower ttiauotliir. 5NOMrHWD-£ff4eiErl6Y-UNE«SUAtEOr- Pulsometcr Steam Pump Co., 88 J6hn St,, Now york City, V. S. A. tf Sco rrlcca next Ib«uo of thin Papor.-^* CRUMMONDS Mackinac Line, Tor Macklniu. S» IkniiLO, CliolwyMiu Alpcnp, OwhI*, Port Humi), IMioit and initiiii^Hatu mke ami rivti ports Steamer ATLANTIC, Oapt. D, Nioholson, The Steamer FL0BA, Captain J. R,"Jones. BaiiiiilliH, l(B\.wTnlwl) |«rHlKi\ mornliiKi" * •,»lt><k. lor furili OU bolim iHIItlriOl 10 (IEM UND IOUW AUDIN( Olllcu uml I>oLkr I out of buourlur «t lorlhivm fticsdwy r iurorniHlloii Hjiplv CO AjnutB Gkvi In ml N. C. PETERSON Boat Builder, HAllINO AND UTkAM VAOHTt, 8POONOAIIS STKHUNO WIILKLS, ITC. St., Near Riopelle, BUTTS COAL CO., [LlMlThtM Only lv£in©£e ©f BUTTS OIXjVEL COtfL, and iletlmln <"" («al«, Nul (iiulu, anil SImiui tool for Tuk», Itlrgi', o.c. CLARK I.BUTTS, CLEVTI.AM) O__________lleni»riil Maimw, Phoenix Paint Co., MANUJACTUBEnS 0^ ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. on-tcb. amii tcroirx. 36 MlGDlgan St. CLEVELAND, OHIO. }-. D XICKERSON, MARINE ARTIST Rear of Central Tug Office, Main St. Bridge, Cleveland, 0. Vessel men MlOLTI.D HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, Containing all potnii ol MARINE LAW ai de¬ termined hjr the Untied Slain Ooliru -ON- eTnan a poiTii'a »m<dj7i)r II ,3ui2luJaVroaMa.or tea wonl ofloocataidlng •^afA'fe Own«ri. Charters, -oUiunnti Seamen, FrelRhtii, Tav/nge, CollUluni, Knronpinnti, neDeml Averittfe, Obromou Gnrrlera, Dutlc* of Scftinen, Hnitera A Owueri. Hill or LmUn»c, WmKe»,&c. " Yh* Totiiinn U haptlMraely bound In itifl Hoard cotani. ■ml lliift hnglllli cloih tUmllug.- Beat to any address JxiBtoK» paid forfl 00 DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. DOME.NTIC * HTB4M t,'OAL OlrTtlond, Ohio Established in 1834. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KIND8 OF MARINE ENGINES Aim Cor. Detroit & Center-Stn, CLEVELAND, 0. Geo, B. Carpenter & Co., Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers. Ship Chandlery Goods of all Descriptions. MANILA ROPE OF THE VERY BEST MAKE Hloel and Iron Wire Hope und nil IU Flttlriga. to CIJ1CAOO, ILl. FOR SALE One Iron Stocked Anchor, 2372 lbs., g,nd Two Shot I 1-2 Inoh Chain Apply to C A. CHAMBERLAIN, ' ' Foot of Grl»wol»»t, Detrdlt, Mloh. FOR SALE; l&QTxr 3I:roa Dlmcnsloui 78 (ect lldg, 17 loot twain, 11 fool deep, draft, II1-2 feci, enirlno.Juia), uew alool bollor 7 feel In dl«uoterr13(eetlonii, allovedll^poiinilBBteam. Ihrea iron brawt hooka forward, oollUInn Imlkbead lorwtrd. water light uulkhuad forward of boiler, iron eoat biinkora, water tlRhl bulkhoadafl at sliafUgland, with water light iron deck forming the floor of after eabtn Iron decks, bulwarkiand-dock.Jiou«n, iron tow ixiitl aft. Heavy angle Iron framei.^wltUrovereo baraonal- Wrnate fmraoa, yt plalc. etocl floor platesr toller, en¬ gine and bearing foundation of Iron ForlllooTirap when machinery tail be completed by GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO. For Saleor Exchange, Tug Annie Robertson. Hutu In 1880 She racinirm 924-100 (new) tona and rebuilt thin sji ' and maohitiery I 14x14 bollerSJif_____ _...........__________ ranltd In No 1 condition anil subject to Inspection, Price, 11,800. Aildrisa Maiiink Ukcoiid OPVlCh. Ibis spring, now deck frames and cabin, iry thoroughly overhauled ttiglno Is »% feet long and 4 8-12 In diameter. Vt ar- #QR- Her length is 13a (oct beam 10 leet, and hold 10 feel 10 Inchos Boiler 17 foil long 7 feet illamotor, threw tklLs two 16 Inch and one 17^nch Lnglno 22l42. Carries 240,000 feet of lumbor S|ieed, II miles light, nnd 9 1-2 loaded. Insiiraiico vaiiiatiiin, I1A.80O Ad- dress MAHlNKUKCOKDOfllce, No . Clovcland, O 1. tli thW South Water street, FOR SALE, A Fine.Harbor Tug. I>lim unions of hull fit, frul (i.tM^tU if foai bemn 8 levl liud, mi(lin(aiiiirtH<0 toinmlth 7 fu tdritft, cwu be tiiHdu lULct ilrad Thet ti^mc, \Bx'io U In flnMaH cuntlttlon, h till all nm liroiwf new tIhkh In cyllmler uik. liiniv » hIx foot mIiiel whii It wum how luut (ttamu Tim txiilur In line yt ar old, Irt InrKi t imiigli to Imrn u owl or (on I and li nllnwt <1 1(1) iion nrii of Hti urn, Vtite H .Ujiviuitl imiMl Iki Hold liMdrW thirty da>'H AddroM MAlUNh llMOItll OCFILIC, L I FOR SALE, Mi Julia of Kir's IsM Her dtnietiNiOiiH are M) foot lonK, ]ii fe„t ix UII1| 4 fMt dnntli l)( hold Shu la threo yiam old anil ,u uihh\ cod llltun Addrusa I0-n ItFlNHMMMt " 4 * Krlloy'iltdind.O ' FOR SALE, AT THE GLOBE IRON WORKS. BfcCONU HAND TOBULAIl IIOILI It 44luch«idU ameler 41 tubes 1 tinlua dtniuoler and ufeet Inn. sleiui drum TOInchen diamolir, 40 Inchra hlah, Iroiit grates, lutings and briectilngs, good order „,.8WF,"'!:N."MA!MN1C "OILI-H, I" goo"! order, Shell, 7-10 Inch Iron pinto, diameter, u tral il luohaa ongtn, t8 feet, liOJubea 4 Inches In dlsnioler, 11 foot 4 \ Inches long, three Duos 18 Inchon dlamutor, <wo Hues 16 iuchee dlumoter, two lluoe 101> Inches (llnmeter, fire boi, 6 foot long, 4 footlihjh, steam chimney, 7 foot high BFCDNI) HANI) MARINEBOII1 n lour feet .ids, long, 5 feet high, slxty.four 2 1-J Inch lubes 00 Indies long, wit Infu brooehng, good as new. SEOtINU 1IANDMARINI, i:N«IM:,d.ubl.dlrecU acting 8x8 Inch cylluder, ►linlt am) whnl fur jaihtur tug, good on new ^ ' , -I I / 313971 696011

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