Marine Record, April 24, 1884, page 7

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THE MABINE RECOBD. BUTTS COAL CO., [iimiticd] Only liners of BUTTS CtimEL COtfL, I jciori In Qm Cmty Nut Coali, anil Steam Co«l for Tugs, B trues, o.c. CLAKK I. BUTTS,, /•LBVEtANP O ' flMwftU Manniror. ?1LEX McDOUmLL, VESSEL AGENT AND BROKER, rD.-CTIL.XJTH:. Owner- and ma tcr. of vo aula wishing to got rnrHoos nr«ain front thl"P rt will do «»H to confir villi tne. wni In.u)"1 1° f><■ ulnli information hi rognrd in rar- „„,,. nlsu In million ti 'lock. d0|ith of wuti r.olc , at fiiiliitli. Aitftte Hnv (now Iron ore port), Port Ar- tlinr Wnanbiirn, Aahlnml, anil all rwlnt#ne r.,tho irpal <n I of Jjiko 8 if ertor Ortod gunga. o( >non lur- nialu 1 no rtiort nollce for rimming ciirgio. of grain, Jill, |.,a,iil iinlonillnitnll M"'ln of freight___________ MOMrftf & RICE, , Vessel Brokers, Marine and Fire Insurance Agents, Room 20, Chamber of Commerce, DETROIT! MICH. Special attention paid to Chartering Veasela, MMBS T. RO.SE, Vessel Agent and Broker, * llOX 1010, DULUTH, MINN. Xkte Oon Ag tfor OolUngwood Una of Uteameri H. J. WEBB & CO., Ship Brokers, Vessel Owners und Agents. [ESTABLISH*: O IN 18R0.J H I WtimiC" will charier Vo'iols (or U«o Trade. StMcial attention given to C arioring VaueN )■ the lake Superior In n Ore Trade both for tlio season and ainule trip ARCADE BUILDING. 101 ST. CLAIR ST., Cleveland, Ohio. TCI CDUnUCIOIllfii, No.a.lH. I tLLrnUnC.1 iuj.ldonco, No. 1388. PALMER & BENHAM, feel Owners & Agents. No 130 Water Street. Room. 8 A 7 CLEVr LAND, - OHIO SCOTT & BERRIMtiN. Fire and Marine Insurance Agents and Vessel Brokers. Attention also given tp the purchase and na!o of Iron On- Telonhoni, No. 18. Olllro 1 10 South Wnter-8t., Olevoliuiil, O. MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, \o 121,St Hair Street, ltoom27 LI rVI'.I.AND OHIO THOS. WILSON MANAI1IM! On Wilson's Transit Line. (itn Forwttrder. Freight nnd Vessel Agent C[,KVBI,ANI> o Ul'l li M HloKLIt OAl'l 111 N1H UKOtK J). J/.- BECKER £ CO., Commercial Brokers and Vissel Agents, \* JiNcl ariurcd purchaied and wild, contractu uiado for coarau and heavy freights Ll«Syirl mud \m amitm iroti oiti « hiUtura for hIii . klu trip or flouaon a flpotlalt) Ota^^lLh^r,,,1!, Cleveldufl, €. roi. pin on no va . HtBBARD & VANCE, Vessel Agents r» "I Stilt ItromlKay IH Ulill, Mm, i Ml I « AIIKI F «1S (lilfUH", II L. KNEIP & MORRISON: „ !'K<)£r6Kh IN ADM MAI 1Y _______IIS Monroo St Hooin M tNlingo ROBERT RAE, Wwralty and Insurance Law Office, J^njJ^JMerchant.' building, CHICAOO, ILL. WILLIAM FORDE, „ SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N L Cor Columbus Ave I \Viiler8t, SANDUSKY, OHIO, A. M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, ■SExchtuige t,t. Juffalo.N Y. tSrih YOU DO NOT RECEIVE IOR«i^'mijY L"T OF VESSELS '"KH4.I.F. SEND FOR IT. GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO., Builders of Iron and Steel Ves¬ sels of every Description. Builders of the Iron Steamer Onoco, Yacht Twilight, • and Iron Tugs International and Record. OFFICE AND WORKS, OLD RIVER ST., CLEVELAND, 0. PATENT METALLIC LIFE RAFT. H$.