VOL. VL NO. 19. \ CLEVELAND. O.. MAY 8.1884 82.00 Pit Anew Sixou Copih 6 Omti ' s! BO WW TEE LAKES.' CLEVELAND. It fins tint yet been decided what will be done with tlie Keweennw this season. The schooner Thus, Qnnyle Is lending oonl St T. Axworthy'* dock for Dnlntli. ' The schooner Frank C. Lelghton,. In tow* - ol tug Mnry Virginia, hns cleiired for Lorain to lond conl for Port Huron. . The schooner Tbree Brothers, Cnptnin E. K. Porter, arrived nt this port on Momlny with the first full cargo of ore from Escann- ba this, season. We hnve heretofore endoavored to correct the tonnage, ns given In the dnllles, of the William J. Averlll, hut they still Insist It Is 163,314 tons. Well, perJwpB we were wrong. The tug Ida Sims, which hns been lying nt the flock aboveJhe lower CentrdJ, Way —bridge, add which wnsjrebullt this wlnterT sunk from some unnccountnble cmise,.prob¬ ably one of those mysterious lenUs. ' ' The little steamer R. K. White has been resurrected trom the old river bedfapdnow lieiin the river opposite Superior street hill. Her appearance Is not inviting. 'She for¬ merly run" us an excursion boat between this port nnd Rocky Rlvdr. —— — ColoneLBiuMowJms established n~"teTnpo-J rnry light ntCednr River, Mich. It Is situ¬ ated ofr the pier located on the north side ot thechnnnel, and consists of nn elght-inoh lens lantern, showing a fixed white light nt an elevation of nineteen feet above the wa¬ ter. 'i lie sudden death of A. J. Raynpr was announced on Tuesday. Mr. Rayiier was well known all along the lake*, and was for many years master of the schooner W. B. Ogden, and since engaged in'tlje coal busi¬ ness at this port. His family, consisting of a wife and child, have our sympathy for the loss of a kind protector. The schooner J. 8. Richards, Captain C. W. Lockwood, recently advertised In the Record and sold to Messrs. Dufly and Rourke, has made a very successful begin¬ ning for a season's work, making four trips between Escauaba and Payet'e with ore, and has readied Detroit with a fifth cargo. This is Captain Lockwood's first si-nson In the J. S. Rlohards and he thinks she Is a good In¬ vestment. The sleainbnrge Fred Kelley was In Globe drydock to have a leak stopped, the steam- barge Benton, which broke her rudder In the Saginaw river, shipped a new one, unJ after vacatingthe drydock the captain found that the stern post wnB also broken She •— went in again Tnesday evenl ng and rerelved ». new one. The tug Dreadnaug'ht and bi|rge Guiding Star went In on Wednesday (U> have leaks stopped and some repairs. The drydock company is also doing some work on Captain Loom Is' Iron fishing boat. On Sutiday evening the tugs N. S. Sprague and Charles Henry with a dredge and two lighters, all belonging to L. P. and J. A. S>ralth, cleared for Lorain to do some dredg¬ ing for the Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling Railroad. A short distance this tide of Lo¬ rain the dipper of the dredge got adjrlf} and capsized the drudge, whlcli sunk In forty feet of water. There were sit men aboard, K Including Captain Murphy, and a cook, Mrs. McDowell and her little girl. The mein ™hoJumped Into the water, were all res¬ cued, but the woman and little girl went down with the dredge. The dredge, whlcli was bullt«,n 1870, mid rebuilt liT-«82, was valued nt $14,000, mid wnr^iot Insured. Ef¬ forts will nt once bo mnde^o raise tho dredge. The steamer Iron Chief, which struck near Ashtabula,-is at Rhodes & Co.'s dock. The schooner Little Wlssahlokon, which hns been undergoing a rebuild on the Smith drydock, will probably get off to-day.__ ' ' Detroit, C Sptelal it thi ilarttu Xeurt. -* . DeTjtoit. May 6. The steamer Arizona, the first pf the Lake Superior Transit Line, nrrlved here on Sat¬ urday, on. her first voyage of the icnson, and took her depnrture In the evening. She is In first olnss condition, and had a good freight on board. Others of the line will follow In regular order on their advertised time. The ste'imer Spartan, which hns been here since June last season, took on a sup¬ ply of'fuel at Windsor and left for Owen j^ound,. It is announced that she will ply fhla-season between that port and the Sault. /The schooner Benedict takes coal from 8nndusky to Chicago