THE MARINE RECORD; Send lor catalogue. THE ETNA GRATE. G. C. BARNES, kii This ImtffovedlShakirtg Grate EspeciallyAdapt- ed to Burning Slack. ftloliB Iron Worts, Hannfac'0 Office and Foundry, eornor ot Elm and Spruce-IU , CLEVELAND, O. ST. MARY'.1) OHIO MONTPELIER, OHIO Tire Ar't nirfto of ore title Bensaii v, u« Oo- ilver«d Ip Clovelrtwl by the luliooner J. h. Brook lii't Thiindiiv »nd cornluned 'to John N. (Jllddon. , The Bohnonof H. P. Moore, njrtctted Iwt fall, win Iowe(lll,t01*"' pWoiflfo river April 30 by the tue Irnrn Whwlor, of tlio Cnn- Held Tmjc Line, badly buttered. , The Goodrloh,'Llne will put tlw Oniim on n» u irl-weekly between Alinjluiwou mill Sturgeon Buy, vln Death'eJJimr mi<ntnkinj( In nenrly nil the town* nif the putilniAilu. Clmrles PiilnP7*ftrrm«r4y wltlitbft^fliichnr TJne tit Erie hit* been MipohTIed Hgent at Wnaliburii, Mlnii.,«nd.tnUe1iJi force of thirty of thpold Anchor Una hnmU with him. Tho propeller Buckoyo, which hnn been ninnhie for BOm0 yM^• between Clilcnn" • and Muekejron. will (to Into the lumber trade, plyti'K between Buy Oltyjuid Buffnlor. On Recount of low andi unprntltHble hike freights, .the Wilbnah line of ►tewnerf, eon. jlithigpffourlnrRe pro|>ell«r«, Iwve been laid up tit Toledo nnd the crewii discharged. The Cnnfleld wrocking nnd totting Com- pnny «tH have anew ti)|[ built 10 take the -- - ■ _ plate of thn (J. WIUiMmi, recently dentroyert,, ^-—\ by Are. The new tug will be ready tor the Thi8 lmpFOVed)$hakina fallbuslnoi*, «__x.^I___i_h.^j««* The tug Red Jncket, built at Biiffiilo in 1603, l» mi more. Her «orm eaten renlnlnn were towed out In the lake at Chicago and mnk. She win once a popular harbor tug. About Id yearn ago ahe exploded her boiler neiir the mouth of the river, killing Captain Rtifus Green and two-otherc She was rnlaeil npd her machinery placed In the tiigMnrtln Green which was lined to tow her out on her last voyager—----------—■-------- GENERAL -NKWs. The Greely flagship ThetU untied from New York Thursday tor tho Aictio region. The decrease in the public debt of the United States for April amounts to $5,232,- 000. Barclay & Cnlle'a shipbuilding establish- tnent, In Glasgow, was burned Thursday. Loss, $100,000. Two suits Ijave been bejfun In Boston, eaoli for (60,000'damages^for the loba ol passengerirby^the wrew-y-tbe-lll-iateil- -steamer^ity.i^Blil.mbng, off Qnyhead, Tile grain agenta of the steamship com- panles in New York view the situation with dismay, as threatening^ them with a verj dull summer In the freighting business. Tho Schuylkill navy has. finally decided not to invite the Natlonil association if Amature Oarsmen to hold their regetta In Philadelphia, and the choice ot place ifow seems to He between AVatklna and Oak Point. Information comes from Quebec that preparations for carrying out the scheme of lighting up the St. Lawrence river buoys with gas are In active progress, and It Is ex* pected that most of them will be so lighted by the middle of the summer. Each buoy will bo supplied with a sufficient quantity of the fluid to burn for about three mouths. 'The shipment of lumber, etc.. from Alpena for the week ending April "28 were as follows: To Sandusky, 1,126,000 feet of lumber and 2,000 cedar posts; to Cleveland, 1,317,000 teet of lumber, 50,000 shingles, nnd 2,300 c,edjr pOBts; to Detroit, 020,000 feet ol lumber; to Chicago, 10,000cedar posts. The total shipment of lumber this year was 8,037,- 000 feet. A white squall caught a pafty of tourists 1 moving across a Lake In Scotland, iiikU threatened to capshie the boat. When it seemed that tho crisis was really conlo, the largest and physically strongest in the party in a state of Intense (ear snlil, "Let us pray." "No, no, my man," shouted the bluff old hoatsmau, "let that Utile man pi ay; you take the oar." The House of Representatives on April 20 passed