&J.H. Calkin, Steam nnd Gus Fitting, GALLEY STOVES- 880 A 857 Went St., Cor, talght NEWYOHK! Clrculiira Hem unnn nppllentlon. Established in 1830. WM. WALL'S SONS, -UAHUPACTUBKRS 0* CORDAGE * OAKUM. Ganga of AMERICAN RUSSIA and ITALIAV HEMP of tba very beat qua'ity made to order AT ONB DAY'SNOIIOE MANILAaud8ISAI.BINDEBTWINE Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW, YORK. Factory, Brooklyn. N. Y, JAMES P. DONALDSON & CO., Ship-chandlers, Sailmakers AND DEALERS IN (Mill, Railway and Manufacturers' Supplies, WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. .DEAN & CO.. mm jm. t ■• vr *c m. Patent Yawl Boats of all Lengths, Pleasure nnd Hunting Boats, Sail and Steam Yachts on Hand. Also, Life Boats that will pass Government Inspection, and cost less than any Life Boats in U.S.A.' i>h \s t (o utoi of s? a nn st ill tiiiiit, virn PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Lockpoi t, A 'ew Yo> I, are Sole Manu]actum s of the Celebrated "Anchor Brand" Tackle Blocks, ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHED ok null Out Self-lubiuating Bhosphoi Bionzc Bushinqs. Tlio iii lul In Hutu II ithltiH* |n thu O It br iti-d I'liiitpli ir Hrmro I In) [ilhI buirliiK mi tnl in t|, miFkif mi 1 bulutr | trfc* t lubrliators thi> are fust v\\\ uimdJii,, all otlnr (j()lun 1 ursula Ipj *»H|I CIUNDI I If* m\k,x\ win ro ASK lOlt "ANCIIOIf mtlNI)'* TAtKll 1ILOCKS. llluitrnt d CiiUiIouue ai d prici list inn I ltd fru ( nii| | Ik ad m Simple or h m^ itlclti t U i ni[ unyiuh tut riinsiniH uiir ru w II r^ I'ATJ M I I) MM I Mill III ( 1HH I T. E. WILSON, ^ All Kinds of Water Work DOA EPROMPTL1 TO ORDER Hr\i>qiAini it-, Upson cC Walton's, Ruer Street, Or, 137 Hermann-St, Cleveland^. The Neversink Cork Jacket AND IMPROVED LIFE BELTS, Urriveraally UnOwn to be the Beat ttinde and Guaranteed to be Strictly According to tbe Stand¬ ard of the Unitod State! Supervising Inspectors of Steam Venels RING BUOYS AND f ENDERs" > szzr~\ w 03 > •A W 93 H Approved nnO ntloptod by tho Unitod States Board of Supervising Inspectors ;nlso by the principal Oi.enn, Luke nnd River Steamer Lines, as the only Reliable IJfo Preserver VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED " Send for Circulars D. KAHNJVEILER140,148 & 150 Worth St Near Tenter Sr., New York. KATZENSTEIN'S SELF-ACTIMO METAL PACKIMO FOR PISTON RODS, VAEVE STEMS, Eto. Adopted asd In uae bj the principal Iron Worka and Steamship Gompa nlea within the luteight yean In thli and Foreign couDtnaa. For full par* tlculara and rofflrenoea addreja L.KATZEN8TEIN ACO lMChrtatoph«r8t. near Wont Stroot N. Y CAPT. TUOS WILSON, Cloveland II. B nUBOEB RAND & BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS, WITH 3DZE33T DOCK ATTA« HFD TO TIIL WORKS. ALhO PlCLPARbD 10 DO WRECKING AND TOWING wiin hie Tug John Gregory. Vessels Docked and- Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOC.WIS. CANFIELD Wrecking & Towing Line Tufls, Hawsers, Lighters, _ s Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, &c, To bo hail on abort notice, by mall or telegraph A. O. WHEELER, C1IAS. (1NKWUOB Muuager. V rueklng Maater :* J * 11 > i - i ! V- 42 18 5961

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