at 70c; the schooner Mineral State, coal, Toledo to Cheboygnn at 75o per ton. - The steamer City of Mncklnac, which, dur¬ ing the past winter,hnsImd her engine com. pounded, made a tjkdnffrp~Tm--Frl<Jayjvlth sartsmctofy-Hiiutff. She made the fun from Ihirclty-loJLajMErle,* distance of eighteen^ miles, in one hopr~and—afx-jninutes, re¬ turning against the current In one hour and eighteen minutes. Further Improvements, It is conceded, Would increase that time. She Is commanded, as .lust yenr, hy Captain Alexander McKay, and otherwise w ell offi¬ cered. The Detroit 4 St. Clnir River Towing ABsocTatlonTieW ItsTwmuKl-ineetlng-on the 1st instant. E. O. Merrlcki Esq., was chosen president; S. B.Grummond, vice-president; S. A. Murphy, secretary and treasurer. Towing rates as last year. The bout builders here are receiving an unusual supply of orders. Dean & Co..have on hand an order for u Bteamyacht for Mil¬ waukee parties; one for parties at Orion Lake, in this Slute; eighteen flshii.g bouts for the Point An Pellee boat club, u com¬ pany formed of Senator Sherman, Postmas¬ ter General Gresham, hecreinryof War Lin¬ coln, and otheis. Thev are now ready for delivery. Five pleasure boutB are In process of construction for Lake Orion, one lor Mil¬ waukee, one/or Nashville, Tenn., one for the Detroit Boat Club, one for James F. Joy, of Detroit, nnd a sail boat lor Mr. Wurd. Nell Peterson Is lengthening and recon¬ structing n sail yacht for Messrs. June C Baldwin. Length, 30 feet; over all,-35 feet. The keel ol this craft la nfude o' cast Iron and weighs 0,170 pounds. The Colchester lightship was placed In position on Saturday. The steambarge Niagara, with 1.709 bush¬ els of barley Irotn the St, Lawrence river f (oivWalkervllle, staudea a few nights since atOroase Isle, Detroit rtver, and was is- leased after lightering. Aside from deten¬ tion, her damages were Blight. The scow German, eu route for Detroit, went ashore at Rond Kan point on Friday n'ght. The steamer Byron Trovlco went to her release, the scow being In Canadian waters. Tint tug Murtlii Swain left hero on Friday, for Lake Huron, to release the schooner A. E. Vlckery stranded on Middle Island, laden with oats. The steambarge Ireland Btrunded at or near Wyandotte, going hard on. Captain Mills dispatched the tug Hei cities to her re¬ lief and soon had her In port. .The barge -C. Hinckley went ashore on the 2d Instnnt hear Bar Point with slight dam¬ ages reported. The scow Ellen met with a Hk«jnlslin|) nt the snme place. Guy F. Hlnchman & Co., the Well known" ship chundlprs at the foot of Woodward ave¬ nue, met with n serious burn out on Frkay night, Involving the destruction of their en¬ tire stock. F. W. Noble,1 whose sail loftla in the upper story, followed In the ruins, as a'- so other plnces of business, entailing a total' loss of (50,080, all of which, with one or two exceptions, wad chiefly covered by Insurance. The complete outfit of a vessel, valued at $3,500 was In Noble's sail lott. The body of Wm. Wolf, colored deck hand, who was drowned on the 14th ult., from the propeller Oconto, was fished up on Saturday- by thelrug Qulckstop, which waa dragging for an anchor. He was unmarried and with¬ out relatives here so far aa known. The steambarge W, T. Graves has been thoroughly overhauled by. the Detroit Dry- dock Company, and taken her departure. Captain -Huse, who took command of the steamer Riverside thlgjprlng, plying be- tw^eTTDBtT«i^««ifMalden7T0iaHNienju per- leded by Captain Santaorante The (ug~Rlver Queen, of this port, has been sold to Cornwall <fc Ourrie, of Port Huron, for $4,000. She is 52 tons burden, wns bulk at Mttrlne City and has been eight¬ een years in service. With reference to the time made by the steamer City of Mackinac the other day, I am lemlnded that the steamer R. N. Rice DSadeTihTdiBtuiice lirB3~mlnutce, and later on, the steamer City of Detroit In 50)^ min¬ utes, bo that the Mackinac will need further alterations to be considered a fast boat. All of the dIOerent lines of steamers from Buffalo, consisting of the Western Trans- portion Company, Anchor Line and Union Steamboat Company, will this season make their landings at A. Chesebrough's dock, foot ot'Thlrd street. The Ohio & Pennsylvania