the Dlngly bill for the relief of ship¬ ping together with the amendment making it lawful for any citizen of the United Slates to import iron and steel steamships of not less than four thousand tons free, and entitling such vessels to American registry, provided they were owned exclusively by Americans and not to be employed In (he • coastwise trade. In the Blver and Harbor Appropriation bill Chicago Is down for $100,000. Tlie sum11 for the Calumet river la not llxed. The sum fixed for Milwaukee la $85,000: Llui' Kiln Crossing, $100,000; Sand Beach, $75,000; Hay Lake Channel. $125,000; Saginaw river $50,000;\MAskegon harbor. $25,000, White fiver, $10,0001 Ludlngton, $10,000; Manl-tee, »i-0,0Q0: Frankfort, t5,O00; Marquette, |15,- "00; Grand river, $25,000: Charlevoix, $10,- °W); Cheboygan, $10,000-; St. Jrt-eph,$15,000 South Haven, $7,600; Menominee, $10,000; Belle river, $2,000. Surveys nio oruered Ht Luc La Belle and Petoakey Haibur SICNAL LAMPS, -with- Patent Fluted- Lens And Perfect Colors. GET' THE BEST & AVOID COLLISIONS.' Theee Lamps |rt>« a mora brlllaat light than any Signal lamp now In uie They harabeeh adopted by On principal Ocean and lako Steamers and Veuela, and are for aale in the principal porta on Ihe Atlantic coaatend lejok^r French Wrought Iron Ranges and B oilers for Steam¬ ers and Hotels. Manufactured by Felthousen fc Russell, a hi irnvof. nfTVPAT*fl N. Y. 190 * 141 MAIN 8T„ BPFPAI.0 N. Established in 1834. ' MANUFACTURER90FALLKINDSOF MARINE ENGINES AMD era bauHiiy. Cor. Detroit &,pLEVELAND,0. Geo. B. Carpenter & Co., Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers. Ship Chandlery Goods of all Descriptions. ! ■m ^ 1 i- \M OAR FACTORIES. BRECKENRIUGlf, MICH ' CARROLLTON, MICH MANUl'AOTUBKltSS'*KU IMPOHTKH8 0» Steel and Iron Win Itopa and all Ita Fittings. to 208 Ml Wall, CHICAGO, ILL. UANUPACTURKKH AKU, ... Cordage, Oakum and Anchors, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA B0LT-R0PE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, Marine Hardware and Ship-chandlers'uGoods Geneially. l^^rid^S^outfc-^trJ^wJfoxk. FOR SALE One Iron Stocked Anchor, 2372 lbs., and Two Shot I 1-2 (noh Chain Apply to C A. CHAMBERLAIN, Foot of Grlswold-st, Detroit, MIoh. Cyclone Stsam Flue cleaner for, horizontal and oprioht boilers __________raoM H to i» iNcini .....faoM H TO 18 INCKIS CRESGENTMANUFACTURlNaCO. SOLE MANUPACTURCRS 0 L g VELAMD,"0'H"r6'u.a.A FOR SALE, IfcTe-w Zzczi Dimensions 78 feet long, 17 feet beam, 11 loot deep; drift, 01-2 feet, engine, 20x20, caw nocl bolter 7 foet In dl troeter, 13 (eot long, allowed 112 pounds 8te»m. Thno Iron bre<ut hookti forward, collie Id d bulkbetd forward, wat«r tight bulkhead rorward of boiler. Iron ooil bnnker-—-*—**-»-*-i—»»»»— ^-i*—*-.k.n-.i.BI,-^nh- water i THE NEW PULSOMETER " CHEAPE8T, STRONGESTj M03T SIMPLE, COMPACT, DURABLE, EFFECTIVE & ECONOMICAL 8TEAM PUMP IN THE MARKET, for raUlnjx llqqld* under and up to 100 feet. No niuthlnerr* \*> Oil, No Special Cure. C»n bow»rk«d nuNpenried byuehuln. Will print srlt, nniil, «tind» pulp, etc , Xvlthout Injury to Its pttrtu NceiU nnly » nt«um plpa from uollef to run It. Prlwe. OOO kmIIoiih i>«r hour, i»AO, I.UOud'. •75; 3,00ir do.%100t 0,000 do •lft», 10,000 du. »175, 18,(00 do. •91151 95,000 do. »375[ 45,000 tin O4i»0; Olt.lM i) do. vfiuO[ 130,000 do. 91,000. C, mpure thli with tiny uther rump LUt. , Write for illunimted denLrl]>ll\it hook v> i'h ii "litiinnliilr. <U M<iUttl frtt PULHOMKTEH S1KAM PUMP CO., 83 John Ht., Ni w \ork City, U.S.A. [t^rwttcr-tlght-bnllrhMd «ft-at-ah»lt-»Unilr-if 1th ir ilkht Iron deck forming the floor of alter eabln dMjn^bulwarkiiqd dock houus, into tew port* tit, Heavy angle lrotrtrtmeipwtthreTcr«ebtrion*l-— tomato,ftHraet.