Conl Company put ninety live tone of toal on board the steamer City ol Cleveland In 80 minutes, and also eighty-eight tons on boa id the City of Mackinac In 70 minutes, which maybe considered quick dispatch, and never equalled ut tills port. The ttig Wlnslow passed don u on Sunday morning with four vessels, the first from Lftke Michigan. They were from Esranuba, after releasing her undertook to tow her to this city in that condition, hut after proceed¬ ing a short, distance she capsized, wns cast off, nnd' eventually drifted ashore nenr Col¬ chester. The Swain, which went to the schooner VI -kery; ashore as already lnt\ mated, lonnil her full of water and her whole 8he~wai taken tn~ The schooner John Jewett was discharg¬ ing coal yesterdny at the Ohio & Pennsyl vanla Co.'s dock. As Is usually the caae every spring finds some skipper on a lee shore, otherwise with¬ out a berth, and not untrequently from no fault of his own. The steambarge Henry Howard, bound up, with a tow, became disabled on Lake Huron, cast off her tow, and returned to Port Huron. The steamer Evening Star, Captain Wm. McKay, will commence plying betwen De¬ troit nnd Toledo, nnd will continue sq long as It proves a piling business, . , Low water has. been prevalent- nearly all the spring at the Limekiln. Several craft have struck there. Later—The steamer which went Irom here to rcsue the scon German, ashore as above noted, found her full nt water, nnd cargo of diitaTliimiige to Black River, her destination. •Murphy Brothers started 6ut their expe¬ dition for the release of the steamer Mani¬ toba Inst evening. This consist of large pontoons and other paraphernalia to raise her from where she lies, In very shoal w ater. Late charters—Schooner J. R, Pelton, wheat, Detroit to Cleveland, nt lj^c; schoon¬ er Conxuelo, coal, Toledo to Surnla, 40c; schooners Miner and Blgler, timber from Escanaba to Collin's Bay at $7!> per 1,000 cubic feet; steambarge City of Mt. Clemens, lumber, Alpena to Detroit, $1.50; schooner Grantham, plno timber, Escannbn to Collin's— Bay at $80 per 1,000 oub(c feet. The scow Mona came In collision with the schooner D. P. Rhodes, in tow of the steamship Rnnney at St. Clair flats, and waa damaged to the extent of $300. The Ran- ney crackeVl her stiam chest aud Is repair¬ ing here. The propeller Arc io ot the Lati SuiitVior. Mjjeft lMt_eyenlng for Lake Su- p^orr-slie^vinirTiTr^ast-^a^t^w^cn Detroit and Houghton. Captain Robert Rhynn»r-« genial gentleman, continues In command, and otherwise she Itrwell offi¬ cered. The propeller City of Mpntreal from To¬ ronto, pitsscd up yesterdav, for Port Arthur. The schooner Garibaldi stranded at Bar Point and wnninlsed. by tbeLtugJSob.Hack- ett with a steam pump. The tug Champion released the barge C. Hinckley from that locality. . • The schooner. W. CroBtliwaite 'arrived up yesterday in a demoralized condition, with headgear all gone, the lesult of a collision with the steamship Onoko on Like Erie. The Chicago grain fleet will likely puss here to-morrow i Wednesday), they having passed the Simile, and all near together. The schooner Mary, of Port Stanley, with a cargo of wood, stranded on Fighting Island and wnB soon after released. She Is now discharging. 'J'he schooner M. P. Barka- low Is discharging coal at A. E. Vigor's dock.. Sailors are scarce In this locality. ' The steambarge W J. Averlll, launched recently at this port, registers 1,425 tons. Foggy weather prevails to some extent on ' Luke Huron and in the Straits, The Bar Point lightship was placed m po¬ sition yesterday (Monday.) Vessel owners do not feel over animated with the prospects of the season, meanwhile there Is stillness all around. J. W. H. OODIMBBUnQ. The buoys In the American channel be- • tween Ogdensburg and Alexandria Bay, have not been 'plaeed ln<p6iltlon yet. The delay Is annoying to river men. ' FORT COLBORNL. The schooner Cheney Ames, went ashore In a fog on Mondnv. A tug from here I succeeded in pulling her off after breaking,/ several lines. The vessel did not have to; lighter any of her cargo of coal. She was "bound to tills port from Lorain, blie will probably be taken to Buflalo nnd docked, as she Is making rnnsldi ruble w al*r. [Cunfiiiinf »n ■} h pavi.|