^pUte, steol Boor pUiest boiler, en¬ gine and nenrlng Toundatlon of iron. For tale cheep when machinery tan bo completed by GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO. For Sale or Exchange, Tug Annie Robertson. She measure 0 24-100 (new) titna ftulle^ln 1880 and rebuilt tbia iprlng new dock iraraea and cabin, and roachlnon thoroughly overhauled Engine la 14x14 boiler 8^ feet long and 4 8-12 In diameter. War¬ ranted In No 1 condition andiubject to Inspection, I*rlce, 98,800. Addreu . IUahink ItECOiiD Office N. C. PETERSON Boat Builder, PLJU8URK BOATS AMD aUIUNO AND ITKAU TAOHTt, TAWIl BOATS, BPOON OARS, STKKRIMO WHEELS, XTO 38& Atwater at.. Near Rionelle, DBCROIT,' MICH. BUTTS COAL CO [UMIThI) ) Only ^Cirxexe of BUTTS CtiNXEL COAL, and dealers In Uri Con In, Hut Coals, and Sleitm Coat for Tugs, Birgoi, e c. CtARK I. BUTTS, CLEVELANI>^> <3ener<il Mitnajrer. DAVID B&RNHISEL, Agent. HONESTIV * MTKAn ...... €lev.Uod, Phosnix Paint Co., 1UNUFACTUREHS OF ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. QFFICE ANO FACTORY 36 IHciip' St.. CLEYEL&KD, OHIO. FOR SALE OOAL Ohio STEAM LAUNDRY, 33 St. Cla.r Street. Telephone 118. • V. D. jVICKERSOX, MARINE ARTIST Rear of Central Tug Office, Main St. Bridge, Cleveland, 0. Vesselmen SHOULD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK. Containing all l.i.lnia ol MARINE LAW ai da- tornlDatl lij Hie Untied atatea Court* Her length ii 185 led, beam 20 feet, and hold 10 (eet Jlnchuii Roller 17 feet lonft 7 feet diameter, three ttaea, two 10 Inch and one 17-fnch Lnglne 22x^2. Carrtea 240,000 left nt lumber Sueed, 11 mllea Unlit, and 11-2 loaded. Iniurance raluatlon, tlf.,800 Ad- dreu Marikk Ridobd Ofllce, No 2 South Water itreet, Cleveland, 0 FOR SALE, A Fine Harbor Tug. Dimensions ol hull AS feot ovor all. 1C fret beem. 6 (ret hoid, and moatmrts 40 too* with 7 Ua% draU, can be ib*do 8 fett draft Thn engine, 18x20, In in flraUclMa condition, with all net, braiwe*, new rings in cylinder and turns k ilx-(mit wheel wlikh wni new lut r>ea«>n Tlui holler In one ?<ur old, in large enough to ham wood ortnal and U albwed 100 noundanf Hioam. Vrlee %\ 70ii, and to tint bu no]d inside of thirty days, Addro* MaiuneKecoju> Offick. l, FOR SALE, Htb. Julli of Mley's IslanQ. Her dimennlonn arc SO foet long, 10 feet team, 4 feet d-pth of hold She la thre% yum old and In good con. dltlon Addrcui John Keinhkiuku «ntedforTlieU«sor >U the Pnsl4int« \ PojjUud^Maln. RearlatiT, roumenta, I CURE FITS! Sal? Vr&r^%$&&iFSS& iOT"W&sn.K.-ir Seamen, '„?T^'™1 FralCht*. ChMtara, Towage, „ "•(! CoUlalona, Bnroll QeneroKA***"**'. Common Carrier., Dutlea or Seamen, Maatere ft Owner., BUI of Ladlnc Wa»rea. *o. Th. rolliran la handaomeljr bound In itln" Board „,,,., and line EnglUli •ddreaa noitag. |iald (ur St DO corera, APTtTITT) Bend ilx ceola for poatage, and roottv. lUltill, froe, a ooitlj box ot goods irhlcb will holp rou to more money right away than anything alao In tlila world All, of eltWeox. auccMd from lint World All, ui Biiuvrw., ■»«. ____ ____ The brond road to fortune opana before the workera^albolulely sure Atonce addroaa.Tuuic&Co . AuguiU, Matlte- FOR SALE, AT THE GLOBE IRON WORKS. SECOND HAND TUBULAR BOtLEIt, 44 tnobndl. ametar, 4& tubes 5 Inuhea diameter and 12 feet lonr, ■Warn drum aoinehea diameter, 40 Inches high, front grntei, flltlnga aid breeohinga, good order BiaiM) HAND MAniNlt BOIL tit, In good, Shell. 7-1(1 inch iron plate, diameter. U led ainchea lunxth, i8 feel, 1J0 tuliej 4 inches In diameter, 11 luui 4 lncbea long, three flues 18 luchos dUmuter, 'wo tinea lfl inches dluntotir, two tluos 1[) 1-2 Inches diameter, tire box,6feet lout,, 4fc€lhigli,«teyimchimiiijl7 feot high BrCOVD HAND MAlUMC/VOll LR (6ur Tcet wide, 0 1-2 ft et long, 5 feet high, sixty-four 2 1-t! lAch tubes 60 inctltM long, enst Iron breechug, gi>od as now 8EOVND HAND MARINE ENOINE doubt* direct- actiitg SiS Inch cylinder, uhaft and wheel for y at Jit or 1 tug, girod as imw t 1 0522 77